Thursday, September 29, 2011

Never Underestimate the Challenges

Last time on Top Model: The girls were given their own brand by some pretentious PR guy. It was time for makeovers! Alexandria ended up loving her new do while Bre hated hers. They then create their own Pink’s hot dogs and pose with them. The judges loved Lisa’s and Bianca’s photos. Meanwhile, Kayla and Sheena fell to the bottom. In the end, Sheena was sent home for not being great.

Wanna be on top?
LA! The girls congratulate Lisa for her first photo. Lisa talks about Brittany and Sheena’s elimination while Isis talks about her star potential. You go, girl! Allison admits to Lisa that she’s very nervous in this competition and she needs to get over some things to be more natural. I like her hat in confessional. I also like how she stands there, as if she were going to be photographed right then.

The next morning, a woman’s voice yells out “Hello?” Alexandria, helping Shannon with her hair, yells out. The voice keeps yelling and the girls go to investigate. As they freak out, we go to…


LA! Turns out it’s Kristin Cavallari from Laguna Beach and The Hills, currently doing surprisingly well on Dancing With the Stars. She talks about having people always having haters no matter how they are portrayed. She tells them to be genuine because people can spot fakes. Angelea asks what she did after her show—did she go to the gigs or did they come to her. She says she went to the gigs and now she’s running a lot of thing. The wannabes seem impressed.

TYRA MAIL!  “Having all the right answers will save you from an uncertain thing.” Someone guesses interview.

The model mobile takes them to the Grove, home to Extra. Nigel welcomes them and tells them that they have to answer a lot of questions. So they are going to be interviewed by A.C. Slater…I mean Mario Lopez. Lisa and Bianca get to pick their teams. Winning team gets immunity at judging. The teams are:

Lisa: Laura, Alexandria, Isis, Dominique, Angelea
Bianca: Allison, Bre, Shannon, Camille, Kayla

Nigel talks about remembering their brand and being authentic. Cue the Extra music. Mario welcomes them and starts with Lisa’s team. Isis has a background in public speaking, Angelea decides to remain professional while Alexandria doesn’t like Lisa’s high fives. One fan asks Alexandria why she felt she had to be tough and she blathers on about “peace, love and granola” and Lisa adds to her answer. Allison answers about being behind the camera and in front as a perfect marriage. Someone asks Kayla about her inability to be comfortable around men and she says she’s breaking free.

Nigel talks about Lisa’s high fives as bad. He tells Angelea to show her personality, confusing her. He liked Isis. Nigel loved Allison and Kayla. So, who is the winner? Team 2! Congrats, girls. And Allison gets another prize by being the challenge winner and gets to be interviewed by Mario Lopez. Allison is surprised as she didn’t win a challenge in her cycle.

On the bus, Angelea goes on and on about being professional and being a “ghetto bitch.” Kayla wonders how Angelea expects to be a correspondent if she gets into these moods. Angelea threatens to be open at panel as we go to…


TYRA MAIL! “My, what long legs you have!” The models think it’s going to be animals—who doesn’t want to do spiders, etc. Someone suggests shaving their legs tonight.

The wannabes go to Siren to see people dancing on stilts. The girls are like “I’m not doing that” as they applaud the dancers. Mr. Jay greets them and says the girls will be on stilts in their shoot.
Their photographer is Sarah Silver from the vampire shoot from Angelea’s cycle. The girls hit makeup and hair. Bianca freaks out because she is scared of heights, recalling how she didn’t do the flying fight shoot in China.

Pairs: Dominique and Kayla: Mr. Jay tells them to act off each other for more faces. Dominique doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

Isis and Camille: Camille says she doesn’t want to be outshined by a transgender. Isis struggles with the stilts but manages to dance on them.

Bianca and Lisa: Lisa talks about Bianca’s fear, but notes Bianca is already safe. Bianca goes to the bathroom to cry. Lisa reassures her as they get strapped into the stilts. (COMMERCIALS) Lisa suggests that Bianca should fall just to get over the fear. Mr. Jay says that Bianca looks more nervous than ferocious. Sarah loves Lisa’s poses as does Mr. Jay. He doesn’t think Bianca delivered.

Allison and Angelea: Allison focuses on having fun and not overanalyzing. And she does amazing in the shoot. Angelea says she doesn’t have any body strength and can’t move the stilts. Mr. Jay tells her not to be afraid to go there, to be persistent. He mentions the girl that slept in the bus station.

Laura and Bre: Sarah loves them. That’s it.

Alexandria and Shannon: Mr. Jay makes sure she’s comfortable in her outfit and Shannon says her bottoms are bathing suit, not underwear. Alexandria keeps falling and Mr. Jay whispers to Sarah: “Flair for the dramatic.” The photographer agrees and says it gets old fast.

That’s a wrap!

Skull and crossbones. Angelea promises to fight to the end while Bianca says she is still shaking from nerves.

Isis dolls herself up and talks about how winning would help her push her brand further. Angelea talks to Alexandria about the challenge as we go to…


Tyra greets the wannabes as they arrive at panel. There are judges—Nigel Barker and Andre Leon Talley. Tonight’s guest judge is Kristin Cavallari. There are prizes and then it’s time for pictures. Tyra calls this one of her favorite shoots. Alexandria and Shannon are first. They hug when they see their shot. Everyone loves their shot. Angelea and Allison are next. Nigel says he’s excited but Angelea says she has to address Nigel. She asks for clarifying. And he tells her to know when to reign it in but to know when to let the personality shine. Andre thinks Allison looks stronger. Tyra mentions Allison’s booty tooch, which she was known for in her cycle.

Dominique and Kayla are next. Andre says Dominique’s shot could be in his salon. He says Kayla needs to tooch as well. Kristin is indifferent about it. Camille and Isis are next. Camille talks about thinking about Carnival and Tyra says she needed to make that idea work with the shoot. They aren’t thrilled with Isis. Laura and Bre are next. Nigel thinks it could be a fragrance ad. Kristin would’ve wanted a little more face while Tyra loves her symmetry. Andre just loves it. Lisa and Bianca are next. Kristin loves their shot while Nigel asks Lisa if she ever gets a shot of her legs closed. Tyra notes that there is a lack of energy from Bianca but says it works with the push on Lisa’s legs.


The judges deliberate about the girls. They first discuss the safe girls. Shannon is “safe” in two ways. They love Allison but think Kayla doesn’t take any risk. Bianca is praised while they talk about Bre’s facial expression. Tyra wanted her to smize. After discussing Camille, they move on to Alexandria. They love her. Damn. Nigel liked that Angelea asked the question, to help her. Kristin doesn’t like Dominique’s picture like Andre does. Nigel calls Isis “pretty.” Kristin calls her “safe.” They love Laura’s shot. Kristin loves Lisa’s shot while Nigel calls her authentic. But that she sometimes steals people’s thunder.


Tyra talks about their photos and says that they are so strong because the girls are the all-stars. Just call best photo already, Tyra. And it goes to Allison! She is joined by: Bianca, Shannon, Bre, Kayla, and Camille. From the unsafe group: Alexandria, Lisa, Laura and Dominique. Angelea and Isis are in the bottom two. Tyra mentions that they are not the worst photos but challenges are important. Isis: Photo was not so-great. She seems to be diminishing week to week. Angelea: Photo was not-so-great. But the judges were impressed by her question. But they don’t know if she understood the note. So who stays? Angelea because her photo was stronger. Oh, damn it. Tyra tells her to master balancing her personality and being ladylike.

Tyra hugs Isis. She tells Isis to use this second platform to take it to the world. Isis says she’s shocked and thinks she has a lot to offer. She says she’ll continue to do her motivational speaking and hopes she leaves after making an impact.

America’s Next Top Model

Shannon (Cycle 1)
Camille (Cycle 2)
Brittany (Cycle 4)
Bre (Cycle 5)
Lisa (Cycle 5)
Bianca (Cycle 9)
Dominique (Cycle 10)
Isis (Cycle 11)
Sheena (Cycle 11)
Allison (Cycle 12)
Laura (Cycle 13)
Angelea (Cycle 14)
Kayla (Cycle 15)
Alexandria (Cycle 16)

I am really sorry to see Isis go. I thought she would go further this go around. I’m still rooting for Allison. I’m also remembering how much I loved Laura as well. Kristin Cavallari wasn’t so bad as a guest judge. And it’s so good not to see Nigel with that hair again.

NEWSFLASH: I just learned that Andre Leon Talley will NOT be returning for Cycle 18 of America’s Next Top Model. He will be replaced by “The City” star and fashion publicist Kelly Cutrone according to The Hollywood Reporter. Good-bye, Andre!

Next week: Auditioning for CSI. Kayla gets sick.

Quote of the Episode

“If Bianca blows this thing for me, and I get eliminated, she better learn how to get on stilts. Because she’s gonna have to run and her stride is going to have to be big because I’m coming after her.”—Lisa as Bianca freaks out about their shoot.

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