Welcome back to Storybrooke!
But first, a trip back to the Enchanted Forest. Ursula arrives at a dark palace where she is caught in a trap. Maleficent demands to know what Ursula is doing there. Ursula demands to know the same. When Maleficent says she lives in the palace, Ursula asks why she invited her there. Except Maleficent didn’t.
Their squabbling is interrupted by two barking dogs, leading Cruella toward the women. She uses magical breath to get the dogs to do her bidding, in this case running off. Maleficent wants to know why she’s at her house as well. Like Ursula, Cruella insists she was invited. Maleficent looks like she’s getting a headache.
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(Maleficent is thinking of investing in a security system) |
In Storybrooke, things get back to a new normal. Regina puts Henry on a school bus, where he’s once again taught by Mary Margaret. Meanwhile, Regina is mayor again and she does some redecorating (namely incinerating the painting Mary Margaret bought).
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(Look how happy she is!) |
Except in the library, where Hook punches a board filled with all the clues they have about the hat. He says it’s hopeless and they’ll never get the fairies back. He then also apologizes to Belle for his temper. She tries to assure him that they are getting closer to solving their problem thanks to the internet. Is there a “How to Free Trapped Magical Creatures from a Hat” YouTube tutorial? Anyway, she’s waiting for an e-mail from someone to help translate an old spell she found.
We go to New York, where Gold is microwaving ramen noodles. He’s in an apartment surrounded by fish tanks—it’s Ursula’s. She comes home and lays into Gold for being a moocher. He hasn’t delivered on his promise yet, she rages. But he says he’s almost ready as an e-mail comes in for him.
He’s the person helping Belle, isn’t he?
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(Oh no. Also, how old is his e-mail server?) |
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(Aww!) |
Hook and Belle rush into the office and declare they have a way to free the fairies. Belle says a professor of linguistics e-mailed her back the translations. They need Regina but it can be done. Everyone rushes out.
Gold is that professor, isn’t he?
Speaking of Gold, he takes Ursula to Great Neck, Long Island. The FBI swarm a mansion, confiscating things and arresting a man. His wife runs behind him—Cruella de Vil. She pulls off a fur, hissing that it was hers before the marriage. The FBI agent doesn’t put up a fight. Is he real? Anyway, Cruella is less than thrilled to see Ursula and Gold but they convince her to come to Storybrooke with them. Cruella even provides the car.
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(I think we're just as excited to see this car as we are Cruella) |
And for good reason. Gold takes them to the place where they can retrieve their happy endings. It’s guarded first by a door covered in scarabs. Cruella’s animal powers take care of that problem. Next comes the room filled with dragon’s fire. No problem for Maleficent. And Ursula’s tentacles easily swipe the orb containing the Dark Curse. Hmm…Everything seems to have gone well. Until the ground begins to shake.
Back in Storybrooke, everyone stands around a tree stump that has the hat on it. Regina holds the Dark Ones daggers and does some moves, tapping the hat a few times. She stands back and it appears that it didn’t work. But in a poof of smoke, all the fairies return. Blue thanks Emma, who tells her to thank Regina again. Though it looks like it physically pains her, Blue does thank Regina.
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(This is killing her) |
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(Seriously. How do you miss that?) |
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(Even he's surprised they trusted him) |
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(She's definitely hiding something) |
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(I am the night...) |
How did the Queens of Evil handle the Chernabog? Well, pretty much Ursula and Cruella sacrifice Maleficent and escape to safety. She puts up a good fight before surrendering to the inevitable. But before the demon can get to her, one of Ursula’s tentacles wraps around her and pulls her to safety. They all escaped! Yay!
Gold finds the tie he hung in a tree by the town line. He finally tells Ursula and Cruella about the curse preventing people from getting back into Storybrooke. They are angry, feeling Gold tricked them. Again. After all, how are they going to get their happy ending if they can’t get into town? They are all for leaving him on the side of the deserted Maine road and letting a Stephen King novel get to him.
But Gold says that he has a plan. And this time, he has to depend entirely on Ursula and Cruella. He has to trust that they’ll come back for him and let him into Storybrooke. This convinces the queens and Ursula takes Gold’s cellphone, making a call.
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(And the Oscar goes to...) |
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(Our heroes debate trusting the Queen of Darkness) |
In her office, Regina panics. She knows that if Chernabog devours the heart with the greatest potential for darkness, her heart is it. Emma tries to convince her that it’s not necessarily so and she’s right. Hook still has some potential, Belle most likely has potential judging by Lacey, and a lot of fans don’t trust the Blue Fairy. But Regina snaps that unless there’s a dwarf named Evilly, she’s it. Emma vows that Chernabog won’t get Regina. Mostly because she’s one of the more popular characters on the show.
Emma and Regina come up with a plan. They decide to lure Chernabog to the town line and trick him into going over it. Once he’s in the Land Without Magic, he’ll disappear. So they load into Emma’s yellow bug and hope for the best.
Chernabog starts chasing them as they drive toward the town line. Regina continues to panic as it starts to attack the car. She says she’s not going to die in Emma’s car and poofs herself at the town line. However, the demon doesn’t go after her. He keeps attacking the car until Emma hits the breaks. Even the laws of physics work occasionally in Storybrooke and he goes flying over the town line, disintegrating without the town’s magic to sustain him.
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(Here, demon, demon, demon) |
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(A united front) |
That night, Ursula and Cruella go back to the town line and toss the scroll over to Gold. He limps across and he starts walking normally. Bravo to Robert Carlyle for showing the physical transformation.
He tells the two that they now have to get Maleficent. Ursula reminds him that Maleficent is dead. He corrects her, saying that she’s only mostly dead. What, is he suddenly Miracle Max from The Princess Bride? His plan is progressing well.
Henry sits at the counter at Granny’s, reading the storybook as Emma and Hook watch him with pride. Hook asks her where her parents are. Emma’s not sure, saying they should’ve been there already.
So where are the Charmings? They are in the woods, meeting with Ursula and Cruella. Mary Margaret tells them that Emma can never found out about some DARK!SECRET! between her parents and the Queens of Darkness. If she does, Mary Margaret will rip out the queens’ hearts herself.
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(Don't mess with Snow) |
And with that, Season 4B is off to an intriguing start! Adam and Eddy have promised that Mary Margaret and David will have a major storyline this arc. There’s also the teasing of a Dark!Emma, from the teaser trailers to the fact that Chernabog kept going after Emma instead of Regina. Meaning she has the heart with the greatest potential for evil.
Then there were the pictures that leaked from the set this week. I went nuts—internally as I was at work—when I saw them. If you want to know, just check out my Once Upon a Time tumblr here. Things look very interesting for the season.
If you look to your right, you’ll see I’m running a poll. Go vote for your favorite Queen of Darkness! Voting ends next week.
Next week: Maleficent has beef with Mary Margaret.
Screen caps from here.
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