Sunday, October 25, 2015

OUAT: Two Bros on an Adventure

Last time on “OUAT:” Everyone tried to figure out what happened in Camelot while they discovered Arthur and his subjects had landed in Storybrooke. Hook tried True Love’s Kiss on Emma but it didn’t work, indicating she doesn’t want to be free of the Dark One. Emma taunted Regina, saying she’ll never break Emma’s curse because there’s no Savior. Henry told Regina she will save them but Regina doubted herself, especially after a Fury takes off with Robin. She learned she hadn’t paid the price of magic so she sacrificed herself for Robin’s life. Mary Margaret, David, Arthur and Leroy joined her and the Fury disappears, leaving Robin alone. Regina finally believed she could be the Savior.

In Camelot, Arthur revealed that Merlin is trapped in a tree. He said that one of their visitors is the Savior foretold to get Merlin out. Regina kept Emma from stepping forward and claimed the title to make sure Arthur didn’t learn that Emma was the Dark One. Arthur threw a ball in their honor and so we got Snowing, Outlaw Queen and Captain Swan dances! Henry flirted with a girl named Violet and everything was going well until Sir Percival tried to kill Regina. Robin jumped in and was stabbed in the process. When Regina’s magic failed to heal him, she asked Emma to do it. Despite the risk, she saved Robin and said she would pay the price the Dark One apparently is required to set for using magic. She tried True Love’s kiss with Killian but it seemed she liked the magic a bit too much.

In the end, we learned that Emma has Excalibur hidden in the secret room in her house.

dun dun dun

We open in the mines, where the dwarfs are busy working. They are startled by the appearance of Emma and she tells them that if something has their name on it, to hold on to it. She then steals one of their pickaxes and disappears.

(Some confused dwarfs)
Back in Camelot, Regina leads a team comprised of Belle, Emma, Mary Margaret and David in doing research. Emma jokes about using her magic to get Merlin out of the tree but everyone shoots down that idea. Arthur comes to check on them and Regina is caught off-guard, not wanting to admit she hasn’t found much. Belle covers for her, saying they’re quite fortunate to be able to use Merlin’s books. Mary Margaret says it would be better to talk to Merlin and that gives Regina an idea. She holds up a book with a drawing of a toadstool that should allow them to do just that.

(She looks so pleased)
Arthur is familiar with it. He says legend says it grows in the Forest of Eternal Night but is most likely a legend. Charming has dealt with a lot of legends that have ended up being real so he hands Baby Neal back to Snow and decides to go after it. As Charming races through the courtyard, Arthur stops him and says he’ll go with Charming. He says they need to prepare for their quest.

(Charming away!)
In the sheriff’s office, Regina finds a note she jotted down in Camelot when she opens a book. But it’s only a question mark so it doesn’t help so much. She realizes the toadstool must be important but wishes she knew what happened to it. As the dwarfs storm in, Regina excuses herself and grabs her books to flee to the safety of either her office or her vault.

Leroy tells them that Emma stole Happy’s pickax so they need to make her give it back. Mary Margaret and David are like “What can we do? She’s a grown child and no longer living under our roof. It’s not like we can ground her.” They also wonder what she wants the pickax for as the dwarfs storm out, not very pleased.

David lets out his frustration on the office furniture and Mary Margaret tells him to calm down. He says he feels useless because Emma’s his daughter and he can’t help her. Mary Margaret says they’ll find a way to save her and assures him that he’s still her hero.

After Mary Margaret leaves, Arthur enters. He asks for David’s help in locating something that has gone missing. Arthur explains that a chest containing all the magical items his knights have collected on their quests has gone missing. He says that there was a magic bean in it that he was hoping to use to get everyone back to Camelot. David agrees to help, no doubt happy to feel useful again.

Maybe they should check Gold’s?

Emma returns to her secret lair and tries to free Excalibur using the pickax. Rumple taunts her, saying not even a dwarf’s pickax will help. He says she needs to et a hero to pull it out of the stone. And he says she knows exactly who she needs.

(Use the ax on him!)
Back in Camelot, Regina grows frustrated with her lack of progress. Robin calms her down and offers to make her some tea. He gives her a kiss and leaves as Zelena rolls her eyes. 

(Outlaw Queen feels!)
Regina reminds her that she’s there so Regina can keep an eye on her wicked older sister. Zelena mimes that she’d like her voice back so Regina gives it to her. Regina decides to take the time to address how Zelena was going to run away to Oz and keep Robin from his baby. Zelena whines about how Robin and Regina will just take the baby from her and that it’s not fair and that it’s time she got something for a chance and isn’t Regina always going on about second chances and…Regina takes her voice again. She tells Zelena she gave her a second chance and she blew it. Regina promises her that her baby will be safe, happy and loved but that the same won’t be true for Zelena.

(Do not mess with the queen)
Arthur shows David to the room with the Round Table and David kinda fanboys out over it. Arthur shows it off and shows off the largest seat, which David assumes is Arthur’s. But it is the Siege Perilous, the seat reserved the knight with the purest heart. It once belonged to Lancelot but he was exiled when he cheated with Guinevere. David tells Lancelot that he knew Lancelot and then has to tell Arthur that Lancelot is dead. Arthur takes a moment to mourn his former comrade.

He then has his squire, Griff, take out his Chest of Magical Items. As well as pull out items from the Camelot armory for the two of them. They suit up for their journey and Arthur grabs the eternal flame to light their way in the forest of eternal night. Good call, Artie!

At Camp Camelot, they search for the magical items that have gone missing but it all seems for naught. Grif shows them a chest that is empty of the magical items, only a few knick-knacks left behind. Arthur wonders if there’s away they can figure out who took it and fast. This gives David an idea and he takes Arthur with him to get something.

(Is that a golden apple? From Greek myth? Or did Arthur steal a snitch?)
Robin stares at his phone as he sits at Granny’s counter. Hook comes in and tells him how to turn on the phone. Robin snaps back that he knows how to work it. He’s looking at a picture from “up inside Zelena.” Hook is disgusted but Robin clarifies that he meant that it’s of the baby. It’s a sonogram, he explains. Hook asks him how he feels and Robin admits that looking at the baby, he’s happy to become a father again…even if he hates the way it happened. But he doesn’t want to let Regina know how happy he is because he knows the baby causes her pain.

He then decides to change the subject to Hook’s love life and the pirate is not very inclined to discuss it. He’s just determined to save Emma. Granny hands him his lunch and Hook’s like “I didn’t order anything.” Robin suggests reading the note attached, which has a message from Emma to meet her on his ship. Robin gives him a little ribbing before Hook leaves.

(Captain Hood!)
Hook arrives on the Jolly Roger and finds Emma waiting for him. He’s guarded as he talks to her but she just wants to have a date with him. She sets the table and changes back into the pink dress she wore on their date last season. Her hair is back to the normal blonde rather than platinum color the Dark One prefers and is pulled back into a ponytail. She still looks tired, though.

In Camelot, David and Arthur go on their quest through the Forest of Eternal Night. It seems to be going well and they talk as they walk. Pretty much they have a lot in common and David is fanboying really hard. They come across a marsh with a bridge leading to a stone where the toadstool rests. You’d think David would recognize an obvious trap but he doesn’t. He just walks across, ignoring the armor floating in the water.

I’ve seen the Lord of the Rings. I know what’s happening next. Good luck, David.

David and Arthur head to Gold’s shop to see if Belle had received anything strange lately. About time they checked there. She says they haven’t and explains she’s busy trying to revive Gold. Belle says she found a spell and she has almost all the ingredients needed, save one—something that touched him before he became the Dark One. David asks if she needs any help but she says she feels this is something she needs to do.

Looking around, David spots a chalice and asks Belle if he can borrow it. She says it’s not magical and it was the favor given out at Doc’s last birthday, pointing out it says “Doctoberfest” on it. And that sounds awesome. Why couldn’t we get to see “Doctoberfest”? Everyone just getting drunk and having fun? Couples dancing? Games being played? Stories being told? As we all ponder the epicness that was Doctoberfest, David and Arthur leave the store.

David holds up the chalice, no doubt hiding the “Doctoberfest,” and addresses the people of Camelot. He lies and tells them it’s a magical cup that contains a brew that will make them all tell the truth. Everyone must step forward and drink it to prove they didn’t take the magical items. At that point, Grif makes a run for it and David has weeded out their thief.

(Looks convincing enough)
They give chase but Grif takes a horse. David and Arthur have to take the truck and David comes up with a way to take out Grif. He gives the wheel to Arthur, giving him the world’s shortest driver’s ed course. Good thing they’re on an open field and won’t do too much damage, unlike the last time David let an unlicensed driver behind the wheel. Anyway, David grabs a wooden plank and turns the chase into a joust. He knocks Grif from the horse.

(The Storybrooke Medieval Times has a very small budget)
David makes it across the INCREDIBLY CREEPY COME ON CHARMING lake to reach the toadstool. With the magic light on it, one expects angelic choirs to start singing. But instead of that, the armor rises from the water and starts to form an army of the undead. David and Arthur have to battle them. Good luck guys.

(This is not good)
Emma and Hook sit and he asks her for honesty. She says okay but deflects when he asks her what’s behind the NOT SUSPICIOUS AT ALL door in her house. They talk about Hook’s relationship with the previous Dark One but Hook says he was the villain in that story. That all Rumple wanted was to fight for his family and he nearly hurt the man. He talks about pressing his cutlass to Rumple’s throat and picks it up.

Emma hops up and talks about sword lessons but Hook isn’t the mood for her games. So she asks him if he still loves her. He tells her that he loved her. Defeated, Emma leaves the ship.

(Even Dark Ones can get their hearts broken)
Arthur and David fight off the army of the undead, working well together. In the end, they come out bonded though David realizes he lost the toadstool. He says he wants to be more than the guy who woke up a sleeping princess. Arthur tries to make him feel better and praises him. He tells David he’d be honored to have a knight like him…and then invites him to be a Knight of the Round Table. Why do I feel like David’s wildest dreams have just come true?

Grif gives Arthur back all the magical items he had taken. He makes up a story about feeling underappreciated as Arthur’s squire. Arthur is just focused on one thing: the magic bean. Though Arthur and David ask him several times, Grif insists there was never a magic bean in the chest. David sighs and tells Grif he’s being relocated to the Storybrooke jail. He and Arthur walk off and David promises to help get Camp Camelot back home. He then spots something and finds the toadstool he had lost back in Camelot.

(Hey, it's a toadstool!)
David gives it to Regina, who recognizes it from the book. She says it might be able to help them figure out how to save Emma. Regina is impressed and so is Mary Margaret. David revels in being the hero once more—if just for this moment.

(He looks so proud)
In Camelot, David enters in golden armor and approaches Arthur as the court—and the main cast—watches. David kneels down and is knighted by Arthur, dubbed Sir David of the Enchanted Forest. He rises and Arthur invites him to take his seat at the Round Table. David is surprised when he is guided to the Siege Perilous but Arthur insists he earned it. David’s coat of arms is placed there. And I noticed it had a lion on it much like Robin’s tattoo. So is Robin connected to King George’s kingdom? Hmm…

(He kinda looks evil in this screen shot)
As everyone applauds David, Baby Neal starts to fuss. Mary Margaret takes him out into the hall to soothe him. Something catches her eye and she asks if anyone is there. A person emerges from the shadows—Sir Lancelot! Mary Margaret is surprised to see her friend alive and I’m not entire sure he isn’t Cora. You never know with her. Lancelot says he’s in hiding because he’s not welcomed in Camelot. He warns her that there’s something rotten in the state of Denmark and not to trust Arthur. He’s evil.

dun dun DUN!

(Wait, are we sure he's not Cora?) 
Lancelot may be onto something. After the hoopla has died down and I imagine everyone has gone to bed, Arthur is still up. Guinevere joins him at the Round Table and he reveals that he took the toadstool from David. It seems Arthur doesn’t want them to talk to Merlin.

Uh oh.

Back in Storybrooke, Arthur pays a visit to Grif. It seems it was all a set up—there never was any bean and Grif took the items on Arthur’s orders. Arthur thanks his squire and says he now has the trust of the heroes. He then says he can’t have Grif revealing anything, even inadvertently. So he holds out a vial of green liquid to the man. Grif recoils, revealing the contents are poison. Arthur wants his squire to kill himself. He says he can’t risk being revealed until he can establish a new Camelot in Storybrooke. So Grif takes the potion and disappears.

(Damn, Arthur)
Hook enters Granny’s and finds that Robin is still there, just relocated to a booth. He takes a seat across from him and tells him about the NOT SUSPICIOUS AT ALL door in Emma’s house. He wants to see what’s behind it and needs a thief. Robin insists he’s a former thief and that those days are behind him. But Hook says that as a former pirate, he knows those days are never truly behind them. Robin agrees to help him.

(Robin's intrigued)
Belle runs into Granny’s to pick up her dinner. Granny tries to get her to stay and have a proper meal, but the rose petals keep falling and Belle doesn’t want to be away from Gold for far too long. She can read the writing on the…er…rose and wants to be there at the end.

Granny then notices that the rose is reforming and Belle races from the diner. She runs all the way back to Gold’s but her face falls the moment she enters the backroom. The camera pans around to reveal that Gold’s bed is empty. Where did he go?

(Where is Gold?)
As Rumpelstiltskin eggs her on, Emma destroys Hook’s cutlass and sprinkles the ashes on Gold. He wakes up and immediately realizes that Emma is the Dark One. We get Rumpelstiltskin and Gold in the same shot—the former taunting that the latter won’t be able to pull the sword from the stone. Uh, duh. Gold begs to be released but Emma says that he has a clear heart—he is neither good nor evil. So she can mold him into the hero who can pull the sword from the stone.

(Even Gold thinks she's nuts)
Interesting turn of events. I’m not sure I’m digging this “Let’s turn Gold into a hero” plot but at least he’s up. Let’s get him reunited with Belle and see what their relationship becomes. And I’m excited to see the budding friendship between Hook and Robin, especially knowing how close Colin and Sean are in real life.

Next time: Trouble in the Snowing marriage?

Screen caps from here

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