Thursday, September 22, 2011

Always a Bridesmaid…

So, did the men come back yet? Because I’m not done with weddings! Well, the men have left again.

So, “Say Yes to the Dress: Atlanta” has its own spin-off. It’s called “Say Yes to the Dress: Bridesmaids.”

Yes, the bridesmaids. The brides relatives/friends who get the privilege to stand there and watch her get married from the front row. Who get to be apart of the pictures forever. Who get to go down the aisle with the groom’s hopefully good-looking relatives/friends. It’s a joke that the bride tends to put her bridesmaids in horrible colors and/or unflattering dresses so she could look worlds better on her day. I haven’t encountered that. Of course I have only been in only one bridal party in my life. It was my cousin’s and I was called a “flower girl” even though I was 12 and technically a bridesmaid. While it put me off the color burgundy forever, I did like my dress and especially my shoes. They were the highest heels I had worn up till then and had see through heels. I felt so grown up!

But bridesmaid dress shopping can be frustrating. Remember my “Say Yes to the Dress: Atlanta” review/summary? I said one thing Lori usually advises is not to bring a large group, whom I dubbed “The Peanut Gallery.” However, with bridesmaids, a large group is expected. And the problems still persist.

The show’s format is the same as “Say Yes to the Dress: Atlanta.” There are two brides trying to find the perfect dress for their bridesmaids. Then there is usually a party down in alterations profiled as well.

Tensions always run high on this show, sometimes even more so than when dealing with the brides. Sometimes you are dealing with bridezillas, sometimes with difficult bridesmaids. For example, sometimes a bride has a clear vision for her wedding. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. My friends and I have clear visions for our weddings and we’re nowhere near walking down an aisle. Yet, most little girls spend years dreaming of their weddings. There are usually two variations on this: A. The bride has an idea and won’t budge. B. The bride has an idea and one or more bridesmaid(s) disagree.

Let’s expand on Case A. As I said, most women have spent years dreaming of their wedding. Many have a clear idea of what they want their bridesmaids to wear. I am one of those. However, I understand if I have to adjust my wishes for my bridesmaids. Colors may not look good on them, cuts may not flatter them, etc. The brides who fall in Case A don’t realize this.

Case B can get hairy. And it’s hard to say who looks worse—the bride or the bridesmaid(s). Sometimes everyone looks horrible. The bride who won’t listen to her bridal party’s concern or the bridesmaid who thinks it’s all about her. For example, a bride was having a wedding on a beach. She wanted her bridesmaids in dresses that were light, flowing but only to the knee. Her little sister, who was her maid of honor, wanted a ball gown. And she was determined to wear one. In the end, though, she gave in and wore something that fit her sister’s desires. In most cases, the bride comes out looking the best.

Most times, the bridesmaids look horrible. And I’m not talking about the dress choices. There was one bridesmaid who the bride had to give a verbal smack down. There have been several brides who have confessed that they may need to rethink their choices in bridesmaids.

One episode I was watching, one bridesmaid was ix-naying every dress tried on. They couldn’t figure out why, though I knew immediately. When the consultant first met with the party, she asked what their price range was. While most agreed in the $200 range, this particular bridesmaid said $20. Over and over in confessionals, she admitted to working minimum wage and having to support four children. The etiquette regarding this is that if you can’t afford to be a bridesmaid, politely decline. However, the consultant does finally get her to admit that it’s the price she objects to. The bride agrees to pay for the dress because she wants this friend in the party and bridesmaid finally agrees to the dress.

If you want to watch a real cat fight, come along to “Say Yes to the Dress: Atlanta.” There’s no Monty, but there’s still a lot of sass!

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