Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Do Networks Learn NOTHING?

Really, do they? I know they aren’t blind to their competitors, so why make the same stupid mistakes?

Why, when a network has a hot show with a massive following, do they put the show on hiatus for MONTHS? Haven’t they learned that KILLS the momentum? Like with Heroes? Chuck? Jericho? Now, FOX is doing that with Glee.

Now, I understand that American Idol is a ratings juggernaut even though only two of their winners have become viable stars and cut contestants have become bigger than the ones America supposedly wanted. But FOX had a big hit with House and it was usurped by AI. But only for about a month. It returned, sometimes on a new night and/or time, sometime in late February. Why, then, would FOX not do the same thing with Glee? If they want the lead-in, why wait till April 13th to restart episodes on a new night and time?

And honesty, does Glee really need AI? I don't think so, but I also would love to see AI disappear from the schedule.

Hopefully, this does not kill the Glee momentum. But it is enough time for fans to get distracted and lose interest. And then the network has no one to blame but themselves because they kill their own ratings.

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