Saturday, February 8, 2014

Nostalgia Nook: The Lovers Part I


It’s all around us now that February is upon us and the Super Bowl is over. Time to bunker down and wait for shamrocks, leprechauns and people shouting “Erin Go Bragh” without knowing what it means if you’re not in a romantic mood.

I may not have a Valentine this year, but I’m a hopeless romantic. So I’m going to discuss all the characters I’ve shipped over the years. And we’re starting with one of the earliest ships I can remember having:

Tommy and Kimberly from the Power Rangers!

Oh, Power Rangers. I loved the show when I was younger. Everyone I knew watched it. If our classrooms had a water cooler, we would’ve discussed episodes around it. And even without a water cooler, we talked about “Green with Evil,” the five episode arc which introduced Tommy (David Jason Frank) to the Power Rangers. And to Kimberly (Amy Jo Johnson).

It was love at first sight. Until Rita brainwashed Tommy. But the Rangers saved him and he joined the team. And became a couple with Kimberly. Yay!

Why was this couple so influential to me? I think because it was the first I really liked and may have been slightly obsessed about. They were pretty together, on a superficial level. And they were opposites, really. While not a cheerleader, Kimberly could’ve been one. She was pretty and popular. While Tommy was an outsider, he wasn’t the typical jock either. He did martial arts and had long hair. They weren’t the usual couple.

Over time, Tommy became the leader. And Kimberly was like his queen. It was perfect. Well, not entirely. They had their ups and downs. Like when Tommy lost his powers and left the group. But he regained new powers and came back. He and Kimberly seemed stronger than ever.

Then it ended. Johnson moved on from the series. Kimberly was sent to Florida to train for some important gymnastic competition. There was a new pink ranger in town—Kat, who was once evil like Tommy. Besides being the new pink ranger, it appeared Kat was going to be his new queen as well.

It was confirmed when the letter came. Yes, Kimberly sent Tommy a “Dear John” letter. He moped around for a bit and then moved on with Kat.

Maybe that’s why it has stayed with us as well. Or maybe it’s just me: but there was no real closure. No heartfelt speech. No hug. Okay, that may be a lot to ask for a children’s show featuring teenagers fighting aliens in spandex. But “Power Rangers in Space” proved the show could handle some serious matters. Just something more than a note.

I understand that Johnson probably wasn’t available to do the breakup in person. But it’s still glossed over when she does return in a later movie. It’s like “Relationship? What relationship? We’ll pretend there was nothing between them.” They hardly said two words to each other. Tommy doesn’t even show much concern as a former boyfriend.

But it doesn’t seem Kat and Tommy lasted either. Despite Christmas specials which showed an older Kat and Tommy as grandparents, there was no hint of Kat in DinoThunder. Like Kimberly before her, she didn’t even get a mention.

Tommy and Kimberly live on for us fans, even they don’t live on in canon.

Next week: Cory and Topanga

Note: I fell behind so I’m adjusting the schedule.

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