Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Can McKey Go Back To Brittany Now?

Last time: The house divided by color against Hannah. Nikeysha’s mouth got her sent home. Twelve girls remain—who will get the high fashion boot tonight?

The episode opens with the girls in the bus coming back from elimination. They talk about how it really feels like a competition now that people (ShaRaun, Nikeysha) are getting sent home. When they get to the house, there’s Tyra sitting in their living wearing a crown. Well, she brought pizza so I guess that’s cool. She tells the girls about when she was a young model and when she was my age, she started to get a booty and breasts. Someone hit puberty a bit late, apparently. Anyway, her mother was told by the agency that Tyra needed to lose weight so she could get work. What did Mama do? Gave her pizza and worked with Tyra on making over her career.

This all leads to: MAKEOVERS! She’s about to tell Analeigh what they’ll do to her (must I say that she’s been featured quite a bit already. Uh oh) when Ms. J comes in dressed as a hag. And carrying apples. The girls warn “Princess Tyra” but she’s too hungry to heed their advice. She takes a bit and passes out a la Snow White. The girls worry as Mr. Jay jumps in. He announces himself as “Prince Couture,” kisses Tyra and wakes her up. She says she’s too dizzy to tell the girls their makeovers, so they’ll have to wait till tomorrow. Mr. Jay (somehow) carries her out.

The girls head to the salon, where a de-hagged Ms. J and de-Princed Mr. Jay meet them and pretend they have NO CLUE about what happened the night before. The girls get their makeovers. Analeigh’s makes her look even more like Denise Richards. I like Marjorie has a brunette. In fact, so far, I like everyone’s makeover. Even Elina. She may not like the curly red hair, but it’s so adorable on her. She reminds me of Jessie Buckley from “I’d Do Anything.” She cries but Jay talks her through it.

TYRA MAIL! “Sometimes even Top Models have to work the late shift.” The girls figure they’ll pull an all-nighter. The bus takes them to Wal-Mart. Sutan, the make up artist, meets them with Cover Girl model—better known as Nigel Barker’s wife! I can see why they announced her pregnancy last week—you can see the future Barker’s bump! They give the girls a challenge to do their own make up and then make a commercial plugging True Blend. A commercial challenge so soon? The girls go through it and Hannah wins—she did do a good job. Elina and Analeigh needed some help though. I think Elina’s hair is throwing her off. Hannah celebrates with her new cute haircut.

TYRA MAIL! “Which one of you is suited to be America’s Next Top Model?” The girls wonder if it is business suit or bathing suit. Elina talks with the girls, saying she doesn’t like her mother. However, she does eat her food and live under her roof. The girls are confused and Brittany asks if maybe she’s just using mom as an excuse. Elina ends the conversation—either Brittany was too close to the truth or there is something that Tyra needs to draw out of her in a few weeks. Meanwhile, Marjorie and Analeigh are looking in the mirror. Analeigh says its difficult coming from a figure skating background because everyone is expecting these amazing poses. Okay, no offense, but in figure skating, you’re moving and you don’t have to worry about your face. Marjorie asks for some confidence and Analeigh sadly tells her she doesn’t have any. Marjorie hugs her.

I friggin’ love Marjorie.

The girls go to a beautiful house by the sea, confirming bathing suits. Mr. Jay tells the girls that Tyra made history by being the first black woman to appear on Sports Illustrated Swimsuit cover. He introduces their photographer and then model/swimsuit designer Susan Holmes. The girls pose down by the beach. Hannah is told to watch her eyes, Elina finally embraces her hair. So we will not have a repeat of Jaeda and OMG! They cut her hair and now she’s having an identity crisis! Isis struggles with the shoot. I mean, the tape can’t be too comfortable and she does have to hide something, but the photographer thinks it’s also something about her face. I think Isis has a beautiful face. And that’s a wrap!

TYRA MAIL! “Tomorrow you will meet with the judges. Only 11 will continue on in hopes of becoming America’s Next Top Model.” The girls, particularly Isis, are nervous. My sister said that Tyra’s making the clues easy this cycle. I said maybe the girls are getting smarter. There was a pause and we both shook our heads.

PANEL! Tyra compliments the girls. Prizes, judges, Ms. J’s bling, and Susan Holmes—who modeled with Tyra back when my sister was born. Sheena was smiling with her eyes—Tyra’s favorite. Hannah is told not to freeze in a pose. Ms. J finally sees why I call Lauren Brie “CariDee 2”—but she has to be the best this cycle. Brittany apparently zoned out too much. Cage Girl is a beautiful brunette and gets praised. Paulina questions Elina’s tattoos, but Tyra says that it works for this. But she is told to watch out.

Top Models in Action. Lisa from Cycle 9! Wow, I forgot how pretty she was…But I do miss the Cover Girl in the Week.

The judges deliberate. Now that I really see Clark’s makeover, I don’t think she looks good that dark. Lighten her up, Tyra! Ms. J continues to make fun of Joslyn’s pose.

ELIMINATION! Elina is the first called and gets her picture displayed. Followed by: Lauren Brie, Samantha, Cage Girl, Sheena, Joslyn, Marjorie, Clark, Isis, and Hannah. Brittany and Analeigh end up in the bottom two .Brittany screams model! Analeigh is expected to excel. And she’s given a chance to do so. Brittany is sent home with the advice to study the European high fashion magazines. She hugs Tyra.

Next week: RUNWAY TIME in a bowling alley. And elimination will occur right after the runway challenge.

I can’t wait for the Tyra as Snow White footage to hit YouTube. That’s going to really cheer me up.

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