Monday, June 8, 2020

Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist: The Truth Hurts

Apologies. I didn't mean to skip last week but I'm sure you all understand that there were larger things that I gave my attention to. 

Last time: Zoey and Simon resisted temptation. She decided it was best if she didn’t go to his engagement party but ended up there after getting some drinks with Joan. Things went downhill fast after Jessica overheard Zoey talking with her mother about the night before and confronted Simon and Zoey about it. It ended with the flower wall in flames and Zoey fleeing their house. Her misery was compounded when her father was rushed to the hospital and it was Max who came to her rescue to get her away to the party and to the hospital.

Meanwhile, Max couldn’t comprehend that Autumn might have some hurt feelings after their breakup. Mo decided to give him a makeover and then he helped Mo get together with Jessica’s friend Eddie at the party. And Joan and Leif ended up working together on a new project for SPRQ Point.

Still no news about Zoey’s fate as NBC still has not unveiled its new season yet. Most of what I have seen is hopeful about Zoey. While it’s live numbers aren’t the greatest, it apparently has excellent digital numbers which is always a plus in today’s landscape. So it’s likely NBC will keep Zoey for another season.

Everything means nothing if I can’t have SPOILERS!

Zoey and Max finish up a superhero movie in her apartment. They have some banter before Mo interrupts, saying he’s glad they’re both there. He plops down between them and turns off the movie, much to Max’s horror – there’s apparently a post-credits scene. Mo doesn’t care. He needs help understanding Eddie, saying he slid into Eddie’s DMs and asked him if he wanted to get drinks. All Eddie wrote back was “K” and Mo hates the limited conversation.

Max then decides to leave and Zoey thanks him for coming. He says he’s glad she’s resumed movie nights and she says that when he was there for her the other day, she realized she missed him and needed more Max in her life. They share a hug and he leaves.

Mo then calls out Zoey for sending Max mixed signals. Zoey says that she just wants to be his friend and that if she didn’t hear him sing to her, she wouldn’t have backed off things like movie night in the first place. Besides, she doesn’t think it’s that bad. I still have concerns because her argument that she was now Max’s manager is still very valid.

But the conversation ends as they retreat to their respective apartments.

The next day, the Clarke family gathers at the family home. David and Zoey keep sniping at each other and Maggie asks to speak to them in another room. She then sings “A Little Less Conversation” before telling them to resolve whatever they are fighting about because she needs their help now that she’s decided to hire a full time aide for their father. David agrees to put the disagreement aside, admitting that Zoey forced him and Emily to have some serious conversations. Zoey says it sounds like she helped him before they both agree to support their mother.

(Zoey certainly is treated to some great performances)
Zoey then heads into work, meeting up with Max and he asks if they can go to the food court for lunch later. That surprises Zoey but she agrees. They get on the elevator and Simon jumps on at the last minute. It’s a pretty awkward ride up. Max and Simon make small talk about the food at the engagement party (which seemed to happen on a Friday since there’s talk about the weekend). When there’s a comment about “smoked gouda,” Zoey makes a joke about the “smoked roses” that lands like a ton of bricks.

Thankfully, the elevator arrives at their floor and they get off. Simon asks Zoey if he can speak with her and Max walks off. Zoey apologizes for the comment about the smoked roses and for setting the roses on fire in the first place. Simon forgives her. He also says that he and Jessica talked and he did some thinking. He says he realized he had been leaning on her a lot and that wasn’t fair to anyone. So he thinks it’s best if they just go back to being coworkers only. Zoey agrees, though it saddens her to do so. She bids him a good day and walks away as Simon looks like his own heart is breaking too.

(Just two coworkers)
Zoey arrives at her desk and finds her team huddled around Max’s station. Max tells her that Joan and Charlie are divorced and it’s so surprising. But then he realizes she’s not surprised and that she must’ve known. Tobin wonders what Joan did to drive Charlie away and Zoey asks him why he assumes that it was Joan. Tobin replies that it couldn’t be Charlie, who is like a god to him and apparently can’t do any wrong since he created a game Tobin loves. It’s a pretty good representation of a toxic part of fandom culture.

Joan then appears to ask if she can join them in gossiping about the boss. Tobin tells everyone it’s a trap since she’s the boss and Joan asks everyone to go to the nest so they could have a meeting about a project she’s working on with Leif. Zoey is surprised to hear that and she joins everyone in the nest, which is a conference room with what appears to be thatching to look like a bird’s nest.

(Yeah, don't talk about your boss when you're in an open office plan. She can hear you!)
In the nest, Joan tells everyone about the Chirp, hers and Leif’s new product that will help people know who it is they are talking to so they never forget a coworker’s significant other  or never have to wonder what type of chips someone on the bus is eating again. Everyone seems excited about it and Zoey asks what they need the team to do. Joan says she and Leif have it under control now and when the time is right, they’ll bring her in. Until then, she just needs them to keep coding.

(So much said in just a look)
Tobin then pulls Leif aside and asks him why he didn’t know about the Chirp. Leif says he and Joan came up with the idea and just ran with it so there was no time to tell him. He says it’ll be fine and that he’s looking forward to that night. Tobin says it’s their spelliversary, which commemorates the day they both won the National Spelling Bee and became best friends. It seems the team is very familiar with it. Tobin invites everyone to party at a club that night – except Zoey. Because Tobin is an established misogynistic jerk.

But he gets a buzzkill when Leif seems to walk away and go to Joan’s office rather than continue to discuss more about the spelliversary Tobin has planned for him.

Meanwhile, Maggie and David interview possible aides for Mitch. The first two are just out there and the third jokes his way through the interview, which makes Mitch laugh. And the last is Nancy, who is an absolute professional and seems capable. But she’s also played by the same actress who usually plays the murderer or evil family members so I’m not sure she’s entirely trustworthy. Maggie, though, hires her.

(They did not know it would be this hard)
At the food court, Zoey rants about Leif working with Joan and thinks he’s trying to undermine because he’s still upset about her getting the promotion. Max seems nervous and not really present and she asks him what’s wrong. He then starts singing “If I Can’t Have You” to her and Zoey moans that she did give him the wrong signals. Others in the food court start joining in and Zoey realizes this is a big production number, so she sits back and waits for it to end.

(Poor Zoey. She has no idea...)
When the song ends, everyone starts clapping and Zoey realizes that it isn’t in her head. Max explains that they are a flash mob group you can book on the internet. One woman with a plastic baby doll hands Zoey a flyer. Max then turns to Zoey and asks her what she thought. She says that it was a nice number but she’s very confused and walks away. The woman with the fake baby tells Max that’s not a good sign and Zoey comments on how messed up that was.

Nancy starts taking care of Mitch and starts to clash with Maggie over her rather clinical approach. She also starts steamrolling over Maggie and believing she knows what’s best, using Maggie’s desire to do everything to help Mitch to get her way. I mean, it seems she has the best intentions and does want to help Mitch’s health but it also seems she doesn’t have the best bedside manner. Nancy gives Maggie a list of things she needs and Maggie agrees to it when Mitch gives the okay.

Back at SPRQ Point, Max confronts Zoey about her response to his flash mob. He then says that she hasn’t been herself lately and she’s been off in her own world a lot. Max understands she’s been dealing with a lot with her father but he also gets the feeling that it’s not just about him. Under pressure, Zoey finally snaps and tells Max that she has a superpower. He, though, doesn’t believe her and says she could’ve just rejected him. But Zoey tells him it’s true and explains herself thusly:

Naturally, Max is confused. Zoey explains everything to him during a commercial break but he still thinks she’s playing him. He tries to test her by asking what people are singing at that moment and she explains it doesn’t work on command. Max just walks away while Zoey tries to figure out how to get him to believe her.

Tobin ends up giving her the chance. As Leif continues to spend time with Joan and ignore Tobin, he starts to sing “Don’t Speak” to the two. She runs up to Max and tells him that Tobin is singing right then and that he’s heartbroken. Max, though, doesn’t believe her since he just sees Tobin sitting at his desk. Zoey insists it’s happening and Max decides to test it once and for all, asking Tobin if he’s good. Tobin makes a “I did your mom” joke and Max insists he’s fine.


(Tobin is hurting)
So Zoey decides there’s only one other way to prove to Max that she has powers. She takes him to Mo, who confirms that Zoey has powers. Max thinks Zoey has put him up to it, which Mo denies. He goes over the 2 known rules of Zoey’s power but Max is still skeptical. So Zoey decides that they are going to crash the Spelliversary party and she can help Tobin with his issues, proving to Max her power is real.

Mo gets them into the club and says he also invited Eddie, who he thinks is coming. He only texted back “Y” to Mo’s offer so he’s hoping it means “yes” and not “why are you texting me?” Max picks up a bottle of alcohol he’s sure Tobin will like and they crash the spelliversary – though there is no Leif in sight.

Zoey plops down next to Tobin and really starts pushing him to open up, to talk about the hurt he’s feeling about Leif not being there. Tobin continues to act like he doesn’t care and is just there for a good time until he gets a text message. His mood noticeably changes and he excuses himself to go use the bathroom.

After a few more toasts, they realize that Tobin’s been gone for at least four house songs (they think) and then someone reports that he left. Max wants to bounce too just as Eddie shows up. He and Mo go to the dance floor as Zoey tries to convince Max that her power is real. As they cross the dance floor, the music changes for her and she hears Mo and Eddie sing “Baillamos” as their dancing becomes infused with a Latin flavor. She tells Max that Mo and Eddie are about to kiss and counts down to it but he doesn’t think that proves anything. People begin making out on the dance floor all the time.

Max continues toward the exit and Zoey tells him that he’s sung to her. She tells him that he sings a lot of love songs to her. That surprises Max and he realizes that means she knows his true feelings for her. He asks her why she didn’t do anything and she says she did. Max realizes that was when she set him up with Autumn. He finally believes her about her powers, saying that no one would hurt someone like that over a lie. He guesses they really weren’t friends and walks away.

In the morning, Zoey goes to visit Mo. He gives her some tea and talks out what happened with Max the night before. Mo tells her that she used to have a very black and white view of the world and she admits that’s true. But now she’s been allowed to have a better understanding of people thanks to her power. And that she’s had to have some uncomfortable conversations with people. However, she failed to have that uncomfortable conversation with Max and if she wants to save her friendship with Max, she needs to open up to him.

Zoey then tells Mo that she heard him and Eddie singing the night before. She thinks he’s not a man of words and Mo says he’s a man of action. He learned that last night, at which point Eddie comes out and greets Zoey. He tells Mo that he’s hungry and Mo responds “K” to him. As he walks off, Mo tells Zoey that if she wants to be a good friend to him she will take the tea to go and let him get Eddie some breakfast. Zoey grabs the mug and her bag before hurrying out of the apartment.

(At least Mo had a good night)
She arrives at work and Simon greets her, asking if she’s okay because she looks off. Zoey is about to confide in him before remembering their promise to stay professional. So she tells him that it’s personal and that if she has any work issues, she’ll let him know. He understands but once again looks hurt as she walks away.

Zoey approaches Tobin and hands him the bottle of alcohol delivered after he left – with Spelliversary spelt wrong. He finds it fitting. She apologizes if she pushed him too hard the night before and he says he didn’t leave because of her. But she’s right that he’s hurting because Leif has been blowing him off. Zoey encourages him to talk to Leif about how he’s feeling and says he owes it to his friendship.

So Tobin goes to talk to Leif in the nest and is honest with his friend, saying that Leif was his first friend when he was an awkward immigrant whose parents made him learn how to spell every word in the English language. Leif made him feel cool and he worries that he’s losing his friend. But Leif assures him that he is not. He wants him and Tobin to run SPRQ Point together, which means not slacking off and hiding Zoey’s pens in the nest (apparently there are 34) but focus on developing good ideas so they can climb the corporate ladder together. They share a hug and appear to be good.

(Tobin may also need to deal with his misogyny as well).

(Hugging it out)
Encouraged by the sight of them reconciling, Zoey decides to have the hard conversation she needs to have with Max. She goes up to where he’s hanging out and she apologizes for how she handled everything. Zoey explains that she is scared that she will lose him and that he’s important to her. He does appreciate that but points out that it’s unfair that she has an advantage with her ability to hear heartsongs. She agrees and she promises to be an open book from that point on. He agrees but says they can’t enjoy the same level of friendship just yet and says they need to cancel movie nights for the foreseeable future. She’s okay with that and they part on okay terms.

At the Clarke household, Maggie comes home to find a hospital bed in a downstairs room. It surprises her and Nancy insists that it was necessary for Mitch. She then says it’s time for Mitch to get some rest and goes to turn off the TV. Mitch makes protesting noises and Maggie tells her that he loves to watch March Madness (so I guess we have an approximate time frame for the show, though of course the show couldn’t have predicted a pandemic cancelling March Madness this year). He then types out that he’s not tired and wants a milkshake. Nancy asks if Maggie cares about what her husband wants or what he needs. Maggie and Mitch share a look before tells Nancy coldly:

We next see Mitch playing online poker with the care giver who had made him laugh during the interviews. Maggie enters to check on them and the caregiver – Howie – says that Mitch is a natural at poker. He says they are going to take all their winnings and get her something nice. Mitch then types something and Howie teasingly says they aren’t going to blow it on the ponies. He then reveals that Mitch really wants a milkshake so he gets up to make one.

Maggie follows him into the kitchen and Howie thanks her for giving him a chance, saying he knows he doesn’t always make the right first impression. She says that he was what was best for Mitch. Howie then starts adding spinach to the blender and she asks what he’s doing. He says he likes to sneak it into the milkshakes to make sure Mitch gets enough vitamins and minerals. Maggie promises not to tell Mitch, even more convinced she made the right choice.

Max gets on the elevator to head home and Simon joins him. They ride down together and Simon says that Max and Zoey are good friends. Max agrees and Simon says he’s glad that Zoey has someone like Max on her side. And there’s an undercurrent of Max knowing he’s lucky to have Zoey while Simon doesn’t.

(Or maybe I’m reading too much into it)

(If only Zoey was around to hear what they were singing right now)
Leif and Joan work late on the Chirp. She’s happy about where they are and wants to bring Zoey in to help with some aspects of the project. As she talks, Zoey leaves the meditation room where I guess she was doing some work in peace. She takes off her headphones and then witnesses Leif singing “I Put a Spell on You.” She grows increasingly suspicious as Leif starts to really sweet talk Joan, praising her. And then they end up kissing, which is when Zoey decides it’s time to leave.

Things are getting interesting.

So now Max knows the truth. And I understand why he took it so bad. It’s hard to pour your heart out to someone, have them run away, believe they were committing to an outlandish lie to avoid rejecting him only to find out she had already rejected him without him even knowing (IE setting him up with Autumn after hearing all his heart songs declaring his love for her). They are definitely going to have to work to rebuild their friendship.

We’ll also see how long Simon and Zoey can just stay coworkers. Her last time trying to withdraw from him doing last too long though there may be some hope since now Simon is also part of the plan. But I get the feeling (okay, I know. I’m rewatching the series) that they just can’t stay away from each other.

But I think Zoey’s in no place to make a decision between him and Max. Though I think at this point, she would choose Simon as she’s still unsure about her feelings for Max. However, with everything going on with her father, I think she needs to wait until she can really focus on either man.

And they’ve mentioned HR a few times now. I think HR needs to come and just review Joan’s entire department.

Next time: Zoey’s powers backfire.

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