Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Italia’s Winner

This past cycle of America’s Next Top Model: Fourteen girls competed for the dubious honor of America’s Next Top Model. After surviving suspended runways, moving runways, roller coasters, bitch models, Mexican wrestlers, Kacey, going to Italy, Liz’s complaining, and Tyra, there are two left: awkward yet stunning Ann and professional yet stunning Chelsey. Who will be America’s Next Top Model? Stay tuned!

Wanna be on top?

Ann and Chelsey celebrate being in the bottom two. Chelsey says she’s wanted to be a model for 20 years and can’t believe she’s so close. Ann says she’s proud and that’s being working hard to correct her flaws. They return to the house and eat. Where’s the rest of Chelsey’s sweater? She recalls some of the criticism she’s gotten over the years and tells us she’s going to be big. We see Ann with a cat and her over the years, recalling about how the kids used to pick on her for being so tall. They study the Beauty in Vogue covers as Chelsey tries on her Versace coat.

MILAN! The Milan Model Mobile takes them to some field where they meet Valentina, the Italian Vogue designer. She introduces them to Vincent Peters. He speaks English! But is one of Vogue Italia’s top photographers. Ann is up first. I love her hair. She says it’ll be weird to see herself in a magazine but she’ll be so proud. Vincent calls her a studio model, couture. Chelsey is next. Vincent tells her not to forget him when she’s famous. He says the camera loves her. Vincent bids them good-bye.

TYRA MAIL! “Real high fashion models know how to commercialize their careers.” You know what that means? Cover Girl commercial time. Ann is scared because they didn’t receive packets with their lines in them.

The Milan Model Mobile takes them to an Italian town where they meet Mr. Jay. He says the lake and town will be their backdrop. But they won’t be saying lines. They will be recording them later. They will be two friends meeting up in the town and shilling Cover Girl. Ann says she wants to transfer how she did in the motion editorial to the commercial. Chelsey thinks she can take Ann down. I still love Ann’s hair. The girls do their make up, take pictures. He tells Chelsey to laugh more. Mr. Jay loves their acting this time. He even praises Ann’s acting. He’s impressed with their synergy. Mr. Jay says that for the photoshoot, he wants them to be inspirational. So he brings in inspiration for them—their families! And they get to watch them on their shoot.

Chelsey is first. Her parents say she always wrote about being a model and that they are proud. The photographer says she’s very commercial and the shoot was easy. Meanwhile, Ann does her audio. Mr. Jay loosens her up, tells her to use her hands. And that helps her. We go straight to Chelsey, who Mr. Jay stops to slow down. Ann goes to take her pictures as Mom whispers “That’s our baby.” Dad thinks his daughter will win. The photographer calls her editorial but he loved her. Mr. Jay tells the girls that their parents will be attending the fashion show.

TYRA MAIL! “It’s time to make one more important stop on your race to the top.” Ann and Chelsey are stumped. They meet Ivan Bart from IMG Models. They will be representing the winner. Chelsey meets with him first. She talks about her past experience before they turn to her book. Ivan likes her personality. Ann is next. She talks about how the competition is a confidence booster. Ivan liked her pictures and thinks they can work on her personality. He’ll be at the fashion show as well. The two talk in the bus. Ann says she felt relaxed but probably looked scared because that’s her default look. Chelsey mentions that Ann’s been in the bottom two and never won a challenge while she (Chelsey) is the complete package.

The girls meet Mr. Jay at the fashion show location. The girls will be walking for Roberto Cavalli. Chris, Liz, Jane and Kayla will be walking with the girls and last cycle winner’s Krista will open the show. He says they flew the other girls back, but they were probably still in Italy. The show does that so that no one knows who was really eliminated in which order. Jane is Team Ann, Kayla is Team Chelsey. Krista talks to Ann and gives her some advice. Mama Tyra comes to say hi to Ann’s family and give some advice to Ann. Mama Tyra does the same with Chelsey and her family. Mama Chelsey is star-struck and reveals that Chelsey’s brother had a giant crush on her. I’m sure he’s relieved.

Tyra welcomes the crowd to the fashion show as Mr. Jay is running things backstage. He cues the logo and music…The logo slides away to reveal Krista. Work it, girl! Krista runs to change as other girls hit the run way. We see Kayla and Liz on the runway before Ann takes her first turn. Walk needs some improvement. Chelsey is next and her walk is fantastic. Ann and Chelsey rush to their changing locations. Mr. Jay is working on adrenaline. Krista is back in a lovely black dress. We see Kayla before Ann comes out. And her walk is better on the second turn and she knows it. Chelsey takes her second turn and is consistent—hi, Jane! Mr. Jay cues the finale and we see everyone on the runway.

Chelsey leaves to see her parents. The two are so proud. Mama Ann is crying. Ann trips but Mr. Jay says it wasn’t on the runway. Ann and Chelsey say they will be upset if they don’t win, but Ann says she’ll find a positive in it.

Backstage, Andre talks about his outfit while Tyra amuses herself with a piece of string. And the final two enter! There are judges: Nigel Barker and Andre Leon Talley. There are two guest judges: Jay Manuel and Roberto Cavalli. I love when they let Mr. Jay on to the final panel. I think they should do it every cycle. Unlike the other members of the panel, Jay deals with the girls week in and week out. He’s seen their progression up close. There are prizes: Contract with IMG Models, cover of Beauty in Vogue as well as a spread, a spread in Vogue Italia, being featured on the website as well as a contract with Cover Girl.

Chelsey is first. Nigel thinks her walk was stiff and fast. Tyra thinks she got lost at the end. Mr. Jay agrees but Roberto doesn’t. Andre loves her legs. Nigel thinks she needs to be more natural, connect with the audience.

Ann: Nigel thinks she improved but her eyes were too focused. Roberto thought she was trying to hard. Andre liked the way she handled walking in her shoes. Mr. Jay wanted her to own her walk.

We then see their commercial. It looks great. Andre loved Ann’s smile. Mr. Jay loved how they worked together. Nigel says Chelsey is a natural smiler. Tyra says they were too realistic. They weren’t selling the make up. Even Roberto agreed. We then see Chelsey’s Cover Girl photo. Mr. Nigel loves her eyes. Tyra calls her “stunning, stunning, stunning.” Has someone been studying John Barrowman? Roberto calls her beautiful but not sure if they would realize what the product was. Ann is next. Roberto says he would use her picture. Andre feels drawn into the picture but Mr. Jay says that it took a while to get to the shot. Tyra doesn’t think Ann understands commercial modeling. Well, you didn’t have the commercial—catalogue—couture teach this cycle…Or last…

At this point, it’s anyone’s game.

That said: GO ANN!

We see Ann and Chelsey putting their feet up and goofing off in the room. The judges deliberate as flashes of their old pictures appear:

Chelsey: Nigel likes shooting her, Roberto thinks she’s American fashion, Nigel would book her, Mr. Jay thinks she can deliver.

Ann: Roberto calls Ann young but beautiful, Andre calls her high fashion. Roberto thinks she’s Italian fashion. Nigel thinks she’s unique.

Tyra and Mr. Jay square off against Nigel about fashion knowledge and what age you’d have it.

But now they have a decision.

America’s Next Top Model is…



The talk of Chelsey being perfect for American fashion cinched it for me. They were thinking of the European market. Tyra hugs Ann. She recalls the comments her peers used to taunt her with and now she’s America’s Next Top Model. After hugging Chelsey, Tyra tells her to say they made the wrong choice (not that Chelsey disagrees) because it’ll give her a platform. She won’t just be the pretty blonde. Okay…

America’s Next Top Model: Ann














And another cycle of America’s Next Top Model has come to the end! Whether or not you’re happy with the winner (I know I am), it was a good cycle. Well, that’s it until the spring when Cycle 16 kicks off. Until then:

Merry Christmas!

Happy Kwanza!

Merry Festivus!

Happy Holidays!

And a special Happy Hanukkah!

See you Top Model fans in 2011!

Quote of the Episode:

“Guess what? You’re not normal—you’re America’s Next Top Model.” –Nigel to Ann after her win.

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