Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Farewell, Llanview! (Part Two)

For Part One, go here.

On to the finale of “One Life to Live.” A month later, and I still have trouble believing the show is off the air.

The Balsams: If you thought their happy ever after was just Rex and Gigi’s wedding, you’re wrong! Nope, shortly after the happy day, Shane got some good news of his own. He was accepted to a top art school in England. Gigi applied for him when he was being bullied. Shane is overjoyed, though unsure if he wants to make the move. Rex and Gigi convince him to do so and decide to move to England with him. Clint and Viki are supportive, especially after how close Clint and Shane were getting over the holidays. Clint mentions that Kevin and Joey will meet Rex and his family over in England. Natalie said her good-byes. But they still had to get past Roxy, who was willing to let go. In the end she does, and we know they are going off to bigger and better things.

Natalie/John: Liam is theirs! Roxy spilled the beans about John’s feelings! Gigi verbally slapped some sense into Natalie! John saved Natalie from Mitch! All that was left was for these two crazy kids to kiss and make up. And they did…a lot more than kiss, but they finally made up. They got their happily ever after. We’ll see what happens when John shows up in Port Charles, but I like to imagine these two crazy kids are going to make it after all (Cue Mary Tyler Moore Show theme).

Jessica: The poor thing lost her new boyfriend courtesy of Llanview’s newest hero, the chandelier. Fortunately, she didn’t lose herself and remained Jessica. Of course, I think we would’ve revolted if Tess came out for the last few episodes. She had some sweet scenes with her children toward the end, but then got some good news. Allison told Viki and Clint when she had them at gunpoint that she tampered with Jessica’s paternity test (surprise, surprise). So they have Vimal run another test. And this time, it turns out that Jessica was Clint’s daughter all along! There were tears as Jessica realized she was free from Mitch forever. She and Natalie finished their reconciliation, celebrating the fact they were completely sisters. Natalie went off to call Rex to tell him the good news while Jess answered the door. It was Brody, fresh out of St. Anne’s. He says he’s going back to the SEALS and they leave their future up in the air.

Bo/Nora: They just get a happily ever after. Sure, Bo isn’t employed thanks to the douche of a mayor who makes Dorian look competent. But considering he was brought in to help with the Statesville breakout, I’m sure he’ll find work as a consultant. But he has a son and a grandchild to occupy his time now. And Nora is still the DA. Who has a heck of a case coming up. But they’re still together, still in love. Bo’s last line—“I love you, Red”—was perfect. The viewers know they will be fine.

Matthew/Destiny: So David finally told Matthew to man up and be a dad. And just in time—Destiny went into labor right after Fraternity Row signed off forever! And the baby was coming quickly as there was no more time to stretch it out. Fortunately, Vivian was there to assist as was Matthew. And Destiny gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Matthew was a little awestruck, but seemed to like his son. Bo called David to thank him for Matthew’s new found balls and David says to name the kid after him (never doubt David Vickers’ vanity). Bo raises the suggestion when it’s revealed Destiny only had names picked out for a girl. Matthew thinks it’s a good idea. And everyone looks at him oddly until he clarifies that he wants to name the baby for his brother Drew. Bo and Nora are touched. While it’s not a happily ever after, it’s at least a “everything’s on the way to being okay” ending.

Starr: So, Rick managed to do something decent. Surprising, I know. Unfortunately, it is not “disappear forever.” No, he managed to get Starr some studio time with a record label interested in her. But she had to move out to LA. Blair and Todd weren’t too thrilled but they finally consented. And Starr wasn’t going out to LA alone. Hope came with her and they moved in with Langston and Markko. Starr explained to her friends that Cole wasn’t really dead. Just in time, as he showed up to be her “security” per her father’s request. So, Cole, Starr, Markko and Langston are all reunited!

Dani/Nate: Nothing is truly resolved. Then again, neither had much to do after the porn reveal. And frankly, I could care less. Kelly Missal is an excellent actress, but she needed a break. Dani had a lot happen to her. The last we see is Dani comforting Nate after he breaks down over the death of his brother. So while I think the show was trying to suggest a reconciliation, I’d like to think Dani and Nate were just going to be friends. Besides, it’s time Nate stopped hanging out with high schoolers anyway.

Tomas/Tea: So Todd kidnapped Tomas and framed him for Victor’s death. Had him confess everything to Blair on a video chat—though a gun was held at his head. Blair believes him, Tea and John don’t. John makes the mistake of confiding his belief that Todd killed Victor and was framing Tomas to Tea. Because she then went insane. Tea had been annoying in my opinion yelling about how her husband WAS DEAD! The woman needed counseling. But she became unbearable every time she was on the screen in the last month. She was raging over how Todd killed her husband, who was no crackerjack prize. She nearly blew it a few times, almost telling Blair and Dani. Even when Tomas was freed, she just became more annoying because she thought they had Todd. I’m sorry, but I was not sorry to see either character go.

Jack: Is still angry.

Blair/Todd: These two were upset over Starr’s departure. And they comforted each other. I missed the Blair and Original Todd era. I regret it. Kassie dePaiva and Roger Howarth have oodles of chemistry. It was evident the first time the two shared a screen after RH’s return. And in their first kiss. The scenes of them getting closer were some of the best in the last weeks. And it finally paid off in the last episode. Of course, then John comes busting to arrest Todd.

Viki/Clint: The lynchpin of the show, so I saved Viki for last. Things were really looking up for her. She survived a gun shot. Then she found out Jessica was really Clint’s daughter and not Mitch’s. And to top it off, Clint proposed. We didn’t hear Viki’s reaction, but I imagine she said yes. Give Viki a happily ever after.

And then they had Allison Perkins reading from a script, which I couldn’t tell was a TV or movie script. The last scene got me though. There, tied to the bed, was Trevor St. James—Victor Lord, Jr. One of the columnists I read believed Victor wasn’t really dead but I never expected them to get Trevor St. James back for a scene. It was a twist expected on a Friday…only when the show is continuing the next Monday.

The finale was good, but I think it was still made before the Prospect Park deal fell through. Hence Viki’s nonresponse and Trevor St. James tied to a bed. The show was still ready for a life online. Thankfully, Todd and Blair will get something tied up as Roger Howarth and Kassie dePaiva are jumping to “General Hospital” for a brief stint. Kristen Alderson will be playing Starr on the show for longer. And I’m sure Port Charles fans are waiting to see Michael Easton and Kelly Monaco (Sam) on the same screen again as John McBain is coming over for a bit as well.

I’m still sad that One Life to Live is off the air. But I’ve made up for it by a wonderful blog. Spazzo's The One Life to Live in My Head. She does a brilliant job and the characters sound right.

And at least it’s something.

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