Sunday, June 14, 2020

An Apology

I started this blog in 2008 when I was 22. Twelve years have gone fast (some faster than others) and the world, our country and I am so much older and just a little bit more wiser.

I have written over 1,000 posts and recapped several shows. And I am certain that over the course of 12 years and 1000+ posts, I’ve probably written something that was offensive or derogatory. That I made comments that may have been insensitive to someone’s race or gender or sexuality. I may have thought I was being funny but I wasn’t.

I am sorry.

I promise to do better and to really consider my words as I continue to write my posts.

I promise to keep learning and to be open if someone tells me that something is offensive, to educate myself why and to stop doing it.

Thank you.

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