Thursday, April 9, 2020

Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist: A Fun and Heartwarming TV Musical

That can also rip out your heart.

No, really. This show piles on the feels every week. You get a feel good musical number and then WHAM! feels.

(How it feels to watch this show)
I wasn’t going to watch this show. And that sounds weird because I’m sure as you know, I love shows that feature singing and dancing. Glee. Smash. Galavant. Hell, I’ve even watched the old Fame TV series when a cable station was airing reruns of them. But I guess I just didn’t feel like trying to get into a new show. With the exception of Once Upon a Time, they didn’t have long runs. Heck, I even got into The Magicians…in time for the final season.

More on that later.

But back in February, back before all this madness took over, I went to Washington DC on a girls’ trip with my mom, my aunt and a family friend. My mom and the friend wanted to visit the Bible Museum there. My aunt went with them but I spent my time bouncing around the different Smithsonian museums (namely, American History and Space and Air). Since we were close to the National Mall and surrounded by federal buildings, many places were either closed for the weekend or closed up by 5:30 PM. So we were stuck in the hotel room for most of the night. And that meant watching TV. We found Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist and I was hooked.

At first, I was just going to do a summary of the series and that would be that. But that’s easier for past seasons of The Magicians. I could wait for the entire series to be over but then I realized that I miss recapping shows. My schedule hasn’t allowed me then time I need to get them up quickly. But I really do want to recap this series (and I’m working on Season 5 of The Magicians too actually).

And now seems like a good time to do it. I’m stuck at home for the foreseeable future due to COVID-19. I live in New York (which is the epicenter) and work in New Jersey (which isn’t as bad as us but isn’t good as well). While I am working from home, I still have more time than I usually do now. So I’m going to use it while it lasts (which could be at least through May).

While Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist is still airing, I’m going to start from the top. So tune in soon for my recap of the premiere.

And most of all – STAY SAFE! If you can – STAY HOME! STOP THE SPREAD! SAVE LIVES!
We can stop this together by staying apart. It’ll only be for a little while and then we can all come together again and celebrate. For now, we just have to be patient and selfless.

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