Thursday, May 12, 2011

Spin Those Tassels!

Last week on ANTM: The final four had tea with Franca and Ms. J. They then had to balance tea trays on their heads in a challenge, which Brittani won. She and Hannah get private runway lessons with Ms. J before deciding to try goat brains. Brittani gets sick but manages to rock in her photoshoot. Molly and she go straight to the final three, but Hannah and Alexandria land in the bottom two. Alexandria is sent packing. Who won’t make the final next week? Find out!


Also…Wanna be on top?

MARAKKESH! The top trio get on the bus and celebrate that Alexandria went home. Brittani knows that Molly is ahead of her photo-wise and Hannah is ahead of her commercial-wise. She says she can’t make mistakes. Hannah worries about how her photos haven’t been progressing and says this is her ticket out of Houston.

The girls come home to see Molly’s pictures. We get to see footage of Brittani’s trailer park as she worries about Molly. Molly talks about her issues over being adopted. Molly thinks she has more life experience than Brittani and Hannah. We get a montage of Hannah getting emotional, which Molly thinks is her weakness. Hannah thinks Molly is angry all the time and no one is going to work with a negative person.

TYRA MAIL. “Tomorrow you’ll know beauty inside, out and about.” Molly predicts beauty shoots.

Mr. Jay stops by the house the next day. Hannah says they fortunately finished cleaning the house. Mr. Jay plays them a tape—Lara Spencer from the set of “The Insider.” The girls will get to research a fashion trend in Morocco and film a “live shot” for “The Insider.” It has to be 90 seconds long. There are three choices. Molly: Black kohl. She goes to discuss it with a pharmacist. Molly then has to find someone who speaks English. Which Brittani, who has henna, tries to find. Hannah gets Argon Oil. She feels confident as the producer gives her the hand signals. Brittani worries about this causing her to go home while Molly is stressing as well.


CAMEL? Mr. Jay meets with the girls to see their videos. Brittani’s is shown first about henna. Brittani pretty much leads her guy to answer the question. Mr. Jay praises her for saying where she was but she didn’t use her expert. Molly is next with black kohl. Molly interviews a woman and the expert translates. She even gets a demonstration. Mr. Jay reminds her to remain on until she gets the “cut” signal. Hannah is last with Argon oil. Brittani thinks Hannah may have taken the challenge, though she does get cut off. Mr. Jay says she did most of the talking. Mr. Jay names the winner as Molly. She celebrates winning her first challenge. Hannah is tearful in confessional.

The next day, Tyra shows up. Those girls need to start locking their doors. She talks with the girls and asks if any of them are homesick and stress. Tyra asks about the acting challenge from week 2 and Molly’s issues. Molly admits to being a brat. Tyra plays psychologist. Hannah says she’s come out of her shell and embracing her goofy side. Brittani reveals her mother has some issues and she admits she was embarrassed of her mother. Brittani says she loves her mother even more as Tyra comes to comfort her. Tyra says she needs to comfort girls who cry. Tyra tells them that these stories make it for girls to connect with them.

Tyra then takes them outside to photograph them. Tyra does their makeup and hair as well. Molly says she doesn’t like losing before Hannah goes before the camera. She worries that she’s not seen as competition. Brittani is last and says she can’t imagine how close she is to the prize package. Tyra then talks to them about isolating their movements and makes them practice that. Tyra then leads them upstairs to hear Moroccan music and spin tassels. Brittani says this experience was a great way to relax. Tyra says good-bye and says she’ll see them at panel as the sun sets on…


TYRA MAIL! “Are you really committed? You will be tomorrow.” Molly thinks insane asylum.

Another photoshoot, Brittani is sick again. Wait, did Molly just admit she went to rehab? What? Anyway, the girls meet Mr. Jay and Nigel at a beach. The girls will be wearing Moroccan wedding dresses and modeling with male models. Brittani worries about being sexy as they hit hair and makeup. They meet the male model and Mr. Jay tells the girls to work with the model. Molly talks about Brittani being her competition before heading out to the shoot. Nigel tells her to focus on the emotions. Mr. Jay reminds her not to ignore her male model. Mr. Jay doesn’t think she brought it and no connection. Molly cries to Mr. Jay that she’s disappointed.

Hannah is second. I think Hannah is going with forbidden romance. Nigel likes Hannah’s chemistry and commitment, though she sometimes lost her prettiness to her emotions. Hannah feels great after the shoot.
Brittani is last. Brittani decides that she’s in a fight with her groom. Mr. Jay doesn’t see the story and asks for real emotions. And she decides to cry but Nigel worries that it’s the only way she can emote. And then Brittani continues to cry and worries that she may be going home.

Tyra says she had to be sown into her dress. Wow. Anyway, the girls arrive. There are prizes. There are judges: Nigel Barker and Andre Leon Talley. Ivan Bart, Vice President on IMG Models, is their guest judge. Tyra picked two shots because she loved their films so much. Nigel tells her to start with the emotion and then make the gesture. Ivan loves her pose and Andre loves the gesture. The next shot is one after the crying and Nigel teases her. Ivan thinks she could’ve gone further while Tyra loves the picture. Hannah is next. Oh, Hannah was going for shy bride. Andre loves Hannah’s shot. Hannah says she realizes that her emotions are her strength but Nigel says it was almost a problem because she lost her model. Tyra likes the continuing story in her two pictures. Andre doesn’t like the invisible high heel while Nigel uses the word “gauche.” Molly is last. Nigel likes that she drew the person into the picture. Andre thinks her foot works. Tyra likes her subtlety. Ivan tells Molly that she is beautiful. No comments on how Molly lacked chemistry and connection?


The judges deliberate. Nigel says that Brittani can get beautiful photo but Nigel found it difficult. Andre loves the pictures and says they can be in a model. Tyra loved shooting Brittani. Tyra doesn’t know if Hannah’s ready to be a star yet though Ivan says that Hannah radiates a glow. They love Molly’s pictures but Ivan isn’t sure about the energy she is giving off. ELIMINATION! First girl in the final is Molly. She gets to walk in a Vivienne Westwood fashion show. Hannah and Brittani step forward. Tyra says the judges deliberated intensely over the two. Hannah: Face that can sell, photos pretty girl can be an edgy girl. But her inner strength is in question. Brittani: She was stronger in America, but not strong in Morocco. Can she be an international model? So who is a finalist: Brittani! Called the Molly-Brittani walk-off. Tyra tells Brittani to show the strength on the inside.

Tyra hugs Hannah as Brittani and Molly hug. Tyra calls her rare. Hannah hugs the girls while she confesses that she doesn’t know why they don’t think she’s strong enough. She says she has the confidence to take risks and succeed.

Tyra tells the girls that they will do the Beauty in Vogue spread, Cover Girl commercial, walk in a runway and find out who America’s Next Top Model is.

America’s Next Top Model:


*Contestant walked away

So we have our final two! I woke up this morning and was taking stock of my remaining television shows (it’s the best thing to do to wake the brain up, really) as I got ready. I seriously feared that Brittani would get cut (judging from the promos) and it would be a Molly-Hannah walk off. Molly wasn’t Saleisha and didn’t need to be paired up with someone with a weaker walk. Molly-Brittani is a strong final. So, who do you think will win?

Next week: See above.

Quote of the Episode

“I didn’t sign up for America’s Next Top Actress.” –Brittani, during the shoot. To join “America’s Next Top Best Friend.”

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