Thursday, December 1, 2011

Tyra is a Best-Selling Author?!

Last time on ANTM: Ms. J caused DRAMA by making the girls critique each other. Dominique led the others in a round of “Why Angelea Won’t Win” and Angelea stormed out. But Ms. J let her have her moment before saying Laura won the challenge. Nigel took their pictures as Olympic athletes. Laura took the gold while Dominique and Angelea failed to place. In the end, Dominique was sent home for being “unmemorable.” You know, the same thing that sent Brittany home in Week 1. Four wannabes remain, who won’t make it to the finale? Find out!

Wanna be on top?


The wannabes come home to admire Laura’s photo. Laura says that it was amazing to be the runner up of Cycle 13 but it’s amazing to be in the final four of the All-Star cycle. We see some footage of Laura hanging out on the farm as she says she could be the winner now. Lisa says that Laura is her competition but she doesn’t have the experience she does. And tends to be sexier than expected. Okay.

Nigel greets the wannabes and tells them that they get to write a blog for Vogue Italia. And they will get to “audition” for Franca, the editor-in-chief. So he wants them to write a blog about Greece. They have to pick out an outfit from the store then find a location. They have to take pictures, including one of themselves. Then they have to write their blog. The winner gets to come back to Crete after the competition and spend a week at the spa. So they go off as Allison talks about being an introvert and strange. But she wants to win the competition. Angelea reveals she’s going to school for Broadcast Journalism and hopes that will give her an edge. Umm, writing for TV and blogs are different. Right? Laura meanwhile worries about being dyslexic. Laura ends up at the same spot as Allison but makes it work.

Meanwhile, Angelea finds the Greek ghetto. And wants to use it as it’s similar to were she is from. The girls go back to the house to write their blogs. Nigel makes them put up their hands and takes their blogs. He and Franca will judge them and reveal the winner.


TYRA MAIL. Is too long for me to type up. And contains the word “smize.” Either way, the wannabes go to meet Mr. Jay at the set of a Greek show called “The Island.” And they are going to be in a moving fashion editorial directed by Tyra Banks. She reveals her book “Modelland” which is a New York Times bestseller. And now I’m going to go hug my novel-in-progress in despair. Anyway, the girls are going to represent Tyra’s Mary Sue Author Avatar Tookie.

First up, the girls race as it is revealed this is from Chapter 20 of her book. Do I care? No. Lisa then gets to be Tookie’s crazy mom in a personal scene. Mr. Jay and Tyra like her work. Laura has to look through trash. Mr. Jay thought she took it to a funny place. She also has to pose with whip cream. The girls keep feeling though Allison’s eyes start to bother her. Tyra gives her permission to be squinty-eyes and Mr. Jay is worried.

Allison is turned into a cat. Which apparently happens to evil, mean supermodels (coughNaomiCampbell?cough). And then she gets to pose with blood. It’s Allison’s dream come true! Angelea gets to present the scenes where her Author Avatar is rejected by her father. Angelea says her relationship is good with her dad but she understands rejection and feeling unworthy. She uses that in her scenes and Tyra praises it. Meanwhile, Lisa thinks she’s too fragile.

That’s a wrap…For now.

COMMER…Please make Sparah stop. Please.


Franca Sozzani has read the blogs. Allison’s is deemed short and “high-flautin’” by Nigel. Franca notes Laura’s sexy photo. Franca thinks Lisa could’ve done more to enhance her blog. She loves Angelea’s blog but is worried by Angelea’s temper. So who does Franca choose?

Well, Nigel arrives to surprise the wannabes. He reminds them of the prize and reveals the hotel added something to the prize. Angelea is happy Franca loved the blog and the photo. And Franca liked Lisa’s blog. And the winner is Angelea. And she goes nuts. And Lisa says that it came out of right field as opposed to left field. And she gets a golden crown to wear.

The next day, the girls go back for Day 2 of their motion editorial shoot. Mr. Jay says that there is another co-star, but it’s not a kitten. Allison’s like “Shoot.” But it’s Tyson Beckford. The girls are like “MAN! OHMIGOD STRAIGHT HOT MAN!” He loves Laura’s accent, thinks Allison is shy and lets Angelea hug him. Meanwhile, Tyra films her scenes. She then films scenes with Tyson. Tyra calls the girls “Gladiatresses.” Wrong Mediterranean country, Tyra. The girls then run up the hill as a goat watches. Tyra then says they have to shoot the Top Model reveal. All will get a reveal since they don’t know who’s going to win.


Poor Allison’s eyes are watering and red. Couldn’t she have been wearing special sunglasses between shoots to protect her eyes?

The girls are relieved when it’s revealed that it won’t be a double elimination, but someone is going home. Angelea promises to win the competition.

Time for panel! Tyra introduces the judges—Nigel Barker and Andre Leon Talley. The guest judge is Tyson. And there are prizes. Tyra blathers on about how she nearly cried watching them perform. She shows us part 1. I need the Nostalgia Critic’s animation “Ask me what it means! Ask me what it means!”

Anyway, Tyra then asks Angelea how the shooting was and says that she had an emotional breakthrough. Nigel loved her performances. They congratulate her for winning the challenge. Andre loves the difference in Laura. Tyson tells her to sometimes to forget the camera is there. Nigel says he was impressed with Allison but Tyson said that she couldn’t find the camera. Allison revealed it was the sun. So Tyra says to find something to work around it. Special sunglasses until she needs to shoot? Tyra praises Lisa’s commitment but thinks she lost her model/actress.


The judges deliberate. Andre compares Angelea calls her a phoenix. Nigel says she’s a ticking time bomb while Tyson calls her brilliant. Nigel calls Lisa a “performer.” Andre says he’s tired of Laura. Nigel calls her “apple pie” but can almost be crass. Tyra says that she loves her enthusiasm. Tyson comments on Allison’s shyness while they love Allison in front of the camera. The girls talk backstage while the judges argue. Ken Mok is like “JUST PICK ONE DAMMIT!” Someone points out that this is the longest deliberation in Top Model history.

COMMERCIALS. I hope the production staff ordered takeout.

Looks like they made their decision. ELIMINATION! Our first finalist is Lisa. She is joined by Angelea. That leaves Allison and Laura in the bottom. Laura: Bubbly, contagious, people want to be around her. But can she be high-fashion? Allison: Opposite of Laura personality-wise. But she is quirky and can stand apart. So who gets to be a finalist? Allison. Tyra tells her that her uniqueness prevailed but that she has to be more personable. Laura gets a hug from Tyra, who tells her that she is a good model but something got lost this time. Tyra says she’ll be missed. Laura says she has no regrets and was the best she could be. She says she’s come so far, people know her name.

America’s Next Top Model:

Shannon (Cycle 1)
Camille (Cycle 2)
Brittany (Cycle 4)
Bre (Cycle 5)
Lisa (Cycle 5)
Bianca (Cycle 9)
Dominique (Cycle 10)
Isis (Cycle 11)
Sheena (Cycle 11)
Allison (Cycle 12)
Laura (Cycle 13)
Angelea (Cycle 14)
Kayla (Cycle 15)
Alexandria (Cycle 16)

Aww, I had pegged Laura as in the final three. But I am so glad they’re bringing back the top 3 format for the finale. I’ve disliked the double elimination, head into the finale with two contests format of the past few cycles. I do like this final 3. I think next week will be interesting. And while I won’t mind too much if Angelea takes it all…ALLISON FOR THE WIN!

Next week: The finale! Flying models! Fights to the death!

Quote of the Episode:
“300—Women style!” Laura on the shoot
Greece! The final four celebrate while the other three congratulate Angelea for still being there. Angelea isn’t too sad to see Dominique go home since she’s still pissed after the judging she went though with the other girls. Angelea says they all failed in their criticism. Meanwhile, Lisa expects more outbursts from Angelea in the future.

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