Saturday, October 22, 2011

Glee Project Update

Playbill has pictures of Damian in Glee up!

So, I thought that Damian's first episode would be in October, but it's really the first episode in November. I didn't take the ALCS and NLCS into consideration nor the World Series because...well... baseball doesn't exist in my house. But I am willing to forgive three weeks of no "Glee" for it. And then I realized FOX pre-empted "Glee" for "The X Factor." No, FOX. No.

Anyway, Playbill reveals that Damian's character is called Rory Flanagan. I knew about "Rory" because someone asked Cameron on Twitter who his favorite Glee character was and he responded it was Rory. It looks like they are giving Rory a real swinger attitude if the hair is anything to go by. Nothing new on the Samuel front, but I'm sure we'll be hearing more soon.

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