Monday, August 1, 2011

I Made It Through the Wilderness…

Last time on The Glee Project: Everyone got slushied! Courtesy of Max “Karofsky” Adler! They did a mash up of “Under Pressure” and “Ice, Ice Baby”. Unfortunately, Cameron and Alex failed to connect while Marissa was only good, not great. But Marissa failed to impress Ryan and she was sent home. Six Gleekabes remain—who doesn’t get a gold star tonight? Find out!


The Gleekabes enter the room to find this week’s theme is “Sexuality” and they will be singing “Like a Virgin.” Hannah is unsure but she asks Damian to seduce her in the song. Damian talks about being in the bottom three while Samuel feels wrong trying to do his moves. Cameron says he’s not comfortable—please see the “kiss” freak out from a few episodes ago. I notice in the confessionals, Lindsay’s eyes are really blue.

Anyway, it’s time to meet this week’s guest judges. It’s Mark Salling (Puck) and Ashley Fink (Lauren)! Ashley tells them it’s about expressing feelings for someone you may or may not like. She jokes she has a tough job being attracted to Mark. They pretty much say it’s about chemistry. Time to perform! Sam knows how to do chemistry, no matter who he is paired with. Robert, Ashley and Mark are impressed. Mark loved their harmonies. Ashley calls them all winners. She saw in Samuel what I saw. Mark loved Hannah and how she owned who she is. Mark says he loves Alex’s higher range and compares him to Cee-Lo. Time to pick the winner. Ashley and Mark confer before choosing Samuel as the winner. Huh, and the people on Television Without Pity thought it was Lindsay from the preview. I couldn’t tell as no one was really featured in my opinion, they all got equal screen time.

Anyway, this week’s video, it is “Teenage Dream.” Alex is paired with Samuel. They seem to be excited, though Samuel is worried about playing gay. They will be a band playing in a garage. Both will get one-on-one time with Ashley and Mark. Damian is paired with Lindsay—they are a jock and a cheerleader couple. Cameron and Hannah are paired, having a flirty food fight. Cameron admits he doesn’t want his scene to be sexy. Robert tells them to make them believe it.

Brooke is back for choreography as Zach is on set again. Cameron mentions his girlfriend again. Poor Damian gets subtitles again, explaining that some scenes are where one person is in control. Damian is worried he’ll be overpowered by Lindsay. She is worried she might be in danger—look at Marissa last week.

In the boys dorm, the Gleekabes talk, especially how Samuel is nervous about doing a gay scene. He’s afraid how his Christian mother will react. Damian asks how Cameron is feeling because they are friends and he’s worried. Damian thinks there will be kissing involved. I’m really starting to think Cameron quits at the end of this.


But first, they now have to do vocals with Nikki. She explains this time each contender will just be singing the song straight through. Nikki likes Samuel’s version. Alex though is making Nikki cringe. She looks like me during a sinus headache. Hannah’s voice cracks a few times during the song. Nikki is impressed with Damian and she comments on his growth. Damian says that’s one of the reasons he came to the show. Lindsay doesn’t impress Nikki at all. She says that everyone has to step out of their comfort zone at least once during the competition. Nikki asks Cameron about how he is handling this. She wonders if it’s how his parents raised him or “the cross you wear around your neck.” He says it’s both and Nikki confesses it’s ACTING!

Erik comes in to shoot the video. Alex worried about crossing the “straight line” with Samuel. If Samuel is a professional, he’ll handle. They are the first up to film. Robert and Zach watch it in…tent? They love Samuel which leads to his session with Ashley and Mark. She says you can’t fake it and you just have to play it true to life. Mark asks if Alex is old enough to be sexy and wants to card him. Robert thinks Alex is over the top and needs more levels. Erik wraps with them and calls from our jocks—AKA Damian and Lindsay.

Damian and Lindsay both decide to step it up. Lindsay is worried about her time in the studio while Damian is worried about Lindsay outshining him. Zach is worried for Damian as he needs extra direction, thinking Damian IS being outshined. He wants Damian to step it up and be a leading man. Nikki though talks to Zach and Robert about Lindsay’s problems in the studio. Damian and Lindsay return and they spot lip gloss on Damian. The two admit they kissed, which makes Hannah jealous.

On the set, you can see Cameron’s nervousness. Robert once again repeats that it’s ACTING. Erik asks Cameron to kiss Hannah, who is up for it. Cameron says he feels weird about kissing her. Erik cancels the kiss. He talks about how hard it is to step forward and stand on a moral ground.

Time for the video! I liked the little food fight scene until it got way too crazy—maybe it was compensation for the fake that Cameron was uncomfortable crossing a line? So it went from flirty to silly instead of silly to flirty? Hannah was the video’s star, in my opinion. Samuel did his best with

Coming Up: Ryan is Unleashed!

In the boys dorm, Cameron worries about going home. Damian tells him not to live with regrets. Cameron says Damian gives him pep talks while Cameron says he’s through worrying. We cut to the Bottom 3 Reveal. Robert says that they all were successful this week but there is still a bottom 3. Robert says they figured out their top 3: Hannah is a great actress and had great chemistry. I agree. Samuel is in the top 3. Robert asks about Cameron about his refusal to kiss. Cameron says he’s happy to have stood his moral ground. He’s in the bottom 3. Zach says Alex’s acting was too over the top and is in the bottom 3. It came down to Damian and Lindsay. Lindsay was in the top 3 and she looks confused. Damian gives her a hug before she leaves the stage.

Robert says their last chance songs are songs that could be what their character auditions for New Directions with. Robert gives Alex “I Will Survive,” Cameron gets “Blackbird” while Damian gives him “Danny Boy.” Robert was talking about going all the way back to Damian’s roots. I almost thought it would be “Bird Without Wings” or “Come by the Hills.”

Alex says he’s tired of being in the bottom three while Cameron keeps talking about standing by his morals. Damian breaks down and says he’s mentally struggling.

The last chance performance starts at 10 PM? Wow, those Gleekabes are probably tired. And ha! This time Ryan HAS to send a boy home. Damian is first and Robert admits it was difficult to put him in the bottom 3. He performs “Danny Boy.” That was so beautiful. But Ryan wasn’t moved. Damian says he didn’t really connect because he has performed it so many times. Robert tells Damian that he is the most improved and Ryan admits he has considered Damian as a successor to Cory Monteith (Finn)…until today. He thinks Damian is inconsistent. That’s usually the kiss of death on Top Model.

Coming Up: Ryan confronts Cameron

Gleekabe extra: Alex sprays whip cream on Hannah’s “tats” (courtesy of Damian) and then he and Lindsay like it off. Damian is scandalized and probably wishing for the days when the only things with food was Paul burning the popcorn.

Alex is the next up because of his acting. Robert has this goofy face on as Alex enters. Come on, ladies, we were born knowing the words to this song! Alex is adding an interesting tone to his voice, growling his words a bit. I wonder why he never tried that before. Ryan says he told Amber Riley (Mercedes) about her competition. Ryan tells him that his “cross to bear” is to not act “like that.” To be something real.

Ryan asks what the deal is with Cameron. Robert admits he’s the slowest growing competitor. Ryan wonders if he’s just a singer and not an actor-singer. Listening to Cameron, I think Ryan hit it on the head. Give the boy a recording contract, just don’t put him on a TV show. He’ll be bigger as a recording artist. After, Ryan asks him about his week. Cameron says he struggled with sexuality and his beliefs. Ryan admires his conviction and it inspires him. But he worries about difficulties on set, for example if he has to kiss Lea Michele. Ryan asks him if he’s an actor or if he’s a singer. Cameron says that he’s been thinking about the competitors and that it’s not fair for him to stay over someone else.

Ryan asks if he’s quitting. Cameron gives what sounds like an exit interview. But Ryan doesn’t want to give up on him and says to let them decide on it. This doesn’t happen on Top Model. A model asks to go home, she goes home. Ryan decides to talk to Cameron in his dressing room. He tells Cameron that he’s in, but the decision is up to Cameron. Ryan tells Cameron to think about himself. Does he want to stay?

Coming Up: What’s Cameron’s decision? At this point, I think Cameron should go…but that’s because I’m over Cameron as an actor.

We come back to the dressing room. Cameron decides to leave the competition. Ryan says he never saw a show where someone walked away. Clearly he’s not watching America’s Next Top Model. Let’s see: Cassandra (Cycle 5), Kimberly (Cycle 10), Ondrei (Cycle 16), etc. Ryan admits that Cameron just saved Damian. I also had a feeling that if Cameron didn’t leave, Damian would. Cameron tells the other Gleekabes that he decided to quit the competition. Everyone is surprised. Hannah and Lindsay start sobbing. Cameron tells them he saved Damian—which I think puts guilt on Damian. Anyway, we see the Called Back list—Cameron strikes off Damian’s name and writes his own.

He performs “Keep Holding On” as everyone fights tears.

The Glee Project:


*Contestant walked away

Well, I wish I could say I was sad. But I’m not. As I said, I was over Cameron a few weeks ago. While I could see him on Glee, I couldn’t see him surviving filming. I am surprised, though. I didn’t think Cameron would be the one to walk away. I also didn’t expect Ryan to suddenly jump on the Cameron bandwagon. I’m not surprised by how crushed Zach and Robert looked by Cameron’s decision.  Anyway, I’m glad that Damian is staying and I’m glad that Hannah got the praise she deserved. Competition is getting cutthroat now.

What do you think of Cameron’s decision?

Next week: Believability! Break downs!

Quote of the Episode:

“I’m like a koala bear! I can’t be sexy.”—Hannah

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