Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Your Inner Voice

Last week on Glee: Someone posted a Glist—a ranking of the Glee members according to hotness. Sue got to duet with Olivia Newton-John. Emma learned about Will’s escapades with two of the Witches of Oz. Rachel blew it with Jesse, Puck and Finn with just one song. Kurt, Tina, Artie, Mercedes and Brittany tried to be bad and backfired. And in case you were wondering, Quinn posted the Glist.

People whisper in the hallways. They stare. The Gleeks fall silent. Puck has shaved his head! GASP! Brittany doesn’t even recognize him. He tells Santana about how his mom found a mole and freaked out. So she took him to a dermatologist, who shaved his head to find it was nothing. He says he feels like the guy who lost all his hair and his strength. “Sampson?” Santana guesses. “Agassi,” Puck replies. She says she’s not turned on and leaves. Outside, the geeks surround Puck and throw him into the dumpster. Mostly because he lets him. As he lies there pondering his life, he hears Mercedes singing. He thinks she’s suddenly become popular. He needs to do that. And he’s going to do it by dating Mercedes.

Can this girl get a real boyfriend who isn’t gay or just using her, please?

Meanwhile, Rachel takes out a pharmacy. She’s exhausted and needs the vitamin supplements. She thinks it is because she is singing too many solos. She knows she has perfect pitch, sensitive hearing and knows no one is singing. So she made a deal with the AV club to bug the room. We hear Rachel drown everyone out and watch as she makes a Glist of her own. The members who aren’t pulling their weight.

Meanwhile, Puck tries to proposition Mercedes. She turns him down flat. Atta girl!

Will asks why some of the members of his club aren’t singing. Finn stopped because he’s no longer getting the male leads. That would be Jesse. Santana just doesn’t give a damn, Quinn blames hormones and Brittany just can’t remember the lyrics. Will tells them to work together as one. He tells the Glee members to pick a song that represents them, their voice and sing it.

Kurt sees his dad, who is taking Finn to a game. Cue the green-eyed monster!

Puck continues to try to woo Mercedes. Rachel will be singing “The Climb” by Miley Cyrus. She insults the team. She starts to sing but is off. The Glee don’t know whether to laugh or stop her. Will tells her she’s lost her voice.

Dun dun dun!

Sue comes to ask Sue about Kurt’s absence from the Cheerios. He confides in her. Sue actually gives him somewhat decent advice. She says that his generation is too wrapped up in labels and that he shouldn’t label himself. He tries to go on about his song choice but Sue leaves him. We next see him dressed like a hunter and asking his dad about John Mellencamp’s “Pink Houses.” They go bond.

At the doctor’s, Finn supports Rachel. The doctor tells her she has tonsillitis and that her tonsils should’ve been taken out. She doesn’t want it to affect her vocal chords so the doctor starts her out with antibiotics. She asks Finn for advice. He tells her to ask her boyfriend. Oh, she can’t. He’s on spring break and hasn’t really talked to her since the Run, Joey, Run incident. Finn tells her that Jesse wouldn’t support her like he does. Rachel tells him that she still loves Jesse and he loves her. Cue “Jesse’s Girl.” And Rachel knows what it’s about.

Will is pleased by Finn’s choice. Puck decides to go next. He even brings in a jazz band. He says that Sammy Davis, Jr. was an inspiration. He sings “Lady is a Tramp.” That’s one of the best part of this show—the mixing of styles. They can swing from an 80s pop hit to a 60s lounge number like that. Santana thinks she’s losing Puck. The Gleeks swing while Mercedes duets with Puck. Now Santana gets a visit from the Green-Eyed Monster.

Mercedes glides down the hall on cloud nine till she spots Quinn. The song apparently worked and she decides to go with him. Quinn tells her to go for it because he’s annoying her. But she warns Mercedes first that Puck’s using her. She knows but she likes the attention. Then she warns Mercedes that Santana is a force to be reckoned with.

At Glee, a trucker hat supporting Kurt performs his song. Slight applause. Will doesn’t think Kurt got the right song. He tells Kurt to be himself. And gives Kurt even better advice: don’t be someone because it’s easier. But Brittany continues on her quest to be the biggest slut in McKinley High and flirts with Kurt.

Rachel looks like they threw together a mixture of Eponine’s costume and Lea Michele’s Ragtime costume as she eats soup. Finn’s sick of her pity party and decides to introduce her to a friend of his.

Kurt and Brittany make out. Mike O’Malley is surprised to find the two in his son’s room. Mike thought his son was having a murder mystery dinner. Not making out for real. Mike is a bit surprised. He tells Kurt that he’s free to be whoever he wants and he’ll support Kurt either way. He leaves, telling them to use protection. Brittany wonders if that’s a house alarm.

Meanwhile, Mercedes can’t stand listening to Puck go on about Super Mario 3. She tells him she likes frozen coffee drinks. As he goes to get one for her, a nerd flinches. Puck is back to his old reputation. Puck is overjoyed as smiles at Santana. She and Mercedes sing the Monica-Brandy duet “The Boy is Mine.” They start a shoving match as Will referees.

The nerd ends up in the dumpster. Mercedes does not approve. Finn and Rachel visit his friend, Sean. He flirts with Rachel. Sean was injured in a football injury. Paralyzed from the chest down. He asks if she’s pissed about losing her voice. He said he was and even tried to commit suicide. But it was Mom to the rescue. He’s not happier now but he’s accepted that there’s more to him. He’s good at math and can sing. He wished he could have had the courage to join his school’s glee club. Rachel thanks him as she and Finn leave.

Back at school, Mercedes quit the Cheerios. She tells Sue that being a Cheerio wasn’t her. Sue worries about their routine and figures she’ll have to do a diatribe on immigrants. Mercedes tells Puck that he needs to evaluate who he is. Because Mercedes is pretty sure the nerd-dumpster-throwing guy isn’t Puck.

Meanwhile, Brittany is admiring how soft Kurt’s hands are when Mike O’Malley shows up. He has plans with Finn tonight. You can see Kurt’s heart break. Mike tells him they’ll be other times to hang out.

Kurt gets “Rose’s Turn”? That’s awesome.

As Kurt finishes, his dad claps. He tells him he blew off Finn because he knew Kurt was not fine. Not with how he sung. He tells Kurt he’s supporting Kurt and whoever he loves. Kurt knows he’s a disappointment. Mike stops him. He tells Kurt to be himself and Mike is going to love him. They hug and this is so sweet. I really love their relationship.

Rachel goes back to visit Sean. She thanks him for showing her that singing may be what she does best, but it may not be the only thing. She offers to give him singing lessons. Her voice is back after a massive dosage of antibiotics, herbal remedies and silence. She starts to sing “One” by U2. This brings back fond memories from my Youth Group. We sang a lot of U2. And “House of the Rising Sun.” Don’t ask. Sean’s pretty good but we segue into…

Finn singing the song as the group performs it.

Next week: Neil. Patrick. Harris.

Good episode. It was good to see the friendship between Finn and Rachel again. And now I can’t wait for Kurt’s boyfriend next season. And I still want John Barrowman to join the cast as a mentor for him. Turn the tables on dad, even if I love Mike O’Malley and how the role is written. And can we give Mercedes a real boyfriend now? Please?

Quote of the Episode:

“I’m like Tinkerbell, Finn, I need applause to live.”--Rachel

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