Sunday, March 12, 2017

OUAT: Let's Escape

Last time on “Once:” After an encounter with Queenie at Robin’s grave, Emma learned that the sword she found could hurt Queenie without hurting Regina. It sent Queenie spinning too and Rumple vowing to get revenge on her for what she did to Belle just added to her less-than-stellar night.

So Queenie got revenge. She stole Aladdin’s lamp and used him to send Emma to a world where she never became the Savior. Tensions rose amongst the family before Regina went to confront her other half. She realized that she and Queenie were the same, so she was Aladdin’s mistress as well. She wished herself to the dream world and he granted it.

With Regina gone as well, David decided to take matters into his own hands. He confronted Queenie and got the lamp, controlling Aladdin. He wished for Queenie to get exactly what she deserved but nothing happened. Queenie gloated that she got what she wanted—his family was falling apart. She tried to kill him but Hook and Jasmine intervened.

Later, the hooded figure emerged from Granny’s and turned her into a snake.

Meanwhile, Rumple and Belle had a talk and were horrified to learn that Blue had been attacked. She revealed that the Black Fairy had taken their son and they panicked, wondering what she was doing to him.

In the Wish Realm, Princess Emma celebrated her birthday with her loving parents and the entire court. The Enchanted Forest was prosperous and peaceful, thanks to Snow and Charming banishing the Evil Queen years ago. However, Princess Emma had been having strange dreams and found a sword under her bed. Snow waved it off and Henry figured it was for his knighting ceremony. It seemed even this wish realm, Neal was around…and died. Emma decided to put everything out of her mind and focus on Henry’s big day.

Regina arrived in the Wish Realm and freaked out the dwarves when they thought the Evil Queen returned. She then came across Emma in the woods, surprised at how docile she was as Snow and Charming threatened Regina. Regina poofed back to her castle where she found Rumpelstiltskin. He gave her some advice before making a deal with her for his freedom. As he went to find her a magic bean, she went to remind Emma that she was the Savior.

Henry was knighted and Regina burst in, much like she did at the Snowing wedding. She demanded that Emma find a hero who could fight her before kidnapping the Charmings. Emma then showed up at the Winter Palace, surrendering the kingdom to Regina. Frustrated, Regina crushed Snowing’s hearts in an attempt to get through to Emma. Nothing worked until Henry promised to avenge his grandparents, almost killing a docile Regina. Emma used her magic to stop him, jolted from her wish realm.

In Storybrooke, Rumple and Belle learned the figure under the hood—the one destined to kill Emma—was their son, all grown up.

In the Wish Realm, Rumple came through with a magic bean. Regina and Emma threw it down and a portal opened. But they are then waylaid by Robin Hood—very much alive and very much trying to rob them. Regina was shocked to see her soulmate again and as Emma tried to get her to leave, she refused to move. The portal closed, leaving them trapped.

We open in Minneapolis in 1990. Little Emma sits around a fire in an alley. She tears pages out of a book and throws them in, trying to stay warm in the harsh weather.

A male voice tells her not to tear out the story of “The Ugly Duckling.” She says she’s trying to stay warm and he asks her what she’s doing out there. Little Emma replies that she ran away from a lousy group home. She goes to rip the story again but he tells her again not to. We then see a dark-haired teenage boy who tells her that fairy tales are about transformations and belief. He says the duckling believed he was a swan so much, he became one. Emma points out that that’s not what the story is about—the duckling was always a swan. (She’s right). But he says he likes his interpretation between because it means we can become whoever we believe we are. He asks her if this what she believes is her destiny and says that she’ll find her home one day.

We next see little Emma sipping hot chocolate (with cinnamon!) at Child Services. A woman asks her how long she’s been on the streets and Emma replies a few nights. She’s then asked her name and she gives it as “Emma Swan.” Thus we now know where Emma got her last name.

(I thought it had been established that it was the name of the foster family who originally adopted her but gave her up when they had a child of their own. Or was that fanon I mistook for canon?)

(Look at baby Emma!)

In the Wish Realm, the portal closes as Robin demands their jewelry. Regina is surprised that he doesn’t at least recognize her as the Evil Queen as Emma hands over some of her jewelry. Robin demands Regina’s necklace and she turns it over, hand lingering on his. As he hears horses approach—Prince Henry in pursuit of his grandparents’ murderer—he runs off. Emma reminds Regina that the kingdom is after her and they race off to hide behind a fallen tree.

Henry and some guards ride up. They look around and he declares that they must’ve gone across the lake. He orders the guards to go looking and swears that the witch will pay for killing his grandparents.

(Is he King Henry now?)
Once they leave, Emma and Regina come out of hiding. Emma wants to leave before they can lock up Regina but she’s focused on Robin Hood, wondering why he didn’t age. Emma reminds her that it’s a wish and essentially a dream. They just need to go home. The question is how? Emma looks around and focuses on the log, an idea coming to her.

Hook and David walk down Main Street. Well, more like David walks down Main Street and Hook follows. He tries to get David to tap out, wake up Snow and recharge. However, David blames himself for bringing the hooded figure to Storybrooke by wishing for Queenie to get what she deserves. So he’s going to fix it before Emma comes back. Hook says he’ll help him but he definitely looks concerned for David.

(Bros stick together)
Gold and Belle stare at their son in shock. Gold asks him what happened to him and Gideon replies that he was taken by the Black Fairy to a place where time was different. Gold and Belle ask him what she did to him and we get flashes of a harsh childhood. Gideon says she tried to turn him evil but she failed because he never forgot his real mother. Relieved, Gold asks if it means he’s not going to kill Emma. Gideon says he is, that he’s had a vision of it. He says that once he kills Emma, he’ll become the Savior and he can rescue a land from the Black Fairy. He then disappears in a cloud of smoke.

(Gideon, you do know being Savior is not like being the Highlander, right?)

(The concerned parents)
Emma and Regina arrive at a village. Emma tells Regina to stay behind since everyone in the kingdom wants her head. Regina agrees and watches as Emma approaches a man—Pinocchio! Eion Bailey is back and he hugs Emma. It’s clear they are good friends in the Wish!Realm and he says he was very concerned about her. He asks her what’s wrong and she tells him it’s a long story.

(Welcome back, Eion!)
After a cut scene, Pinocchio says that once upon a time he wanted to be a real boy. His father believed in him and so he became one. So he believes Emma’s story. He asks her what she wants. She says that his father once carved a wardrobe that took her to the Land Without Magic. Pinocchio says his father died years ago and Emma says she knows, she still has Princess Emma’s memories. However, she was hoping he still had the wardrobe around. He says he destroyed it because it reminded him of darker times—no offense to Regina. She doesn’t take any, saying it seems everyone’s lives got better once she was gone. Emma then asks Pinocchio if there’s anything he can do. He says he remembers where the enchanted grove is and he still has his father’s tools. Perhaps they can carve a new wardrobe. Emma is for it and turns to check with Regina.

Except she’s gone! Emma finds a note from Regina telling her to go back to Storybrooke without her. She says she can’t go until she finds Robin and sees if his life is better without her.

Oh, Regina.

She wanders through the woods until she comes across a familiar little town. Regina approaches the tavern and looks through the window. She spots Robin sitting there, his lion tattoo on full display. We get a flashback to Season 3, where pixie dust illuminated the man with the lion tattoo and Tinkerbell encouraged Young Regina to go inside and get him. Now, Regina opens the door and steps into the tavern.

A man spots her and yells that it’s the Evil Queen. Everyone panics and runs, jumping out windows as Regina just stands there, annoyed and over the reactions to her presence by now.

The only one who doesn’t run is Robin. Instead, he asks if she’s there to buy him a drink and then is surprised to see Regina is the Evil Queen. He asks if she wants the necklace back. She sits down and says she wants to talk to him, which surprises him. Regina asks if he’s happy. Robin is confused and makes a comment about how strange she is. She begs him to answer the question. He says that he loves his work, answers to no one and sleeps under the stars. He loves his life. She nods, saying then that he was better off and thanks him.

She gets up and Robin stops her, asking why she cared about his happiness. When she hesitates, he assures her she can tell him anything. But before she can, the Sheriff of Nottingham bursts in. He slaps a cuff on Regina and has his men grab Robin. They share some banter before Nottingham orders both hauled away.

(Is...Is Nottingham pining for Robin?)
Pinocchio and Emma stand in the Enchanted Grove in front of a tree. He pulls out a chisel and says that his father’s tools were special. Then he says his father told him a master carpenter has to commune with his material and his tools. Emma glances down at her sword and he comments on it, saying Princess Emma preferred pretty dresses and high tea. She says things are different in her world and that she’s the savior. Pinocchio says her world has funny jobs and asks what she does as the Savior. Emma replies that she protects people but that it comes at a cost. She tells him she’s destined to die while protecting her family and the sword in her hand is what’s supposed to kill her.

Hook’s voice interrupts them and a sword appears at Pinocchio’s throat as he’s ordered to step away from the princess. Pinocchio and Emma turn to face Hook, revealing a gray-haired pirate…with quite the gut. Yes, Hook has gotten old and fat. He assures Emma that he’s here to rescue her and both she and Pinocchio stare in disbelief.

(*Your recapper has fallen over from laughing too hard*)
Gideon glares at the lake as Rumple approaches him. He tells his father that he won’t be swayed from his destiny. Rumple says that fate is a funny thing and still needs a lot of work and preparation. Gideon is pretty much “I don’t need you, Dad” and Rumple tries to connect with him. He apologizes for not protecting him from the Black Fairy and tries to convince Gideon that they are very similar. He says he always wanted a chance to show his own father that he was better and Rumple tells Gideon to take the chance. He then starts hitting him and is all “Hit me back” but though his hand glows, Gideon refuses. Rumple says that he won’t be able to defeat the Savior if he can’t hit his own father. Gideon disappears and I think he might be on the right path. I doubt Rumple can really help him defeat the Savior.

(Gideon is really just a teenager)
Back in the Wish Realm, Pinocchio and Emma are still dealing with Captain Hook. He assures Princess “Enya” that she is safe. She corrects him, saying her name is Emma and she doesn’t need to be rescued. He says that’s because he’s going to keep her safe. He also reveals that there is a handsome reward for her return. She’s amused by everything as Pinocchio manages to get his sword from him. He glances back at Emma, asking if she knows him. She says that she knows a version of him and that they sorta live together.

Hook dives and grabs the chisel, ready to fight Pinocchio with it. As he lunges, Emma uses her magic to send him flying. She approaches him, saying when she gets back she needs to get her Hook off the rum. And the desserts. With a wave of her hand, she sends him back to the Jolly Roger.

Pinocchio panics, realizing the chisel has broken. Emma asks if he can fix it and he says he can’t. Hey, Emma, you have magic. Maybe you can fix it? She then asks if he can use another tool but he insists he needs magic because he’s not good enough. You know who has magic? Emma. She can probably fix the chisel. And maybe your self-esteem, Pinocchio. Because he apologizes for letting her down and says she should probably never put her faith in him again. He then leaves.

Seriously, no one mentions Emma’s magic? At all? Hello?

Nottingham stops for a break and Outlaw Queen has a talk. Regina apologizes for getting him caught and he says she should be sorry. Now he’s going to die without having accomplished anything. Regina finds that odd since he’s Robin Hood. She asks him about all the people he’s helped and he looks at her like she has three heads. Regina says he steals from the rich to give to the poor and he finds that idea ridiculous, saying he steals from the rich to make himself rich. She asks if being a common thief makes him happy and he retorts that he’s not a common anything. Regina presses on, deciding Marian must make him happy. He asks her what she knows of Marian and she says Marian is his wife. He grows somber and reveals that Marian died before they could marry. Regina realizes he is alone and asks how that makes him happy. He replies that she said he was happy. Honestly, he admits he hasn’t been happy in a long time. Regina realizes it’s because he never had love.

(Oh man. If only this show was on Showtime at 10 PM)
They are interrupted by sounds of a struggle. The guards are blown away and Nottingham clings to the bars, begging for help before he suffers the same. Regina glances around and smiles, saying she knows who can do that and assures Robin that he’s on their side. Rumple emerges from the woods and says he’s stretching his legs. He lets them out and Regina thanks him. She asks if he can take off her cuff but he refuses, saying that she took his love from him and then starved her to death. He says he went looking for Belle and only found her bones, which he dumps out at her feet. Regina reminds him that it wasn’t her and that this world isn’t real. He says that he may not be real but he can still make her bleed.

David tells a sleeping Snow that he can’t wake her. Not until he finds the hooded figure and brings Emma back. He promises he’ll do that and then they’ll fix everything. He kisses her forehead…which in the past has proven enough for a True Love’s Kiss. Is it intention? Or just another plot hole?

Hook says the dwarfs have searched the woods but found nothing. He says it would be easier if they knew who they were looking for. Belle tells them that his name is Gideon and he’s her son. Hook is confused and points out her son is a baby. She tells them the story and why he wants to kill Emma. Belle says Gold is looking for him and Hook asks if it’s to find him or help him. She doesn’t know and David tells her that if he’s going to hurt Emma, they have to stop him. Belle says she believes she can get through to him and asks them to give her that chance. They agree but if it doesn’t appear to be working, they will do whatever they have to do. She understands.

(A concerned mother)
Rumple throws Regina and Robin into a cell. He says it’s been some time since he flayed anyone so he needs to go prepare his instruments. He locks them in there and as Regina bangs on the door, Robin makes himself comfortable. He asks if he’s really just part of some dream world conjured by the very real princess’ wish and Regina says it was someone else’s wish, but yes. He continues, confirming that he was some folk hero who the Evil Queen cared about. She confirms and can’t believe he believes her. He says that believing there is some version out there living a life where he is happy and loved isn’t too hard to believe in.

Regina grows sad and he frowns, asking if he’s a scoundrel in her world as well. She says he isn’t and sits down before revealing that he’s dead. That hits Robin hard and he stands up, processing it. He asks her if the other him had a good life before he died. Regina says she believed he did. She says he helped a lot of people and was proud of that. He also loved his friends and family. “And you,” Robin adds. She agrees. Robin says it does sound like the other him had a very good life.

As Regina wipes her tears, Robin gets to work. He’s able to pick the lock and get them out of the cell. Sometimes having a thief can be handy.

(Now if we can just wake him up)
Emma tries to chisel the tree but is having no luck. She spots an elaborately carved wooden box in the tool box and picks it up. It has a tag with her name on it and when she opens it, she pulls out a wooden swan. Something crosses her mind and she hurries away.

She holds up the swan and asks Pinocchio about it. He says it’s a birthday gift for the princess who has everything. He says it’s from his favorite fairy tale, one his father often told him. Emma guesses it’s The Ugly Duckling. He nods, saying it’s about a duck who believed so hard, he became a swan—just like the teen boy told Emma in the opening scene. Pinocchio says he’s father used to tell him he could change his fate if he believes hard enough. Emma asks him to repeat it and then realizes it had been August who had rescued her from the streets that night. She gives him a hope speech and asks if he’s ready to be the master carpenter he wants to be. She tells him to change his fate.

They return to the enchanted grove and Pinocchio raises the chisel to the tree. He chips into it and magic bursts forward. He smiles, saying that the swan is going home.

(He looks so proud of himself)
Pinocchio finishes up the wardrobe and Emma congratulates him. He thanks her for giving him the confidence to do it and she tells him that his father would be proud. They look at it and he says it’s rough around the edges but it will do.

Regina comes in and Emma asks her where she’s been. The question is answered when Robin comes in right behind her. Regina says they need to leave because nearly the entire kingdom—including Rumple—is after her. Emma agrees and Robin asks if they are using a tree to get home. Pinocchio tells him it’s magic and Robin isn’t very impressed. Emma agrees that they need to go and Regina just asks for a moment to say goodbye.

(That's quite a wardrobe)
She and Robin step aside and she apologizes for dragging him into all that craziness. He says he likes an adventure. Robin then gives her a feather, saying that it’s his lucky feather from his lucky arrow. He hopes it will be like she has a piece of Robin with her. Regina gets choked up as she explains that an arrow from Robin got lost and its way to her. She says she believe and hope that he was in a better place. Now she thinks some part of him lived on in this Robin.

Emma calls Regina over and tells her to take Robin back with them. Regina reminds her that this world isn’t real, just created by a wish. So Robin isn’t real. Emma says that maybe she’s right and part of Robin’s soul lives on in this Robin, which is why he hasn’t aged and is different. She asks why Regina is hesitating and Regina admits it’s because of her. She’s not used to getting happiness. Emma tells her to take a chance. Regina turns to Robin, who jumps at the chance. She’s surprised but he reminds her that he doesn’t have much going for him in that world. He also says that he would love to chance to get to the know the woman one version of him was willing to die for. That melts her heart and nearly made me cry.

Pinocchio opens the wardrobe door, which has the same golden effect that the doors to the Land of Untold Stories had. Hopefully that doesn’t take them there. He suggests Emma leave the sword behind but she says she won’t let fate dictate her moves. She thanks him and climbs into the wardrobe. Regina also thanks Pinocchio before we see a bright white light.

Emma stands in the middle of the forest around Storybrooke as she watches the tree she climbed out of. The tree explodes and Regina climbs out. Emma asks her where Robin is and Regina is confused, saying he was right behind her. She then grows despondent and Emma says she’s sorry. Regina asks her for a moment alone and Emma gives it to her, walking away.

Regina fights her tears…until she hears another explosion. Turning around, she spots Robin stumbling out of the tree. She rushes to him, hugging him. He returns it but she is reluctant to let him go. When she realizes she let it go on a bit too long, she apologizes. He tells her not to worry, appearing to have liked it himself. He asks where they are and she takes him to clearing, officially welcoming him to Storybrooke as mayor.

Emma walks down Main Street when she gets a flash from her vision. She turns around to find the hooded figure behind her and asks him who he is. He tells her he is Gideon and she says the only Gideon she knows is a lot younger. They then start fighting, both sides giving as good as they get. However, Gideon does get the upperhand and manages to get the sword from Emma. He uses magic to get rid of his own, leaving him with the sword prophesized to kill the Savior.

(Gideon is trying to look intimidating)
Hook, David and Henry run in from one side of town and call out to Emma. Regina and Robin are right behind them, as are Belle and Rumple. They beg Gideon not to do it but he just freezes them. He approaches Emma, whose hand starts to tremble. He tells her that he’s going to kill her but she says she’s not going to die today, able to blast him with her magic. The sword breaks in the process and she picks up a shard, ready to kill him. Rumple, though, pleads with her—revealing Gideon is his son. Emma hesitates and Gideon yells that he doesn’t need help, DAD, and then poofs out there after promising to kill Emma one day.

Everyone unfreezes and Emma runs to her family. They all hug her and are so happy to see her. She asks what happened and how Gideon turned into a grown man. Hook and David promise to tell her everything later. Regina approaches and Robin makes a comment about Captain Hook being more spry in his younger days. Everyone is confused and Regina explains that he’s an alternate universe copy of Robin she brought back. Hook asks Emma what happened to them and then asks what happened to him. She hugs him and Henry, saying they’re just going to switch to water. He asks for drinking and she confirms. He’s still confused.

August clicks away at his typewriter as Emma comes into Gepetto’s workshop. He explains that he writes out there so his Papa can sleep. She asks him if he knew it was her when he found her on the streets. He says he did and that he had been keeping tabs on her. August says he knew she didn’t belong on the streets and needed her to know it. She pulls out a little box and reveals she kept the pages she was about to throw into the fire. He’s glad, saying he hoped she would believe she could be whatever she wanted to be. She says she’s not sure she’s determining her own fate but she believes she can. August says it’s a start.

Rumple finds Belle at the well. She says she makes all these plans and they always go wrong, no matter who she trusts. He says he understands but she doesn’t think he does. She says he’s trying to keep Gideon tied to this awful fate but he says he hopes Gideon will make his own choices. They have some more talk about choices and Rumple says he hopes Gideon realizes that he’s reaching for more poison rather than cure.

Belle throws a coin in the well and says she thought she could save him, but she guesses she did the wrong thing for the right reason. She asks Rumple if there’s anything he can do to save Gideon but he says he doesn’t. He does think they can stop their son, but everyone is going to have to work together or else war will come to Storybrooke.

Gideon stomps down Main Street and into the clock tower. He has a temper tantrum and blows out the clock.

Regina is NOT going to be happy about that.

Robin’s back! Except he’s not exactly our Robin, so we’ll have to see how things go with him. But there were a lot of sweet Outlaw Queen moments in this, proving once again the writers can write for them. And also how amazing the chemistry between Sean and Lana is. It’s going to be great to have it back on our screens, even if only for a short time.

Emma has the confidence to make her own destiny but there is a problem knowing she has to defeat Rumple and Belle’s son. It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out.

Next week: Who killed Papa Charming? 

Screen caps from here

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