Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Face Off: Demons of the Arctic

Last time on “Face Off:” The thirteen contestants get to go to San Diego Comic Con and meet reps from DC Comics. They are tasked with creating their own superheroes and bringing them to life. Anthony once again rose to the top while Michael was ultimately eliminated. Twelve contestants remain, who is eliminated tonight?

Face Off

Autumn, Eric F and Kris talk about Michael’s elimination and how they want to beat Anthony. Everyone leaves to meet Sheridan…I mean McKenzie Westmore in the desert. She welcomes them to hell. There are pitchforks bearing the names of demons. In pairs, they will be working to bring the demons to life.

Team 1: Eric Z and Kris (Abraxas)
Team 2: Anthony and Alam (Deumus)
Team 3: House and Meagan (Azi Dahaka)
Team 4: Alex and Autumn (Pazuzu)
Team 5: Katie and Jenna (Eurynome)
Team 6: Eric F and Wayne (Chort)

McKenzie tells them to let the desert inspire their designs. She leaves them to sketch and warns them they are in rattlesnake country.

The story of their demon is printed on the back as Team AA (Alex and Autumn) decide on a gargoyle look. Team AlAn (Alam and Anthony) decide to make theirs beautiful. Once time is up, they run back to air conditioning.

Team Piercing (Eric F and Wayne) work with electronics while Team Ginger work on sculpting their demon. Katie designs a walker—a creature with long arms that look like legs. Team Abraxas seems to be working well. While Team Azi is having problems with the sculpts. Meagan worries House is going to dominate the project. Alex trusts Team AA’s sculpting to Autumn. She hopes everything looks cohesive in the end.

We learn Jenna has a tumor in her hand and it has gone numb due to it. She doesn’t want to let Katie down. Katie doesn’t seem to care.

Anyway, McKenzie arrives and everyone is nervous. She talks about how script notes can change a story. And so she has notes for the contestants.

Coming Up: Demons!

Mini Scene: Team AA is being secretive so people don’t try to outdo them. Alex thinks Autumn is paranoid.

So what are the notes? Hell has frozen over. Their demons are now ice demons. Okay…Everyone starts to work on the changes. Team Abraxas decides to change the color palette while Team Ginger wants to incorporate icicles somewhere. Meagan still tries to get her ideas in with House while everyone tries to use every last minute. TIME! Jenna still feels bad for Katie.

Day 2! Team Piercing feels they are on track. Jenna’s hand is feeling better and so is she. And then McKenzie returns with Papa Westmore! They tour everyone’s designs. Meagan explains the snake designs. Michael suggests variation of shades. Michael tells Team Ginger how to hide the lips. He tells Team Piercing not to waste time on animatronics but Eric F. promises he knows time management. Kris appreciates the advice from Papa Westmore. Who tells Team AlAn to watch out for foam shrinkage. Team AA is told to focus on shading before the Westmores head out.

Jenna’s hand is acting up again. Katie says its frustrating because its not that Jenna is being lazy, she has a physical ailment. Which is getting worse.


Katie is still trying to keep her frustration at bay. Jenna though thinks she can deal with her hand. Meanwhile, Autumn is working on the wings as others head into the molding phase. Team Piercing thinks they are cutting it down to the wire while Alam is a bit overwhelmed. Team Abraxas seem to be doing well. TIME!

Team AlAn is a bit behind and Anthony is concerned.

Day 3! Alex is worried about her painting while everyone steps it up. The models arrive and application starts. Team Piercing is looking at a lot of work in four hours. Team Ginger doesn’t like the leg extensions and Katie is worried. Team AlAn work on opening the mold without damaging the cast. They succeed while Eric F. worries about paint. House isn’t too thrilled with his and Meagan’s paint job. TIME!

Everyone packs up and heads to the studio. Wayne worries about being in the bottom three.

Coming Up: Unleash the judges!

The teams try to finish up before Last Looks. Alex thinks Autumn is too confident about their demon. Eric F’s mechanisms fail at TIME! Wayne is really nervous.

I like McKenzie’s dress. She welcomes the contestants and introduces the judges: Glenn, Ve and Neville. Team AA is up first. It’s not bad but nothing amazing. Autumn is really confident. House doesn’t like the snake puppet on his and Meagan’s demon. Team Piercing’s demon isn’t half-bad. Eric hopes it looks cool enough to get the judges to forgive the paint job. Team Ginger is really concerned though their demon isn’t too bad. Team Abraxas…wow. And that’s in a good way. Team AlAn did pretty well too.

The judges take a closer look. Neville didn’t like the hand puppet but they do like Team Piercing’s demon. Team Ginger look sick.


The judges continue to look over Team Ginger’s demon before moving on. They praise Team AlAn’s work.
Team Azi and Team Abraxas are safe. Oh, Team Abraxas aren’t the best? Anyway, Team AlAn step forward with their demon. Glenn praises their work and the fusion of demon and cultural. Ve praises their color choice and Neville praises the head sculpture. Anthony did most of the talking, I noticed. Team AA is next. Autumn once again calls him “adorable” and Ve disagrees. She doesn’t like the sculpt, Neville doesn’t like the wings and Glenn doesn’t like it up close.

Team Piercing follows. Neville praises the silhouette and the horns. Autumn must not like it. Glenn likes the performer can see out of the mouth. He does call them out for the paint job but Ve praises the use of pink. Team Ginger march over. They don’t like the demon and Glenn agrees. He doesn’t like the paint job and Ve doesn’t see any sores. Neville believes it was too big to succeed with their time limits.

The judges discuss the looks that work before going on about Team Ginger. Neville didn’t like the arms and Glenn says it failed. Neville felt they weren’t creative enough with their design. No one liked the face sculpt.

Top looks are Team AlAn and Team Piercing. The overall winner is…


Top team is Team AlAn! There can only be one winner. And Anthony’s streak continues. I’d sleep with one eye open, Anthony. Team AlAn and Team Piercing go to the makeup room. Team Ginger and Team AA remain. All four step before the judges. Team AA had sculpture mistakes while Team Ginger had a great concept but poor execution. The eliminated contestant is Katie. Aww. I kinda thought it was going to be Autumn. Team Ginger share a hug before Jenna heads back to the makeup room. Ve tells her to keep practicing and it’s been an honor. Katie thanks them and they wish her luck.

Katie announces she’s going home and everyone hugs her. She says she’s proud of what she’s done and knows she’ll do something awesome.

Face Off

Eric F.
Eric Z.

I’m annoyed by Autumn. Not entirely sure why. Meagan is still one of my favorites along with Kris and Eric Z. Alam is creeping up there with Anthony.

Next week: Candy creatures!

Quote of the Episode
“It’s the cutest little gargoyle I ever saw in my life.”—Autumn about her demon

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