Friday, December 15, 2017

OUAT: Beware the Coven

Last time on “Once:” Victoria convinced Rumple to let her out of prison and promised him information on the Guardian. She was determined to bring her daughter Anastasia back to life as Drizella and Gothel followed her, determined to find her as well. Rogers broke into Rumple’s evidence locker and realized he was keeping files on everyone in Hyperion Heights, growing more suspicious of the man. 

Victoria relinquished all custody claims to Lucy, which Jacinda had validated by Nick. He kissed her but she pushed him away, saying she just wanted to parent with him. Unbeknownst to them, the kiss was recorded and Victoria planned to use it for nefarious reasons as she took Lucy from ballet and told her the truth about fairy tales—and her own story. 

Besides being Lady Tremaine, Victoria was also Rapunzel! She stole some vegetables to feed her family but was caught by Gothel. Rapunzel made a deal so her family could have a better life—but she ended up trapped in a tower. After her hair grew long enough, Rapunzel finally escaped and was reunited with her family. Only her husband Marcus, believing her dead, had married Ella’s mother, Cecilia. 

Rapunzel was given a job in Marcus and Cecilia’s household and allowed to live in a cottage on the property. She tried to reconnect with her daughters but while Anastasia welcomed her back, Drizella clearly preferred Cecilia over her. And she was getting mixed signals from Marcus, who seemed to love her but also Cecilia. Gothel showed up and gave her a mushroom that would get rid of Cecilia for her, allowing Rapunzel to take her happiness back. Rapunzel refused to use it but Gothel left it behind for her…just in case. 

After Drizella once again rejected Rapunzel and prefers Cecilia, Rapunzel used the poison on Cecilia. It poisoned her heart and drove her to Wonderland. Marcus returned and took Rapunzel back as his wife, the two taking in Ella and raising her with their girls. One day, though, the girls were building a snowman on an ice-covered lake when Anastasia and Ella fell through some ice. Marcus dove in but only managed to rescue Ella. 

Rapunzel found Anastasia, barely clinging to life, and brought her to Gothel. She begged Gothel to save her daughter and Gothel locked in Anastasia’s last breath to keep her from dying. But then Gothel insisted that Anastasia needed to go into the tower and this time, Rapunzel won’t be able to break anyone out. She revealed that she was testing people to find someone who was entirely selfless, trying to find a special person. Rapunzel failed when she ultimately poisoned Cecilia but maybe Anastasia will pass. Rapunzel stole Gothel’s magic and trapped her in the tower, vowing to find a way on her own to rescue Anastasia. 

Victoria took Lucy to see Anastasia in the hospital, showed her the video of Jacinda and Nick kissing and told her that happy endings weren’t real. She traumatized the poor girl into giving up her belief and shedding a tear, which Victoria collected as Lucy ran away. 

Rogers confronted Rumple, who admitted that he had been played by Victoria. He promised to work with Rogers—just as long as he helped him find Lucy, who was missing. Lucy, though, showed up at home and Jacinda noticed how brokenhearted she was. But before Lucy could tell her why she was so upset, she collapsed as Victoria used her tear to wake Anastasia up. 

Drizella watched the reunion before walking away, looking heartbroken yet determined. 

We open as doctors rush Lucy through the hospital. Jacinda runs by the gurney’s side, holding onto her daughter’s hand. She assures Lucy that she’s there as Lucy lies there, hooked up to oxygen. 
A flashback takes us back to the Enchanted Forest. Henry introduces his newborn daughter to Wish!Hook, Tiana and Jack and they all congratulate him. Jack teases him about being a father and Henry asks where his mother is. Drizella shows up, saying that Regina got caught up with something but is unharmed. Henry warns her to stay away from his daughter but she’s not there to hurt Lucy. 

(The proud papa!)
She’s there to deliver a prophecy—a curse will come on Lucy’s eighth birthday, one that will end their lives as they know it. Wish!Hook says she needs to check the prophecy again because she overlooked the part where they defeat her and Henry tells her to look down. Drizella does so and realizes she’s standing on a rune that’s glowing. It slowly turns her into stone and she realizes it’s blood magic. She asks how they did that and Lady Tremaine shows up for some reason, saying she contributed some of her blood because she can’t let Drizella cast the curse. Before her face turns to stone, Drizella vows that she will come back and that the curse will be cast—no matter what. 

(Don't Blink)

Eight Years Later…

Everyone is gathered for Lucy’s birthday at the palace, all dressed in fine outfits. Tiana makes a speech about how they are celebrating Lucy as well as the peace in their kingdom. Lucy thanks her aunt before bowing and calling her “Queen Tiana.” She then asks if she can light the candles but Regina says that’s her job. She uses her magic to light them and then tells Lucy to blow them out. Before she can, though, a strong wind extinguishes them. Everyone looks up and is concerned as gray storm clouds form over the palace and powerful winds blow through them. Ella holds onto Lucy as all the men pull their swords. Wish!Hook wonders what’s going on. 

(Three generations of Mills!)
Gothel then appears by the statue of Drizella. She taunts them, telling them that this celebratory day begins their downfall. Henry tells her that she can’t defeat them alone and she tells him that she’s not alone. Five figures in black hooded robes appear behind Drizella. Together, they free Drizella from her stone prison and Gothel tells Drizella that it’s time for her curse to be cast. Regina says they shouldn’t have been able to undo blood magic and Gothel says that her family is stronger. She warns them that the curse is coming and disappears with Drizella and the hooded figures. Henry hurries over to his family as everyone else looks concerned. 

(Is this Once Upon a Time or Doctor Who?)
Doctors examine a comatose Lucy as Sabine comforts Jacinda. She assures her friend that Lucy is a fighter and will come through it. She then asks if there’s anybody Jacinda wants to call—like Nick or Henry. Jacinda says she should call them. Sabine offers to call Det. Rogers to see if he can figure out where Lucy was. Jacinda thanks her and Sabine assures her they’ll figure out what’s going on. 

Victoria watches as Anastasia sits up in bed, watching TV with headphones on. Rumple approaches her and says that he sees Anastasia is awake. Victoria tells him that her daughter is adjusting to her new world and thanks him. He says he wouldn’t have helped her if he knew Lucy was going to get hurt. Victoria says he did help her and that he got his information. He says he did and says he knows where the Guardian is. Victoria realizes he means Anastasia and protests but he says that Gothel was confident Anastasia was. He wants to find out for sure but he needs to make sure Anastasia stays alive. He says that Drizella and Gothel are still out there looking for her and so Victoria needs his help to keep her daughter safe. 

(They look like divorced parents arguing over their child)
Regina looks at a potion in a bottle before tucking it away. She heads over to Henry, who is checking out his phone. He says that he missed a call from Jacinda but now he can’t reach her. He feels that something is wrong. Regina tells him that Jacinda will get in touch with him if she needs him. She then pulls out a pair of sweatpants and tells him to put them on. 

We cut to a spin class and Henry asks if he drove all the way to San Francisco for a workout. Regina tells him that it’s worth it and then advises him to pretend like he’s loving every moment of the workout. They are there for the instructor she says as the class begins. As predicted by, like, everyone, they are there for Zelena, who is a spin instructor. She calls her students her “monkeys” and tells them to jump on their bikes and fly! She punches up the volume on the music and waves her towel over her head as Regina and Henry look like they would rather be anywhere else. 

(Ride 'em, Cowgirl!)
Lucy looks at the storybook as she tries not to cry. Ella and Henry tell her not to worry, that they’ve defeated Drizella before and they will do it again. And they will do it with her help. Lucy brightens up and asks if she can have a sword. Her parents tell her to take it one step at a time before sending her to pack. Ella wonders if they are doing the right thing and Henry tells her that if Regina can’t find a way to stop Drizella, they need to keep Lucy safe. 

Uh, Henry Daniel Mills, why the hell are you calling your mom “Regina” instead of “Mom”? 

Regina approaches a gate with a sign over it that says “Emerald Acres Farm” and underneath it, a sign that reads “There’s no place at home.” All that’s missing is the giant neon sign that says “ZELENA LIVES HERE!” Regina looks over the farm and admires a pig before two arrows land between her fingers. She turns around and finds a hooded figure aiming a bow at her. Don’t get your hopes up, Outlaw Queen fans. It’s Peanut, who is now an adult. Regina tells her that she’s getting better and Peanut hugs her. 

(Peanut is all grown up)
Zelena says that it’s a good thing Peanut has her father’s aim and then makes sure her daughter was just firing warning shots. Peanut assures her mother that they were just warning shots. Regina admires how grown up her niece is and they establish that Peanut is 25 but not in our realm but don’t even think about the timeline because the writers have clearly given up trying to keep their own timelines straight. Regina tells them that Drizella is free and that she has help. Zelena asks if they were hooded figures that sounded like hyenas and says that they were witches. She produces a coin and says she found it the other day, an invitation for her to join the Coven of the Eight. Seh says they are pretty bad witches. Peanut starts to say she has to warn someone but Zelena cuts her off and tells her that they will warn everyone. She then tells Regina that Peanut is experiencing young love. Regina says that Hook is off looking for Rumple but he’s unpredictable. So she thinks they should fight witches with witches. Zelena agrees. 

The spin class ends and Kelly approaches Regina, demanding to know why she’s there. She says the class is her happy space and Regina reminds her of being unhappy. Regina apologizes but says that she and Henry enjoyed the class. Henry agrees but Kelly tells him to leave them alone. He walks off and Kelly reveals that Regina gave her daughter a job at the bar then a ticket to Amsterdam and convinced her she didn’t need higher education. So instead of going to Vassar, she’s now off exploring the world and may never come home because mom isn’t as cool as Aunt Roni. Regina apologizes but says there’s more to the story. She asks Kelly to have one drink with her for all time’s sake but Kelly pretty much tells her to go to hell before storming off. 

(Sister squabbles)
Henry returns to the room. He tells Regina that he needs to get back home because Lucy is in the hospital and no one knows what’s wrong with her. He says he’s getting on the first flight back to Seattle and asks her to come. Regina looks torn but says she can’t explain why except to say that Kelly is important, so she needs to stay. She starts to tell Henry to go to his family before catching herself and tells him to go help Jacinda. He gives her the keys to his car before running off. 

In the Enchanted Forest, Rumple is back into full on macramé mode. He’s also spinning and out of his mind again too as Wish!Hook approaches him. He asks if Rumple has anyway to stop the curse and Rumple produces a small white elephant figurine. He muses about the term white elephant—something that’s long past it’s time being useful but still persists. It’s clear he’s also talking about himself but all Wish!Hook cares about is if it can stop the curse. Rumple tells him that nothing can stop the curse. He explains that the curse will give them all new identities and memories but the white elephant will make sure that whoever holds it will have their most important relationship preserved in the curse. Like say the one of father and daughter. Wish!Hook realizes it means he can still be Alice’s father and he asks Rumple why he’s doing that for him. Rumple says he’s doing it for her and points to a cloaked Alice standing off to the side. 

(Look at this cinnamon bun)
He approaches Alice but she keeps moving away from him. She says she’s going to stay with Rumple, feeling she owes him after what he gave up for her. Alice hopes that the memories the curse gives them are nicer and Wish!Hook tells her that there aren’t many trees to hide behind where they are going. Since the white elephant will help them, she hopes she can reconnect with her love and he assures her that True Love can overcome anything—including a curse. Still, Alice asks him to deliver a note to her and he agrees. 

In Hyperion Heights, Rogers shows someone a picture of Lucy and asks him to get in touch if he has any information about her whereabouts the other day. Tilly then approaches Rogers and tells him that if he doesn’t keep his eye on something, it might disappear. He tells her that he doesn’t have time for her riddles as he has a sick girl he needs to help. Tilly reminds him of the symbol Eloise drew and he says he knows. She then drags him behind the troll where she shows him the same design spray painted onto the wall, which the man he was talking to is washing away. Rogers wonders what is going on. 

(dun dun DUN!)
At the hospital, Henry races up to Jacinda’s side. He tells her that he got there as soon as he could. She collapses into his arms, sobbing into his chest as he holds her. He looks at Lucy, unconscious and hooked up at machines as worry fills him. 

Regina pours the potion into the whiskey she’s brought as Kelly comes out, carrying a garment bag. She asks why “Roni” is still there and Regina is determined to get her to have a drink. Kelly says that she would rather have her special mint-cucumber-lavender water and I wonder why the potion has to be in alcohol and why Regina didn’t wait to see what Kelly would want so she could dump the potion into that. But she convinces Kelly to have the drink, saying that they were once like sisters. Kelly says that was a mistake but she takes a sip. Regina watches and waits, hoping the potion works. 

(Bottom's up!)
Kelly nearly gags on the whiskey and says she would’ve rather her water. Regina decides to go for broke. She tells Kelly that they are cursed so she doesn’t realize that they are really sisters—the Evil Queen and the Wicked Witch. Kelly is about to argue but her memories kick back in and after a montage of Zelena’s greatest hits, we come back to her rather than Kelly. Regina asks if it’s really her sister and Zelena confirms that it is. She’s then horrified to learn she’s been cursed to be a hippie who teaches “peddling.” Regina tells her that Gothel is out and Lucy is in trouble, so she needs Zelena to come back to Seattle with her. Zelena agrees and gathers her things. As she reaches for the garment bag, she pauses and tells Regina that “Kelly” had an entire life. Regina says she can put it behind but Zelena says she can’t. She unzips the bag to reveal a white gown inside as she tells Regina that she’s getting married. 

(Much better than Emma's wedding dress)
Rumple shows Anastasia a bunch of daggers and asks her to find the one that is magical. She looks at a bunch and picks up one that looks like the Dark One dagger. He asks if it has magic and she says it doesn’t. It almost looks like she’s failed his test before everything starts to shake. The daggers rise up and fly across the room, landing in the door of a cabinet. Anastasia says that she thinks the magical dagger is in the cabinet. He opens it and pulls out the box containing his dagger, showing it to her. Anastasia says she doesn’t want magic if it could hurt people but Rumple assures her that her magic can be used to help and heal people. He tells her that there’s a little girl who needs her help and it looks like Anastasia is going to help wake Lucy. 

(That's frightening)
Zelena says that her fiance is a great guy and that even though she was cursed, she had a good life. Regina says that once they save Lucy and deal with Gothel and Drizella, Zelena can always come back and get married. But Zelena doesn’t know if it will work because she can’t come back and live a lie. She’s both Kelly and Zelena. She says that she may have been cursed but she had a good life. Regina apologizes and says coming there was a mistake. Zelena, though, insists it wasn’t. She says she’ll help Regina because that’s what heroes do and she’ll figure out the rest later. She and Regina head off to return to Seattle. 

Jacinda and Henry stand by Lucy’s bedside, watching her. He wishes there was something he could do and she asks him to read to Lucy. She pulls out his book and says that Lucy was drawn to it from the moment she saw it, drawing strength from it. He takes it and says he knows what to read from it as the camera focuses on their clasped hands. 

Henry pulls up to some trees on his motorcycle with Lucy in tow. He tells her that they’ve come to the original Enchanted Forest and points out one tree, saying it has the same magical properties as the wardrobe that brought Emma to the Land Without Magic. Lucy asks how he was able to find it and he says he had some help from an old friend. Tiger Lily appears and Henry introduces her to Lucy. 

(Welcome back, Tiger Lily)
She then hands him Gepetto’s axe and says that should help him. Lucy asks why he’s cutting down the tree and he tells her that it’s their plan of last resort. If they can’t stop Drizella, then he and Lucy will go to the Land Without Magic together with the book and use it to remind everyone of who they are. He asks Tiger Lily to take Lucy to her house and she agrees, telling him he should get to work as it will be night soon. They leave as Henry takes the axe and starts whacking the tree with it. 

Night comes and we see one of the scenes from last season’s finale—Henry realizes something is after him and goes running through the woods. He enters Tiger Lily’s house and wakes Lucy, telling her that they’ve been found. He makes sure she has the book and tells her to go hide. She doesn’t want to leave him and wants to fight but he convinces her to do otherwise. He kisses her forehead and she runs off to find a safe place to hide. Henry pulls his sword as the door is broken open, ready to fight off whatever is after him. 

(This is a weird camera shot, right? Or is it just me?)
Tiger Lily returns Lucy to Ella and she tells her mother that the witches took Henry. Everyone decides to go rescue him and Tiger Lily promises to watch Lucy. Ella, though, stops them. She says that Drizella is trying to distract them from stopping the curse. They need to focus on doing that and then they can rescue Henry. 

We then cut to a large mountain with a thunderstorm raging around it. The coven appears there, Drizella now amongst their numbers. She tells Gothel she has waited a long time to cast her curse and is happy to be so close to doing so. Lady Tremaine shows up, insulting her daughter. Drizella, though, tells her mother that she’s going to make Tremaine think she cast the curse in order to help Anastasia. And then Drizella is going to take Anastasia from her mother. She puts her to sleep and Lady Tremaine falls to the ground. 

(Lady Tremaine trying to play it cool)
Regina says that it looks like Drizella is still working out her mother issues and offers to help as Zelena says that they invented mommy issues. Drizella notes that it’s sweet the sisters are together but they can’t stop her. Regina says that’s why they brought help. Hook grabs Gothel, who flirts with her rape victim, while Ella and Jack grab two of the witches. Drizella says it’ll take more than a pirate, a princess and Jack from the Jack and the Beanstalk to stop her. So Regina uses magic to toss her back before starting to choke her. Zelena uses her magic to get the curse ingredients from Drizella and Regina says that she’ll never cast the curse. Drizella tells Regina that she’s not going to cast the curse—Regina is. 

That confuses Regina and she asks why she would cast it. Drizella nods at Gothel, who asks Hook to let her go so she can show Regina. He backs away slightly but everyone stays on edge as she approaches one of the witches. She removes the hood to reveal Henry, who doesn’t look very good. He collapses as everyone gasps. 

(Someone had a rough night)
Ella rushes over to cradle her husband as Regina’s undoes his bindings. Henry is pale and clearly in pain, sweat covering his skin. Regina demands to know what they did to him and Gothel says they poisoned him. Regina tries to use her magic to heal him but Ella notes it doesn’t work. Drizella says they used a poison that won’t be healed with magic. The only choice Regina has to save her son is to take him to a land without magic—to cast the curse. Regina says that it takes time to do that, that she needs to gather the ingredients. Drizella says she’s done that already, though she is missing one ingredient—magic from a witch who crushed the heart of the thing she loved most. So she gives Regina a choice—cast the curse or let Henry die. 

(So now it’s just “magic from a witch who crushed the heart of the thing she loved the most” and doesn’t require anyone to crush someone heart anymore? That seems like kind of a cop out, writers. And if that’s the case, then does it mean that Snow didn’t have to crush Charming’s heart way back in Season 3 when they cast the Dark Curse in order to get back to Emma so she could defeat Zelena? That his sacrifice was unnecessary and that Regina could’ve casted it the entire time? Hello? Someone? Bueller?) 

Anastasia looks over some nonsense Rumple has given her and explains it’s a spell. He tells her that she’s the only one with magic in their current realm and so he needs her help. Ana pauses before saying that “she’s” here. Everything starts to shake and Rumple tries to get her to calm down as wiring starts to explode. The doors open to reveal Gothel, who greets Ana. Ana is so scared, she throws everybody back with her magic—Victoria, Rumple and Gothel. They all land on the floor and a scared Ana takes off running. 

(That's one powerful little girl)
She runs into Drizella and is surprised to see that her sister is all grown up. Drizella assures Anastasia that wants what is best for her and wants to help her. She puts on special binds, made with flowers, and tells Ana that it will help dampen her magic so she doesn’t cause so much destruction. Ana tells Drizella that Gothel is in the next room and Drizella tells her that they have to run away and hide. Believing in her sister, Ana goes willingly. 

Back on Witch Mountain, Henry apologizes to Ella and she tries to comfort him. She asks if there’s anything Regina can do and Drizella says the only thing to do is cast the curse. Regina stands and agrees to do it. Zelena tries to stop her, saying that Henry wouldn’t want her to do it. But Hook reminds her that she would do it save Peanut and he would do it to save Alice. Zelena lets her sister go and Regina tells Drizella that their fight is not over. A cut appears on her palm and she drops some blood into the engraving in the stone floor. Lava fills it and column of fire rises from the symbol in the middle. Drizella smiles as it rises in the air, believing she’s won. 

I don’t remember the dark curse being so fiery. Wasn’t it purple and sparkly? Or was that debris? 

Out in the woods, Alice notices the fire and realizes the curse is coming. Rumple gives her Chip, telling her that he put Mr. Gold into a room and the teacup is the key to let him out. She takes the cup and is surprised when Peanut shows up. She says she got Alice’s letter and it’s clear that they are a couple. Aww. Alice starts to say her goodbyes but Peanut assures her that they will be together again. They share a kiss as fire fills the sky and the winds start to pick up. Witch" Mountain, Ella worries about Lucy. She doesn’t know what will happen to her daughter, especially if she doesn’t know who she is. Hook gives her the white elephant and tells her it will keep her with her daughter. They then watch as the curse starts to take everyone—Henry, Drizella, Gothel, Tiana, Lucy, Ella, Hook, Alice, Rumple, Peanut, Zelena and Regina. 

Henry reads about how any curse can be broken with the love and support of one’s family. He reads about how Emma learned that and knew that she could then defeat anything. As Jacinda naps, he studies the picture of Emma kissing Henry from the Season 1 finale and comes to a decision. He tells Lucy that he would do anything to get her back—including believing that his story is real and that he is her father. He kisses her forehead but nothing happens. As he sits back, he’s upset—because it didn’t work, because maybe he’s not her father, because maybe none of this is real—and he continues to watch Lucy as she lies unconscious in the hospital bed. 

(A glimpse at our truest believer)
Regina and Zelena return to Seattle. Regina says she talked to Henry and there’s been no change in Lucy. Zelena asks if he tried True Love’s Kiss and Regina tells her it didn’t work. She says Victoria must’ve finally done what she wanted the entire time—to break Lucy’s belief. True Love’s Kiss won’t work unless both parties believe. She and Zelena agree they need to get their magic back so they can save Lucy. However, they realize that the downside to breaking the curse is that Henry will die. 

*Insert sad trombone here* 

Anastasia asks Drizella where they are and Gothel tells her that it’s where she’s gathering her family. Scared, Ana asks Drizella what’s going on. Drizella takes hold of her and is ready to take her magic back. But she is blown back and Gothel reveals that the binds weren’t so Drizella could take Anastasia magic…but so Drizella’s magic could transfer to Anastasia. Hurt, Drizella says Gothel betrayed her. Gothel tells her she can talk it over with her mother and throws her down a well. She lands at the bottom and sees Victoria there, who tells her daughter not to say anything to her. 

(Poor Drizella)
Rogers and Tilly arrive at Rumple’s evidence locker and she notes that everything is upside down. They find Rumple as he picks up a coin, assuring them he is fine. Rogers tells him about the strange symbol they saw down by the troll and Rumple holds up the coin with the same symbol. Rogers asks what it means and Rumple says that “they” are here. 

(Maybe it can get you on the subway?)
Gothel leads Anastasia to another room where several cloaked forms are waiting for them. It unnerves Anastasia, especially when she sees some empty robes. She asks who they are for and Gothel says they are for the remaining members of their family. Once they arrive, their plan can finally begin. 


So, this mid-season finale was kind of a mess. I think the writers were trying to introduce a lot of things to tease the next part of the season, but it’s just a lot of confusing aspects. Why is the resistance suddenly working with Tremaine? How did Zelena and Peanut end up in the Enchanted Forest? Why are we jumping through so much time? 

The writers need to SLOW DOWN. I think in addition to trying to tease us, they are trying to cram too much into the season right now. They need to take their time and really develop things out. Henry and Ella’s relationship is suffering for that reason. We need more about Tiana, Alice and Wish!Hook. Even Drizella and Anastasia and Gothel. Just flesh these characters out. It’s probably one reason why many people still seem to prefer the original characters. 

I guess we’ll see what happens when the season resumes. Will they wake up Lucy? Will someone fish Victoria and Drizella from the well? Will Rogers ever get his memories back? What’s up with Peanut? And what is Gothel up to? 

Find out in March!

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