Saturday, April 13, 2013

Smash: Heart Breaker

Last week on “Smash”: Tom became the director of Bombshell but had trouble with Karen. Eileen and daughter Katie worked to find a way to oust Jerry. Julia found one way while Katie used emotional blackmail. Something’s going on between Julia and Scott. Terry Falls goes all out in Liaisons but ends up in the hospital. And the show ends up shuttering, freeing up Ivy. So Karen quits so she can do Hit List and Ivy can do Bombshell. All is right with the world.


We open in Jimmy’s loft with Karen sneaking out of bed. She goes over to his piano and steals his music before leaving. Jimmy wakes up and notices the music is gone…and then Derek starts yelling. The loft melts away and we are back in the New York Manhattan Theater Workshop’s stage. He says Jimmy should be angry but Jimmy doesn’t think so. He says he knows Amanda gave him the best night of his life and he doesn’t know why she’s gone. Derek is ready to kill the composer so a break is called.

Over at Bombshell, Ivy sings “Let Me Be Your Star” and everyone is enchanted. Eileen even whispers to Julia and Tom about how she forgot how good Ivy was. Everyone applauds and Jessica and Bobby look ready to cry like they are Ivy’s proud parents. So they’re her friends again? Those two are seriously like Gretchen Weiner—just following the Queen Bee, whoever she may be. When the applause dies down, Tom invites everyone to have some croissants. They descend upon them like a swarm of locusts while Ivy asks Tom for a “catch breath” before she belts out the last note of “Let Me Be Your Star.” Tom says it’s a good idea and so Ivy continues, asking for a break in Act II. He listens then invites everyone in the cast to give him notes. In fact, he’s making a party out of it!

Downtown, Kyle comes in with a list of people Derek is interested in auditioning as “The Diva.” Amongst the names is Glee’s Lea Michele, which leads to the exchange at the end of this recap. Derek says that they need a big name to draw in the crowd. Jimmy disagrees. Once again, Derek wants to kill him. Scott tells him its best to listen to the kiddies every once and a while. Derek now wants to strangle Scott.

Uptown, Julia wonders why some extra is getting a monologue in Act II. Tom say he gave it to him so that Ivy gets a break in Act II. Julia says she can’t do that. Tom’s like “We’ll see.” On the street, Ivy greets Sam. Let us all take a moment to enjoy the return of Leslie Odom, Jr. I’ve sure missed him and his talent the past few episodes. Anyway, Sam’s back in New York on a break from “The Book of Mormon” and decided to visit good friend Ivy. Who tries to get him to upstairs. But Sam is hesitant, namely about seeing Tom. After all, Tom left him when he went on the road. But Ivy drags him upstairs and there is awkwardness between the former lovers.

Downtown, Karen steals one of Jimmy’s shirts. And it gives him an idea: Amanda steals one of Jesse’s shirts and he sees her wearing it on TV. He takes it as a sign she still loves him or something. Karen loves it so Jimmy asks her to tell it to Derek. Because right now, he and Derek are not the best of friends. Karen agrees to do it and then starts encouraging roomie Ana to audition for the Diva. But Ana is hesitant and doesn’t want to get Derek upset with her. Good plan.

Tom’s apartment! The party is in full swing but Tom is locked in his room with the script. Julia comes in to ask him what he is doing. He says he’s trying to find some way to include Sam in Bombshell and Julia’s like “Not unless we put him in drag and have him play Gladys.” Can we do that? Julia pulls him out to enjoy his own party. Especially as the cast has started going through some of Tom’s unused songs. Including one from an unfinished show about Vegas in the 1960s, meant to be sung by “Nat King Cole.” Sam admits he had hoped to play the part and Tom tells him to sing the song, “(Let’s) Start Tomorrow Tonight.”

And so Sam does, with help from Jessica and Bobby. They dance around Tom’s apartment and I can just imagine his downstairs neighbor banging the broom against the ceiling. “Keep it down you Showbiz Freaks!” But the number is energetic and a real showstopper. Sam wishes it could be in Bombshell, but Nat King Cole never met Marilyn Monroe. Tom points out Nat King Cole was a JFK supporter and perhaps met Marilyn at a rally. Artistic license, anyone? Tom wonders if maybe they can have Marilyn meet JFK at a fundraiser where Nat King Cole performs. Julia once again looks ready to kill Tom but Sam just lights up. Tom tells Sam to quit “Book of Mormon.”

Meanwhile, Ana and Kyle have a talk. He tries to get her to audition for the Diva while she tells him to move on with the lighting guy. And so Kyle does. All together now: Aww!

We also get a shot of Sam and Tom in bed together. Tom wakes up, lifts his head and smiles at Sam. All together now: Aww!

Meanwhile, Derek and Jimmy continue to argue. Namely about the LED TVs Derek wants to use. So I guess “Rewrite This Story” was in Derek’s imagination. Jimmy thinks it’s too flashy; Derek says the show needs flashy. So Jimmy takes it to Scott, who reminds Derek they are a nonprofit. But Derek tells him the TVs are donated so not to worry about that. Outside, Derek thanks Jimmy for tattling and says Scott loved the idea. They look ready to fight in the middle of the street and there is no way Karen can break it up.

Uptown, Julia tells Sam there is no way to fit in the new number for Sam. That the way they introduce JFK is perfect the way it is. But Tom really wants to add the number, he wants to please everybody. Julia has to tell an excited Sam they can’t put in the number and he’s disappointed. Julia takes Tom on a field trip. So I guess Linda’s in charge?

While this is going on, Eileen is working on Bombshell’s publicity with Daphne Ruben-Vega (the original Mimi in “Rent”. Wonder if she and Jesse L. Martin saw each other on set?). But they are having trouble with it. Especially as the Times is no longer doing a story on Bombshell. So as Daphne yells at someone over her headset, Eileen decides to go to the New York Times. And goes straight to the editor of the arts section. He is Richard Francis, played by Jamey Sheridan. Who is amazing. Eileen asks why he cut the story about Bombshell and he says because there was nothing new to talk about the show. Not even Ivy? It gives Eileen something to think about as she leaves.

She continues to talk to Richard and Anjelica has great chemistry with Jamey. He tells her that the story about how she and Grace Gummer saved Bombshell from Jerry would have made a great story. That people love mother-daughter stories. Eileen considers this, thanks him and walks away as Richard gets in a taxi.
Julia has taken Tom downtown because he needs to learn how to be a director by watching Derek. Well, more accurately, how to be mean to people. And Derek is yelling at people. Because the TVs he wanted aren’t working. Jimmy tells him that they don’t need the TVs because the material should carry the show. Excuse me while I double over laughing. This is the same show where it flopped without Karen singing. So clearly the material isn’t as strong as they think it is. Derek asks Karen what she thinks and she agrees with Jimmy. He is ready to kill them all, storming out as Tom follows.

Julia, meanwhile, stalks Scott. He reveals that Julia stabbed him in the back fifteen years ago. Apparently, he was working at a nonprofit theater and had promised them Julia’s first play—which he would direct. But then she was offered Lincoln Center and Mike Nichols and everyone knows you can’t refuse that! But Scott says it ruined him and he was exiled from working in New York for fifteen years. Julia apologizes and Scott’s like “Whatever.”

Outside, Tom and Derek talk. You know, the show never really explores the fact these two have history. How did they meet? What were they like? Because the few flashes we see are quite interesting. Tom reminds Derek he was much like Jimmy when they were younger. Always thought he was right no matter what anyone else said. Sometimes, he was. And maybe Jimmy might be. Derek tells Tom he can’t be everybody’s friends and he has to make tough decisions. They part ways.

Derek heads back inside to make nice with Jimmy. He says he’ll listen to Jimmy a bit more. Jimmy’s like “That’s cool.”

Tom goes to talk to Sam and tells him they can’t work him into “Bombshell.” Sam, understandably, is upset but blames it on Tom’s fear of commitment. Uh, not sure how that plays into it this time, Sam. Yes, Tom was stupid to break up with you just because you went on tour. But this time, he was trying to keep you around because he wants a relationship. He just went about it in a stupid manner and yes, you got burned. Sorry, Sam.

At rehearsal the next day, Ivy asks Tom if they could change some of the costumes. He puts his foot down and says no. And he says that Ivy won’t get a break in Act II. But he thanks her for the note about the catch breath and says that will go in. Ivy walks away disappointed. Eileen walks up and talks to Tom. She wants to hire Leigh Conroy to play Gladys. They worry about how Ivy will handle it but Tom tells her to go ahead and he’ll talk to Ivy. Barking at Bobby to put his cell phone away, Tom begins rehearsal as Julia congratulates him on his new backbone.

Downtown, Derek sets the scene: Jimmy as Jesse is on the East Coast when he spots Karen as Amanda/Nina performs on the West Coast. He tries to get to her but there are obstacles along the way. And these obstacles are represented by dancers who at times help Jesse and other times hinder him as Jimmy sings “I Heard Your Voice in a Dream.” This number is well done and allows Jordan to show off some of his dancing skills. Not sure what Karen is supposed to be doing during this though—she either just stands there or sways. But everyone applauds. 

And then they go out for drinks. Ana downs some liquid courage and performs Beyonce’s “If I Were a Boy” for Derek. Everyone applauds and Derek tells her she will be playing the role of the Diva. As Kyle finally makes out with the lighting guy (go, Kyle!), Karen decides to ask Jimmy if he likes her. He doesn’t respond as Derek cockblocks him and offers to take Karen home. And as they walk home, he tries to convince her to go some place else with him. Alone. But Karen turns him down and goes up to her apartment. Shortly after, her doorbell rings and Karen lets the person in, thinking it’s Derek. But it’s Jimmy who kisses Karen. And they start tearing off clothes and knocking things off tables so you know they’re going to have sexytimes as the screen goes black.

And finally this recap is over! I am getting so woefully behind. I’ve considered going back to my original style: recapping as the show airs. It works for reality shows but for scripted shows, I feel I’m so caught up typing what happened, I can’t enjoy watching it. Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place!

Anyway, I’m surprised they are making Tom so incompetent. No, not incompetent. I’m surprised they are trying to say Derek is a good director. Yes, he has Tony Awards and until the Rebecca scandal was a much-sought after director. But his “my way or the highway” mentality doesn’t really fit in with the theater’s collaborative nature. Tom’s idea of having a salon isn’t too far off what a director might do—albeit at the beginning of the rehearsal period rather than this late in the game but new director, new meeting. Tom just needed to learn how to get past his people-pleasing instincts and make the hard decisions.

Anyway, tonight, Smash is on at 8 PM EST.

Exchange of the Episode

“Lea Michele? Lea Michele?”
“If you say her name one more time, she magically appears.” –Jimmy and Derek about the possible candidates for “The Diva”

Read Playbill's Smash report here

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