Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Face Off: When a Mommy Alien and a Daddy Alien Love Each Other…

Last week on “Face Off:” The final five worked on Evil Dead inspired mummified versions of Egyptian gods. Everyone worked like crazy while Eric F. reveled in the challenge. Kris won the challenge while Anthony and House ended up in the bottom two. House was eliminated. Four contestants remain, who will be eliminated tonight? Find out!

(PS: I realized in last week’s recap, I accidentally crossed off Kris’ name rather than House’s. It’s been corrected).

Face Off!

LA! Kris and Anthony talk about how he thought he was going home last week. He doesn’t want to be in the bottom again. Kris says it’s the Final Four and they know it’s getting tougher.

At the warehouse, McKenzie greets them with four monitors. She shills SyFy’s “Defiance” before bringing out Kevin Murphy, it’s co-producer and co-creator. It’s set in a future where aliens have taken over and everyone has to learn to live together. They have to deal with the other alien species so they have to choose two alien races and create their offspring.

Anthony: Mutant and Liberata
Kris: Bioman and Mutant
Wayne: Liberata and Bioman
Eric F: 99er and Sensoth

Kevin is letting them go to the set of Defiance get to spend time on set…except Eric F. due to “family circumstances.” She says it’s nothing bad but it’s almost like Eric F. didn’t get the clearance to travel to Canada. But it’s probably something he had worked out with the producers, like a wedding or something and got permission to go to that should he still be in the competition when it occurred. But he’s bummed, especially as he was the last to pick and so didn’t get what he wanted.

The other three walk through Defiance and meet actor Stephanie Leonidas in full makeup. I just saw her as Rahab in “The Bible” and I don’t recognize her. They watch the makeup artists at work before getting to watch them film a scene.

They return to the Warehouse to start the challenge. Kris and Anthony begin mutating their other aliens while Wayne tries to blend his. Eric F. says he comes up with a Sasquatch with mechanics. He doesn’t like it and I hope this isn’t his downfall. Wayne starts sculpting and he notes everyone is sculpting big pieces because they’re all “go big or go home.” Eric F. still is lost since he didn’t get what he wanted.

Coming Up: Plan B?

Eric F. still isn’t sure if he can pull of his design but wants to be in the finale. Michael and McKenzie show up for a walkthrough. He makes Anthony consider how to do the legs and gives Wayne ideas about the muscles. For Kris, he tells him to make the model able to move. And he talks hair with Michael. The Westmores leave and everyone continues working. Kris likes his pacing while Eric F. notes he has a lot to do at TIME!

But good news—he’s starting to warm up to his piece.

Day 2! They spring back in to continue working on their pieces. Kris talks to his sculptures while Wayne admires Anthony’s work. Anthony says he’s doing this for his family, to thank them for everything they’ve done. Eric F. talks about his family and what the money could mean to them.

Meanwhile, Anthony starts molding as does Kris. Wayne worries about not getting his mold done in time. Eric F. seems to be running out of time. Anthony needs a hand from Kris to open his mold. Someone asks how many minutes they have and Wayne replies, “Not enough.” He worries about getting sent home.


Wayne realizes he won’t get to run foam latex and will have to use polyfoam which inferior to foam latex. Kris opens his mold to discover his work is cut out for him. And he won’t get to use foam latex, joining Wayne and Eric F’s club. Anthony makes the foam latex deadline at TIME!

Day 3! The models arrive and Wayne tells his to relax while he works on the body. Eric F. is really worried about application as Anthony focuses on his paint job. He recalls last week’s criticism and changes it up. Wayne’s appliance comes out fine but Kris’ rips. Wayne starts applying while Kris has to patch his up. Kris panics when he hears how much time they have left. Eric F. at least gets his piece out easily. Wayne worries about not having paint yet. TIME!

Coming Up: STRESS!

At Last Looks, everyone finishes their creatures. Anthony notes he’s the only one far along with painting. Wayne notes his old nemesis—time management—comes back to haunt him. He’s convinced he’s going home as Eric F. gets the hair on his creature. TIME!

McKenzie greets the guys. There are judges: Glenn, Ve and Neville. And there’s a guest judge! Producer and director Michael Nankin. He’s working on Defiance so he’ll know what to look for. McKenzie thanks him for coming and he thanks them from having him. You know, the usual.

Wayne: It makes me wonder how the paint job isn’t complete. It looks pretty good.
Anthony: That’s definitely something you wouldn’t want to meet in a dark alley.
Kris: I like the green teeth. He’s creepy looking.
Eric F. I don’t know, it looks like it escaped from Planet of the Apes not Defiance.

I do not envy the judges. Michael notes Wayne is more Liberata than Bioman. Glenn seems to like a few pieces but not the paint job. Wayne’s worried.


Michael likes Anthony’s mixture of the Liberata and the mutant but isn’t a fan of Kris’ green teeth. They note problems with his chest piece. And they note Eric F. did the most sculpting.

Wayne is first to stand before the judges. Glenn likes the lip and nose pieces as well as bridging the shoulders with the head. He wanted to see more Wayne in the character and he didn’t like the paint. Ve just praises him while Neville liked the face details. Michael likes some of the additions he made to the creature. Anthony follows him. Ve calls his creature a successful. She calls it a mutated Liberata. Michael praises it as well. Glenn loves the face sculpture.

Kris is next. Neville thinks there’s a “cool vibe” to the creature. He calls the design “appropriate.” Michael likes the face. Glenn likes his idea but not the anatomy. Ve is like “he’s a mutant!” She likes it. Eric F. is last. Michael says it is disturbing but in the right way. He says it looks like patchwork rather than a mesh. Glenn likes it and says he took a few steps forward but Ve doesn’t like it. Neville talks about sophistication.

The judges deliberate. Wayne: Great sculpting. Anthony: Best combination of the two aliens and the best paint job. Kris: Took on too much but still succeeded in some respects. Eric F: Subtle makeup from him while Michael confirms that the Sensoth does resemble a monkey. Oh. But he still reiterates it was more patchwork than blend.

McKenzie brings the contestants back and asks Glenn who the winner is. It is…


Anyway, the winner is Anthony! Glenn praises his creature and McKenzie welcomes him to the finale. And he gets to shadow on the set of Defiance. Also going to the finale is…Kris. He admits they were conflicted about his makeup but he has been a strong competitor. So who gets the last spot? Wayne. I CALLED THE FINAL THREE! Glenn praises his sculpting. Anthony shakes his hand. Wayne notes it’s bitter to say goodbye to Eric F. Ve tells him he evolved on the show and wants to see his work in the future. He says goodbye and gets applause as he leaves.

McKenzie tells the final 3 to celebrate before their final spotlight challenge. They say another goodbye to Eric F. Group hug! And don’t worry, Eric, I think your wife and kids ARE proud of you.

Face Off

Eric F.
Eric Z.


Sorry about that. Anyway, I’m excited for the finale. Who do you think will win? Vote in my poll! And tune in next week!

Next week: VEGAS BABY! And the winner!

Quote of the Episode
“Three of us are going to walk into the finale and one of us is going to go home.”—Kris on the stakes

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