Sunday, March 27, 2016

OUAT: Go the Distance

Last time on “Once:” It was Once’s 100th episode! Most of the leads arrived in the Underworld, searching for Hook. Regina ended up reuniting with her mother, who warned her to leave the Underworld or something terrible would happen to her father. Gold reunited with his father and got the Draught of Sinead so Emma could talk to Emma. It didn’t work but she glimpsed a battered and bloody Hook. Regina also used the draught to talk to her father, who told her to stay and help her friends. He forgave her for killing him, giving Regina some closure.

In the Enchanted Forest, Regina celebrated her birthday by almost killing Snow White. Henry Sr. tried to convince her to let the vengeance plot go but she refused. He contacted Cora, who came and took Snow’s heart as a present for her daughter. But Henry ended up switching the hearts, so Snow got to live. Regina punished him by putting him in a box before banishing her mother once again. But Cora took the box with Henry in it from Regina before she returned to Wonderland.

With Regina remaining in the Underworld, she had to stop her mother from hurting Henry, Sr. Regina and Henry stood up to Cora and the fire receded, letting him cross over into a better place. He first got to meet his grandson and say goodbye to his daughter before leaving the Underworld.

Henry dubbed their quest Operation Firebird and the heroes continued their quest to save Hook.
We open with Hook. He’s still bloody and battered, awaking in some sort of prison. Hook decides to try to leave but a scared young woman warns him not to. She says they all end up back in the cells and that they can’t escape. Hook tells her that someone is there for him and he’s going to find her. He takes the young woman, insisting they will escape together.

Hook and the woman start running as they hear growls behind them. It soon becomes clear that they won’t be able to outrun whatever is pursuing them. But Hook can give the woman a chance to get out. He tells her to find Emma Swan and tell her that she knows where Killian Jones—Captain Hook—is. The woman nods and Hook takes a stand as Cerberus, the three-headed hellhound, emerges from the shadows.


Sunday, March 20, 2016

OUAT: Hellbound

Last time on “Once:” The Ringwraith Convention haunted Storybrooke as our heroes tried to find Captain Hook. They learned that he intended to send them to the Underworld, allowing the Ringwraith Convention to come back to life as Dark Ones. Regina tried to reason with him while Emma prepared to sacrifice herself to save everyone.

Meanwhile, Zelena was going to use the fact everyone was about to go to hell as a way to get sole custody of Peanut. Robin and Regina worked together and Regina banished Zelena back to Oz.

In the flashbacks, the Evil Queen tested Hook by insisting that he kill the father who abandoned him as a child. Hook and Papa Jones had a heart-to-heart where Papa Jones insisted he’s changed. So Hook decided to fake Papa Jones’ death, and to squirrel him and the son Papa Jones now has out of the country. But when Hook learned that his new brother shares the same name as his late brother, he saw red and killed Papa Jones.

Back in Storybrooke, the heroes prepared to go to hell. Gold sent Belle on a world adventure, the Charmings had one more family dinner and Outlaw Queen actually made provisions for their children. Emma tried to talk sense into Hook and he it worked. He took in all the darkness and asked Emma to kill him with Excalibur. She did so, freeing herself from being the Dark One.

When Emma discovered that Gold was the Dark One again, she blackmailed him into taking her to the Underworld so she could rescue Hook. Everyone else decided to come along for the ride because their names are in the credits.

Which brings us to now…

Monday, March 7, 2016

OUAT: Be Careful What You Wish For

Last time on my Season 1 OUAT watch: Mary Margaret and David were drawn to each other but couldn’t be together because of Kathryn. As a storm approached Storybrooke, Mary Margaret ended up discovering that Kathryn might be pregnant. Emma and August shared a conversation and maybe flirted a little. Meanwhile, Mary Margaret was determined to return a bird to its flock and ended up in danger. David rescued her and they had another moment. When it turned out Kathryn wasn’t pregnant and Mary Margaret tried to move on, David though gave in and they shared a kiss.

In the Enchanted Forest, Snow dealt with the fact that Charming was to marry Princess Abigail. She made a deal with Rumpelstiltskin to get a potion that will stop her from loving him. Charming decided that he loves Snow and sent her a letter to see if she felt the same. She put the potion aside and went to see Charming, getting captured in the process. Snow met Grumpy in the dungeons and they were busted out by Stealthy, who was killed during the escape. King George found Snow and threatened to kill Charming if she didn’t break his heart. She did so and was taken in by the dwarfs.

When Grumpy announced that Charming wasn’t getting married after all, she didn’t react. He realized she took the potion after all.

Uh oh.

The storm has claimed a victim in Storybrooke—Henry’s beloved castle playground. He and Emma meet there to take in the ruins of their secret meeting spot. But Henry is worried about the book, which he keeps hidden from his mother there. He checks it, relieved to find it there.

(Aww. The poor playground!)