Sunday, December 27, 2015

OUAT: Dark Hook May Be the Worse Villain Yet

Last time on “Once:” We took a side trip to Dun Broch for a little trip with Merida, Mulan and Red that really had no bearing on the current plot and killed the momentum.

Last time on the other episode of “Once:” Emma rescues Merlin from Arthur’s control when he and Zelena make the miscalculated step of threatening her loved ones. Hook’s belief in them and their future helps her light the Flame of Prometheus. But when a wound he suffered from Excalibur proves to be fatal, Emma sacrifices everything to save Hook.

In Storybrooke, Zelena’s pregnancy was accelerated and she gave birth to a daughter. It was feared Emma would use the baby to destroy the light but she actually wanted to capture Zelena. She planned to put the darkness in Zelena and kill her. Hook and Zelena escaped as the Nolans and Regina tried to stop Emma. Zelena revealed Emma’s deep dark secret—the way she saved Hook? She turned him into a Dark One too.

What a twist!

We open where we left off in Episode 8, with Emma frozen with squid ink and Dark!Hook ready to burn Storybrooke, it seems. He works with Zelena and she uses her cuff on Emma before they blow that popsicle stand, despite Emma begging Hook to listen to her and to let her help him. But Hook is having none of it. Not when she turned him into the one thing he detested most of all:

The Dark One

(Zelena is enjoying this)

Thursday, December 24, 2015

The Third Wish: A Stronger Rewrite?

I may be obsessed with Sean Maguire right now. Okay, I may have been obsessed with him since he showed up on Once Upon a Time at the start of season 3. Anyway, I’ve been catching some of his past work. Including this movie that I guess was made for TV.

Lucky us, huh? 

Rub a lamp and wish for SPOILERS!

Sunday, December 13, 2015

OUAT: A Scottish Adventure

Last time on “Once:” Hook pursued Emma to get some answers and she finally let him in. Unfortunately, his answers were that Emma was doing everything because she turned Hook into a Dark One while in Camelot in order to save his life. So she accelerated Zelena’s pregnancy, causing her to give birth. She then kidnapped the witch and was going to put all the darkness into her before killing her. But Zelena was freed and Hook was not pleased to be a Dark One.

Uh oh.

And now for something completely different…

We open in Camelot, where Zelena and Arthur return to the palace. He seems mad that Zelena poofed them out of there even though he asked her to. This guy is just crazy. Zelena pointed out that she saved him because he wasn’t going to make it against the heroes. They need to think of something else. Arthur has an idea.

(Aww, is someone sulking?)

Sunday, December 6, 2015

OUAT: Twice the Darkness and a Pinch of Cute

Last time on “OUAT:” We learned about the origins of Merlin and the Dark One. Merlin drank from the Holy Grail, which gave him magic and immortality. He helped a village thrive when a young woman named Nimue asked him for help. She fell in love with him instead. He created a sword in order to get rid of his immortality but he needs one more thing. So he and Nimue go on a quest when she found the man who destroyed her village. She tried to get vengeance but it seemed she died. Except she didn’t—she had drank from the Holy Grail and became immortal. She killed the man by crushing his heart and became the Dark One.

Merlin and Emma went to get the flame but they have to summon Nimue, who has it inside of her. Nimue though encouraged Emma to give into the darkness but Emma proved stronger. She got the flame and was one step closer to being rid of the darkness. Merlin though disappeared, summoned because Arthur had Zelena bind him to Excalibur. She had betrayed the others after helping them into the palace.

In Storybrooke, Emma reforged Excalibur as the past Dark Ones celebrated.

Everyone is in trouble now.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

OUAT: *Sobs. Uncontrollably*

Last time on “Once:” The heroes busted Lancelot and Merida out of prison. Impressed by Belle’s knowledge of magic, Merida kidnapped her and took her to Dun Broch with her. She told Belle that she refused to marry one of the clan leaders and so they took her brothers from her. But she was determined to get them back. She took Belle to the witch’s cottage and they used a spell to see that the clans were going to put her brothers to death to punish her. She asked Belle to make a spell, which turns out to be the one that turned Queen Elinor into a bear.

Merida then revealed that their land came under attack and she went to fight alongside her father. He was caught by a soldier and the only way to save him was to shoot an arrow at the soldier. But she missed and she believed that’s why the clans didn’t trust her to lead. She and Belle went to rescue her brothers, Belle switching the potion out. Merida had to rely on her own skills and managed to save her brothers, earning the clans’ respect. Yay, Merida!

In Storybrooke, Emma sicced Merida on Belle. She hoped putting his wife in danger would force Gold to be a hero. When he didn’t do so fast enough—and just as he tried to flee Storybrooke—Emma ordered Merida to take the potion to become a bear. She chased Belle into the woods and Gold saved her, turning Merida back into a person. He then went to Emma’s secret lair and pulled out Excalibur.

The heroes asked Arthur to talk to Merlin but he tried to destroy the toadstool. They realized he was shady but not too smart. The toadstool was safe and they got Henry to summon Merlin, only to get his voicemail. They were more confused than ever.

What now?

Saturday, November 28, 2015

ANTM: Journey’s End

Last time on “ANTM:” The final four shot mock covers for Nylon magazine and let the public pick their favorite. Most people went for Nyle and only a few chose Mame. Tyra then dropped by to visit the models and introduced them to her mother, who was their photographer for the photoshoot. But there was more! They would be posing with their own mothers. There were tearful reunions all around and the models enjoyed being with their mothers. At panel, Mame ended up being the first one called safe while Nyle soon joined her. Mikey and Lacey ended up having a tied score, leaving their fate in the hands of the judges. They decided to put both through, but there’s only two spots in the finale—one boy, one girl. Who will make it?

Find out!

Mame admires her picture and feels glad to have been able to spend time with her mother. She goes up to the Tyra Suite for her TyTyTip. Tyra tells her to let it go like her mother and her pictures will be amazing.

Mikey talks about how he was psyched out last panel when he thought he was eliminated. Mame says she got a little choked up when he sunk to the floor in tears. He says he wants to change his family’s life. Mikey realizes his only competition now is Nyle because they are competing for the  same spot. He says he’s evil now.

Nyle talks about his mother and crying at panel. He says that he’s there to be a model and because he can win. Being deaf is just part of him. Lacey talks about her period of self-doubt and the confidence now. She says it’s now her and Nyle vs. Mikey and Mame. Lacey admits that she and Nyle have been growing closer and there’s attraction there. She says it’s just been the two of them while Mikey has been with Ashley, Hadassah and Mame, who has also been with Justin. Lacey says they are distracted.

Meanwhile, Mame and Mikey talk about what she’s going to tell Justin when it’s over. Especially the night in the cabin. She says she really wants Justin but she doesn’t want to hurt him. Mame worries that Devin will say something to Justin in the eliminated house. I’d be more worried about Hadassah.

Wanna be on top?

Thursday, November 26, 2015

ANTM: Mother's Day

Last time on “ANTM:” The models were given a chance to create their own business ideas and pitch them to a panel of entrepreneurs. Including Tyra. Mame bombed it while Mikey won. Next, they then went to the woods to take pictures in the dark. Lacey struggled as did Nyle but Mame and Mikey hit their stride. At panel, Mikey got best photo while Devin and Lacey fell in the bottom two. In the end, Devin was cut. Four models remain. Who will be eliminated tonight?

Find out!

Mikey goes home to celebrate his first picture call out. He goes to see his TyTyTip. Tyra tells him to rock his brand—chilling on the beach—but to remember to be high fashion. Meanwhile, Mikey and Mame flirt but Mame insists that she wants Justin. Really? Because this doesn’t look like it. Mikey says he just wants to stay focused now.

Lacey, Nyle and Mame sit down in the living room to discuss being part of the FINAL four. We’re so close to the end of it all, you guys. Lacey says this is all her dreams coming true and Mame talks about her childhood again.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

OUAT: Beauty and the Brave

Last time on “Once:” In Camelot, Emma used a dreamcatcher to figure out how to get Merlin out of the tree. Regina had to relive Daniel’s death to help the process but her lost love was not strong enough. Instead, Henry’s tear after Violet told him she just wanted to be friends worked and Merlin was freed. Arthur tried to stop them but Merlin gave him a smack down once freed. He undid the spell on Snowing before offering to get the darkness out of Emma.

In Storybrooke, everyone kept trusting Arthur and Guinevere because they don’t know about how shady the king is and the spell his poor queen is under. They had a fair to cheer everyone up while some of the heroes snuck into Emma’s house while she was out helping Henry rescue Violet’s horse. They discovered that Emma has Excalibur, that it was related to the dagger and that Gold had been tied up in the secret lair. Regina also discovered a dreamcatcher and brought it home with her. She and Robin watched the memory, learning that Emma took Violet’s heart in Camelot and ordered her to break Henry’s so they could get a tear. Henry overheard and was shattered. Regina let Emma have it.

Meanwhile, Merida was under Emma’s control and began trying to turn Gold into a hero.

Good luck with that.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

ANTM: The Dark I Know Well

Last time on “ANTM:” The remaining six contestants got to visit Zappos and do a runway challenge for them. After that, they created Fierce-o-grams, where the close up looks all innocent but the full picture tells the real story. That comes complete with a rooster named Maverick. Meanwhile, Hadassah and Mame were flirting with Mikey, who had a falling out with Devin. Everyone returned to LA for judging, where Mame rose to the top while Hadassah and Devin fell into the bottom two. Finally, Hadassah was ousted. Five models remain. Who will be eliminated tonight?

Find out!

The final five return to their LA home and admire Mame’s picture. She heads up to the Tyra Suite for her TyTyTip. Tyra tells her that she often wants more from Mame and notes that she has a very commanding presence. Tyra wants her to use that in her next photoshoot.

The five are amazed to realize it’s just them and Mikey says that he was the first person in his family to graduate high school and the first man not to end up in prison. He says he feels like he’s the last one with the chance to do anything great and the fact he made it this far reinforces that. Mame says it feels like they are on some island and have to rely on each other.

We then cut back to last panel, or more accurately, what happened after it. Tyra tells the remaining five that she sees entrepreneurs when she looks at them. She says modeling can only pay the bills for so long. They have to come up with an idea that they can market. Good luck, models.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

OUAT: Heartbreak

Last time on “Once:” We learned more about Camelot. Arthur was destined from childhood to be king and loved Guinevere that long. But when he retrieved a broken Excalibur, he became obsessed with trying to make it whole again. In the process, he neglected Guinevere and drove her into the arms of the more attentive Lancelot. The two go on a quest to find the Dark One dagger but end up making a deal with Rumpelstiltskin for dust that could make Excalibur whole.

Except that Arthur discovered them, banished Lancelot and used the dust on Guinevere to make her love him again. They then used the dust to create the Camelot we’ve been seeing.


In the present, Emma tried to take the dagger and was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Henry and Hook took her to the stables owned by Violet’s family, letting Henry spend some time with his crush while Emma freaked out about her son having a girlfriend. Hook then took her out riding, allowing her to forget the Dark One in her head for a bit. It was also a great moment for Captain Swan fans.

Things though weren’t great for Snowing. They argued about trusting Arthur or Lancelot. Charming tried to give Arthur the dagger while Lancelot went with Snowing to hide the dagger. Arthur followed and revealed that he wants to destroy the Dark One and Merlin. Charming showed up and Snowing revealed it was a trap. But Arthur used the dust on them so now they are pro-Arthur. Thankfully, Outlaw Queen seemed to think something was up.

And in Storybrooke, Emma untied Merida from the front of her car and took her heart, commanding her to turn Gold into a hero.


Wednesday, November 4, 2015

ANTM: Work the Room

Last time on “ANTM”: It was forever ago, right? Well, the models made it to Vegas and settled into their new penthouse. Don from Cycle 20 showed up to judge a challenge, which Mame won. Hadassah wondered why Dustin was back and took delight when he botched the music video. But she didn’t do so hot either, landing in the bottom two with him. But she was spared once more and Dustin was sent packing. Again. Six models remain—who will be eliminated this week?

Find out!

The models return to their penthouse to see Mikey’s face on their screen. He announces that he’ll be sharing the Tyra Suite by himself and tells Lacey to get her (bleeped) out. Charming. His TyTyTip is that he does well with motion so to try to use it at his next photoshoot.

Mikey goes to the Tyra Suite and says Ashley would’ve liked it. But he confesses that Ashley is gone, they weren’t dating, so it seems Mikey is going to go find another girl. I hope Ashley hasn’t contacted him since the cycle ended.

Hadassah talks about her critique from the panel and talks about being really far away from the pageant world now. Mame doesn’t look convinced. She then tells Lacey that she looks the same in every shot and Devin says that they are sick of Lacey winning. He thinks there’s some favoritism going on and Lacey insists she works hard. We see her TyTyTip from forever ago where Tyra tells her not to let the others get to her.

Mame and Hadassah take over the Tyra Suite. He jumps in between them and assumes they are there for sex. Hadassah seems down with it.

Wanna be on top?

Sunday, November 1, 2015

OUAT: In Which Someone Tries to Outshade Blue

Last time on “Once:” Charming and Arthur went on a quest to find a toadstool that could help them talk to Merlin while he’s stuck in the tree. Charming and Arthur bond over shared experiences and a near-death experience in a bog filled with undead warriors. Even though they lost the toadstool, Arthur invited Charming to join the Round Table and to take the Siege Perilous, a great honor. As he did that, Snow discovered Lancelot was still alive and he warned her to not trust Arthur.

Also, Regina threatened Zelena but promised to make sure her child with Robin is loved and cared for.

In Storybrooke, Arthur asks David for his help in finding a magic bean that will help everyone get back to Camelot. David manages to discover that Arthur’s squire Grif took it. Except he everything but swears there was no bean. In the process, David finds the toadstool again and gives it back to Regina.

But we then learned that Arthur was shady, just like Lancelot said. He had set everything up to earn David’s trust and then encouraged Grif to drink poison. He admitted to wanting to set up a new Camelot in Storybrooke and can’t risk anyone finding out he’s playing the heroes. Meanwhile, Hook and Emma had a talk wherein he broke her heart but it was also a trick so Emma could get the last ingredient needed to revive Gold, who she planned to turn into a hero. Hook asked Robin for help getting behind the NOT SUSPICIOUS AT ALL door and Belle tried to figure out where her husband went.

Take a deep breath and let it go. Ready? Let’s begin.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

OUAT: Two Bros on an Adventure

Last time on “OUAT:” Everyone tried to figure out what happened in Camelot while they discovered Arthur and his subjects had landed in Storybrooke. Hook tried True Love’s Kiss on Emma but it didn’t work, indicating she doesn’t want to be free of the Dark One. Emma taunted Regina, saying she’ll never break Emma’s curse because there’s no Savior. Henry told Regina she will save them but Regina doubted herself, especially after a Fury takes off with Robin. She learned she hadn’t paid the price of magic so she sacrificed herself for Robin’s life. Mary Margaret, David, Arthur and Leroy joined her and the Fury disappears, leaving Robin alone. Regina finally believed she could be the Savior.

In Camelot, Arthur revealed that Merlin is trapped in a tree. He said that one of their visitors is the Savior foretold to get Merlin out. Regina kept Emma from stepping forward and claimed the title to make sure Arthur didn’t learn that Emma was the Dark One. Arthur threw a ball in their honor and so we got Snowing, Outlaw Queen and Captain Swan dances! Henry flirted with a girl named Violet and everything was going well until Sir Percival tried to kill Regina. Robin jumped in and was stabbed in the process. When Regina’s magic failed to heal him, she asked Emma to do it. Despite the risk, she saved Robin and said she would pay the price the Dark One apparently is required to set for using magic. She tried True Love’s kiss with Killian but it seemed she liked the magic a bit too much.

In the end, we learned that Emma has Excalibur hidden in the secret room in her house.

dun dun dun

Monday, October 19, 2015

OUAT: I Could’ve Danced All Night

Last time on “Once:” Our heroes went searching for Emma after she was taken away by the cloud of dark magic. The Apprentice gave them a wand to use but someone with dark magic needed to wield it. Regina has become good so they have to turn to Zelena. She continued to victimize Robin so Regina ix-nayed that idea but Hook wrangled Henry into going behind Regina’s back. Zelena busted out and tried to use the wand to go back to Oz. Regina tricked her and used Emma’s baby blanket to transport a bunch of them in Granny’s.

In the Enchanted Forest, Emma learned being the Dark One came with its own annoying tutorial. This one happened to take the form of Rumpelstiltskin, believing it to be the form most familiar to Emma. He spent the time encouraging her to use her magic and embrace the darkness. Emma, though, was determined to make it to Camelot. Along the way, she met up with Merida and the two journeyed together until Merida overheard Emma fighting the Dark One about killing Merida.

Granny’s arrived just in time so they could stop Emma from crushing Merida’s heart. The gang promised to help Emma and Merida goes off to solve her problem. As they returned to Granny’s, King Arthur showed up to take them to Camelot. They entered the kingdom…and then ended up back in Storybrooke with the last six weeks erased.

Emma has become the Dark One and they need to piece together what happened in Camelot to help her.

Friday, October 16, 2015

ANTM: Shake Ya Booty

Last time on “ANTM:” The models went on go-sees but were surprised when they were paired with the seven eliminated models. Kelly revealed that the eliminated models would remain with them for the week and that at panel, one of the remaining models would be eliminated…but an eliminated model would come back. After posing with dogs, everyone waited to find out their fate. Dustin was the one to come back into the competition. Devin and Justin fell into the bottom two as Tyra revealed everyone safe will be going to Vegas. So who is packing for Vegas and who is packing for home?

Find out!

We pick up where we left off. So who is going home instead of to Las Vegas?


Tyra tells Justin that he started to lose his swagger and next to the other strong competitors, he began to fade away. Justin thanks her, says goodbye to Mame and tearfully tells the camera that he just hopes his parents are proud of him. Oh, and he wants to continue his relationship with Mame.

America’s Next Top Model:


*Contestant came back

Monday, October 12, 2015

Nostalgia Nook: Halloweentown II

It’s October! You know what that means:

Pumpkin everything!
That chill in the air.
Ghosts, goblins and witches.
The skeleton war.
Ignoring the Christmas decorations already popping up in stores.

And of course…


Last year, I discussed the beloved Disney Channel Original Movie (DCOM) Halloweentown. This year, we’re going to discuss the sequel! Because of course there was a sequel. It was a popular movie. Disney couldn’t resist!

So grab your broomsticks and get ready for SPOILERS!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

OUAT: I Wanna See You Be Brave

(I really hope I don’t regret using that one so early)

Last time on “OUAT:” It was a story all about how everyone’s life got twisted turned upside down…Don’t expect me to continue rhyming. I failed that in preschool. So Isaac and Rumpelstiltskin rewrote the book, leaving Henry alone to save everyone. He ended up in the new Enchanted Forest where Snow was evil, Charming her dark puppet, Regina a bandit on the run from the queen, Hook a coward who worked for Blackbeard, Rumple a hero, Belle his wife, Baby Neal their child, Emma locked up in a tower and Zelena as sweet as apple pie, engaged to Robin Hood…who was more or less the same.

Henry and Hook rescued Emma but he lost his life while protecting them from Evil!Snow and Puppet!Charming. They convinced Bandit!Regina to crash Good!Zelena and Robin’s wedding but Isaac had already convinced Hero!Rumple to stop them. Bandit!Regina opted to save Henry but Robin abandoned Good!Zelena seconds after marrying her to stay by Bandit!Regina’s side as she died. Henry became the new author and saved the day!

Back home in the right world, Isaac was apprehended as everyone celebrated surviving yet another…curse? Yeah, we’ll go with curse. But Belle declared that Rumple was about to become the Dark One completely so everyone went to help him. The Apprentice removed the darkness but it would not be contained. It escaped into the night and when it tried to take Regina, Emma sacrificed herself to it and became the new Dark One.

Hang on tight, y’all and listen to Bette Davis here:

Saturday, October 10, 2015

ANTM: Going to the Dogs

Last time on "ANTM:" The models learned how to use Vine to film videos promoting girls going into STEM fields. Courtney continued to struggle with her self-confidence and Bello seemed incapable of accepting any responsibility for his shortcomings. They then posed as dolls before learning that two models would be eliminated at panel. Lacey once again rose to the top while Devin, Courtney and Bello fell into the bottom three. Devin was spared as Bello and Courtney were both sent home. Seven models remain, who is eliminated tonight? 

Find out! 

Everyone returns to the house to see Lacey’s best picture…again. She realizes everyone is getting sick of her winning. Devin points out that there’s only seven of them left and everyone is surprised that their numbers have dwindled so fast. Justin talks about how everyone is stepping it up and he talks about how his parents weren’t thrilled with his career choice but that they came around.

Hadassah talks about how she and Bello left things in a bad place and she wishes she would’ve known why he had acted like that toward. She also talks about how everyone underestimates her. Hadassah talks about having to deal with going down a socio-economic level when her parents left her with relatives and she says she worked so she could buy her siblings presents. So she wants the money for herself and for them.

In the Tyra Suite, Lacey’s TyTyTip is to not let her fellow contestants’ get to her because they are jealous and consider her a threat.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

OUAT: Pulled Together

Last time on “OUAT:” Henry was busted for shoplifting but Regina and Emma both realize he was framed by his so-called friends Ava and Nicholas. Emma realizes they have no parents and are on their own. She goes on a search for their father but Regina tells her to take them to Boston to separate group homes. Emma does find their father but he doesn’t want them. So she reluctantly heads out of town when her car breaks down. When their father comes to fix the car and he sees his children, he realizes he needs to be in their lives and agrees to take them in.

In the Enchanted Forest, Nicholas and Ava were Hansel and Gretel. When their father goes missing, the twins are discovered by the Evil Queen. She sends them on a mission to retrieve something from Emma Caulfield’s House o’ Treats. Emma Caulfield tries to eat them after Hansel falls prey to the lure of her delicious cupcakes but the two outwit her. Regina offers to let them live in the palace with her and while Hansel seems all for it, Gretel says they’ll never live with someone as awful as her. So Regina sends them away and then releases their father, who she imprisoned, wishing him luck in finding his children again.

As Emma and Henry enjoy a late night slice of pie that no doubt would send Mayor Mills into a rage because Henry snuck out again, a stranger on a motorcycle pulls up. He asks for a place to stay as Emma and Henry stare in shock.

August has arrived.

Speaking of him, Henry finds August fixing his motorcycle outside Regina’s house. He asks the man questions and he really doesn’t give him any answers. Regina comes out of the house and is alarmed, like any mother would be, to find her son talking with a stranger. She hurries down the path but August drives away before she can question him. She asks Henry if he knows who that was and Henry shrugs.

(Concerned!Regina is concerned)

Sunday, September 27, 2015

ANTM: Welcome to the Dollhouse

Last time on “ANTM:” The models had an acting challenge where Devin and Ashley failed to impress the CW executives. After a night trying to use ASL, the models felt they had a better understanding of Nyle. They then filmed a commercial on the beach. Lacey rose to the top again while Devin and Ashley fell into the bottom two. In the end, Ashley was eliminated. Nine models remain—who is eliminated tonight?

Find out!

Lacey goes into the Tyra Suite to get her TyTyTip. She warns her not to get too sleazy when getting too sexy. So she gives Lacey some tips as Lacey says she feels some jealous eyes on her now.
Mikey and Devin stare at a picture of Ashley. Mikey is heartbroken and Devin says DMA took a big hit. Now they’re just DM. Devin says he has to try and reign himself.

Meanwhile, Bello asks Courtney if she wants to go back to Mikey now that Ashley is gone. She starts laughing and she reveals that she has a crush on him. Don’t do it, Courtney! You’re better than him! She skips around the house in a dress she borrowed from Hadassah. Mikey says he only likes her as a friend and Devin says she would bring them down. They leave her alone.

Hadassah confides in Justin and Mame (shocker, I know) about Bello, saying that she feels he liked her better when she wasn’t doing well. And now that she’s doing better than him, she’s not sure where he stands with her. Bello meanwhile soaks in the hot tub and says he liked getting a 10 from Tyra. He focuses on that and says he’s going to win and he’s coming after everyone. As he walks while staring at himself in the mirror. He might be practicing his angles, but seriously, Narcissus?

Wanna be on top?

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

OUAT: Family Always Finds Each Other

Because after four seasons, you do realize that’s one of the messages of the show, right?

Last time on “Once:” When Regina tried to appoint Sidney the new sheriff, Emma decided that she wanted to be sheriff and ran against him. Gold offered to be her benefactor but after saving Regina from a fire, Emma realized that that might include things she wasn’t too happy about when she suspected he set the fire. Emma just wanted to be a hero for Henry, who took Graham’s death hard. In the end, Emma won the job though she may not be free from Gold just yet.

In the Enchanted Forest, we met Rumpelstiltskin, the town coward with a teenage son he wanted to protect from the Ogre War. He listened to Wormtongue and went to steal the Dark One’s dagger from the Duke. After stabbing the Dark One, Rumple learned it was Wormtongue and that he was now the Dark One. Using his powers, Rumple got revenge on the soldiers who mocked him and kept his son safe. Except Bae didn’t look too thrilled with dear old dad’s new powers.

Got it?


Sunday, September 20, 2015

ANTM: Fooling Around

Last time on “ANTM:” Things got tense between Mame and Hadassah, with arguments that went into three rounds. Meanwhile, Ava decided she was through with the drama and felt drained.
Cycle 10 winner Whitney Thompson stopped by to help with their challenge—creating a campaign for SimplyBe. Nyle won the challenge and he celebrated. Courtney struggled and got overpowered by Devin. She and Ava were quite shaken. Everyone had to pretend to be possessed by high fashion for the main photoshoot. Nyle managed to also get the first callout while Ava and Courtney fell into the bottom two. In the end, Ava’s confidence sent her home. Ten models remain, who will be eliminated tonight?

Find out!

Everyone returns home as Nyle goes to the Tyra Suite. In her video, Tyra does some sign language before turning it over to Ramon. She tells him not to get stuck in fine and to be fierce. Lacey says that Nyle is a good model but that he’s getting frustrated with all the fighting, feeling lost. You’re not missing much, Nyle. Trust me.

Courtney and Mame read a card left on Nyle’s bed with him, saying that he should be prepared for an evening of “signing and dining” with his fellow models. I’m intrigued. Go on. He says that he’s interested because he feels he struggles with communicating in the house. That when he’s surrounded by the deaf community, he’s pretty popular but that he’s having difficulty being surrounded by hearing people all the time.

Bello and Hadassah discusses his look for the next day and he says that he’s serious about the competition, unlike some other people. Yep, it’s time for Bello’s Whine about DMA this week! He once again notes that Ashley has joined the “Mean Girl clique” and that they are cocky and loud.

But Ashley says she doesn’t want to get too cocky because she needs to stay focused. Ashley talks about her sister Ming-Ming and wanting to start over, to let her walls down and move on as a person she is proud to be.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

OUAT: The Quest for Power

Last time on “Once:” Emma’s rejection of Graham after discovering his affair with the mayor sent him drinking. When he kissed her, it sent him into a spiral of memories. Graham went searching for the truth and a concerned Emma tagged along for the ride.

The memories Graham recovered are about him as the Huntsman. He was raised by wolves and was shunned by the others for preferring the animals’ company. He was a man of honor but who would kill if need be. The Queen ordered him to kill Snow but he couldn’t after reading a letter she wrote to the queen. Instead, he sent the princess running for her life and tried to fool the queen. It didn’t work and so she took his heart, keeping him for her own tasks…and sexual pleasure.

In Storybrooke, Graham didn’t find the answers he was looking for but did find the strength to stand up to Regina. He ended it with her and she blamed Emma. When Graham continued to choose Emma over her, Regina crushed his heart and Graham died in a heartbroken Emma’s arms.


We open in the Enchanted Forest as Rumpelstiltskin sits at his spinning wheel. But he’s turning wool into yarn, not straw into gold. A young boy runs and tells him that they have come for someone. Rumple grabs his walking stick and limps out of his cottage after the boy.

Soldiers pull at a young girl while her parents try to hold her back. They insist that she’s too young, that she’s not yet sixteen. The soldier replies that the Duke lowered the age to fourteen and so its time for their daughter to go fight in the Ogre Wars. Her parents continue to plead for her to stay until they suddenly can’t breath. The guard smiles, saying the Dark One thinks their daughter is going to fight. Rumple and his son turn to see a figure all in black using magic in the distance.

(Cue the dramatic music!)
With the parents incapacitated, the soldiers ride off with their daughter. Rumple holds his son, Baelfire, closer as the boy points out his fourteenth birthday is in three days. He says they’ll come for him and Rumple says they’ll find away to keep him safe.

Monday, September 14, 2015

ANTM: Call the Exorcist!

Last time on “ANTM:” Bello and Mikey nearly got into a fight and then later on, he got pissed off when Courtney told Ava something he said. The models learned about covering up their flaws to prevent the need for retouches. At panel, Lacey came out on top while Hadassah and Dustin fell into the bottom. His good looks couldn’t save him and Dustin was sent packing. Eleven models remain, who will go home tonight?

Find out!

The models return home and Lacey celebrates her photo and notes it was au naturel. Lacey invites Nyle to join her in the Tyra Suite and he talks about having to step up his game and bring it in his confessional. As he and Lacey celebrate, Mikey says that he’s coming for her and that being deaf may make some people avoid hiring Nyle.

Upstairs, Ava asks Courtney not to tell her if anyone is talking behind her back again. She says it hurt her and Courtney says that starting that day, she was going to stay out of house drama. Bello, though, calls Courtney sneaky and says she listens to people’s conversations and then goes to tell the person they don’t like. We see clips from last week as Ava reinforces that she doesn’t want the drama, that it’s too draining. Courtney agrees.

Ava talks about her life and about being home schooled. She says she’s experiencing the outside world for the first time and she can’t handle the drama. She needs to pull herself back.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

OUAT: The Hunter and the Haunted

Last time on “Once:” David returned home from the hospital but still couldn’t remember anything. He was still drawn to Mary Margaret so he made the decision to leave Kathryn and try a relationship with her. Mary Margaret wasn’t too sure but Emma convinced her to go. On the way, David was misdirected by Regina and ended up in Gold’s shop. Using a windmill that had once been on the Nolans’ lawn, Gold brought back David’s cursed memories. David let Mary Margaret down and returned home to Kathryn while Mary Margaret had a one night stand with Whale.

In the Enchanted Forest, we met Prince James, a noted monster slayer. He agreed to slay a dragon for King Midas but got killed seconds later. King George, desperate to save his kingdom, called upon Rumple—who had given James to the king when he and his wife couldn’t have a child. Rumple agreed to bring the king James’ twin brother, David. David only agreed to it to save his family farm. He slayed the dragon and ended up engaged to Princess Whatever. David said goodbye to his mother and then went off to live happily ever after with Princess Don’t Care.

Until Snow White intervened.

Meanwhile, Emma did Graham a favor and worked a night shift. As she patrolled the area, she discovered someone sneaking out of the mayor’s house. When she confronted the person, she learned it was Graham and that he had a sexual relationship with Regina. She stormed off, no doubt looking for some brain bleach to get those mental pictures out of her mind.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

ANTM: Touchy, Touchy

Last time on “ANTM”: Devin continued to be loud and some new romances started to form. The models took photos with some veterans before heading toward everyone’s favorite time of the season: makeovers! Most people liked their makeovers, Ava is the only one who came out with a questionable one and Hadassah had the hissy fit over the fact that Tyra wanted to shave half her head. She was about to quit but Miss J convinced her to go through with it. At panel, Ava rose to the top while Hadassah and Stefano fell into the bottom two. Hadassah was given a second week to rock her shaved head as Stefano was eliminated. Twelve models remain, who will be eliminated tonight? Find out!

At the house, some of the models play beer pong. Dustin and Nyle seem to have a bromance going on. Dustin even learned some sign language to have conversations with Nyle. Nyle thinks that Dustin’s a cool dude and just needs to step up his game so he can continue on in the competition.

Devin and Mikey take to the runway to teach everyone how to walk better. Uh, isn’t that Miss J’s job? They even mock some eliminated semi-finalists walks. Ashley jumps up to join them and Bello calls them the “Mean Girl clique.” Devin calls them DMA (Devin Mikey Ashley) and Mikey says they are a modeling gang and will take on any other gangs out there.

We get some footage of the developing romances—Justin and Mame sharing a bed as Mikey shares one with Ashley. Though Ashley claims Mikey jumped into bed with her. Bello has the bed next to hers and says he needs eight hours of sleep. He says he starts to hear moaning and we cut to night cam to see him pushing Ashley’s bed away from his. He says he doesn’t want to be touched and they ask him who is touch him. He continues going on and Mikey jumps up, getting in his face and cursing. Bello taunts him to “knock him out” as we go to CREDITS!

Wanna be on top?

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Nostalgia Nook: S Club 7

Everyone probably knows ABC Family. But remember when it was FOX Family? Because I do. There were a lot of good shows on it. Including one centered around a British band import called S Club 7.

Most of us recall S Club 7 fondly from what I can tell. So why’s that? Let’s take a look, shall we?

Reach for the SPOILERS!

Sunday, August 30, 2015

OUAT: David and Goliath

Last time on “Once:” Emma became the deputy sheriff as an old mine shaft collapsed. Regina looked ready to kill Graham but had to focus on assuring the people of Storybrooke that something will be done with the mine…and then assuring her son that she wasn’t hiding anything. Except she totally was, but he didn’t realize that. Regina demanded that Archie step up his therapy and squash all the fairy tale notions from her son. He was reluctant but she threatened to destroy his life.

So Archie did so and an upset Henry decided to explore the mine by himself. Archie went in after him as Emma searched around the mine. Another collapse trapped Archie and Henry in the mine, forcing Regina and Emma to work together to save their son. Emma did so and Archie confronted Regina, threatening her so he could continue treating Henry the way he saw fit.

In the Enchanted Forest, we learned more about Jiminy Cricket. He wasn’t always a cricket and was a human man trapped by his conmen of parents. He met a young boy who shows him some kindness but he ruined everything when he accidentally gave the boy’s parents a potion meant for his parents. The parents are turned into demonic marionettes and Blue turned a guilty Jiminy into a cricket so he could protect the young boy, Gepetto.

All the while, David and Mary Margaret were undeniably attracted to each other. But he still has a wife.

That, my friends, is a conundrum.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

ANTM: Hair for Days

Last time “ANTM:” The 21 contestants discovered who was staying and who was going. The top 14 returned to their house before being paired up for photoshoots. At home, Mikey showed his true colors to Courtney and that friendship flamed out. Devin was crazy, Bello continued to hate him and Hadassah was just annoying. At panel, Devin rose to the top while Delanie and Stefano fell into the bottom. In the end, Delanie was sent home and Stefano given a second chance to prove he’s not just an accessory. Thirteen models remain, who will be eliminated tonight?

Find out!

Devin goes back to the house to celebrate his best shot. Everyone gathers into the Tyra Suite to see Tyra’s video. She gives him a tytytip about his strengths and weaknesses. Meanwhile, Bello still hates Devin.

There’s Team DMA—Devin, Mikey, and Ashley. Devin says Ashley and Mikey like each other. Ashley confirms it…as does them getting pretty cuddly in the confessional…and the tub.

TYRA MAIL! “A hero never gives up.” Hadassash thinks it means acting. She says she can’t worry about what everyone thinks of her. You might want to care a bit. Hadassah revealed she was in a school play as Sandy in Grease. There’s something about Devin being a scarecrow, so she dressed as one with Bello of course playing along as Dorothy. Devin reveals he doesn’t like Hadassah and he confronts her. He says she doesn’t have any friends and that she acts like she’s better than anybody. She says she never announced it because she would never say that…even if it was true. You just proved Devin’s point. Brava. Devin says she’s a pageant girl and not a model as we cut to…CREDITS!

Wanna be on top?

Monday, August 24, 2015

ANTM: No Neck Monster

Last time on Top Model: The top 22 finalists moved into their house, designed by the Property Brothers. Hadassah did nothing to endear herself to the others by calling a house meeting and explaining everything that she didn’t like. The next day, they had their first photoshoot but Alexa decided to call quits before it. Kelly even begged her to stay!

After the photoshoot, the judges whittled down the group to the 14 finalists. So the 21 remaining hopefuls were brought to a shipyard where they were told that they would walk a high-flying catwalk. Those who were chosen would make it across safely and the seven not chosen would be “dropped” (lowered down). Who made it? Who was dropped? Find out!

Wanna be on top?

We return to the shipyard where Alexis Borges repeats the challenge. He then tells the models that he’ll be watching so pretty much don’t screw this up. But they all seem to be freaking out about being suspended over the ground and frankly, who could blame them? Devin meanwhile goes on about how needs this show to make a name for himself.


Sunday, August 23, 2015

OUAT: I’ve Got No Strings

Last time on “Once”: Emma met a pregnant teenager named Ashley who wanted to keep her baby despite everyone telling her she wasn’t suited for it. Emma tells her she can, no doubt also working through some of her issues about giving up Henry. Ashley assaults Gold and he asks Emma to track her down. Along the way, Emma meets Ashley’s ex-boyfriend/baby daddy and learns his father has arranged for Gold to give the baby away. Furious, she’s even more determined to make sure Ashley gets to keep her baby. She makes a deal with Gold to ensure it happens and Ashley gets to keep her little Alexandra as she reunites with her boyfriend.

In the Enchanted Forest, Ashley is apparently Cinderella. After Rumpelstiltskin kills her fairy godmother for her wand, Ella makes a deal with him to go to the ball. She fails to read the fine print and is horrified to learn he wants her firstborn child. That’s…kinda his thing, though. Anyway, when she gets pregnant she tells her prince the truth and they work with Charming to capture Rumple. Ella tricks him into using a magical pen and in revenge, he takes away her prince.


We open on…a puppet show. Or rather a marionette. As a couple entertains a crowd, a redheaded child makes his way through the people and picks their pockets. No one catches him and…wait…doesn’t that look like Pinocchio? Is this when he’s running with the wrong crowd?

(I'm not crazy, right?)

Thursday, August 20, 2015

ANTM: Delayed!

I probably should've mentioned this last week and I'm surprised I didn't. But I've been on vacation, so I haven't been able to watch this week's episode. Once I do, I'll post the recap.

Thanks for your patience!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

OUAT: Are You Sure That What You Wish is What You Want?

Last time on “Once”: Henry convinces Mary Margaret to read to John Doe, the hospital’s coma patient. When she does, he wakes up and ends up running off. Mary Margaret helps Emma and Graham find John Doe in the woods. She gives him mouth-to-mouth, saving him, and they return him to the hospital. There, Regina reveals that they’ve discovered John Doe is really David Nolan and she introduces his wife, Kathryn. Mary Margaret’s heart breaks as Emma grows suspicious over how convenient this all is. Regina manages to convince her otherwise, no doubt laughing all the way home about how she’s fooling the Savior.

In the enchanted forest, Snow and Charming meet when she robs the carriage he’s riding in with his fiancée, Prince Abigail (still hereafter known as Princess Can’t Be Bothered and the like). Snow makes off with some jewels, including a ring later revealed to have belonged to Charming’s mother. He chases after her and captures her, forcing her to bring him back to whoever she sold his jewels too. After a brief skirmish with the Black Guard, Snow brings him to the Troll Bridge. Things go south quickly and they have to defeat the trolls together. Though they part ways after, it’s clear the two are already starting to fall in love.

And judging by the longing look David gives Mary Margaret, those feelings still exist despite the curse. As a forlorn Mary Margaret considers this, Emma shows up to ask if the spare room is still available. It is and the two become roommates.

All together now: Aww!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

ANTM: Strike a Pose

Last time on “ANTM:” Cycle 22, y’all! The 31 finalists hit Hollywood, posed for pictures and walked a runway. They met the judges, made friends, made enemies and then 22 of them survived the first cut. Who makes it to the final 14? Find out tonight!

Wanna be on top?

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

ANTM: Somewhere in the Middle

Cycle 22. Wow, you guys. Can you believe it? I know I can’t. I also realized I’ve been watching the show for ten years now—I started watching in fall 2005. It’s been a trip.

Well, let’s start this cycle and see what Tyra and co. have in store for us this go-round.

Wanna be on top?

I missed the first three minutes and apparently missed most of the guys entering. I enter with Nyle introducing himself…and Ramon, his interpreter. Nyle’s deaf and communicates using ASL. Well okay then. This should be interesting and I have a feeling I’m going to be jealous of him since he won’t be able to hear all the drama and ridiculousness contestants are known to spew.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

OUAT: I Will Always Find You

Last time on “Once”: Emma decided to stay in Storybrooke, much to Regina’s consternation. So Regina does everything she can to make Emma’s life miserable—including having her arrested and evicted. But Henry keeps coming to her rescue—with Mary Margaret in tow. Emma decides she needs to stay to help her son and decides to go along with Operation Cobra—AKA Henry’s plan to defeat the Evil Queen and break her curse.

In the Enchanted Forest, Regina decides to cast the Dark Curse to take away Snow’s happy ending. She goes to Maleficent and pretty much assaults her only friend to get the Dark Curse back (she exchanged it for the sleeping curse) and then attempts to cast it. When it doesn’t work out, her servant suggests she go talk to the Dark One. She does so and he tells her that she has to crush the heart of the person she loves most. In exchange for this information, Regina owes Rumpelstiltskin a favor. Well, that can only end well, right? Anyway, turns out Regina’s servant is really her father and she crushes his heart, casting the curse.

This is supposed to be a family show, right?

Sunday, August 2, 2015

OUAT: Crushing Hearts Since 2011

So, way back in 2011 I first watched Once Upon a Time. And I really, really meant to recap it since the first season. But life got in the way then and I didn’t start recapping until last year with season 3B.

My sister put me on her Netflix account (thanks KB!) and so I’ve been able to go back to watch Season 1 Once Upon a Time again. Since season 5 doesn’t start until September 27th, I’m going to recap an episode until it comes back. (Yes, I realize I probably should’ve started earlier. But oh well). Maybe I can catch up soon.

So, let’s all go back to the eh year of 2011 and recall how we started the strange yet incredible journey that is Once Upon a Time.

Way, way back in the pilot: Prince Charming awakens Snow White and they get married. The Evil Queen shows up to threaten their happily ever afters and destroy the couple. Snow becomes pregnant and as she gives birth, the Queen casts her spell. Purple clouds devour everything as Charming gets their daughter to a magical escape hatch, being fatally wounded in the process.

That daughter may or may not be Emma Swan, who on her 28th birthday is found by the son she gave up for adoption. He says he’s been adopted by the Evil Queen and he lives in a town where everyone is a fairy tale character but they don’t know it. Emma takes him home and she gets the feeling that something is wrong. Henry asks her to say, his mother (the Mayor) practically bullies Emma to leave and some guy named Gold is creepy.

As she goes to bed, the town clock that’s been broke forever starts to move.

dun dun DUN!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

The Astronaut Wives Club: Scandal

Last time on TAWC: Gus heads up into outer space as Betty tries to keep it together. She seeks advice from Louise, who is dealing with her cold persona and relationship with the other women. When something goes wrong during Gus’ flight, he ends up under scrutiny and it affects his whole family.

John Glenn prepares to orbit the Earth while his wife Annie prepares to face the media with her stutter. When John’s flight is delayed, Vice President Johnson comes to visit her himself. But she refuses to let him in and NASA tries to ground John. When the men rally around him, they relent and John eventually orbits the Earth.

Deke Slayton ends up grounded before his big mission and Marge fears her past played a part in it.

Brace for impact.

We pick up where the last episode left off. Marge asks Deke why he’s grounded. He says it’s because of an irregular heartbeat. But Marge notes he’s always had it and Deke says NASA was fine with it when he was chosen. Now they aren’t and he doesn’t know why.

I still think it has something to do with Marge’s past.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Astronaut Wives Club: SNAFU

Last time on TAWC: We were introduced to the seven men who became the first astronauts and their wives. As the women adjusted to life in the limelight, they also managed to band together. Even Louise Shepherd, who remained aloof and tried to project the image of the perfect wife. Things weren’t always so perfect with her husband Alan, but they loved each other. After his successful trip to outer space, the women prepared for life as astronaut wives and Betty Grissom learned her Gus would be the next to go up.

Commence the Countdown…

Betty and Annie go shopping together. Betty’s looking for the perfect outfit to wear when she goes to the White House. She has a few doubts but Annie manages to convince her to get a yellow Jackie O number, stutter and all. Betty goes for it.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Astronauts Wives Club: Members’ Only

I had been intrigued by the promos for this show for some time now. The 1960s? A group of women banding together? Romance? Intrigue? Promise of angst? Count me in! Having a summer series can never hurt, right? So enjoy these recaps!

They threw A LOT of characters at us in forty-two minutes (give or take a commercial). So I’m sorry if I don’t know everyone’s name right off the bat. The astronauts and their wives should be easy because—hey—they are historical people. I can look up their names.

Let’s begin.

It’s May 5, 1961 and a rocket carrying Alan Shepherd has just been launched by NASA. If all goes well, Shepherd will be the first American in space. As the rocket climbs into the sky, the camera pulls out into a living room.

Sitting on the couch, holding her breath, is Louise Shepherd. She watches her husband slip beyond Earth as a man sitting next to her asks her for a comment. He’s a reporter for Life, who has the exclusive interview with Mrs. Shepherd. Louise doesn’t say anything.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Nostalgia Nook: Pocahontas

Twenty years ago this week, Pocahontas opened in theaters. It had large shoes to feel, being the Disney movie that followed The Lion King.  Expectations were high. And while Pocahontas had a decent showing, it wasn’t the same megahit as the movies before it. It also pissed off a lot of historians.

And now we’re going to take a look at it.

Can you paint with all the colors of the SPOILER!

Monday, June 22, 2015

OUAT Season 5: Wishes and Thoughts

In a couple weeks (July 8th), the cast and crew returns to Vancouver to begin filming Season 5. Writer and co-producer Jane Espensen has already tweeted that the writers are back at work. So that means one thing:

Time to speculate!

***Please note, these are only my  pure conjecture. I have no ins with the writing staff nor do I possess a crystal ball.***

I feel like we might need a time jump, like between Season 3A and 3B. Mostly because we can’t keep pretending Henry is thirteen when Jared just turned fifteen—and looks it. He’s almost taller than Jennifer Morrison and Lana Parrilla. Let’s get Henry to high school.

Or at least give him a friend. Just someone his own age that he can be a kid with.

Please? What have Ava and Nicholas been up to? Can’t we bring them back? Even if it means a recast?

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Gigi: Paris is Paris Again

Once again, I asked to go see a Broadway musical for my birthday. Unlike last year, I got to see it in my birthday month. I wanted to see Gigi and so we went to the Neil Simon Theater, ready to head back Paris during the Belle Epoque.

Unlike last year, I took forever getting this review out. I did want to get my once upon a time recaps out first.

So this is now being posted almost two months after I saw "Gigi" and on the same day it sadly closes. The Tony bloodbath can be awful some years.

Thank Heaven for SPOILERS!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Once Upon a Time Season 5 Updates

This has been a good week for us Oncers!

On Tuesday, it was announced that both Sean Maguire and Rebecca Mader had been promoted to the regular cast. I was expecting Sean's promotion but Rebecca's took me by surprise. Not that I'm not excited about it, though. With Rumple no longer the Dark One, Storybrooke needs a standing villain. (Though I'm still not sure Blue is on the up and up).

(No more of this though. Robin is Regina's. Got it, Greenie?) 

Sunday, May 31, 2015

OUAT: Everything is Upsy Daisy

Last time on “Once:” After we see how Isaac became the Author, he then rewrites everything so that the heroes are the villains and vice versa. It’s heartwarming to see that Regina is considered a hero here as Isaac is determined to keep her from having a happy ending. If she does, everything is undone. So Henry works to get Regina to kiss Robin as she tries to stay one step ahead of Evil Snow and Evil Charming. Regina is determined to leave the Enchanted Forest, especially as Robin is marrying Zelena (ugh), so Henry sets out to find Emma, who is trapped in tower.

A tower that looks taken straight from Tangled.

Anyway, Henry has to get to said tower. So what does he do? Seek out Hook, of course! He finds the man on the Jolly Roger but it’s soon clear that Hook is not the captain. No, he’s a lowly deckhand who serves the real captain—Blackbeard. Since this is Rumplestiltskin’s happy ending, Hook is a coward. Which makes sense since that’s why Milah accused Rumple of being and why she left him for Hook. Henry takes charge, knocking Blackbeard out and telling Hook they will sail the ship. Hook isn’t sure he can do it by himself but Henry assures him he had a good teacher. “You,” he says. The cowardly pirate looks a bit confused.

(Aww, they wobbified Hook)

Sunday, May 24, 2015

OUAT: Topsy Turvy

Last time on “Once:” Emma and Regina return to Storybrooke with Lily, Robin, an unseen Roland and Zelena. Regina immediately threw her sister into a padded cell in the hospital before going to collect the Author. She’s going to have him rewrite the story and give her a happy ending at last. Which means getting some blood from Lily, who is trying to leave town after her reunion with her mother didn’t go as she anticipated. Namely, Maleficent wasn’t as interested in revenge as Lily was. Maleficent asked the Charmings for help and in the process, Mary Margaret is injured. After a heart-to-heart with Hook, Emma forgives her mother just as Lily gives her mother a chance.

In the Enchanted Forest, Cora Freakin’ Mills returned from Wonderland, saying she wanted to help her daughter find true love. Regina reminded her mother that she killed Regina’s true love. But Cora had a run in with the captain of the SS Outlaw Queen, Tinkerbell, and knows about the Man With the Lion Tattoo. She offered to find him but instead found the Sheriff, disguising him as the Man With the Lion Tattoo. Regina saw through him easily and he admitted that Cora promised him he’d be king if he got her pregnant. Regina believed it was a plot by Cora to steal Regina’s throne and so she took a potion to sterilize herself. As Cora returned to Wonderland, she told Regina that she did want Regina to be happy and she wanted her to have a child to experience the joy of motherhood. She told Regina that she is the only one standing in the way of her happiness.

This finally sank in as Regina was about to have the Author write Zelena out of existence. Regina decided to not stand in her way anymore, revealing her happy ending to be the fact that she finally belonged in the world. And Robin was a part of that world, making for some relieved Outlaw Queen shippers—this recapper included. The Author disappeared, going to Gold’s shop in order to change everything and give the villains their happy ending.

Whew! That was one packed episode, wasn’t it?

Monday, May 18, 2015

Doctor Who: Let’s Rob a Bank

Last time on “Doctor Who”: The Doctor tries to figure out what lives under the bed. Clara and Danny have a disastrous first date. She then gets to meet young Danny as well as a descendant of his. As she tries to save the Doctor, Clara ends up in the Doctor’s past and meets him as a child. She realizes she’s the thing under the bed and assures the Doctor there is nothing for him to find. Clara then goes and makes amends with Danny, setting their growing relationship back on course.

Time Heist or “Bonnie and Clyde and Clyde and Bonnie”

The Doctor leads a ragtag band of bank robbers to steal something they can’t remember. Oops.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

OUAT: Happy is What Happens When…

Last time on “Once”: Emma and Regina set out on a Team Mom Road Trip to find Maleficent’s daughter, who happens to be Emma’s old friend Lily, and to rescue Robin from Marilena. They find Lily, who knows all about her past and wants to seek revenge against Emma’s parents. Emma is like “I may be pissed off at my parents, but the hell are you going to hurt them.” Meanwhile, Rumple has Will steal Belle’s heart back. When Regina loses her leverage, she’s like “Call a truce and get in the car. I have to save my soul mate.”

When she gets to New York, Robin doesn’t believe her at first. Then Marilena shows her true colors, shocking him. Regina’s like “Thanks, Greenie. Robin, get Roland and get in the car.” But then Robin reveals that Zelena is pregnant. And this was me:

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Outlander: You Got Trouble

Last time on “Outlander:” Jamie and Claire return to Lallybroch and get a cool reception from his sister Jenny. Jenny’s husband Ian was a bit more welcoming. Jamie tries to be a laird like his father but keeps screwing things up. After a talk with Ian, Claire sets Jamie straight and this leads to him having a heart-to-heart with Jenny. All seems well…until Claire wakes up to find several guns pointed at Jamie. Uh oh.

So the dirty, wild men pointing guns at Jamie are the Watch. They are pretty much a protection racket, shaking down the Scots for protection against the British. And it’s time for Ian to pay up and play host for a few days. Yet they don’t know why Jamie is in the house and they are suspicious.

(Jamie's getting used to this view)

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Nostalgia Nook: The Pebble and the Penguin

In the 90s, Disney Animation was on fire. It kept releasing award-winning and box office topping movies. Other studies tried to capture the Disney magic…several times. Most weren’t as successful as Disney, though they reached their own success. So we have The Pebble and the Penguin.

March of the SPOILERS!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Outlander: Homecoming

Last time on “Outlander:” Geillis and Claire were put on trial for witchcraft. Ned snuck down from Caste Leoch to represent them and did his best to discredit the witnesses. But the people are determined to burn someone, so Claire and Geillis have to chose between them. Geillis reveals she’s not only a Jacobite but from 1968 and after witnessing Jamie save Claire from a flogging, chooses to sacrifice herself. As she’s led away, Jamie runs off with Claire.

In the woods, he asks her for the truth. So she tells him everything—she’s from the future and that she fell through the stones. Jamie takes her back to Craig na Dun, saying goodbye and leaving her free to go back to Frank. But she doesn’t and instead asks Jamie to take her home to Lallybroch.

Credits! Tobias Menzies’ name appears in them, so we’re going to get some Black Jack scenes. Should be good!

Friday, May 8, 2015


ABC has revealed it's renewed shows ahead of upfronts. I'm excited about this because I realized that most of the shows I watch are on the alphabet network.

Once Upon a Time is getting a fifth season! Earlier, staff writer Jane Espenson said the writers are prepared to go on for up to seven seasons. I'm hoping that in the next couple weeks we get word that Sean Maguire has been added as a regular cast member.

And yes, I'll be back to recap Season 5!

Fear not! Princess Isabella won't be trapped forever because Galavant is getting a second season! Here's how I feel:

Yes, I will be recapping season 2.

Len Goodman may be bidding the ballroom goodbye, but we don't have to! Dancing with the Stars will return in the fall as well.

It was also a good day for Marvel. Both Agents of SHIELD and Agent Carter got another season. Yay!

But it's not all good news. Sadly, Forever has been canceled. Unless it lives on somewhere online, this is me:

Here's to the 2015-2016 season!