Monday, November 21, 2011

Doctor Who the Movie: Why I am Slightly Skeptical.

I was excited when I saw that David Yates was to direct a Doctor Who movie. He brought the Harry Potter series to a masterful conclusion and I consider him the second-best director in the franchise (Alfonso Cuaran being the first). Before I clicked the link, I thought it was going to be for the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who. It’s an important milestone and should be celebrated accordingly, right?

Then I clicked the link. And that wasn’t what it was.

Apparently, Mr. Yates plans to film the movie separately from the TV show. The best way I understand it is to think of it like the last Star Trek movie—a complete reboot that still respects the mythos of Doctor Who.

And that is why I’m skeptical.

One of the reasons the “Star Trek” reboot was good was the fact that it had been a few years since any incarnation had come out. “Doctor Who” though is still airing and shows no sign of going off the air soon. And I think the movie will be very confusing and possibly divisive in the fandom.

How? Wouldn’t the movie bring new fans to the fandom? Yes, it would. But it wouldn’t mean that they would become fans of the TV show. They might decide just to stick with the movie. And thus would start the arguments: which canon do you follow? For example, the movie may ignore that the Doctor stole the TARDIS (which it shouldn’t) and that he had a family. Where would Susan fall in the mythos of the movie? Where would the other companions fit? What is the Whoniverse without the Brigadier or Sarah Jane or Jamie or any of the legendary companions?

So I’m not entirely in favor of a Doctor Who movie. At least this idea for one. There will come a time where the Whoniverse will need a reboot.

This isn’t it.

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