Find out!
Mame admires her picture and feels glad to have been able to spend time with her mother. She goes up to the Tyra Suite for her TyTyTip. Tyra tells her to let it go like her mother and her pictures will be amazing.
Mikey talks about how he was psyched out last panel when he thought he was eliminated. Mame says she got a little choked up when he sunk to the floor in tears. He says he wants to change his family’s life. Mikey realizes his only competition now is Nyle because they are competing for the same spot. He says he’s evil now.
Nyle talks about his mother and crying at panel. He says that he’s there to be a model and because he can win. Being deaf is just part of him. Lacey talks about her period of self-doubt and the confidence now. She says it’s now her and Nyle vs. Mikey and Mame. Lacey admits that she and Nyle have been growing closer and there’s attraction there. She says it’s just been the two of them while Mikey has been with Ashley, Hadassah and Mame, who has also been with Justin. Lacey says they are distracted.
Meanwhile, Mame and Mikey talk about what she’s going to tell Justin when it’s over. Especially the night in the cabin. She says she really wants Justin but she doesn’t want to hurt him. Mame worries that Devin will say something to Justin in the eliminated house. I’d be more worried about Hadassah.
Wanna be on top?
Yu Tsai greets the models as they arrive at pool. He explains that they are there for their Nylon spread. Lacey feels confident because she beat Mame at the last Nylon challenge. Yu Tsai though says there is no more scoring for the rest of the competition. We’re going old-school and it’s just going to be based on how they do. J. Errico comes back with Mark Hunter “Cobrasnake.” He says they are breaking into the high school that night. Of course, I’m sure they signed off on it.
The models hit hair and makeup. Mame and Yu Tsai celebrate her best photo. Lacey says she deserves to be there and Mikey says he’s going to use his fire in his photoshoot. Nyle wants to break barriers with his win.
Mikey climbs the fence and says he and Nyle are neck-in-neck. Nyle says he is nervous to be up against Mikey. He starts to climb the fence and Mikey says Nyle gives the same look. But he does something Yu Tsai likes. Yu Tsai thinks Mikey is struggling as he tries to be natural on set. Cobrasnake says it’s a new experience shooting Nyle because he has to work with an interpreter. He thinks Nyle’s interpreter is a hindrance and a distraction. Because he says Nyle did better when they connected and he didn’t focus on the interpreter. Mikey and Nyle end by jumping into the pool.
It’s time for Lacey vs. Mame. Yu Tsai says that being in the bottom two put a fire under Lacey. She was rocking the shoot. But she just has to work on not being too sleazy instead of sexy. Mame thanks Jesus for Lacey possibly screwing up. Mame says she nailed her shoot but Lacey picked up a dog, being cute. Cobrasnake turns his camera to her and Mame is pissed that Lacey stole her shoot.
Mame says she’s keeping it professional and just has to step it up. She and Mikey take pictures together in the pool. Cobrasnake and Yu Tsai like it and she feels triumphant again. Mikey predicts himself and Mame in the top two. Meanwhile, Lacey predicts it’ll be herself and Nyle there.
It’s a wrap!
At the house, Nyle says it’s a bit awkward because without Devin, the house is so quiet. Meanwhile, Mikey has seen the show enough times to know the eliminated contestants will becoming back to walk the final runway. He says that it’ll be a bit awkward but he’ll deal. Mikey says he had been in relationship for six years but it ended. So now he’s focusing on himself, showing some wisdom when he says he can’t love someone else until he loves himself. Nyle knows Justin really cares for Mame so it’s awkward for him to watch her flirt with Mikey.
Yu Tsai welcomes to their photoshoot. Zappos is their client and everyone is on the line. Melissa Costa is back and she congratulates them for making it to the finals. She says the winner’s pictures will be their Zappos’ campaign. Mame is hoping to kill it again since she won the Zappos challenge. They’ll be taking pictures around the motel and he reminds them that they are in competition with each other.
Yu Tsai introduces the models to Kevin Bailey, the editorial strategist for Zappos. He’s looking for more modern, chic and couture. Melissa wants to see a journey—going from innocent to confident. She congratulates Mame on getting best photo and gives her a gift card to Zappos. Mame gloats in confessional.
Lacey is up first, shooting with Erik Asla. She says she will be a young woman who is going to be influenced by the motel and become a confident woman. Yu Tsai notes that it’s her journey. Lacey works on reeling in her sexy. After a little coaching, she nails it. Mame is next and Yu Tsai warns her about being too “posey.” She then seems to nail it.
As they move on to the next set of poses, Melissa has praise for both girls. She says Lacey is amazing and embodies the time period but Mame is whimsical and sensual. Yu Tsai loves Lacey’s confidence. But he says Mame is passing her.
The girls are done and it’s time for the boys to do battle. Nyle says he’s nervous again because Mikey is a great model. Erik tells him to do his best. Yu Tsai gives him some directions and he owns the shots. Melissa says she got good butterflies. She then tells Mikey he could look dangerous and Yu Tsai tells him not to model too much. Just sit back and relax. Yu Tsai says he’s giving too much as we go to…
Yu Tsai brings over Melissa and he tells him to flirt with her. He finally clicks and seems to be nailing it.
Melissa says Mikey can bring so much to his photos just by being himself. Mame thinks he looked like a badass. Lacey though thinks Nyle is the complete package and that everyone wants him. Melissa is impressed with everyone and seems like she’ll be happy with whoever wins.
Yu Tsai does some flips and declares it a wrap. That was ANTM’s last photoshoot.
Back at the house, everyone works on their presentation to convince Tyra who should be in the final two. Mame is worried because she didn’t so good at her business pitch. She focuses on her goals—model, entrepreneur and humanitarian. Nyle decides to be bold and wants to change the world. Lacey understands branding and she talks about her writing, her blog and opening a fitness business. Why didn’t she pitch THAT a few weeks ago?
Tyra Mail! “Conduct yourself carefully. This is your final way to werk your way to the top.” Lacey believes this means that the final two will be decided the next day. She says she knows she’s strong and what she stands for. She wants to show everyone that.
Mame hangs out in the Tyra Suite, staring at her pageant sash and says this is a door opening for her. She’s going to do whatever it takes to stay there and get her dreams.
The model mobile takes the final four to the site of their final runway. Mame notes all the eliminated contestants are there and Justin does not look happy. Kelly welcomes them to Walt Disney Concert Hall. She says they built a curved runway inspired by the architecture and they will be accompanied by classical music performed by a string quintet. Kelly says they will be wearing chic, wearable art created by Rocky Gathercole. Miss J sends them into hair and makeup.
Mikey is pretty sure Devin told Justin about what happened between him and Mame. Ashley says there were rumors and she wanted to shoot Mikey. But she says she shouldn’t have expected more. Mame meanwhile goes to talk to Hadassah and asks if Devin had been talking to Justin. She says that he said something happened in the cabin that was more than two people huddling together for warmth. Mame insists nothing happened. She confronts Devin, who denies it. He says he was cornered by Justin and he told the truth. Mame says this is terrible timing because she can’t deal with this with so much on stake.
Justin congratulates her and they go off to speak about it. Mame says that she only cuddled with Mikey but Justin doesn’t believe her. They argue and Mame says she’s still attracted to Justin. He admits that he likes her and wants to be with her but he can’t get past what she did. She betrayed him and he says he wouldn’t have done that to her.
Mikey goes to flirt with Hadassah, asking if she was Team Mikey. She’s Team Mame as long as she can get past the drama with Justin. But it seems Mame is really focused on him right now. She doesn’t want to lose him as we go to…
When we come back, Mikey says all the women are mad at him. Gee, wonder why? But he brushes it off to focus on the runway.
Miss J introduces the models to Keith Carlos from last cycle. Welcome back, Keith! Lacey might be a little in love. He tells them to leave everything on the runway. Then gives them a group hug.
Dustin is Team Nyle and Stefano is Team Lacey. Justin says he’s disappointed in Mame’s decisions while he gets some pointers from Miss J. He shows Ashley how to do half-turns.
People gather at Walt Disney Concert Hall. Tyra welcomes them to America’s Next Top Model’s final runway. Someone will be crowned America’s Final Top Model. Backstage, Nyle wonders when he’ll have to make his presentation. I’m getting the feeling it won’t be in this episode.
But then the Moms return! Yu Tsai’s brought them as moral support. Everyone tears up and there’s hugs all around. Mame and her mother pray together while Mikey and his mom have a moment.
Then Tyra comes in. She says that the time has come for them to make a cut. Kelly and Miss J appear next to her. It’s time for the presentations and only one girl and one boy will make it to the finals.
So who will be America’s Final Top Model?
Find out next time!
I’m hoping Nyle and Lacey stomp it out to the end, but it could be Mikey and Mame. I’m a bit sad but excited for the finale. This will be it. No more smizing, no more tooching or booching. What are we going to do?
Next time: It all ends.
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