Monday, July 18, 2011

Don’t You Want Me, Baby?

Last time on “The Glee Project”: Recently-promoted-to-full-time cast member Harry Shum Jr (“Mike Chang” or “Other Asian”) stopped by to judge the Gleekabes on their ability to dance. Unsurprisingly, Damian didn’t win. Samuel won after cribbing Michael Jackson’s moves and then he cribbed Hannah’s form of “rapping” in the studio. Alex thought this was his to lose but when he does lose, he says he threw it so others could shine. This attitude lands him in the bottom three with Matheus and McKynleigh. Alex hits the high notes and Matheus takes off his shirts allowing both to stay. Despite showing a personality, McKynleigh got the cut. Eight Gleekabes remain, find out who gets slusheed tonight!


The Gleekabees enter to see “Duets” with their homework assignment of “Need You Now.” Matheus is paired with Alex while Samuel complains about being paired with Lindsay, who is getting the “house bitch” edit. Reality show rules dictate there must be one. Always. Samuel says it’ll be a challenge to pretend to love Lindsay. Damian and Hannah are paired up. He’s worried about laughing while she talks about remaining focused despite how cute Damian is. Cameron and Marissa are together. Cameron talks about his girlfriend and Christianity and makes it sound like acting like he loves Marissa is a sin. Matheus is a bit uncomfortable with Alex, who asks him to remain buttoned up. Thank you, Alex. However, Alex doesn’t think they have sparks.

Everyone is waiting for Robert and their guest judge. And it’s Darren Criss again. Lindsay is happy. Darren says that the theme is “Pairability” and comments how it’s not a word. Thank you, Spell Check. Let’s begin, people. I liked Damian and Hannah’s little hand grab. Cameron’s a bit off-key. Robert and Darren just compliment. The winner of this assignment gets to pick their partner for their next duet. Each group will have their own video. He wasn’t thrilled with how light Hannah and Damian made theirs, but was impressed by “Team Matalex.” With Lindsay, Samuel, Marissa and Cameron, he liked them. The two stand outs were Samuel and Marissa. Marissa wins! Marissa wins! She chooses Samuel on bended knee. Cameron is upset, thinking she’d pick him.

Marissa and Samuel get “Don’t You Want Me Baby” while Hannah and Alex get “Nowadays” from “Chicago.” Lindsay and Cameron get “Baby, It’s Cold Outside.” Damian and Matheus gets “Lady is a Tramp” and Damian is happy. Matheus calls Damian his opposite: tall and deep-voiced.

Up Next: “Confident not cocky.”

Each pair starts to practice their videos. Brooke works with Damian and Matheus while we see Samuel with Nikki. But all the videos will be filmed simultaneous. We see Damian and Matheus in the studio, where Nikki knows Damian is better than Matheus. He mistakes “scat” for “screaming.” By the way, Marissa is the “lady” in question. Damian’s dancing seems to be improving but he and Matheus really didn’t connect. Matheus says that he’s improving his confidence and has a diva-off with Alex. Marissa tells him to be “confident and not cocky.”

We then see Brooke helping Hannah and Alex with their dance moves. Brooke tells her that everyone is sexy and to own it in front of the camera. Robert wants to see how this goes. Hannah looks like Little Orphan Annie while Alex would make a wonderful drag queen. And that’s sincere. He’s pretty as a boy and a girl. I think they were great.

We cut to Marissa and Samuel in 80s gear. Darren coaches them and tells them about being in the song with the other person. Erik tells Marissa to kiss Samuel, but doesn’t tell him. Marissa could be Madonna. I like their video theme—she’s a pop star and he’s not. Marissa kiss him, he responds and the other Gleekabes are shocked. Marissa rubs off her lipstick, but Samuel was okay with it.

Time for “Baby, It’s Cold Outside.” I’d say put on your Christmas clothes, but nothing in the song says it’s Christmastime. All I can think is the Nostalgia Chick’s assessment as a song about date rape. Lindsay and Cameron move around the set before Lindsay decides to kiss him. She says “It’s a competition” and Cameron has to call his mother. He tells her he feels like he cheated. We do not get to hear his mother’s laughter, which I’m sure followed. He breaks down over a kiss.

Coming Up: More breakdowns! Ryan Murphy!

We come back to the Boys’ Dorm. Matheus doesn’t want to be in the bottom while Samuel tells him to be prepared for the worse, but hope for the best. The Gleekabes stand in their pairs as Robert and Zach enter. Robert calls Marissa and Samuel a great pair. They are called back. Robert tells the remaining pairs that they will be doing last chance duets for Ryan. Alex and Hannah have “Valerie,” Damian and Matheus have “These Boots are Made for Walking,” while Cameron and Lindsay have “River Deep, Mountain High.” Zach tells them to be themselves and work as a pair.

Cameron thinks the kiss threw him off while Lindsay doesn’t think she should be there. Damian says “The veterans have arrived” but he doesn’t feel confident with Matheus. Alex and Hannah are surprised but Hannah isn’t worried about Alex. He, on the other hand, was in the bottom two. They subtitled Damian complaining about working as a team.

Ryan enters with Robert and Zach. Hannah and Alex are first. Ryan tells Hannah it’s nice to meet her. These two have fun with their performance and their voices complement each other. Ryan calls them “cute” and “infectous.” Ryan wanted to see Alex in drag and he offers to throw something together. Ryan calls Hannah “pure joy.” He likes that she’s quiet but she can bring it out. He calls them “the show” and “inspiration.”

Next is Matheus and Damian. They come out in rain boots, which I think is cute. The height disparity is interesting, with Damian lunging to meet Matheus’ eye-line. But the high quality of Matheus’ voice is good with Damian’s lower register. Robert loves their performance, you can tell. Robert loves the arrangement. Ryan says that the first part was a train-wreck until they gave in. He calls it “fun” and praised their “chemistry.” Damian defends Matheus for trying to be confident and getting cut down. Matheus mentions Alex. I thought Damian was going to throw Matheus under the bus, which is never good. Ryan tells Matheus that divas are horrible but he needs to not shut down, that’s confidence.

Coming Up: Cameron’s…tears…are addressed.

The boys decide to test Damian’s American accent. He seems to be good friends with Cameron.

Ryan isn’t sure why Robert and Zach love Cameron. Lindsay comes out with Cameron. This time, Lindsay kisses him on his cheek. Ryan calls them “very good.” He likes Lindsay’s voice. He calls Cameron “charming.” Ryan admits he’s trying to figure out Cameron. Ryan asks about Cameron’s reaction to the kiss. Cameron calls himself “naïve” and his religious beliefs. Ryan liked that vulnerability and wants to write a Christian character. The pairs come out. Lindsay is safe. Hannah is safe. Damian is safe. Ryan liked his enthusiasm. So Cameron, Matheus and Alex are in the bottom three. He says Lindsay outclasses Cameron, Matheus needs to be the smooth crooner. Ryan tells Alex that on the show, the other actors lose their egos and root for the each other. Ryan talks about Matheus being unsupported as Alex apologizes. Zach notes it’s the point in the competition where it’s down to the nitty-gritty.

Ryan wants to send Cameron home but knows Robert and Zach will fight him. Ryan is frustrated with Matheus’ manner and Alex’s attitude. Damian talks about what he noticed and Alex pretty much blames Matheus for ruining his chances as we cut to…


Robert posts the Call Back list and announces it to the Gleekabes. Matheus bear hugs Damian as the others hug before going to check their list. Cameron is safe. Matheus is not called back, meaning we get another week of Alex! Everyone comes in to say good-bye to Matheus. Alex even hugs him. He sings “Keep Holding On” as a good-bye.

The Glee Project:


Wow. I thought the pairings would be more mind-blowing and they weren’t. The closest was really “Don’t You Want Me Baby” with the chemistry between Marissa and Samuel. I like Marissa more every day. If she doesn’t get Glee, I think Nickelodeon should definitely add her to the Victorious cast.

As for Cameron, I think his charm has worn off. It was quirky and novel in the beginning, but as the competition has progressed it’s now just grating. I think he would be better suited to just pursuing music. I think he would have many fans that way.

Regarding Damian and Matheus…I’m torn. On one hand, I’m glad that Damian stood up for Matheus. It shows he’s a team player and doesn’t have an ego—what Ryan was talking about. From what I can tell, Celtic Thunder is a very supportive atmosphere, so it’s just something Damian is used to. On the other hand, I don’t think it was the proper place to address these concerns. I think he should’ve addressed them to the group in a private (well, as private as one can get on a reality show) setting.

Next: Slushees! Hannah struggles with choreography.

Quote of the Episode:

“You’re going to be gay for a day.”—Samuel to Matheus about the duets homework

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