Sunday, May 1, 2016

Outlander: A Glitzier Snake Pit

Last time on “Outlander”: Claire found herself in 1948 and she reunited with Frank. She connected better with Mrs. Graham while Frank tried to figure out what happened to his wife. Claire told him everything and he was pretty chill about it…until she revealed she was carrying Jamie’s baby. But after waging destruction on Wakefield’s shed that would make the Hulk proud and a conversation with Wakefield, Frank decided to commit to Claire and raise the child together. They went to Boston to start over.

In France, Claire and Jamie decided to infiltrate the Jacobite cause in order to prevent the destruction it will cause. Jamie convinced his cousin Jared of his supposed dedication and Jared promised to help. He asked Jamie to help run his wine importing business, which Jamie agreed to do.

On the docks, Claire diagnosed a dying sailor with smallpox. The harbormaster had to declare a ship infected and ordered it—and its cargo—burned. Its own, the Comte St. Germaine, warned Claire and Jamie that they had made a dangerous enemy.

Uh oh.

We open with a sex scene. Ahh, welcome back, Outlander. Jamie and Claire have sex…but then it turns into Black Jack. Jamie freaks out and stabs him, blood going everywhere. Outlander really is back! Anyway, even though it appears Black Jack is dead, he opens his eyes and is like “Never gonna die!”

Jamie sits up, panting. Claire wakes up and asks if he had another nightmare. He tells her he did and she assures him that Black Jack is dead. But Jamie knows he won’t be getting anymore sleep. So he slips from bed and tells her to go back to sleep.

(Poor bby)

I don’t think I spoke about the credits yet, which are gorgeous mix of the scenes we should see in France as well as the women dancing round the stones. This time, though, the song has a more French feel to it and the chorus is sung in French until “…over the sea to Sky.”

A maid hurries after Claire, asking why she insists on making her bed and dressing herself. Claire explains that she’s not used to having servants and so usually does it herself. The maid says that it’s not proper for someone of Claire’s station…or in her condition…to do so. Sighing, Claire informs the maid she’s going on an errand for a couple hours so the maid has plenty of time to strip the bed and remake it. The maid looks like Claire just told her Christmas was coming early.

("I get to clean it my way!")
She climbs into her carriage and we get one of Claire’s voiceovers. She talks about always wanting to go to Paris and was able to go at the end of the war. But she wasn’t able to climb the Eiffel Tower like she wanted because the Nazis closed it and the Allies hadn’t opened it yet. Now, it wasn’t even built.
Claire enters the apothecary and asks the maid if Master Raymond is in. The maid fetches him and thankfully, he speaks English. He asks her what brings her to his shop and she says her husband is having difficulty sleeping. Raymond asks if it’s fine food or good wine. Claire reveals that Jamie is suffering from nightmares. So Raymond puts together a concoction for her to give Jamie. All through this, they exchange some light banter and she finds she likes the man.

(Master Raymond)
In a park, Murtagh and Jamie practice swordfighting to building up Jamie’s strength again. Murtagh gives him pointers and tries to get him to push through the pain as a crowd gathers to watch them. In the end, Jamie ends it and Murtagh goes to disperse the gawkers, wondering why they are so intrigued by two men fighting. Jamie points out that dueling is technically not allowed.

They then plop down and have a heart-to-heart. Murtagh misses Scotland and wants to leave France. But he also knows Jamie can’t go back there and he’s not going to leave him. Murtagh admits that he misses Angus and the others, much to Jamie’s delight. He teases his godfather as they head home.

(Murtagh and Jamie, just chilling in Paris)
Once there, a letter arrives for Jamie. He’s been invited to have dinner with Bonnie Prince Charlie. Their plan is in motion and Murtagh prepares to escort Jamie to wherever it is the prince will be dining.

At the establishment where Charles is dining, the owner announces that she has a surprise for the gentlemen there—their wives! Charles laughs, telling Jamie to watch how scared the others get. But it’s not really their wives, but some attractive girls dressed in short skirts who will be helping serve their dinners. The men relax and begin to flirt. Jamie and Murtagh look a bit uncomfortable.

(The "wives")
Naturally, Prince Charles wants to know why Jamie is supporting him and Jamie goes on about British brutality. However, he starts his attempts to dissuade Charles by talking about the failed rebellion years ago. Charles insists that he won’t make the same mistakes and that he’s going to be king of England.

Returning home, Jamie and Claire confer a bit. They decide that Charles has to be getting funding somewhere, maybe even the royal court. Claire decides they need to get to court and to cut off his money spout from inside the French royalty. Murtagh just continues to be confused.

(Late night planning session)
Claire explains in voiceover that their position in Parisian society has allowed her to make some powerful friends. Included Louise de Rohan, who she goes to visit to see about getting an in at court. Louise receives Claire as she is getting waxed. So there is a lot of screaming and the poor man waxing her gets assaulted several times during the scene.

(Louise de Rohan)
Louise introduces Claire to Mary Hawkins, a young woman who Louise is chaperoning around Paris. Mary is a terribly shy, sheltered girl who is mortified by Louise, who is more free and open with her sexuality. Claire takes a liking to the girl, though she swears the girl’s name is familiar. But there doesn’t seem to be any way they would’ve met before. Louise explains Mary is to marry some French noble, one who is several decades already than Mary and apparently very warty. Mary is less than thrilled while Louise is like “He’s rich and you can have affairs. No big.”

She then tells Claire that she’s taken Mary to Versailles soon and invites Claire along with them. Claire asks if she can invite Jamie and Louise is like “Okay but why?” Excitement about getting closer to her goal is tempered when she and Mary spy where else Louise is getting waxed. Louise tells them that all the men in Paris love to have their ladies smooth down there and encourages them to try it out.

(Everyone is very uncomfortable)
That night, Jamie and Claire go to bed. She tells them about their trip to Versailles and he’s happy. And then she lets him feel her surprise. He’s really surprised and asks what she did to her honey pot. Claire has a good laugh. They then try to have some sexytimes but Black Jack still haunts him. So all they do is fall asleep.

We speed ahead to their trip to Versailles. Jamie looks over Murtagh, ragging on his godfather for not washing his knees. Murtagh insists he did. At that point, Claire comes down in a gorgeous red dress with a very low neckline. Jamie’s like “You are not going out in that!” Claire is like “Welcome to France, I’ll be fine.” He realizes he’s not going to win the battle though he asks her to cover us. She puts her fan in front of her and he says she’ll need a much bigger fan. Claire giggles as they head out to their carriage.

(The dress!)
In Versailles, Louise escorts the Frasers and Mary through the room. A young woman runs up and hugs Jamie. He greets her as Annaliese and explains that she was a friend of his back during his first stay in France. Claire isn’t fooled but lets her husband hang himself anyway. Annaliese reveals she’s now a widow and continues to flirt with Jamie until he manages to get invited to the king’s chambers, taking Murtagh with him.

("Did Jamie tell you who I am?")
("Not a word.")
Murtagh and Jamie get to watch Louis on the toilet. It appears the king is constipated and unable to go. Jamie asks to be announced, saying he can relieve the king. He advises His Majesty to eat porridge and it will help his bowels. It is a good suggestion as a major cause of constipation is a lack of fiber in the diet. The king doesn’t look convinced.

Back at the party, the French ladies ask Claire about the names English women use for a man’s penis. She gives a few examples and they are thoroughly unimpressed. Louise slips off, locating Monsieur Duveney, the Minister of Finance. She whispers that her friend Claire is eager to meet with him and he is quite eager to meet her when he finds out she’s the one in the red dress. This isn’t going to go well.

(Danger! Danger!)
Claire goes to the stables and is assaulted by Monsieur Duveney. He tries to make romantic overtures to her while she tries to explain there’s been a misunderstanding. She kicks him away as Jamie bounds in, slugging the man before Claire can warn him who he is. As Monsieur Duveney lands in the water, she finally introduces Jamie to the Minister of Finance.

Thankfully, Duveney takes it in stride as he dries out his wig by the fire. He admits he was acting shamefully and would be in trouble if his wife knew what he was up to. Jamie and Claire promise to keep his secret, making them his new friends. He asks if Jamie plays chess, which Jamie can. This friendship is really flourishing now!

King Louis comes up with a woman wearing a dress that exposes her breasts. But don’t worry—she has pasties covering her nipples even though this is Starz and anything goes. He insults Duveney and then confirms with Jamie about the properties of porridge in curing his constipation. Jamie swears by it. Louis eyes Claire while Murtagh eyes the king’s mistress. As the king moves on, Jamie tells his godfather to leave her alone.

(All hail the king)
The Frasers move to another room where they are reunited with a familiar face from the first season—the Duke of Sandringham. Let’s all welcome back Simon Callow! Jamie and Claire are not thrilled to see him, giving that he didn’t bring their complaint against Black Jack to London but rather gave it to Black Jack himself. He blusters out some apology before Jamie is pulled away.

(Ugh. Him)
Claire and Sandringham exchange terse words before a young man sidles up to the duke. He coughs a bit and Sandringham introduces him as “Alexander Randall.” Claire notes the name and Alexander confirms that Black Jack is his brother. He explains he isn’t as strong as his brother and suffers from an illness. Sandringham notes that Claire knows Black Jack and Alexander mentions something about writing him. This confuses Claire and she says that she was told Black Jack had died. Alexander notes that he was injured in the line of duty but no, he’s very much alive. Claire is quite troubled as Sandringham gloats beside Alexander.

(He does bear a resemblance to Tobias Menzies. Good job, casting!)
As fireworks explode outside Versailles, Claire wonders how she will tell Jamie that his abuser isn’t dead after all.

(Poor Claire)
So the ball is rolling. Jamie and Claire have positioned themselves well at court. Sandringham is going to be a stumbling block, but these two together will be a formidable team…once they really get on the same page.

Also, I love Louise. Spot on casting, Outlander!

Next time: Jamie and Claire work against Prince Charles.  

Screen caps from here

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