Monday, June 6, 2011

Viva la Revolution!

Last time on Doctor Who: The Doctor, Amy and Rory end up in some monastery where everyone has a plastic doppelganger! Rory makes a friend in Jennifer’s double. The regular people declare war on the Voldemort Lookalike Convention as the Doctor gets another clone!

The Almost People or “A Tale of Two Doctors”

Who’s a Ganger? Who’s real? Who knows?

The two Doctors grapple with each other while Ganger!Doctor yells things out.


Classic!Who fans, you may rejoice!

And we’re still being subjected to this stupid introduction.


Meanwhile, the Voldemort Lookalike Convention is still trying to get into the room. Amy asks the Doctor(s) for help, but they are useless. They do manage to bond as Amy and the Drones (sounds like a punk band) try to keep the Voldemort Lookalike Convention out. The Doctor finds an escape route as the Convention finally bursts in. The Doctor seals the escape route with the sonic as Jennifer feels lost. Rory spies her and follows. Meanwhile, acid is still leaking and Miranda wants to contact the mainland. They soon struggle to breathe as the Doctor explains the gas is choking them.

The Gangers are talking as Ganger!Miranda reveals they are going ot the EVAC tower. A bell begins to toll as the Scot tells us it’s midnight and his son’s fifth birthday. Ganger!Scot wishes his son a “Happy Birthday.” He talks about his son as Ganger!Jen bursts in going on about the eyes being the last to burn. Ganger!Jen wants a revolution while Ganger!Miranda wants to live in peace. Ganger!Drone #2 and Ganger!Scot join with Ganger!Jen. Outnumbered, Ganger!Miranda joins in with a plan. She promises to destroy them all.

Miranda asks the Doctor(s) if they can get the power back and they assert they can. They both can finish each other sentences. Amy finds it annoying and asks how the Ganger!Doctor came to be. The Doctor explains about touching the flesh and notes that he is the one with different shoes as he stepped in acid. So, Amy now has a way to tell them apart as they look identical down to the bow ties—because bow ties are cool. Ganger!Doctor notes that Amy feels more affection for the Doctor, which she says is because he’s the real Doctor while Ganger!Doctor is an almost Doctor. I guess like Clone!Doctor? Ganger!Doctor is insulted and says she might as well call him John Smith.

As the Doctor gets the power back online, the Voldemort Lookalike Convention rushes into a console room. Miranda tries to call the mainland while Ganger!Miranda tries to intercept. They get a response and Miranda asks for evacuation and to wipe out the Voldemort Lookalike Convention. Miranda figures they are listening in as the mainland agrees to evacuate.

Jennifer tries to get into a program but it doesn’t recognize her as human. The Doctor and Amy try to make a call and have a bit of fun. She stares at Ganger!Doctor and says “There can be only one”. Is this suddenly Highlander? (My father watched the TV show!) Amy notices something about the wall, it’s the woman again. The Doctor calls it a time memory as the Ganger!Doctor walks out. Amy chases him. She apologizes for her behavior and explains that she’s been through so much. She asks if he can die. She is thinking of the Doctor’s death while Ganger!Doctor thinks of the Voldemort Lookalikes multiple deaths.

The Doctor(s) are confused. Ganger!Doctor reveals he is linked to the Flesh and he wants revenge. Miranda orders him into the corner. The humans gang up on him while the Doctor tries to stick up for his doppelganger. Amy seems a bit uncomfortable.

Rory hears Jennifer calling for help. He finds two Jennifers.

The shuttle radios that they are too low to get to them as the Doctor sonics everything. The Doctor asks if Amy is prejudiced but Amy asserts that she just has spent more time with the original Doctor. Rory is still sorting out the two Jennifers situation. He notes one is limping and asks to see her leg. She has a burn on it and he’s certain she’s human. Ganger!Jennifer attacks and ends up in a puddle of acid during the fight. She melts as Jennifer and Rory race out of the room.

Miranda notes they are heading toward another room and Amy decides to go get her husband. The Doctor gives Ganger!Doctor his sonic and Amy protests. Amy insists she’s going as the Doctor refuses to go. Drone #2 agrees to go with Ganger!Doctor as the Doctor asks her to trust his Ganger. Jennifer brings Rory to the machine and scans his hand. Rory turns the wheel. He overrides the thermal controls and is essentially setting a bomb. Miranda asks for evacuations but she and her ganger both have headaches. The Doctor reveals she has a brain clot. He reveals it’s inoperable. Rescue asks for the code word but there is an explosion.

Down below, Ganger!Miranda gives rescue the code word (Bad Boy) and redirects them to the courtyard. She also insists that all the gangers have been incinerated. Meanwhile, Jennifer and Rory are still running around the hallways. They hear a roar and Jennifer reveals it is a pile of discarded flesh, faulty. Jennifer says one is an old one of hers and is still fully conscious as she dies. Rory says people need to see and Jennifer asks him to trust her. Ganger!Doctor uses the sonic to track something and stumbles across Jennifer’s body. The real Jennifer, who is sadly dead—most likely killed in the storm. Rory is with another Ganger!Jennifer and Ganger!Doctor believes he is in danger. But Drone #2 knocks him unconscious and leaves him.

The Doctor leads the others into a hallway full of eyes. The Doctor says they are there to accuse. They keep running as the eyes watch them. Drone #2 hears Jennifer’s voice. He stumbles upon the other Ganger!Jennifer, who attacks him. An alarm goes off as the Doctor tries to fix it. The machine explodes as Amy is reunited with Rory. He reveals Jennifer found a way out under the monastery, maybe by the TARDIS. They follow, though the Doctor looks suspicious.

Ganger!Doctor comes to to find the Voldemort Lookalike Convention standing over him. He asks for something for a sore head while Ganger!Miranda blathers on about their treatment. She reminds him that they are one of them and he asks to be called John Smith. Rory pushes everyone inside a room but Jennifer locks them all in. Rory tells the Doctor about the pile of discarded flesh as Rory asks the Voldemort Lookalike Convention to let them out. Ganger!Jennifer reminds Rory of the childhood memory she passed on earlier. Rory realizes he’s been tricked. Miranda tells her Ganger about the clot.

Rory yells at Ganger!Jennifer. She reveals that the humans will be melted and then the battle will continue on the surface. She welcomes John Smith to their revolution as he stops Rory. The Doctor works to try and save them, promising to take Amy to a planet of all ears. I don’t know. I’m still waiting to see Barcelona, where the dogs have no noses. John Smith keeps saying “Ring ring” as the building is rocked. A phone rings and John Smith answers. The Doctor pulls up a call from Adam, Scot’s son. Ganger!Doctor asks Ganger!Scot to talk to his son. He runs from the room as Ganger!Miranda orders Ganger!Drone #3 to drain the acid. Ganger!Jennifer is horrified as Ganger!Miranda calls her a monster. She says the war is over but Ganger!Jennifer is determined to continue fighting.

Everyone struggles to survive as Ganger!Scot rushes to their aid. He notices that his counterpart has been burned and apologizes. Scot tells his ganger to take over his life. Aww. Scot takes something from his dead counterpart while Adam still wants his dad. Rory is relieved to see everyone safe and hugs Amy. Scot goes to wish his son a happy birthday. The Doctor promises Adam he is coming home today. He then orders them to move. Ganger!Jennifer takes monster form and everyone begins to run. Drone #3 goes to try and lock a door to stop the monster. The TARDIS arrives in the room as everyone boards it. Amy pleads with the Doctor to save himself and learns they swapped places to learn about the flesh. Amy hugs the Ganger and he whispers to push only when the woman instructs her to. Ganger!Miranda stays as the TARDIS flies away.

The gangers are dissolved.

On the TARDIS, the Doctor explains that the Gangers are now people. He gives Miranda something for the cloth and balloons for Adam. Scot is reunited with his son. Miranda and Drone #3 go to tell the truth of the gangers. The Doctor tells Amy to breathe right before she is racked with pain. The Doctor says that Amy is going into labor. Rory and Amy are confused. He says he had to block a signal and tells Rory to stand away from Amy. Rory does so as Amy says she’s frightened. The Doctor promises to find her and reveals Amy hasn’t been there.

Amy has been a ganger! Amy wakes up in a white place as the lady tells her to push.

Okay, raise your hand if you saw the “Amy is not Amy” twist. Yeah, I didn’t think anyone did. This does explain why the TARDIS couldn’t decide if Amy was pregnant or not. I am now intrigued to see where Amy’s been this entire time and when they made the switch. I think this was a great episode and I didn’t actually mind the two Doctors. Miranda had a great redemption arc this go around as did her ganger. Overall, a good conclusion.

Next week: Time to find Amy. And River is back!

Quote of the Episode:

“I’m no spring chicken and you’re no weatherman.” –Miranda to the Doctor.

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