Regina went searching for Daniel’s grave and found that he moved on. She also had some closure with her horse.
In the past, Bae suffered a snakebite that was poisonous. But the antidote was too expensive for his parents. Milah convinced Rumple to kill the healer and steal it. While she was flirting with Hook, he tried to do so but instead made a deal with the healer for it. He agreed to give the healer his second born child, much to Milah’s horror. Rumple failed to see the problem.
Until he thought about having children with Cora. He killed the healer but it seemed the deal didn’t die, especially in the Underworld. Hades had the contract Rumple signed and he revealed that Belle was pregnant. And Rumple was going to do what he wanted or Hades would take his child.
Uh oh.
Henry needs an adult. He’s in Cruella’s car as she speeds through the woods in the Underworld. She’s certain they can find someone who can lead them to the pen there and stops, letting Henry so they can search.
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(This is a dangerous situation) |
Henry stumbles upon the Apprentice, who says he’s there to stop Henry from helping Cruella. Henry says he’s tired of just standing by and watching bad things happen to his family. He wants to be a hero and the pen will help him do that. The Apprentice reminds him of what happened to Isaac but does give him a clue to where the pen may be. He then disappears.
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(Welcome back, Apprentice!) |
We cut to a ship on night. The Brothers Jones are swabbing the deck and Liam says they have a way out. He says if they sign up for the Royal Navy, the signing bonus for each will give them enough to buy their freedom from Captain Long John Silver. Silver torments the brothers, especially Killian, but lets Liam go sign up. He seems a bit amused by the whole thing.
At the house, Hook says that Liam is proof that Hades has rigged the game because his brother is a saint. Never did anything wrong and Liam backs it up, saying he doesn’t know why he’s there either. He says there are rumors that the only thing that could help stop Hades is a storybook…Hook thinks the rumors might be right and explains that there is a book in Storybrooke with all their stories. If everything has a counterpart in the Underworld, then the book must as well. They need to find it.
At the loft, Liam pulls Emma aside as they search for the book. (Through Regina doubts the very embodiment of hope will be in the Underworld). She asks if this is the part where he tells her that she’s not good enough for his little brother. Liam agrees she isn’t and Emma is taken aback. He tells Emma to let Hook go and to go to the other side should their plan succeed, to stop being selfish when it comes to his brother. It gives Emma something to thing about.
They fill in everyone else and Henry steps forward to reveal he spoke with the Apprentice. He says the pen is in the Underworld and wonders if the storybook is in the Underworld equivalent of the Sorceror’s mansion. They decide it’s the best place to look and Liam suggest they move fast for Hades has eyes and ears everywhere. It is revealed that the key to the house was taken by James and so David figures he needs to pay a visit to his brother. Snow decides to go with him to “thank” James for his kiss. David is suddenly very interested in this kiss.
On Silver’s ship, Liam returns to share the good news. Except Silver has some news for him. He shows him Killian, passed out. Seems the younger Jones brother can’t hold his rum yet and gambled away all the money he had saved up. So Liam can leave but Killian must stay and continue working. So Liam rips up both their commissions and says he’ll stay with his brother.
Liam works as a bartender (or owner) in the Underworld. Hades pays him a visit and asks him for a favor over a glass of scotch. He knows about their plan to retrieve the book and wants Liam to rip out the pages about him. Liam asks why Hades can’t do it himself. Even down in the Underworld, the Sorceror’s light magic still fills the house so Hades can’t do much in it. Liam asks what will happen if he refuses. Hades replies that he’ll then have to tell Killian why his dear brother really is in the Underworld.
Uh oh.
David and Snow creep into the sheriff’s station, which is down right medieval. There are stocks and the cells appear to be in caverns. But James still has a desk and they find all the keys in the top drawer. Snow notes that David and James are more alike than they think and he asks if they even kiss the same. She gives him a look and he drops the matter.
They find the key but are interrupted by Cruella, who is calling for James. Snow runs off to hide while David decides to pretend to be his brother. He’s done it before after all. Cruella pops in wearing a long black evening gown with a fur wrap and toting champagne. She tells “James” that she’s had an awful day and needs to unwind. Cruella kisses “James,” presses against him and pops the champagne.
Regina and Emma chill in Granny’s. Well, Regina is. Emma paces and admits she’s worried about Hook. She tells Regina about how Hook doesn’t feel he deserves to come home and feels he should stay there. Self-loathing is Regina’s expertise and she tells Emma that Hook is going to need to forgive himself before he can move on. Emma then tells Regina that Liam doesn’t approve of her and Regina tells her that she’s too good for Hook.
Henry comes in and tells them Snow’s back with the key. They round up the Brothers Jones and head over to the sorcerer’s mansion. Hook remembers protection spells and decides that Liam should be the one to open the door. He is dead after all.
Captain Silver’s ship is being tossed about on stormy seas. Liam asks Silver why they don’t turn back and avoid the storm. Silver reveals that they are going after a legendary jewel called the Eye of the Storm, which is found…at the center of the hurricane they are sailing toward. Liam says that many have tried to find it and they’ve all died. It’s highly likely they’ll die too. Silver is willing to pay that price.
That is the last straw. Liam and Killian encourage the men to mutiny and they agree. Silver surrenders without much of a fight, allowing for Liam to take over the ship. He tells Killian to get the men organized while he goes to check the maps to course a way to safety. Killian is very proud of him.
At the mansion, Emma and Regina ask Henry to keep a lookout. But he wants to help find the book. He storms off, having a moment of teen angst. Regina and Emma are taken aback but then continue their search.
Liam finds the book in a desk and pulls it out. He opens it to find Hades’ story and rips the pages out. Oh, Liam. Folding the pages up, he tucks them away as he stares intently into the distance.
Back at the sheriff’s station, Cruella is getting a little too frisky for David’s taste. As she kisses him, he pushes her away and reveals he isn’t James. Turns out she knew the entire time. She says he’s not damaged like his brother is, which is something that draws her to him. David wonders how his brother is damaged and she reveals that he’s jealous of David. So are we getting a Zelena-Regina retread with James-David? Seems we are as Cruella reveals that James wonders why he was the one chosen to go live with King George and Queen NeverNamed while David got to stay with Ruth, stay with someone who loved him. David says that wasn’t his fault but hey, when has any sibling ever put the blame where it belongs? (See: Zelena).
Everyone gathers around the book and they are disappointed to see that there is nothing pertaining to Hades there. But then they discover that the pages were ripped out and Regina said she did the same when she didn’t want Henry to learn her story. (This is an error, admitted by Adam. Henry ripped out the pages to prevent Regina from learning Emma’s true identity). Emma asks Liam if he spotted anything but he insists the pages were gone when he found the book. He vows to find them.
Liam and Regina leave but Emma hangs behind. Hook asks her what’s wrong as he can tell something is bothering her. Emma says she has a bad feeling about Liam and swears its not just because he doesn’t like her. She thinks he’s hiding something and feels it’s his unfinished business. Hook insists that his brother isn’t a liar and he knows Liam better than Emma does. He then storms out.
In the captain’s quarters, Liam plots a course away from the storm and into calmer waters. But Hades appears in the room, lighting the lamps to give Liam better light. He introduces himself to Liam and says that his powers are weakened in the Overworld. (Get it?) Hades explains that he is planning on the souls from this ship and makes a deal with Liam. If Liam doesn’t steer clear, he’ll give him the Eye of the Storm and spare Killian (as well as Liam). With it, Liam and Killian can do whatever they want with their lives.
Outside the mansion, Liam drops the pages down the well. Emma comes up behind him and he says he was just feeling too cooped up in the mansion. She holds up his ring and reveals Hook gave it to her, saying it belonged to a better man than him. Emma says that Hook admires Liam and she can’t figure out why he’s hiding something from him. Hook finds them and Emma says she can prove Liam tore the pages, saying he’s been hiding his hands the entire time. Liam starts to protest and Hook says there’s no need. He tells Emma that he trust his brother and that this is really about the fact he doesn’t belong in Storybrooke. That his fate is to be decided in the Underworld and so she will be going back empty-handed.
Emma tells him that they can still be together. He just needs to forgive himself. But no matter how many times she says it, she knows it won’t happen until he believes he deserves it. She walks off and Liam goes to stop his brother from pursuing her. Hook spies his brother’s hands and realizes there is ink on them. He realizes that Emma was telling the truth—Liam had ripped the pages out. He wonders what else Liam is hiding. Another voice answers that it’s the truth about what happened to them. Hook looks up to find Silver leading his crew down to them.
We cut back to Silver’s ship. He’s tied to the mast as Liam takes the helm. Liam tells Killian that they have no choice but to sail through the storm but he’s going to keep them safe. He gives Killian his ring as a promise that they’ll make it out alive. Killian then gives a stirring speech praising Liam, so much so that all you can do is sigh and say:
The men cheer and agree to follow Liam into the storm. As the waves toss the boat around, you have to feel sorry for those poor fools.
Silver reveals to Hook that he’s a regular at Liam’s bar and overheard Hades talking with Liam. He made a deal with the god—their souls for the jewel. And Hades threatened to tell Hook the truth unless Liam destroyed the pages. Thank you, Captain Plot Point. But now both are going to pay for surviving the storm! The crew throws bags over their heads and drags them off.
They take them to the chasm and decide to toss them both into the fires. Liam pleads with them to spare Killian since he had nothing to do with the deals but they want blood. Hades shows up, though, and is less than pleased with the proceedings. He blows Silver into the flames before turning to the Brothers Jones. Since Liam lived up to his side of the bargain, he can go. But Hook has done nothing but defy Hades, so he gets to burn.
Liam steps in the way, saying he’s going to make the sacrifice he always should’ve, and gets blown toward the flames. Hook tries to save him but Liam thinks he should just let go. Hook repeats Emma’s phrase about forgiving himself and Liam tells him that he’s a far better man than him. He lets go and falls into the flames as Hook watches in agony.
But then a bright white light shines and the fires turn to CGI water. An ocean appears behind them with a ship in the distance. Hades is pissed and disappears as Liam rises up in a boat. He says he’s finished his business and says he can go to the Happy Place. Hook tells the others to get in the boat because they’re unfinished business is no more as well. They do so while Hook remains on the shore. He says he needs to stay behind and defeat Hades. Liam wishes him well and tells him to apologize to Emma for him. He says she does have Hook’s best interests at heart. He then sails off.
We go to a beach at night. Liam and Killian climb out of the water, the sole survivors of the ship. A member of the navy finds them and asks what happens. Killian explains what happens and the man isn’t very sympathetic since they were going after the Eye of the Storm. But Liam pulls it from his pocket, to Killian’s surprise. Liam explains his brother was knocked unconscious and he saved them both. Navy Guy reveals King…Whoever…has been looking for the jewel and offers to take them to him. Liam asks only for a commission in the Royal Navy for himself and his brother. Navy Guy gives it to them and tells them they will serve aboard his ship—the one that is to become the Jolly Roger. Killian thanks Liam for saving him and calls him a hero. He promises to live up to the second chance Liam has given him.
Hook goes back to the mansion and reveals to Emma that he’s staying with her. They share a kiss as Henry continues to explore the house as well. A bright light leads him to the quill and he picks it up, pleased with his discovery.
At the loft, they wonder how they are going to discover Hades’ story. Hook asks if Henry can help since he’s the author. Emma says he’s up in his room going full emo and Regina says he won’t talk to anyone. David thinks he just doesn’t want to talk to his mothers and heads up for a grandfather-grandson talk.
Henry’s not in the mood but David talks anyway. He tells Henry about what he learned about James and Henry’s like: Please don’t turn this into a lesson. This is David:
David tells Henry that a lot of people would kill to have the family he does. So he needs to trust them. Henry’s like “Fine. I’ll tell you why I’m all emo.”
He reveals the quill to them and says that it went to the Underworld when he broke it. Henry also admits to his plan with Cruella and says he did it because of Emma. But now he’s going to use the pen the right way—he’s going to record everything and restore Hades’ story. But everyone knows this is dangerous. Hades is hiding something and won’t let them find it out easily.
We see him standing in his lair as the pages Liam threw down the well float up to him. He picks them up and shuffles them until he stops on one. Sighing, he reveals he and Zelena had a torrid love affair!
What a surprise! Except not really because there were some images of Hades and Zelena floating around earlier. But it’ll still be interesting to see what went on with Zelena and Hades.
At least Hook and Liam got some closure. So glad he got to go off to the Happy Place. And maybe one day, we’ll learn who the corrupt king was.
Next time: The return of Zelena and Peanut! Maybe Robin will appear!
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