Tuesday, September 29, 2015

OUAT: Pulled Together

Last time on “OUAT:” Henry was busted for shoplifting but Regina and Emma both realize he was framed by his so-called friends Ava and Nicholas. Emma realizes they have no parents and are on their own. She goes on a search for their father but Regina tells her to take them to Boston to separate group homes. Emma does find their father but he doesn’t want them. So she reluctantly heads out of town when her car breaks down. When their father comes to fix the car and he sees his children, he realizes he needs to be in their lives and agrees to take them in.

In the Enchanted Forest, Nicholas and Ava were Hansel and Gretel. When their father goes missing, the twins are discovered by the Evil Queen. She sends them on a mission to retrieve something from Emma Caulfield’s House o’ Treats. Emma Caulfield tries to eat them after Hansel falls prey to the lure of her delicious cupcakes but the two outwit her. Regina offers to let them live in the palace with her and while Hansel seems all for it, Gretel says they’ll never live with someone as awful as her. So Regina sends them away and then releases their father, who she imprisoned, wishing him luck in finding his children again.

As Emma and Henry enjoy a late night slice of pie that no doubt would send Mayor Mills into a rage because Henry snuck out again, a stranger on a motorcycle pulls up. He asks for a place to stay as Emma and Henry stare in shock.

August has arrived.

Speaking of him, Henry finds August fixing his motorcycle outside Regina’s house. He asks the man questions and he really doesn’t give him any answers. Regina comes out of the house and is alarmed, like any mother would be, to find her son talking with a stranger. She hurries down the path but August drives away before she can question him. She asks Henry if he knows who that was and Henry shrugs.

(Concerned!Regina is concerned)

Emma has breakfast in the loft as Mary Margaret rushes in. She’s shrugging on clothing, pulling on boots and brushing her teeth all at once. She’s overslept and she’s running late. Emma tells her to slow down and that she doesn’t have to be at school for another forty-five minutes. Mary Margaret says she’s helping with the science fair so she said she’d be early. She hurries out as Emma no doubt grimaces over the fact that Mary Margaret rinsed and spit in front of her.

Mary Margaret gets a cup of coffee from Ruby before settling at a table, watching the clock. It hits 7:15 AM and she pretends to read from her book (Jules Verne, it seems). David comes in and grabs two coffees. He and Mary Margaret “bump” into each other and exchanged awkward small talk before he heads out to the car. He gives Kathryn a coffee and a kiss before getting in the car to drive her to work before he goes to the animal shelter.

Emma emerges from the backroom…because clearly she likes to hang out back there for some unknown reason…and says that Granny’s doesn’t look like a science fair. Mary Margaret realizes she’s busted and admits that she comes to the diner at 7:15 AM every day because that’s when he gets his coffee. Emma tells her that she sounds like a stalker and Mary Margaret tries to prove she’s not…but totally ends up proving that she kinda is. Emma reminds her that he’s married but Mary Margaret can’t help the attraction she feels to him.

That’s because he’s your true love, Mary Margaret. Here’s some proof:

Enchanted Forest. Snow creeps through the woods, bow at the ready when she hears a sound. Approaching a wide open field, Red appears in view and is like “I come in peace.”

(Hi, Red!)
Snow relaxes and accepts the food from her friend. She asks how things are going in the outside world and Red tells her to stop beating around the bush, to just ask her outright what she wants to know. Snow asks her about Prince Charming. Red says that he’s marrying Princess Abigail in two days’ time. Snow is crestfallen and wonders if she can stop loving him. Red looks ready to give her an answer but thinks otherwise. Snow presses her and Red says she knows someone who can help.

I’ll give you three guesses who that is and the first two don’t count.

(All together now: DO NOT TRUST THIS MAN!)
Snow crosses a fog covered body of water, arriving at a dock. A mysterious figure offers to make a deal for the boat and Snow’s confused. Rumpelstiltskin emerges from the mists and says people don’t come to him unless they want to make a deal. Snow says she wants a potion to stop loving someone. He can do that, pulling out a vial and then pulling out some of Snow’s hair—it has to be personalized. He tells her that once she drinks it, she’ll forget all about Charming. Snow is a bit disheartened to hear that but he assures her it’s the only way. She takes the vial and goes off.

Back in Storybrooke, there’s a storm coming. The weatherman warns the residents to hunker down while Mary Margaret picks up some supplies. Which includes a giant chocolate bar and you know what? I feel you, Mary Margaret. You enjoy that giant chocolate bar.

She rounds a corner and crashes into someone. As she bends down to pick up their spilled items, Mary Margaret realizes she’s bumped into Kathryn. They exchange apologies as Regina watches, comics in hand for Henry. Mary Margaret picks up a pregnancy test and Kathyn is a bit awkward. She wishes her luck and watches Kathryn go. Regina reminds her that that test is the Nolans’ business and Mary Margaret understands.

She may need to go pick up a second giant chocolate bar.

Hey, Bradford Mead’s back! Hi, Alan Dale! Anyway, King George brings David James Charming a golden crown he notes would feed their country for months. And now I want to see more of a Charming/Hood friendship in Season 5. George is like “Midas gave it to you. Be grateful. Don’t think about those peasants.” He makes sure Charming will still marry Abigail and Charming’s like “But I don’t love her.” George tells him its what’s best and that he should forget about whoever has turned Charming’s head because, yes, he can tell.

Once George leaves, Charming sits and pens a letter to Snow White. He tells her that he loves her and asks her to come to the palace before the wedding. If she does, he’ll know she feels the same and he’ll run away with her. If she doesn’t, then he’ll marry Abigail. He sends it off with a pigeon.

(Because Snow has a thing for birds)
Back in Storybrooke, the storm is fast approaching. Mary Margaret drives along a road when she realizes the road is out. But before she turns around, she goes exploring. And guess what she finds? A bird caught in a mesh netting or something. Mary Margaret takes her and promises to get her help.

(Are birds also subject to the curse?)
She hurries to the Storybrooke Pet Shelter and tries to ignore David to the best of her ability. The vet tells her that the bird is fine but that her species can’t be separated from the flock or they’ll be lost forever. That strikes a chord with Mary Margaret and she’s determined to get the bird back to her flock. David offers to help her but she says she can do it by herself. She all but flees the place as he watches, helpless.

Emma prepares for the storm as she listens to the weather. When she looks up, Regina is standing there. The mayor asks her about the stranger with the motorcycle and Emma says she met the guy the night before. Regina wants her to look into him and Emma says it’s not a crime to be a stranger in a small town. But Regina says that he found the man talking to Henry and she expects the sheriff to keep their son safe. Emma agrees.

(You know Regina can't believe she's asking Emma for help)
In the Enchanted Forest, Snow is sitting on a rock when the pigeon finds her with Charming’s note. She reads and gets all happy to know he loves her too. Without tipping the pigeon, she runs off to the palace to be reunited with the man she loves.

(He loves me!)
At the palace, she grabs flowers and is able to talk her way inside. Once there, she abandons her cape and starts sneaking around the palace. She almost runs into Charming but a guard catches her first, throwing her into the dungeons.

Snow tries to escape but her rock climbing adventure ends with her flat on her back, the wind knocked out of her. The person in the cell next to her tells her that it’s hopeless to escape. But she’s determined and tries to figure out how to get the door open. He introduces himself as Grumpy and they talk about love. Grumpy says he was in love once and Snow says she has to get to hers.

(Hi, Grumpy!)
A figure sneaks up to them and when he lifts his head, Grumpy calls him “Stealthy.” Yes, there was an eighth dwarf. He breaks Grumpy out and as they leave, Snow says she hopes he finds his lost love. Grumpy feels sympathy for her—much to his annoyance—and asks Stealthy to break her out as well.
Snow, Grumpy and Stealthy continue sneaking out but disagree on which way to go. She points to one hall that she says will take them out without being seen but Stealthy says there’s another one that goes straight to the courtyard, which is empty. Grumpy sticks with Stealthy and they split up.

(Grumpy and Stealthy)
Mary Margaret drives to the woods as the thunder starts to roll overhead. She takes the bird and locates her flock, trying to get her back to the other birds. But she lands on loose soil and almost falls off a cliff. She clings for dear life, praying for help.

An arm grabs her and lifts her back to solid ground. It’s David and he holds her as she recovers from her scare. He explains that he didn’t feel comfortable with her going out with the storm approaching so he followed her. Mary Margaret tries to brush him off and tries to get the bird back to her flock, but the heavens open up. She and David run to find shelter.

(True Love to the rescue!)
In the courtyard, it looks like the coast is clear. But as they race toward the exit, Stealthy is shot with an arrow and guards swarm out of the palace. Grumpy kneels next to his fallen comrade as King George demands he tell him where Snow went. Grumpy denies any knowledge of Snow and is ready to die when she intervenes. Snow offers to surrender herself if George lets Grumpy go. He agrees and Snow tells Grumpy to run. He does and the guards take Snow into custody.

(She looks so regal here)
As the rain pours down and soaks them, Mary Margaret and David stumble across a cabin. A cabin that now looks very familiar since Gold and the Queens of Darkness (plus Spy Girl Regina) used it as a base of operations this past season. For now, it gives the Charmings some relief from the rain.

David gets a fire going and they dry off. They have a talk and Mary Margaret admits that she goes to Granny’s at 7:15 AM every day to see him. He then tells her that he goes there at the same time to see her. She reminds him that he has a wife and before he can say anything else, she tells him that she knows Kathryn might be pregnant. That sends David for a loop and Mary Margaret says they need to stay apart.

(He's so in love)
Meanwhile, Emma takes refuge from the storm in Granny’s. She also uses the time to grill the stranger, who finally introduces himself as August Booth. She asks him why he was talking to Henry and he explains that his motorcycle broke down. Henry came up and started talk to him, he says. Emma does believe it as he is a curious kid. The lights go out due to the storm and August helps light some candles.

She asks why he’s in town and what’s in his suitcase. August taunts her a bit before saying he’ll tell her what’s in the suitcase if she’ll agree to have a drink with him. 

(Maybe it contains all the secrets of the universe)
Emma agrees and he picks up the case. He opens it and reveals his typewriter. August explains he’s a writer and likes to go to small towns like Storybrooke for inspiration. Emma wonders if he’s been here before but he says he hasn’t.

August stands, throwing down some money for his bill. Emma is confused and asks about that drink. He says he didn’t mean now and will let her know.

As the storm lets up, Mary Margaret and David venture outside again. They are able to find the flock and let the bird go. As she soars up to the skies, Mary Margaret and David agree to stay apart. She leaves as he looks like his heart is breaking.

Snow and King George have a talk. He tells her to go to Charming and tell him she doesn’t love him. If she doesn’t, he threatens to kill him. He says his son’s death will look like an accident or that he died as an hero, whatever it takes for Midas to uphold his end of the bargain. But he will die. So Snow knows what she has to do.

Charming is overjoyed to see Snow and shows her that he’s been packing to join her in the woods. He says he knew she’d come and he picks her up, spinning her as he kisses her. When he puts her down, he notices she is not as happy as he is. Snow hands him his note back and tells him that she doesn’t love him. He tries to argue but she’s resolute. She walks away from him, tears spilling down her cheeks.

(Group hug Snow!)
In the morning, David and Kathryn get ready for the day. David asks her about the pregnancy test and she admits she thought she was but it came back negative. She says she was disappointed but only for a few seconds. She says they aren’t ready for a baby, not when their marriage still needs so much work. David says he knows he should love her and wants to work on it. Kathryn asks him to go to Dr. Hopper with her and he agrees. She notices the time, saying they need to head out to Granny’s. But David suggests they stay in and have breakfast together.

(Looks more resigned than anything else)
Outside the palace, a broken Snow is reunited with Grumpy. He introduces her to the other dwarfs and they let her tell them her tale of woe. They comfort her, saying they all experienced heartbreak that day. She says she has a way to cure hers and pulls out the potion Rumple gave her. Grumpy convinces her not to take, not yet. He says that losing love is the worst thing ever and he can’t let her do that. She agrees and the dwarfs invite her to stay with them.

(Snow is the same height as her dwarfs!)
(Eagle-eyed viewers no doubt recognized that this scene was the one Regina was watching in her magic mirror before meeting with the Woodcutter. So I think it’s safe to assume the Enchanted Forest events of this episode and “True North” took place at the same time).

At the loft, Emma and Mary Margaret sit at the table as the clock reaches 7:15 AM. Emma reaches out for her friend’s hand and holds it as Mary Margaret finally seems to let David go.

Prince Charming rides into the open field and encounters Red. He asks her where Snow is and Red said she never came back after receiving his letter.

Grumpy runs through the cottage, calling for Snow. He tells her that the town is buzzing with the news—Prince James and Princess Abigail called the wedding off! Grumpy tells her that he’s not married and he’s looking for her. Snow sits up in bed and asks Grumpy who he is talking about. Grumpy is horrified to see the empty vial next to Snow’s bed. She’s taken the potion and forgotten her true love.

(Uh oh)
Snow goes into Granny’s and is surprised to see David there. Both admitted they had decided to come later to avoid the other, so apparently being True Loves means sharing a brain. Mary Margaret tries to flee but David chases after her. He tells her that Kathryn isn’t pregnant and that he is still drawn to her, no matter what he tries. Mary Margaret admits to feeling the same. They give in and kiss right in the open because…it’s the Charmings. We’re used to them not always thinking things through, right?

(Way to go, guys)
And guess who has a front row seat to this PDA?

I’ll give you three guesses and the first two don’t count.

Yep, it’s Regina. And she’s not too thrilled. Though if it’s on behalf of her new bestie, Kathryn, or because her curse can’t keep the lovebirds apart is unknown.

Either way, they should watch out.

I loved this episode. This watching has made me love Snowing more and more (though my OTP is still Outlaw Queen).

But for now I’m putting the Season 1 watch on hold. Season 5 has started up so I will be recapping the new episodes. See everyone then!

Next week: Dark Swan! Camelot! Merida!

Screen caps from here

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