Friday, February 5, 2021

WandaVision: Growing By Leaps and Bounds

Last time: Wanda and Vision participated in a fundraiser performing magic tricks. But when Vision’s gears literally got gummed up, he acted weird and Wanda had to use her powers to keep up the illusion that it was all, well, an illusion. They won over their neighbors and returned home happy. But throughout the day, someone kept trying to reach out to Wanda and it culminates in someone in a beekeeper outfit appearing on their street. She rewound the scene back to when she and Vision discover she’s pregnant. Color started to seep into their lives and they were brought to the sitcoms of the 1970s.

Everyone is intrigued by the show so far. There are so many questions and theories going around the internet as people try to figure out what is going on. And then there are those who no doubt enjoy the callbacks to classic sitcoms.

Or like me, intrigued by both.

Come and knock on our door/We’ve been waiting for SPOILERS!

We start with your traditional 70s sitcom opening, compete with kitschy lyrics. I think we should all give a hand to Robert and Kristen Anderson-Lopez, who have been writing all the openings to WandaVision episodes. They really are able to capture the time period in their theme songs. And it’s fun watching Vision and Wanda have fun around town in 70s clothing.

A doctor examines Wanda as Vision sits by in his human disguise. And I must say, on a shallow note, the 70s look very good on Paul Bettany. The doctor declares Wanda pregnant and says she’s about four months pregnant. Vision is confused as she wasn’t pregnant only a few hours earlier, though he can’t say that. The doctor compares the baby to fruit, saying it helps the mothers understand what is happening to their baby. It’s a miracle Wanda doesn’t drop him there. Vision still is trying to figure out how his wife is so pregnant and the doctor excuses himself, saying he and his wife are off on vacation to Bermuda. Vision walks him out.

(Poor confused Vision)

Vision sees the doctor off and notices Herb doing some gardening. Especially when he starts to cut into the fence between their property. Vision warns him about it but Herb just keeps going. Unnerved, Vision heads back into the house.

Wanda is happy and excited with the pregnancy while Vision has a lot of questions. But he decides to just go with the flow, though he calculates how quickly her pregnancy will progress. He figures she’ll give birth in a couple days so they have to start getting ready.

They decorate the nursery using Wanda’s magic and debate about what to call their child. Vision proposes Billy after William Shakespeare but Wanda wants to give their child a good American name, suggesting Tommy. They decide to put a pin in the conversation and come back to it later as the baby starts to kick. They have a moment, enjoying the feel of their child kicking.

Vision practices changing diapers on a doll as Wanda basks in her pregnancy. She is then overcome with pain and fears she’s going into labor. He rushes to her side and instructs her how to do properly breath but she snaps that it doesn’t help. After a few moments, though, the pain passes and she realizes it’s a false alarm. While she’s relieved, Vision is not. He says that if she’s experiencing Braxton-Hicks then her pregnancy is advancing even faster than they thought. It was likely she could give birth at any minute.

Time for a commercial! We see a woman frazzled as she tries to manage her household and her children. A voiceover asks her if she needs a break and she nods. So she takes a nice bath in the middle of a Mediterranean backdrop, complete with men in togas fanning her with giant leaves. She’s taking a bath with Hydra soap, which promises to unlock the “goddess” within. So that’s another Hydra reference plus possibly a reference to Thor. After all, we haven’t seen many other gods or goddesses in the Marvel Universe just yet so that’s the likeliest connection.

Wanda does some housework with her magic as Vision continues to fret about her sped-up pregnancy. It gets worse when her magic starts to go haywire and they realize she’s in labor. At one point it starts raining in the house, meaning that her water has broken. Once it stops and they dry off, Vision goes to get the doctor while Wanda tries to breathe through her contractions.

(Well, that's one way to dry off)

However, Geraldine stops by to ask for a bucket. She says things are weird at her house and so it seems that Wanda’s powers may be affecting the entire neighborhood. Wanda does her best to try to hide her pregnancy through some very tried-and-true sitcom methods – wearing a big coat, standing behind large object, always holding an object, etc. She tries to hide her labor symptoms and is successful…mostly because Geraldine is oblivious and just keep prattling on about her own things.

Wanda is close to getting Geraldine out when the stork she had painted in the nursery comes to life. She agrees to hear Geraldine’s story about how she save her boss in a meeting at her temporary job while Wanda tries to figure out how to get rid of the stork.

Meanwhile, Vision has arrived at the doctor’s house. He is having car trouble and can’t leave, which works for Vision. He picks up the doctor and starts to run with him while the poor man’s wife just wants to go on vacation.

Geraldine finishes her story by doing a psyche – she made it sound like she got fired despite saving her boss but it turns out he hired her full time! Wanda congratulates her as the stork runs back into the nursery. Geraldine hears a noise and goes to investigate, amazed to find a nursery as the stork blends in with the wall. She asks Wanda if she’s pregnant and Wanda can no longer hide the fact she’s in labor and Geraldine jumps in to help her give birth to her son, even as all of Wanda’s appliances go crazy from the surge of magic emitting from her as she pushes the baby out. Geraldine then hands Wanda her baby, already bundled up in blankets and all clean – natch. Wanda bonds with her son, holding him close as Geraldine looks on in awe.

(The miracle of life)

Vision and the doctor arrive to realize that the baby has already arrived. He’s disappointed he missed it but is happy to meet his son. Geraldine and the doctor give them some time to bond with their child and Vision holds his son, calling him Tommy. Wanda is touched that he agreed with her name but is confused when she feels pain again. They realize that she’s having twins and so she needs to push all over again. Billy soon arrives to join his brother and it appears they both got their names.

(Congratulations, Dad!) 

The doctors gives the babies and Wanda a clean bill of health. He doesn’t seem to be fazed that she gave birth within a day though he’s still recovering from Vision using his superspeed to get him to the house. Vision offers to walk him out and the doctor agrees, leaving Wanda and Geraldine in the house. He tells the doctor to enjoy his vacation but the doctor says he’s not going, that one can’t really leave. Confused by that, Vision ends up in a conversation with Agnes and Herb, who are both standing at the partition between Vision’s house and Herb’s.

Inside, Geraldine and Wanda fawn over the babies. Wanda says she was a twin and talks about her brother, Pietro. Geraldine is surprised to hear about her brother and Wanda notes that he’s gone before singing a Sokovian lullaby to her boys. Geraldine then has a moment, looking like she’s remembering something. She says that Pietro was killed by Ultron, which unnerves Wanda. She demands to know who Geraldine is and Geraldine insists she’s Wanda’s friend. But Wanda doesn’t buy it and demands that Geraldine leave, especially as she realizes Geraldine's necklace has the same symbol as the toy helicopter she found in the last episode.

(Geraldine remembers something)

Outside, Agnes and Herb ask if Geraldine is still inside with Wanda. They warn Vision not to trust her and Agnes says she has no home in Westview. Herb and Agnes struggle to say something to Vision but seem to be prevented from doing so before snapping back into their happy selves. Agnes excuses herself to head home to Ralph while Herb continues gardening. Unnerved, Vision heads back inside to check on Wanda and their boys.

He finds Wanda alone with the twins. He asks her where Geraldine is and she says that Geraldine went home. Vision seems to accept that answer and they stand next to the crib, watching Billy and Tommy.

(There's something unnerving about this look)

We then cut from the bright world of Westview to night and muted tones. Helicopters fly overhead and we see a sign that reads “Westview.” Beyond it is a military compound and people rush toward a figure on the ground. It is Geraldine, looking shocked as she lays there – free from the sitcom world.

dun dun DUN!

Things are getting even more interesting! Why is the military involved? What do they want with Wanda? Is Westview some sort of experiment? Are they the ones monitoring Wanda’s sitcom life? And if so, why? Is this why Jimmy is trying to get through to her?

So many questions! I’m sure we’ll start to get some answers soon.

It also seems like whatever force has Wanda and the people in her sitcoms, it may be weakening. Agnes and Herb showed awareness that something is wrong and that the town may not be what it seems. The doctor may also have some awareness with his statement about not really being able to leave. Vision also is starting to realize something is wrong – not just with Wanda’s sped up pregnancy but with the town in general.

I have no doubt it’s just going to get even more interesting!

Next time: Some answers!

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