Sunday, October 23, 2016

OUAT: Sympathy, Tenderness

Last time on “Once:” Snow and David found themselves the target of the famous Count of Monte Cristo when he arrived from the Land of Untold Stories. Turned out Regina hired him to kill them back in the Enchanted Forest and he was determined to follow through. She tried to call him off but he refused to back down, saying he had to see it through to the end.

She asked Emma to take her parents somewhere safe and the Charmings were alarmed to see her taking them to the town line. But the barrier was still up and Emma’s car crashed into it. Regina realized it was the same spell she had on the town line back during Curse #1 and said the only way to cast it was to use ingredients from her vault, sealed with blood magic. She asked Zelena about it but she denied having anything to do with it. Pissed off at the accusation, Zelena peaced out.

In the Enchanted Forest, Regina hired the Count to kill Snow and Charming for her because Rumple put a protection spell on them, preventing her from killing them directly. He agreed in order to get the names of everyone who wronged him but had a change of heart after meeting them…and their handmaiden, Charlotte. When it seemed Charlotte was going to be a victim, he decided not to go through with it. Rumple, though, poisoned her anyway and sent the Count into the Land of Untold Stories with her.

Now, though, the Evil Queen taunted Regina and then revealed she had the Count’s heart, controlling him, after Regina was forced to kill him to save the Charmings. The Evil Queen told them that everyone has an untold story—even them—and soon they will tear themselves apart while she sits back and watches. This unnerved Regina but Snow and Emma assured her that they will defeat the Queen.

Meanwhile, the Queen aligned herself with Zelena, got something off Rumple, who was still stinging over the fact Belle left him and was rooming with Hook, and then the Queen used what she took off Rumple to torment Charming about his father.

Deep breaths!

Regina leads Snow and Charming down the hospital hallway where she meets up with Nurse Ratchet. The nurse hands Regina a tray and she says they are going to bribe Hyde with her lasagna for some information. But when she opens the door, she’s shocked to find out that someone redecorated it and gave Hyde a steak dinner with wine. She realizes the queen beat them to it and he says that the price of his information has gone up. He holds out his handcuffs but no one moves to remove them. Hyde sighs and taunts the queen, saying she was going to have to stay one step ahead of herself now.

(Fancy digs. The Evil Queen is snazzy interior decorator)

Henry meets up with Emma and Hook at Granny’s. He says he’s been making a list of everyone who came from the Land of Untold Stories so they can keep track of everyone. It’ll also help them figure out their stories and help them move on. Emma and Hook think it’s a great idea.

Ashley pops in for the first time since Season 4 and it looks like someone finally remembered that Alex was short for Alexandra! She’s getting quite big and is absolutely adorable. Anyway, Ashley and Sean are there to get some breakfast but she had heard that Henry had a list of people from the Land of Untold Stories. She wants to take a look to see if any of them have children so she can offer them free daycare while they adjust to their new lives. Emma shows her the book before she and 
Henry spot a new person to interview. They leave Hook behind with Ashley and Alex.

As she gets more comfortable, Ashley hands Alex over to Hook and asks him to entertain her for a bit. He seems unsure but soon is acting all adorable with a rather unimpressed toddler who can’t figure out where her really mommy went. Across the diner, Emma watches with a small smile but pain in her eyes.

(This is pretty cute)
Ashley takes down some names as Hook praises Alex. She says she owes her life to Emma, who convinced her to keep her daughter and to fight back against the hard knocks life had given her. Ashley asks Hook if he and Emma are thinking about having children and he says they aren’t even living together. He’s sharing a ship with Belle, who apparently snores. But he’s fine with taking it slow, understanding how important it is to Emma. Ashley says they’ll find their happy ending. After all, she found hers.

In the Enchanted Forest, Ella sweeps up outside as her stepmother taunts her. Ella makes a comment about her stepsisters not having to work and Lady Tremaine says that it’s Ella’s father’s fault for not leaving enough money for her to have a proper staff. All she has is Ella so Ella has to do the work.

A horse and rider come up as the stepsisters race out of the house. Sadly neither is Anastasia from Once Upon a Time in Wonderland, as has been theorized before. The rider dismounts and announces he has an invitation for them to the prince’s ball. Lady Tremaine says they were expecting the prince’s butler and the footman says the invitation is as good from his hands. One stepsister walks up and says that his hands are dirty as she rips the invitation from his grip. She gives it to her mother, who dismisses the man. As she holds up the invitation, she says all her hard work has come to fruition—her daughters have their chance to sink their claws into a prince.

(No Ana)
Nice to see a villain who is so transparent.

Lady Tremaine goes through all their dresses and deems them all unsuitable. She decides to sell the porcelain and buy them new dresses. Ella asks if she can go and Lady Tremaine asks her where she’s going to get a dress. She replies that she has one, pulling out a pink dress from her trunk. 

(She looks so pleased)
Ella explains it was her mother’s. Lady Tremaine says it’s an embarrassment and orders her daughter Clorinda to take care of it. Clorinda grabs it and throws it in the furnace. Ella races over and tries to rescue it, but it’s all charred and ruined. As she cries, she holds it to her face and gets soot over it. Clorinda tells her not to cry over cinders then says “Cinders on Ella. Cinderella!” The girls laugh and leave Ella to her misery.

As Ella clutches the dress, Gus comes out to console her. She tells him its okay just as something falls from the dress. It’s a key and Ella is surprised. She explains to Gus that her mother often talked about a key to a world where you could stop your story and just exist. But she believes it is just a story and she puts the key in a chest before continuing with her chores.

(Use it)
Emma bursts into Archie’s office and is surprised to find Leroy there. She apologizes and offers to come back but Archie hurries Leroy along. He’s not happy since he’s paid for a full hour and says he hasn’t even gotten to how stressful work is now that Dopey is off getting his master’s degree. Emma’s like “Dopey’s not a tree?” despite SEVERAL visits to the town line so far. Leroy reveals they don’t always need her and rescued Dopey themselves.

(All of this is because the actor who played Dopey announced on Twitter that he was not returning earlier this summer. It was funny because Adam had just tweeted out that Dopey being a tree would be addressed and they looked forward to having him back. Oops).

Archie asks Emma if she’s here because of Regina. She says it’s not because of her. Emma instead says she’s not a jealous person but watching Ashley earlier with her perfectly happy family made Emma jealous. Archie asks if its because she’s not happy and she replies that it’s because she is. But because she knows she’s going to die, she feels like it’s an illusion and she’s a fraud. She says that when she has the vision, her hand starts to shake and her magic fails her. Archie says it might be nerves. He gets hives when he gets nervous. That doesn’t appease Emma and she flops over onto his couch.

She says she wants to be happy with Hook and she wants him to move in with her. And she knows he does too but is waiting for her to ask. However, she doesn’t want to ask him and have him start planning for a future they won’t have. Emma says it’s not fair that she’s worked so hard to give everyone their happy endings and then she doesn’t get one herself. Archie says that there’s a chance he could get hit by a bus every time he walks out the door but he still leaves his office. He tells her that it may not be how they die but how they live.

Emma leaves Archie’s office and Thomas runs up to her, holding Alex. He says he went home to drop Alex off with Ashley but couldn’t find her anywhere. Instead, he found a note he hands Emma. She reads that someone named Clorinda was on Henry’s list and that Ashley wants to find her. Thomas explains that Clorinda is one of the evil stepsisters and that his hunting rifle is gone. Emma asks if he thinks Cinderella would really off one of her stepsisters. He replies that some scars don’t heal. She promises to find her and he asks her how. Emma says there’s only one way to find Cinderella—with her shoe. She conjures up one of Ashley’s sneakers to prove her point.

(I hope poor Ashley isn't suddenly missing a shoe)
At the crash site, Jekyll works on recreating the serum that separated him from Hyde in hopes that it would help explain why Regina had been unable to kill the Evil Queen. When it fails, he says he needs his full lab. David tells him not to give up and suggests they search the dirigible for anything else that might help. Regina meanwhile grows frustrated, telling Snow she hates that the Evil Queen is one step ahead of her. Snow tells her to think like the Queen then. Regina says the way to tear families apart is to focus on the cracks that already exist…like the one between her and Zelena. She says she needs to talk to her sister and hurries away.

(Regina gets a lead)
David finds Snow looking very pensive. He assures her that they will defeat the Evil Queen and she asks if that’s what their life has come to—“defeat and repeat.” She wants to have normal lives and David asks what normal looks like. Snow says they had normal for 28 years and he reminds her they were under a curse. Conceding there were some downsides, she then says that she misses teaching. He says that was Mary Margaret but she says a princess can teach, that it’s noble. David says that’s the most normal thing he’s heard and kisses her. She then looks over the equipment he found and says she has an idea about how to help Jekyll.

(Snowing gets some action!)
Emma finds Hook and Henry sword fighting with sticks. Hook praises his skills and Emma asks what they are doing there. He explains that Henry wanted to help find Ashley. She asks if it was his idea but Hook insists it was Henry’s. Henry says he wanted to have some mother-son bonding. She smiles and then enchants Ashley’s shoe to help them track her down. They follow it as it races away.

(Good to see Henry's lessons are being kept up)
Cinderella and Gus arrive at the ball. She is thankful to Rumple and says whatever she has to give him will be worth it. (Boy will she rethink that!) Gus says the other mice say he’s not someone to trust but she says he’s the reason she has a nice dress, glass slippers and is at the ball. A tray of cheese passes them by and Ella sends Gus after it, telling him to enjoy himself.

She spots her stepsisters, so she hurries away so they don’t see her. Ella collides with Snow and apologizes, saying she’ll fix the dress herself she’s ripped it. Snow assures her that it’s okay and that she’s not your normal princess. She also gets the feeling that Ella isn’t either. Ella tells her she’s not a princess, just an ordinary girl playing dress up for the night. Snow doesn’t think Ella is ordinary and neither does the prince, who is staring at her. Ella asks if he’s charming but Snow says that name has been taking. Charming twirls her away as Prince Thomas approaches Ella.

(Snow's made a new friend!)
Ella gives a little curtsy, revealing her glass slippers. Prince Thomas apologizes for staring but says he was drawn to her even before he saw her extraordinary footwear. He asks her where she got slippers made of glass and she tells him he wouldn’t believe her. Thomas likes the mystery and asks if she can dance in them. She says they can find out and they join the others on the dance floor. Ella dances well and Thomas asks for her name. She counters with the fact he likes a mystery so he decides to leave it one for now. He then says she’s not from his world and she asks if that’s bad. 

Thomas says he likes it before excusing him. He asks her to wait and not to disappear. She agrees.
As she waits for him, Ella is all giddy…until she sees Thomas meeting with Clorinda. He gives her a rose and they start to converse. Lady Tremaine comes up behind her and says that they are laughing at Ella. She says the prince made her out as a serving girl due to her garish dress. It’s gorgeous and you’re just jealous! Lady Tremaine says he would pick Clorinda over Ella and that she’s just a joke to them. Upset, Ella runs from the ball, leaving a shoe behind.

(It looks like a movie poster)
Rumple gets a visit to his shop, not too surprised to see David there. David shows him the token the Queen gave him and Rumple confirms it was once in his possession. He goes to his records and pulls out a card. David says he’ll make a deal, which is music to Rumple’s ears. But he says that the more desperate a man is, the bigger the deal. Rumple can tell David is desperate and wonders just what he’ll agree to for the information.

(Some things never change)
At home, Ella clutches her glass slipper as she cries. Gus appears, once again a mouse, and tries to open the chest with the key. Ella gets the idea and takes it out, deciding to go to the Land of Untold Stories. She is about to cross over when Clorinda stops her, telling her she can’t leave. Ella says they won’t need her once Clorinda marries the prince. Clorinda tells her that the prince loves Ella, the girl with the glass slippers, and is scouring the country for her as they speak. 

(She's actually nice!)
She explains that Thomas had given her a token from the person she truly loves—his footman, Jacob. Ella is confused for she was so cruel to him and Clorinda reveals it was all an act to fool her mother. She tells Ella they are both Lady Tremaine’s prisoners but not for much longer. The prince loves Ella and Clorinda is going to run away with Jacob, going to set up a little farm with him. Ella, though, points out that Lady Tremaine will tear the lands apart looking for her and holds up the key, saying she has a plan.

(That's a pretty good plan)
Ashley walks down by the dock, carrying Thomas’ hunting rifle. She is startled when the sneak appears and then holds the rifle when Emma, Hook and Henry come around the corner. Emma says she doesn’t have to hurt Clorinda and Ashley insists she’s going to save Clorinda. She explains that she was really the evil stepsister. Emma says that Ashley doesn’t have to be, that she just has to punch back—just like she told her back in Season 1. That she can show the world who she really is and Emma will help. Ashley says that she needs to do this herself so she can stop feeling like she’s living a lie. Emma understands the feeling, she says, and as Ashley flees, her magic fails her. Hook takes her shaking hand and holds her close.

(Ashley is determined...and desperate)
Regina asks Zelena if the Evil Queen has been there while Zelena just eats cherries. She then tells Regina to keep it down for Peanut’s sake. Regina looks into the crib and spots a familiar rattle, realizing the Evil Queen has been there. Zelena gives in and admits it. Regina tells her to give the rattle back but she refuses, saying it’s her only family heirloom. Regina reminds her that strings come attached but Zelena tells her to back off. She also reminds Regina that she’s the one who tore herself into two so she needs to do some soul searching rather than worrying about Zelena.

(Someone is smug)
At the docks, Hook asks Emma about her hand and says he though Archie was helping. She says she thought so as well. The Evil Queen comes out of a warehouse, taunting Emma. Henry tries to defend her and the Evil Queen scolds him. When he says she’s not his mother, the Queen reveals that she has all of Regina’s memories and is just as much his mother as Regina. She then tells him to stop slouching and that no one will respect him unless he respects himself.

Nice Cora impression, Your Majesty.

Emma tells Henry not to listen to the Queen and she turns on the Savior, saying she was never around. Emma replies that she wasn’t and she owns it. She says the Queen is just the worst part of Regina and she counters that she’s the part of Regina that is honest. That Regina’s always been too scared to let her story play out but the Queen isn’t. She wants everyone’s stories to play out so Emma can see how pointless she really is. For example, Cinderella’s story won’t end well. Emma promises to save her and the Queen says that the problem with being the Savior is that she has to keep saving people. And once she’s off the board, everyone’s happy endings fall apart. She decides to give Emma a taste of it and magics the trio away.

(She looks ready to start a show-stopping musical number)
They land in a deserted road and Hook asks where they are. Emma says they’re off the board.

(The town line? That's the best the Evil Queen could do?)
Belle sits on the Jolly Roger reading “What to Expect When You’re Expecting” when she gets a visit from David. They exchange a few pleasantries before he cuts to the chase—he’s agreed to give Belle a tape from Rumple. Belle’s like “What did you need from him?” David says he had some information about his father. Belle takes the tape and says he can tell Rumple about it. She then offers her condolences to David about his father and asks if it was hard to grow up without one. David says it was but that it was no picnic when his father was alive and drinking. She wonders then which is worse—to have a father or not. David says not having one and Belle says that fathers and sons are tied together no matter what.

(Belle looks like she needs a drink...but she can't have one)
Emma sits on the ground, wondering if taking away Ashley—her first save in Storybrooke—would undo everything she’s worked for. Hook doubts that and says she’s too strong for that. Henry reminds her that she used to be able to find people without her magic and Hook encourages her to use those skills to find Ashley. Emma says she would try to understand the person and get into their head, know their story. That jogs Henry and he pulls out the book, saying that Ashley is looking for her stepsister. If they find out what her story is supposed to be, maybe they can find her and Ashley.

(Emma still needs a nap)
Lady Tremaine returns home, calling for Clorinda. Ella appears and her stepmother demands to know where her daughter went. Ella lies and says she doesn’t know. She then says that it doesn’t matter since the prince is looking for her. If Ella marries well then Clorinda can do whatever she want. Lady Tremaine says that the prince will never marry her and that he won’t even recognize her. Nor will the people accept her as a princess. Lady Tremaine thoroughly insults her and then says that maybe if Ella had proof…She opens the chest Ella kept the key and finds the other glass slipper. Dangling it on her walking stick, she demands to know where Clorinda went. Ella gives it up but it’s all for naught. Lady Tremaine drops the slipper, letting it shatter on the floor.

(The poor shoe)
Ashley enters a barn, finding Clorinda on the ground. She appears to have a leg injury and Ashley kneels next to her, promising to help her. Ashley says she’s going to make everything right but grows confused when she finds Clorinda isn’t injured. But now Lady Tremaine has Thomas’ hunting rifle and it looks like she and Clorinda are going to get revenge on Ashley.

(Stepmom has a gun)
Snow and Thomas ride up to Ella’s but he doesn’t know if it’s the right house as it appears no one is home. She insists she knows how to track and they try to get in. Thomas wants to keep looking, unaware that Ella is locked upstairs and trying to get his attention. Gus is able to get out and get Snow’s attention. She and Thomas manage to break in and rescue Ella. Ella apologizes and is rambling. When she says she’s a nobody, Thomas disagrees and he tells her he loves her. He asks her for her name and she says it’s Ella. He asks if he can make it Princess Ella and she agrees, letting him put on the ring. All the while, Snow is standing by and smiling like a fangirl. Thomas says they’ll get her some new shoes but she says there’s something she has to fix.

(Snow White, Fangirl)
Clorinda and Jacob head over to the tower together as she explains that the key will take them to the Land of Untold Stories. Lady Tremaine attacks them, trying to kill Jacob. Ella runs up, trying to stop her stepmother. Clorinda realizes Ella told where to find them and Ella tries to tell her it’s okay because she’s going to marry the prince. She can help make Clorinda’s life better but she doesn’t see it that way. Lady Tremaine is also pissed off saying that she’s had to work her whole life and now she wants someone to take care of her. But no, her stepdaughter gets a prince and her daughter wants to run off to live on a farm with a footman. So she uses the key to go the Land of Untold Stories, dragging Clorinda with her.

(Talk about being grounded)
In the barn, Clorinda holds the gun on Ashley. She apologizes for hurting her sister but says she can be happy with Jacob here. Clorinda is surprised, asking if Jacob is in Storybrooke. Ashley says she thought that’s why Clorinda came to the farm and reveals that it belongs to Jacob. Lady Tremaine comes in, lugging him with her before throwing Jacob at Clorinda. She undoes his binds as Lady Tremaine picks up the gun. They plead with her not to shoot Jacob but she wants her happy ending—she wants to avenge her supposed betrayal and finally have someone take care of her. She goes to shoot but Ashley jumps in between, taking the hit. Emma, Hook and Henry arrive and Hook overpowers Lady Tremaine, taking the gun. Emma’s magic is still on the fritz but once Henry reassures her, she is able to heal Ashley. Ashley and Clorinda hug, all forgiven.

(I thought the gold was tied to the Dark One's powers?)
We see a car with the license plate “The Doctor.” Did the TARDIS’ chameleon circuit get fixed? Snow, Regina and Jekyll enter a garage where a science lab is set up. Regina reveals it belongs to Whale, who enters dressed in his Mad Scientist get up and says he’s better known as Frankenstein. Jekyll recognizes him and thanks him for letting him use his lab. Whale warns him not to open the fridge because he doesn’t keep food in there. (iZombie shout out?) Snow says that Whale and Jekyll could be an excellent science department for the high school and they could move the lab to the school, get everything back to normal. Regina’s not opposed.

(Why is he wearing his Land without Color outfit?)
Leroy oversees Lady Tremaine as she works on the side of the road in an orange jumpsuit. 

(This still doesn't make up for Emma crashing his session with Archie)
Meanwhile, Clorinda and Jacob have a nice dinner with Ashley and Thomas. Hook and Emma are there and Emma asks Hook to move in with her. She says life is uncertain but she can’t be afraid of getting hit by a bus. Hook is confused and she tries again, saying she could make room in her closet of red jackets for some black leather ones. He smiles and agrees to move in with her. The two share a kiss.

Charming is still up late at night and Snow asks him what’s bothering him. He shows her the card Rumple gave him and says it’s related to his father’s death. According to the card, it was found by a shepherd going through a cart accident. But it turns out the victim was stabbed and wasn’t drunk. Snow seems to miss the point and says it means his father didn’t fall off the wagon and kept his promise. David’s like “Yeah, but more importantly, he was murdered.” Snow reacts weirdly now that I think about it—she begs him not to pursue an investigation into his father’s death. She says he’s just going to want vengeance and that never ends well. She says she’s going to be a schoolteacher, he’ll be sheriff and they’ll focus on Emma and Neal. Their son needs his father. David promises to destroy the card but as Snow checks on Neal, he doesn’t.

(I don't blame you, David)
At first, this seemed like a good request. Yet on second watch, I realized that David didn’t mention anything about vengeance. Snow just jumped to that. Why shouldn’t David try to get answers? The man found out his father was murdered and he’s supposed to forget about it? I don’t get it, Snow. Let him get his answers and then if it looks like he’s going down the vengeance road, stop him. Not now.

Belle sits on the Jolly Roger as she listens to Rumple’s recording. He’s recorded a Scottish poem for their child and she listens to it as he walks the docks.

Hyde removes the needle from a record as the Evil Queen paces his cell. She’s annoyed that Emma beat her and reveals that Jekyll is trying to create a serum to destroy her. Hyde offers her his sympathies and she says she doesn’t want them. He realizes she wants his help and makes it clear the price is his freedom. She agrees, undoing his handcuffs and opening the door. They stroll arm in arm out of the ward, ready to reek havoc on the town.

(Bonnie and Clyde, fairy tale style)
This was definitely a strong episode and a nice continuation of the Cinderella story. It was great to see those players again and to add to them, even if Ana wasn’t the stepsister.

Next time: Jekyll and Hyde! 

Screen shots from here

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