Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Models of the Shire

Last week: The girls flew to Auckland, New Zealand and immediately went on go-sees. Angelea impressed but Alexandra, Krista, and Alasia were all late getting back to the model agency. Nigel directed them in a shoot featuring a sheep. At panel, Krista wowed again while Alasia and Jessica fell to the bottom two. In the end, Alasia was sent back the 22  hours to America. Five girls remain—who will be sent back Stateside tonight? Find out!

Wanna be on top?

AUCKLAND! Raina congratulates them all for being in the top 5. Alexandra confesses she isn’t going to be friendly. She’s going to be on top. Jessica talks about being certain she was going to be sent home. Krista admires her picture back at the penthouse. Alexandra says that Krista looks like she’s in a tornado. Angelea says she and Krista are drifting as Krista drifts closer to Alexandra.

Jessica misses her family while the girls worry about a double elimination. Meanwhile, Jessica tries to make tacos and puts them on top of the toaster. They catch fire. And the girls are absolutely useless. They pretty much run around the kitchen, yelling. Find the damn fire extinguisher and put the damn fire out! It’s not rocket science, brainiacs! Someone throws a towel on top of the flames. Good start, guys, but you need to SMOTHER the flames to cut off the oxygen. In the end, the fire is put out and Jessica reveals her husband does most of the cooking at home. Alexandra and Krista pretty much call her a bad wife and mother because she doesn’t cook and say her child is screwed.

Because Jessica doesn’t cook? There are other stay at home moms who aren’t the primary cooks in the family.

TYRA MAIL! “Who says you can’t fit a square peg into a round hole?” Bwah?

Alexandra teases Raina for memorizing the Tyra mail. We flash back to Raina’s awkward phase. She loves New Zealand and decides that Krista and Alexandra aren’t going to…Was that a sign welcoming them to Hobbiton?

They meet Jay and apparently they are fans of the Lord of the Rings. Jessica freaks out when they realize that they are in Hobbiton. Jay introduces them to Sarah McLeod AKA Rosie Cotton from the movies. Remember, she’s the one Sean Astin married at the end? The girls flip out except for Angelea, who wonders if she’s the only one who hasn’t seen these movies.

Yes, Angelea, you are.

Sarah says that on a set—both as a model or an actress—they will be put in uncomfortable situations. She is 5’7 and had to crawl out of the Hobbit holes during the shooting of Lord of the Rings. Mr. Jay announces they will be doing a shoot—five frames in the Hobbit hole doorway. They will be modeling “World” designs. Alexandra goes first and uses the door to her advantage. Krista is next and Mr. Jay seems unsure of her poses. Krista focuses on showing Angelea she is competition. Jessica is third. Jessica is a Lord of the Rings fan…but I loved her first pose. Angelea follows Jessica. Mr. Jay likes her planes. Raina is last. She uses New Zealand as inspiration.

Alexandra: Did something different but more pin-up than fashion. Raina: Great face but not so great poses. Jessica: Standard poses. Angelea: Worked it. Krista: Used the space in a smart way. And the winner will get World merchandise. Sarah announces the winner as…

Top Model Lounge! Laura thinks Angelea did the best but Bianca is rooting for Krista.

HOBBITON! Sarah finally tells us that Krista is the winner. Angelea looks devastated. And she gets more merchandise because she was the first picture last week. They say good-bye to Sarah…

…And hello to Krista’s prize. Jessica says that Krista is the queen bee and a strong competitor. Meanwhile, Krista and Alexandra mock Angelea club walk at panel last week. They probably weren’t the only ones. We even get in flashback complete with music. And shots of Tyra and Andre looking like “Wha?” Krista says that if Angelea can dish it she can also take it as Angelea leaves the room. We see Angelea back in Cycle 12 where she tells Tyra she slept in Port Authority.

TYRA MAIL! “If you want to be a true top model, you might have to shadow one.” The girls try to figure out what that means. Jessica talks about missing her child, just like Anslee and Brenda did. Before they left.

Jessica’s a goner, isn’t she?

The next morning, Krista and Alexandra are sunbathing on the deck when Raina comes out to enjoy New Zealand and the morning. And to let the others know she’s enjoying it. This annoys Krista and Alexandra to no end.

The girls hop on their New Zealand bus and meet Mr. Jay at a barn. He comments on the gorgeous day and tells them they are at a New Zealand vineyard. He talks about how the growers plant the grapes so they can catch the suns. The models will be finding their light…amongst shadows. Because that’s where Tyra hides! The girls are excited. Mr. Jay tells the girls to pierce through to the lens as Tyra wants face.

The girls hit hair and make up while Tyra approves of wardrobe. She moves on to hair choices for the girls and is impressed by Raina’s poses. Angelea is nervous to have Tyra that close. Jessica says she doesn’t feel fierce enough and she looks dejected. She knows she has to do good on the shoot.

Back at hair, the girls get clay put in their hair. Alexandra goes first. She is on logs. Tyra tells her focus on danger, on secrets she’d never tell. Tyra liked shooting her. She fought through the shoot even though she needs a tissue. This makes Jessica even more nervous. Jessica hikes to a knoll. Tyra says she can’t believe Jessica has a baby and Jessica says she can’t talk to her son, he’s too young. Tyra wants her to not be pretty and to think out of the box. Tyra realizes Jessica can’t do ugly-pretty but she finds it again, which makes Jay happy. Raina is third to be shot and Jay tells her to find her love for the shoot. She’s practically naked in ropes. Tyra wants her to push though and Jay thinks she was a bit weak this week. Mr. Jay calls Tyra “Bankable Incorporated” as he brings Angelea to set. Tyra tells her to be “sexy tired.” She wants to show up Krista and Raina. Tyra calls her “sweet, soft and blah” until Tyra directed her to be dead. Krista is last. And she’s on gravel. Ouch. They are trying to beat the sun. Tyra calls her a cheetah. With a secret. Tyra says Krista gets it.

That’s a wrap!

Krista knows anyone could go home.

Skulls and crossbones! One day, a pirate should run in to read the “Tomorrow you will meet with the judges…” That would be interesting.

With a Maori introduction, the girls enter panel. There are prizes, there are judges, and the guest judge is Sarah McLeod. Alexandra is first to appear before the judges. Nigel compliments her appearance. And her shot. Sarah likes the contrast with the light in the eyes. Raina is next. Sarah can’t see her eyes and Nigel felt if they were in the light more, the picture would’ve exploded. Raina says that Tyra was very personable to work with. Tyra says Mr. Jay thinks Raina prefers romance. She needs to like all her shoots. The judges like Angelea’s outfit this week better than last weeks. Andre also loves her shot. But Nigel thinks the close up isn’t so great. He tells her to imagine she’s focusing on something she can’t see in the distance. Jessica follows and gets outfit praise as well. Sarah likes her eyes, Nigel thinks she’s searching for the truth. Andre is lost for words and Nigel picks up that profile isn’t her strong point. Tyra tells her to push past the shadows. Krista is last. Nigel loves her shot. Tyra praises her variety and understanding how to model. Time for the judges to deliberate!

The judges deliberate. Nigel thinks Alexandra is finally getting it. Andre doesn’t like her shot but Sarah does. Angelea’s shoulders are great but Nigel doesn’t like her eye contact. Tyra admits to struggling during the shoot. They don’t like Jessica’s shot but she has a great personality and a great mover. Andre says Krista’s shot could’ve been in the great French magazine Vu, back in the 20s and 30s. ELIMINATION! The first girl safe is Krista. She is surprised to get a third first picture. She is joined by Alexandra and Angelea. Jessica and Raina are in the bottom two. Jessica’s a goner. Jessica: So sweet, so pretty, so commercial. It’s a money maker not a career maker. But she could be edgy. Raina: She can do romance and couture, but falls flat on edge. So who stays? Raina. Told you Jessica was a goner. Jessica and Raina hug her. Tyra tells her that she was excited to shoot Raina but it wasn’t there that day. She should love everything she models. Jessica is told what we all know: “Commercial” is the kiss of death. But she is told to prove the judges wrong.

Jessica cries as she thanks Tyra for the opportunity. She says she’s glad to go home to her family and she’s going to become a top model.

America’s Next Top Model:














Next week: The final four are told there will be a double elimination next week. And then the final two will walk the runway…NEXT WEEK’S THE FINALE? WHAT?

So Jessica’s going home this week. Sorry to the person who voted her “America’s Next Top Model.” I am feeling a bit sad that it ends next week. But I’m still hoping for a Raina-Angelea walk off!

So, who will be America’s Next Top Model?

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