Monday, October 31, 2016

Timeless: Las Vegas 1962

Last time on ‘Timeless:’ Lucy was rightly freaking out about her sister being wiped from existence but Agent Christopher didn’t particularly care. All she cared about was the fact that Flynn had taken the Mothership to before Lincoln was supposed to be assassinated.

Flynn worked with John Wilkes Booth and his fellow conspirators, giving them modern weapons to make sure their full plan was carried out. Meanwhile, Lucy befriended Robert Lincoln while Rufus came face-to-face with the optimism African-Americans felt at the end of the war. Poor Wyatt got shot by Flynn.

Rufus and Wyatt also contemplated the idea about changing history, about saving Lincoln once Lucy revealed she had been invited to the play by Robert Lincoln. Lucy, though, insisted that they needed to keep it the same. After losing her sister, she didn’t want to risk changing the present any more than they already had.

They managed to save Vice President Johnson, Secretary Seward and General Grant but even though Lucy called out to warn the president at the last minute, Flynn shot Lincoln and fled the theater. Lincoln died and as they returned to the present, Lucy realized how much harder it was to live through history rather than study it.

Back in the present, Wyatt got proper medical treatment while Jiya revealed to Lucy how the Hindenburg had changed her present. It ended with her realizing that the man she had thought was her father…wasn’t her father after all. She returned home to her own engagement party and when she tried to confront her mother, Carole refused to talk to her.

And then Lucy met the man she was engaged to when he came up and kissed her.

Lucy flips through a photo album documenting her life with her fiance. And who has those anymore? I mean, I’m sure there are some people, but wouldn’t that mostly be on social media? Anyway, he comes out in nothing but a towel (hot damn) and notices she looking at a picture of them on her beach. He reminds her that’s when they got engaged and then reveals he found her ring in the bathroom. After putting it on, he starts kissing her but Lucy is still awkward about it. She is very relieved when her phone rings. Agent Christopher asks her what’s important about September 1962 but nothing comes to Lucy’s mind. She’s ordered to figure it out on her way over.

Wyatt is looking at an article about his deceased wife when he gets the call to come in.

Agent Christopher asks if they know where Flynn is as they’re already a few hours behind him. Jiya and Rufus promise to pinpoint it soon. But Mason asks to speak to Rufus, telling him its about Anthony. Mason asks if Anthony did or said anything suspicious before Flynn stole the time machine. Rufus says he didn’t and Mason says that before Flynn came in, Anthony made a thirty minute call to a number that’s been disconnected. It’s starting to look like it was an inside job. Rufus, though, insists that Anthony is a victim and they need to help him, not condemn him.

Outside, Jiya figures out that Flynn has gone to a spot in the Nevada desert. Wyatt guesses that they need to head to Las Vegas, which gives Lucy something to search for. She reveals that on September 21, 1962, JFK was in Vegas for a fundraiser. She says that there are a lot of powerful people at the party, which makes it a prime target for Flynn.

In 1962 Vegas, we see the historic Sands Hotel. Frank Sinatra sings on as we get scenes of people gambling in Sin City. A voice invites everyone to join them on the pool deck for the show. In the pool, there’s a game going on…which gives a new meaning to a floating craps game. The voice counts down as we cut to couple waking up in bed. The woman climbs out, putting on a bathrobe as she goes to the window. As everyone reaches “one,” something explodes. The camera turns around to reveal a mushroom cloud in the distance as everyone cheers on. Nowadays, we’d all be scared shitless.

The woman asks her bedmate if he wants to come see the mushroom cloud and he says in a stereotypical Boston accent that when you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all. He’s clearly JFK, which is confirmed when she calls him the president. They canoodle and kiss in front of the open window, allowing Flynn to get pictures from the ground.

After the title card, they prepare the Eye for travel as everyone takes their seats. They’ve changed into 1960s outfits and Wyatt notices Lucy’s ring as she takes her seat. He asks her about it and she reveals that she’s engaged but all she knows about him is his name—Noah. Wyatt teases her about it some more before Rufus launches them toward 1962.

They climb out of the Eye into the desert. Wyatt asks if they could’ve landed closer and Rufus makes a snarky comment about landing right on the strip. An explosion catches their attention and they turn to see a mushroom cloud. Rufus is like “What the hell?” but Lucy and Wyatt explain that the government is running experiments on nuclear energy. Lucy says that Las Vegas used to be called Atomic City rather than Sin City.

Lucy notes that a famous mobster is sitting in the front. She explains that he worked with JFK in an attempt to bring down Fidel Castro and was involved with the Cuban Missile Crisis. Wyatt is more focused on Flynn while Rufus catches sight of his friend Anthony. He follows him.

Anthony is at the bar and Rufus runs up to him, saying he can save them. He tells Anthony that the lifeboat is nearby and he can get them out of there. Anthony tries to get Rufus out of there as Rufus realizes there’s no one watching Anthony. He wonders if his friend is really a prisoner after all.

A distraught Anthony tells Rufus to leave or Flynn’s associate will kill him. Rufus asks if Flynn is blackmailing him but Anthony replies he doesn’t. And he knows people are dying. He then makes a toast to Christy Pitt, saying she will be with them soon. Rufus asks who that is but Anthony tells him to go before he is killed.

Wyatt spots Flynn and puts his gun together. But as Sinatra introduces JFK, Flynn goes up to his mistress. He calls her “Ms. Campbell” and says there is a message from her sister. She follows Flynn into the kitchen, where he puts a gun to her back and says she’s going to help him. He shows her something he believes will ensure her compliance.

Wyatt pursues and he has a drag-down fight with Flynn. Punches are flying, guns and other items are being used as weapons, and our poor guest star is standing there watching it all. She finally makes a break for it, rushing into Rufus and Lucy while Flynn gets away. Wyatt asks why he wanted her and Rufus asks if she’s Christy Pitt. She introduces herself as Judith Campbell, a name Lucy knows. Wyatt asks who the hell Judith Campbell is.

They bring Judith to a hotel room and she’s indignant. Wyatt insists that they’re trying to save her life. She points out that it’s a bit stupid to save her from one kidnapper by kidnapping her. Rufus explains that they are Vegas PD and undercover. She demands to see badges. He tries to bluff his way out of it but Lucy caves first. Wyatt explains they are with the government and that they are after Flynn. He asks what he wanted with her but she didn’t know. She then asks if she can freshen up. Lucy escorts her to the bathroom and Judith demands they let her go before slamming the door in Lucy’s face.

Lucy explains that Judith is one of JFK’s mistresses. She’s also sleeping with the mob boss she pointed out downstairs, the one who is involved in the plot to kill Fidel Castro. Lucy explains that Judith carried messages between him and JFK, that she is at the epicenter of 1960s politics. Wyatt thinks she’s a pain in the ass.

A sound from the bathroom alerts them to Judith’s escape attempt. They burst in and Wyatt catches her before she could crawl out a window. He puts her back in the chair and demands to know what Flynn wants with her. She says she doesn’t know but that he knows something that could be dangerous for her. Wyatt asks if it’s the fact she’s sleeping with the president. Judith is shocked that he knows while Lucy admonishes him. She then explains that Flynn has pictures of her and JFK. If they get out, she’ll be ruined and Jack might lose the next presidency. Lucy tells her that they won’t tell anyone and that she can trust him. Judith doesn’t really think so.

Flynn drives out to the middle of the desert where Anthony and a couple men are sitting. Anthony is still drinking. Flynn asks him how our heroes were able to find him but Anthony doesn’t know. He guesses Rufus figured something out. Flynn’s like “Well, I guess Rufus is now a problem we have to eliminate.” Anthony begs Flynn not to hurt him and rails against him, saying that there are too many deaths. That he’s given up so much. Flynn says he has too but it’s worth it to wipe Rittenhouse from history. He says he’s going back to get the girl and the other men continue digging a big ass hole.

Back at the hotel, Wyatt and Rufus keep guard while Judith watches JFK on the TV. Lucy assures her that once they get Flynn, they’ll let her go. Judith asks if Lucy thinks she’s a tramp and she replies that she thinks Judith is fascinating. That surprises her and Lucy continues, saying that she’s gotten so far as a woman in that day and age. Judith shrugs and explains that her life had been boring until she met “Jack.” And when she woke up the next day, everything was different. She asks Lucy if she ever doesn’t recognize her life anymore. Lucy admits that she feels like that a lot lately. She asks Judith if she would ever want to go back. Judith says she doesn’t. She knows that while there’s a lot of danger in her life—she is having an affair with the president—she believes that if she stopped, she’d always wonder what could’ve been.

In the other room, Wyatt asks who Christy Pitt is. Rufus doesn’t know and Wyatt then confirms that Anthony is not a hostage. Nothing makes sense to Rufus, who says that Anthony lives for his wife and children and wouldn’t want people to die. Wyatt counters that nothing makes sense and that Flynn is always five steps ahead of them. He decides that they need to get in front of Flynn and that they are going to use Judith as bait. He explains that they’ll return her to her hotel room and when Flynn comes for her, Wyatt will get him. Judith agrees as long as she gets the pictures back while Lucy asks to have a word with Wyatt. She says they can’t risk anything happening to Judith but Wyatt says he’s sick of being handicapped by the fear of changing history. He says he needs to get Flynn and Lucy can take it up with Agent Christopher. She says she’s not a soldier and can’t just follow orders but Wyatt has made up his mind.

Judith stands in the window of her hotel as she asks Wyatt how long she has to do it. He replies that she’ll do it until Flynn sees her. She asks if she’s safe and he assures her she is. But she presses, asking if he would put his girlfriend or wife into the same position. Wyatt pauses and then asks her to trust him. She gives a wry laugh before noting that Flynn is there. We cut to down below, where Flynn and his associate arrive. They exchange a look before Flynn heads up.

Rufus asks if there is a Christy Pitt staying in the hotel as he has a bottle of champagne. The man there says they have no one by that name and Rufus wonders where else to look. Lucy catches sight of Flynn and says she’s going to follow him. She refuses to just stand by.

Wyatt waits for Flynn but Judith gets the jump on him, knocking him out with the telephone. She runs out of the hotel room and meets Flynn at the elevator. Judith asks him what took him so long and then asks if he still has the pictures. He confirms he does and then asks where the others are. She assures him they are across town and agrees to go with him.

As the elevator doors close, Wyatt stumbles out of the room with his gun drawn. He nearly shoots Rufus and Lucy when they come upon him and he yells that they were supposed to stay downstairs. They refused and ask where Judith is. He explains she double-crossed them and went with Flynn. Lucy isn’t surprised, saying Flynn still has the pictures and Wyatt wasn’t really nice to her. He walks away from them as they ask what to do now. Wyatt doesn’t answer.

Flynn and Judith arrive at a military base. He is asked for his ID but Judith vouches for him. The guard tells her the general is waiting for her and lets them in. Judith then heads up to meet with General Milano, who says her call made his night. She promises to make his month and requests some wine. When he goes to get it, she searches his office and finds some keys right before he comes back with the wine. As she poses sexily, she hides the keys.

Wyatt wanders the Sands’ lobby in a daze until he sees a Western Union station.

Judith comes out of the fort and gets in Flynn’s car. He asks if she has the keys. She says she does but she’s not handing them over until she had the pictures. He hands them over and she gives him the keys. She checks the pictures and the negatives, asking to be taking home. He says that there’s just one more errand he needs to run. She doesn’t seem to complain.

The Western Union operator is surprised that Wyatt wants his telegram delivered 50 years in the future but says it’s his money. He sits at his typewriter as Wyatt sends a note to his wife, asking her to go home with him on a particular date in 2012 (February 11th). He says she should do that even if he’s acting like an ass and assures her he loves her. Wyatt pays and turns to find Lucy standing there. He explains that it worked in Back to the Future 2.

Lucy tries to talk to him but he cuts her off, saying he knows what she’s going to say. But she replies that he doesn’t and says she understands. She would do anything to get her sister back. Wyatt then apologizes for earlier, saying he knows she was just doing her job to protect history. But he doesn’t believe in “meant to be” or “fate” and if she knew how his wife died, she would understand. He says life is just a game of chance, a roll of the dice.

Rufus runs up to them, apologizing. He says that he didn’t think of it before because it’s such an archaic term, he only heard it while he was at MIT. Christy Pitt isn’t a person. It’s the old term given to the plutonium core of an atomic bomb.

We see Flynn open a hangar and Judith leans against the car. As the door opens, she grows astonished as Flynn and Anthony enter. There is an atomic bomb, just sitting there.

Rufus explains that the Christy Pitt is the very core and that when removed from the bomb would be small. Wyatt asks if Flynn can remove it and Rufus says Anthony could. Lucy asks if it can be transported. Rufus says it’s a great unknown. He says that if it explodes midjump, he wouldn’t even begin to guess the damage it could do to the time stream. They know they have to stop Flynn.

They rush out and Rufus pretends to be a valet. He tosses the Wyatt the keys and they take the car to the testing site. As they raced along the highway, Wyatt sees headlights coming from the other way. He realizes it’s Flynn and he picks up speed. Rufus asks what he’s doing and it’s pretty clear that they’re playing chicken with Flynn. Wyatt believes Flynn will turn because then they all go up. He’s right and Flynn’s car spins out onto the side of the road.

Wyatt orders them to stay in the car but they refuse. Rufus says he’ll get the nuke while Lucy says she’ll get Judith. Wyatt and Flynn exchange gunfire. Rufus convinces Anthony to hand over the case while Judith willingly goes with Lucy. She says she never would’ve done it if she knew what Flynn really wanted. Rufus and Lucy get back to safety as Flynn does some damage to their car. But he knows they’re safe and Flynn drives off.

Wyatt goes to take one clean shot at Flynn but Rufus realizes he’ll hit Anthony. He gets in between, pleading that Anthony needs their help and doesn’t deserve to be shot. Wyatt stands down but it’s clear he’s not happy about it.

Lucy asks Judith if protecting Jack was worth it. She says she was protecting herself, not the president. Judith walks off, apologizing to Wyatt about knocking him over the head. When she’s a good distance away, he asks Lucy what happens to her. She says that her affairs are discovered and she’s vilified, ultimately dying of cancer.

Rufus then opens the briefcase but panics when he finds it empty. He’s distraught and Wyatt’s like “So Flynn has a nuke?”

Uh oh.

Mason feels the Eye return and everyone climbs out of it. Agent Christopher greets them and asks what Flynn wanted in 1962 Las Vegas. Rufus replies that she’ll want to sit down for the answer.

Agent Christopher is not pleased that Flynn has an atomic bomb. She also says that saving Anthony is no longer their priority but taking him out. Rufus tries to plead for his friend but she points out that Anthony’s the one piloting the bigger Eye for Flynn. They take out Anthony, Flynn is stuck. Wyatt mumbles that he had a similar idea and when she asks him if he ever had a shot at Anthony, he lies that he never had a clean one. She nods and leaves them alone.

Later, Lucy finds Wyatt at a laptop. She asks him if his plan worked but we see that his wife is still dead. He says it was a longshot anyway and Lucy tries to comfort him. Wyatt just goes to change.

She then goes back to the apartment she apparently shares with Noah. Lucy packs up and tells him that she’s moving back in with her mother, that she’s different and she needs time to think. He gives it to her and is really, really great about it in general.

It makes me really, really suspicious.

Like, who really is that cool about their fiancée acting all strange and then deciding to move out, to put the engagement on hold? Something doesn’t sit right about this Noah person.

Next week: SEAN MAGUIRE! 

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