Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Legend of Super Smize!

Last week on America’s Next Top Model: I missed the episode.

Wanna be on top?

LA! Biana was almost eliminated last week due to her big mouth on set. But she promises she’ll remain silent now. Let’s see how long that lasts. Rachel talks about going from Wal-Mart cashier to model. She’ll fit in during the Wal-Mart challenge then. Meanwhile, Courtney decides to take off her boot and work through the pain of her broken foot from cheerleading. Ouch.

TYRA MAIL! (That vault is scary). “Your career will be short if you don’t measure up.” Ha, ha, because they are all short models. I get it.

The model-wannabes go to Wilhelmina Models and meet Nigel, who introduces the president—Sean Patterson. They will be interviewed by Sean. Lulu is asked her favorite photograph and confesses she doesn’t know one—while Nigel Barker is sitting RIGHT THERE! Courtney is praised for doing her walk in pain. Jennifer is said to have a lazy eye but actually has no control over it. Rachel is just blah. Sundai is the shortest of the short models. Sean is worried about Bianca’s hair do.

Nigel and Sean return. SURPRISE ELIMINATION! The girl who did the worse in interviews will go home. The girls are shocked as we go to commercials.

Next cycle: Tall models!

SURPRISE ELIMINATION! Say good-bye to Rachel. Hope she can get her job back at Wal-Mart. Nigel says models need charisma and Sean says she flat-lined. Rachel cries and confesses she was hoping someone would say “Psyche.” The girls reel but de-stress in the pool.

America’s Next Top Model:


TYRA MAIL! Something about separating the super models from the near models. The girls meet a rude French photographer who is clearly overacting. He asks if anyone can give him the perfect photo in one take and dismisses the girls. Tyra, all geekified, runs in, gets mad and goes all Hulk on us. Except instead of turning green, she turns into Super Smize, whose super ability is the power to smile with her eyes. Which she shortens to smize. The rude French photog is defeated (while still overacting) and Super Smize teaches the girls how to smile with her eyes.

Tyra White? Snow Tyra? Either way, she and Prince Couture still win over this.

Brittany purrs to help smile with her eyes. Jennifer can lift her eyebrows. Sundai is made to slurp. Tyra worries about Nicole’s brows and Lulu loves Tyra’s eyes. Courtney is just weirded out. Tyra puts the girls into ridiculous latex outfits for her challenge in the Fortitude of Fierceness. The winners will have a dinner date with Sean Patterson. The challenge: Who can smize best? Courtney beats Erin, Lulu beats Rae, Laura beats Sundai, Kara beats Nicole, Brittany beats Ashley, and Bianca beats Jennifer. The winners get beautiful dresses. The losers get waitress uniforms.

The girls go to Bazaar. Sean sends the losers to the kitchens where they attack dirty dishes. The winners have a Q-and-A with Sean. He jokes that dessert will be another surprise elimination. Bianca mutters, “Don’t even joke.”

TYRA MAIL! “In some professions, being small is an advantage.” Bianca puts a dirty dish in a washer full of clean ones. She says there are other dirty dishes in there and flips out.

The models wake up, get ready and leave…for a racetrack! Mr. Jay tells the girls about Seabiscuit. The girls will be posing on a horse, with a jockey…nude. And they have to smile with their eyes. Rae is up first and meets Norm. They make the photographer say “smize.” The poor man. Jennifer mentions her condition and has a less-than-stellar shoot. Brittany follows and is very vogue. The jockey tells Nicole to relax but it doesn’t work. Ashley doesn’t do well. Erin rocks the shoot. Laura has a horse and loves nudity. This is her ideal shoot! Lulu doesn’t do well. Courtney is forced back into her boot and her anger over that shows. Bianca doesn’t like her hair but keeps her mouth shut. She looks mannish. Kara had to relax into a pose. Sundai rocks it.

TYRA MAIL! Someone else is going home. Courtney complains while Brittany tries to tell her to stop making excuses. Courtney snaps she has the right to complain.

HOLLYWOOD! PANEL! There are prizes (contract with Wilhelmina Models, Cover and spread in Seventeen Magazine), there are judges, there are Ms. J’s sleeves, and there is Lauren Conrad. Ms. J smizes. Run, LC! Kara sees her best “jock.” Nigel wanted more fun, LC wants more expression. Ashley overposes and Tyra used a test shot with a crew member airbrushed out. Jennifer is given tips to work her weak eye. They like Lulu’s picture. Nigel loves Brittany’s shot, Tyra loves her modeling. Nigel likes Bianca’s bottom better than her top. Lauren loves Laura’s photo. Tyra focuses on the eyes and tension in the lips. Rae reminds Tyra of Madonna. Lauren’s favorite is Nicole. Nigel likes Erin’s pose. Tyra has the voice that indicates she doesn’t approve of Courtney’s decision re: her boot. She talks about say boot and Tyra pretty much tells her to stop making excuses.

HOLLYWOOD! The judges deliberate. I love Brittany. Ashley is sunk by her test shot. Laura needs to not smile and smize. After Brittany, I like Laura. And Sundai. Does anyone else think that Erin looks like Celia from last cycle? Nigel tries to shoot Tyra (with a camera, not a gun) but falls. It’s sad when they make me like LC. ELIMINATION! First photo goes to Erin. She is followed by: Brittany, Laura, Nicole, Kara, Jennifer, Sundai, Rae, Lulu and Ashley. Courtney and Bianca land in the bottom two. Bianca: Last week, she didn’t like the make-up. This week, she doesn’t like the hair. Courtney: ANTM can’t be a quitter. Who stays? Not the quitter. Tyra tells Bianca to work with whatever make-up and hair gives her. Tyra goes to Courtney and tells her not to give up.

Courtney still goes on about the foot but says she won’t give up.

Next week: Runway! Ashley and Lulu v. Bianca.

America’s Next Top Model:


So, my favorite models so far are Brittany and Laura. How about you? Are you missing Paulina as much as me?

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