Sunday, April 24, 2016

OUAT: Nobody Seeks Revenge Like Gaston

Last time on “Once:” Rumple opened a portal for Hades to bring Peanut to the Underworld. It also brought Belle and a newly returned Zelena, who believed Hades wanted her daughter for the time travel spell she created back in Season 3. She pleaded with Belle to let her protect Peanut but Belle decided not to trust Zelena. So Zelena was forced to turn to Regina and Robin, who convinced Belle to give them Peanut. But they made the wrong decision to trust Zelena, who ran off with the baby.

Belle, meanwhile, learned she was pregnant…and that Rumple already gave it away centuries ago in a deal. She also learnt that he was the Dark One again and she ran off, unable to process everything.

In Oz, Hades sought out Zelena because he heard about her attempts to make a time travel spell. She tried to take the Scarecrow’s brain but a grown up Dorothy stopped her. Hades explained that he could lead Zelena to the Scarecrow and wanted to use her time travel spell to get revenge on Zeus, who stopped his heart until he received True Love’s Kiss. Which he figured was never going to happen. Feeling a connection with him, Zelena agreed to let him help. Together, they found the Scarecrow and Zelena took his brain. When she returned to her throne room, Hades revealed that he believed Zelena was his True Love and prepared to get a TLK from her. But she turned on him, thinking he wanted the time travel spell for himself. Hades went back to the Underworld and Zelena continued with her spell.

Afraid Hades wanted her daughter to enact the time travel spell, Zelena gave Peanut back to Robin for her own protection. Robin decided to go hide in the woods with her. Snow and Charming learned the message they sent their son made it and they grew more determined to get home.

Hades met with Zelena and assured her that he didn’t intend to hurt Peanut. He was trying to get her for Zelena because he still loved her. Zelena, though, wasn’t sure if he was playing her and so left him once again.

And now for tonight’s episode of “As the Underworld Turns”…

We open in the Enchanted Forest. Lord Maurice is back and trying to track down his daughter. Belle is in the stables and not even Regina’s riding coat can hide the fact Emilie de Ravin is heavily pregnant. But we’ll ignore that for now.

Anyway Lord Maurice reveals that the situation is dire for their kingdom. He says that the Ogres are on their borders and their armies aren’t enough to hold them off. They need help from an ally. So Lord Maurice and Lady Colette (sadly not appearing in this episode) have agreed that Belle should marry Gaston and gain the support of his country. Belle is absolutely against it and rants about it when Gaston appears, now played by someone else. They went all out too. When they show past clips to catch you up to the story in the episode, there were clips from “Skin Deep” way back in Season 1. But they refilmed them to include the new Gaston actor rather than making up some excuse (see Tom Ellis Robin Hood vs. Sean Maguire Robin Hood) or just ignoring it.

(We'll just pretend that other Gaston didn't exist, got it?)
Gaston says he understands that Belle is probably not thrilled with him and has heard so many stories about him. But he asks her not to judge him by the rumors, to get to know him by taking a walk. There can’t be any harm in that. Belle realizes he has her and agrees.

In the Underworld, Belle locates the pawn shop and goes in to talk to her husband. She says she will not let Hades take her child and so she’s going to need Rumple’s help. He’s like “So you’re okay with me being the Dark One?” Of course she’s not but he’s proven that he’ll do anything for his children, so she knows he’ll protect their child. But they are going to do without dark magic. She says Merlin said someone could wield the dagger for good one day. I wouldn’t put your money on Rumple, though. Especially once he starts arguing the shades of gray. Belle says they are going to work together and they are going to do it her way.

("You'd think by now you'd know better")
("I'm going to regret this, aren't I?")
After the credits, we visit the cemetery. Emma is there with Hook and Snow, deciding to try and use her magic to wipe their names off the tombstones. As she tries, the winds whip up and Hook says there’s a storm hiding their way. And it’s a powerful one. They seek refuge and by the time they are safe, the storm has passed. Confused, the trio tries to figure out what’s going on. Snow thinks there’s something out there and when she goes to check, she’s attacked.

Emma’s eyes open and we realize it was just a bad dream. She sits up on the roof of the library where she and Hook are keeping guard. He asks if it was a nightmare but she shrugs it off. He’s concerned because she hasn’t had a decent sleep since before the Camelot arc. I’d go even further back but whatever. I agree with Hook. She says she’ll sleep for weeks once they get him out of the Underworld. They then spot a flashing light—their signal.

(Emma needs a really good rest)
Inside the library, Regina has drawn runes all over the elevator doors and is climbing down the ladder as Emma entered. She hugs her mother, who is a bit surprised. Emma plays it off and Hook asks Regina how her scribbles are going to help them. She says that if she and Emma hit it with their magic, they can operate the elevator and get down to Hades’ lair.

(Things like this remind me that Regina is such a nerd and I love it)
The two hit it with all their magic and the doors open on their own. But they hit a real brick wall and have to go back to the drawing board. Regina volunteers to do that while Emma says she might have a way to get their names off, explaining it came to her in a dream. Hook and Snow volunteer to go with her but Emma protests about her mother going. David tells her not to fight with her mother and Snow is now part of their group.

("Did not think this through.")
Hades wanders the streets of the Underworld and spots a flower growing between a crack in the pavement. He picks and crushes it, taking it to where Gaston ended up in the Underworld. Which seems to be the animal shelter. When was the last time they used this set? Let’s all take a look and remember Season 1.

Anyway, Hades reveals that Belle and Rumple are in the Underworld. Gaston relishes that Rumple is dead but Hades reveals he’s not. But he’s giving Gaston the chance to finish the Dark One off. Gaston wonders what Hades gets out of that. Hades pulls out the flower and reveals there are more springing up. Gaston asks how it’s possible and Hades says it’s because the heroes have brought hope with them. And hope is dangerous because it allows souls to move on. He doesn’t want that. So he gives Gaston special arrows and tells him to go get his revenge.

(Uh oh)
In a flashback, Gaston and Belle go for a walk and he tries to flatter her. Belle is having none of it, asking if he uses such a line on all the women he romances. Gaston says that his friend LeFou likes to make up tall tales in order to embarrass him. He tells Belle that he is a great hunter of animals only, not women. He is looking for a special woman to spend his life with. Belle seems to be coming around.

("I'm somewhat impressed.")
Gaston stops and says he sense a wild animal, something big and near. He tells Belle to stay put and goes in search of it. Of course Belle follows and finds Gaston crouching by a giant hole. They gaze into it and find an ogre inside. Belle is surprised, saying ogres have never come that close to the palace before. She then notes that it’s a young ogre and believes it must’ve gotten lost. Gaston, though, suspects it’s a scout and wants to take the creature to her father. Belle worries about what will happen to it and begs Gaston to give her time to figure out what it wants without hurting it. He agrees.

(It's adorable!)
Belle and Rumple go through the books in his shop but are coming up empty-handed. He thinks it’s a pipe dream to hope that he can turn his dark magic into light. Instead, he begs Belle to just let him use it for good. She shakes her head and decides that he’s not going to try. So she starts to leave, insisting she’ll find some other way to protect her child.

(Belle nopes out of there)
Rumple pursues her outside and an arrow whizzes by her. She turns to find Gaston across the street, aiming another one at Rumple. Belle is surprised and Gaston reveals that Rumple killed him. And now he’s going to kill Rumple. He fires the arrow and Rumple catches it, realizing Hades gave it to him. As Gaston advances, Rumple poofs away with Belle.

They arrive on the docks and Belle rages against Rumple for killing Gaston. He’s like “I totes did you a favor. You didn’t really want to marry him, right?” Belle grows more frustrated and realizes that he’ll never change. Rumple, though, draws her attention to the arrow. He says Hades enchanted it with water from the River o’ Souls, which flows into the bay they are standing by. If he gets even a nick from the arrows, he’ll be trapped there forever. So they need to stop Gaston. Belle says they need to help him move on, because she thinks it’ll also hurt Hades judging by some off-screen conversation she must’ve had with Hook about Liam.

We return to the cemetery. Emma tries to remove the names off the stones just like her dream told her…and the winds pick up, just like in her dream. She panics as Hook convinces her to take shelter. Emma follows him and Snow to their safe spot. The winds die down and Snow believes there’s something out there. Emma prevents her from looking and suggests they run instead. Hook and Snow are confused but follow her.

("It's deja vu all over again!")
In Granny’s, Zelena stares forlornly out the window as Regina comes up to her. She asks her sister if she can sit down and Zelena lets her. Regina admits that they aren’t close but she’s there if Zelena needs someone to talk to. Like maybe about what happened between her and Hades. Zelena reveals that he fell in love with her and Regina’s like “Oh, oh. We’re actually having one of those sister chats. Crap, not prepared, not prepared!” Zelena snaps at Regina, saying that as far she knows, she’s Hades’ weakness and can’t help them.

(Sisterly bonding?)
Emma, Hook and Snow take refuge in Regina’s vault—which I guess is waiting for her (and maybe Robin, hint hint)?—as they want to know what’s gotten into our heroine. Emma sidesteps the issue for now.

Belle and Rumple go to the Animal Shelter to find any clues as to what Gaston’s unfinished business might be. She tries to find a key to his locker but comes up short. So Belle asks Rumple to use his magic to unlock it. He then starts pontificating about the blurred lines between good and evil. Belle is beyond done at this point and orders him to do it. He pops the lock and she opens it, pulling out a book as she reveals she is Gaston’s unfinished business.

(Belle is not in the mood for this)
In the past, Belle and Gaston go through the library. She talks about her love of books and how she has a strong bond with her mother because of them. Gaston asks her about her favorite book and she hands him “Her Handsome Hero,” saying it’s about doing the right thing even though it’s hard. She then finds something about a magical mirror that can show a person’s true intentions—if their eyes are glowing in it, they are evil. And luckily, it’s nearby. She goes off to retrieve it to see if the ogre is truly evil. Gaston stays behind to start reading “Her Handsome Hero.”

(Weird font)
As Belle continues to search for answers, Hades appears to her. He offers her a deal—if she gets Rumple to push Gaston into the River o’ Souls or vice versa, he’ll tear up the contract. Belle refuses to save her child at the cost of either her ex-fiancé or her husband. Hades, though, is like “Okay, but deal’s on the table till the end of the episode. Peace out.”

(It looks like Hades is about to sneeze)
In the vault, a sound disturbs our trio of heroes and Hook goes to confront whoever is coming in. It turns out to be Regina, who asks why they are hiding out in her vault. Snow reveals that Emma was afraid of something chasing them and Regina asks her what it’s really about.  Emma lies and says she has no issues, which fools…no one. 

(They can see right through her)
Hook convinces her to open up and she reveals that she feels guilty that everyone is trapped in the Underworld thanks to her. She tells them about her dream and she worries someone else will suffer because of her. Snow tells her that they chose to come with her because that’s what family does. Feeling better, Emma agrees to go out and search for the creature chasing them.

Gaston sneaks into the pawn shop and creeps into the back. He sees Rumple sitting there, back turned and defenseless. The arrow hits him in the back and Rumple is down. Except it’s really a mannequin. Gaston is like “???” Belle emerges from another room and says she was testing him, to see if he really would kill Rumple. Gaston’s like “Hell yes, have you met the man?” She tries to convince him that Hades is the real villain while Gaston reminds her that Rumple made her a servant and kept her locked away. He asks her why she keeps defending the man and she reveals that she’s married to Rumple.

She says she wants to help Gaston and asks if she’s his unfinished business, handing over the book. He’s not pleased that she went through his locker. And he says that he’s tried to get rid of the book because it reminds him of his failings—that he’s doing in the Underworld because of her. Because he tried to deal with Rumple in the manner she would’ve wanted, not with a mob like he wanted. She made him weak and he wasn’t going to let her keep doing that.

(Poor Belle)
(Beautiful shot though)
Maurice and Belle arrive back where the ogre was. She pulls out the mirror and explains how they can use it. Belle heads over to where she left Gaston, finding him knocked out on the ground. She grows concerned and tends to him, which pleases him. He tells Lord Maurice that the ogre escaped and knocked him out. Maurice decides to send out a search party for the ogre and tells Gaston he can go rest at the palace. But Gaston wants to hunt the ogre and punish him. Belle wants to go so she could use the mirror and prove to them the ogre is harmless, that he was most likely defending himself. Maurice forbids it and the men leave her behind.

("Yeah, I'm not going to do that.")
Belle tells Rumple about Hades’ offer. He’s all for pushing Gaston into the River o’ Souls and she’s like “You haven’t been listening at all, have you?”

(She's coming to some realizations)
It’s now nightfall in the Enchanted Forest and Gaston continues to pursue the ogre. Of course Belle has defied her father’s wishes and gone as well. Everyone has found the ogre and Belle notes that he’s injured. Gaston’s like “Doesn’t matter, he’s a monster. Gonna shoot him now.” All but Belle are okay with that…but then she looks in the mirror. His eyes glow red, meaning he has evil intentions. She realizes he let the ogre go to have an excuse to chase after it and Gaston’s like “It’s an ogre. We need to kill it.” And like that, any chance of Belle falling in love with him is gone.

(Visine. Gets the red out)
In the Underworld, Rumple holds Gaston aloft with his magic and is ready to throw him into the River o’ Souls. Belle shows up and says she does love Rumple. But she also knows him, so she brought the dagger and orders him not to hurt Gaston. 

He’s like “Damn it, woman” and lets Gaston go. But Gaston lunges at Rumple. She tries to reason with him but when it’s clear that won’t work, she pushes him into the River o’ Souls, trapping him there forever.

(Splish splash)
We return to the Enchanted Forest stables where Maurice tells Belle that even if that ogre didn’t mean them harm, the others will. So they need to align themselves with Gaston’s kingdom. Pretty much, Belle has to marry him and so she agrees to it.

("I will do the most repulsive thing I can think of. I will marry you.")
Rumple hugs Belle, assuring her that she was just defending herself. That she had no other choice. Hades applauds it and Belle’s like “Whatever. Tear up the contract.” But he reminds her that he wanted Rumple to push Gaston in. So he’s not tearing up the contract. He can still take the baby. As Belle grows despondent, a flower withers.

(He looks so pleased)
At Granny’s, a waitress places a serving tray with a lid in front of Zelena. She yells that she didn’t order anything but the waitress doesn’t come back. Zelena lifts the lid to find the withered flower on the plate. She picks it up, knowing it’s from Hades.


In the woods, our quartet comes to a stop as Emma and Regina use their magic on the creature chasing them. They want to finish it off but Snow stops them. She says she doesn’t think Emma’s dream was warning her about Snow but about the wolf. Or more specifically, about who the wolf really is. Because she finds a red cape and lays it over the wolf, turning it back into…


I’m not sure about the message of the episode. Belle herself seems to be ignoring the shades of gray real life tends to operate in but at the same time, Rumple seems to now be set in his ways. He’s the Dark One and she can take it or leave it. Right now, I kinda hope she leaves it. It seems they are heading for a Rumbelle break up (though if it remains permanent, I won’t speculate. Sorry, Rumbelle fans!). And it doesn’t seem like they really explored some of the issues, especially with Gaston. The mirror proved he had evil intentions! But why did he want to hurt the ogre? It seems his reasoning was sound. So why was he evil? Because he wouldn’t compromise? Could he have been redeemed?


Next week: What is Red doing in the Underworld? What does it have to do with Oz? 

Screen caps from here

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