Last time on “Once”: Belle ran into her former fiancé, Gaston, in the Underworld. And he was out for Rumple’s head, spurned on by Hades. Belle, though, was trying to get Rumple to use his magic for good and decided to help Gaston with his unfinished business…which turned out to be her. He blamed her for making him weak and leaving him vulnerable to Rumple. When he tried to attack Rumple, Belle ended up pushing Gaston into the River o’Souls. Hades had made Belle a deal but voided it because she didn’t follow it to the letter. So her baby was still in danger.
After a failed attempt at breaking into Hades’ lair, Emma went to the cemetery with Hook and Snow because a dream told her to. But the dream also warned her of her mother dying and she worked hard to prevent that from happening. Especially because she felt guilty for getting everyone in this situation. After she was assured she had nothing to feel guilty for, Regina joined them to seek out the creature that had ended up pursuing them. It ended up being a wolf…who Snow lays a cape over it to turn it back into Red!
Why is she there? Is she dead? Let’s find out!
We open in Oz…some time ago. This scene was one of the sneak peeks posted by ABC during the week and it original said “Many years ago,” which had confused fans since Red and Mulan were in it. By their reckoning, it should be part of the current timeline. Adam confirmed on Twitter that they were right and that ABC had screwed up the graph. Looks like he got to someone in editing in time to correct it.
Red and Mulan walk down a deserted road as Red tries to sniff out her pack. Mulan asks her about this land and Red says there’s some singing, or at least there was in the movie. We know Storybrooke showed it since everyone was familiar with it back in Season 3B. Red also points out it was a book and all I could think of was “Samantha: An American Girl” where Rebecca Mader played Aunt Cornelia, who gave Samantha “The Wizard of Oz” as a gift.
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(Welcome back, you two!) |
Anyway, Red smells something and hurries down the road. But it’s only Toto. Red recognizes him and tries to get him to come to her, but he barks at her. Dorothy emerges from the bushes, armed, and insists Toto only barks at witches. She demands to know which one is the witch. Red explains that neither are witches and that Toto is most likely barking at her because she’s part wolf. She goes to prove it, scaring Toto off. Dorothy is pissed and rejects Red’s offer to help. Until Red reveals that she can sniff the dog out. So Dorothy reluctantly agrees to let her and Mulan tag along.
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(Is not in the mood for this) |
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(I know, Zelena. The CGI is really bad) |
At the loft, Snow worries that her friend is dead. Hook points out that she’s still breathing so she’s alive. But they need to know why she’s there. Red wakes up, surprised to be surrounded by all her Storybrooke friends. They reveal she’s in the Underworld and she’s like “But I was looking for Zelena.” She explains the witch did something to Dorothy and she needs to find out what. Regina leads the party to go find her sister and found out what she did now.
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(Group shot!) |
But as the three approach the phone box, they see Cruella and Claude there getting ready to tear it up. Cruella says she’s exercising mayoral power and that’s kinda scary. David tells her she can’t do that because all the people in the Underworld rely on that to connect with their love ones. Cruella points out he’s concerned because it’s how he connects with his son. She’ll let him do it if he agrees to help her. David refuses and Claude destroys the phone booth.
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(Poor David can't catch a break) |
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("Oh damn.") |
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(Looks like she finally got the little dog) |
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(Talk about your Snow White parallels) |
In Oz, Mulan, Dorothy and Red make something to put Zelena to sleep. Dorothy asks if it’ll work and Red assures her she’s already used it on the witch before. They just need one more ingredient to help with the sleeping part and Dorothy suggests the poppies. She says she’ll get them and Red goes with her while Mulan wonders why she’s even in this episode at all.
Red asks Dorothy if she’s still mad and then asks about Toto. Dorothy isn’t in much of a sharing mood but Red pulls it out of her. She tells Red about her first trip to Oz and what happened when she went back to Kansas. Dorothy says she told people about her trip and her family thought she was insane and tried to have her committed. Only her Aunt Em stood up for her and she took Dorothy in, giving her Toto. Auntie Em passed away a few years ago, so Toto is all Dorothy has. Though she knows it’s difficult for “Wolfie” (as she dubs Red) to understand.
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(They're bickering! It must be love...) |
We see a tombstone for Emily Brown and Red declares that’s Auntie Em. It’s still upright and not cracked, so it seems she’s still in the Underworld. Regina, though, points out that Auntie Em won’t be able to leave to give Dorothy a TLK. Snow mentions that the Blind Witch bottled David’s breath the other day, which creeps Emma out. But the point is that maybe they can bottle Auntie Em’s kiss and then Red can take it back to Oz using the slippers.
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(Auntie Em!) |
But they wonder how they would even leave. Emma suggests that they go to Oz with Red and then use the slippers to get to Storybrooke. It’s a good idea…except Regina points out Snow can’t leave because her name is on a tombstone. Snow says David’s isn’t and insists he go back to take care of Neal and Storybrooke. He’s not happy but he agrees.
Zelena is surprised to find Belle on her doorstep and even more surprised when Belle asks for her help. Even though Zelena is still bitter about Belle running off with Peanut, she lets Belle in.
Belle explains her predicament to Zelena, who has broken out the booze. She wonders why Belle didn’t go to Rumple and Belle’s like “Yeah, can’t trust him.” Zelena starts to open up a bit more but confesses that she can’t get Hades to rip up a contract. Even if he loves her, she doesn’t know if she has that power over him.
Feeling ill, Belle rushes to the sink and gets some water. Zelena wonders if she should be insulted but Belle assures her it was morning sickness, saying she should remember what it felt like. But she doesn’t as Emma sped up her pregnancy, her finally acknowledging that she really hadn’t experienced as much as she kept claiming while pregnant. Belle then worries that Hades could speed up her pregnancy and take her baby. So Zelena offers to help her.
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(An odd pairing. And look how tall Bex is!) |
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(Look at that smile!) |
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A flying monkey descends on them and Dorothy realizes Zelena knows what they are doing. Red says she knows how to fight it and gives the poppy to Dorothy for safekeeping. She then takes off her cape and lets the moon transform her into a wolf. As she attacks the monkey, Dorothy gathers her discarded cape and watches.
They return to where they left Mulan, who is like “Why’s Red a wolf?” Dorothy explains that she chased off a monkey and Mulan covers Red with her cape. She transforms back into a woman as Dorothy hands them the poppy. She then says she’s tired and goes inside the farmhouse to get some sleep.
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(Might be turned on) |
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(Auntie's!) |
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(Auntie Em! Auntie Em!) |
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("You've messed with the wrong leading lady.") |
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("This is the only reason I'm in the episode, so listen to me. Please.") |
In the back of Auntie Em’s, Snow and Red have a heart-to-heart. Red is upset that no one can wake Dorothy now but Snow thinks someone still can. Before Red can ponder if Toto can give her True Love’s Lick (kudos to the tumblr user who came up with that!), Snow says Red can give it to Dorothy. She says she can tell that Dorothy means a lot to Red but Red says Dorothy doesn’t feel the same. Snow tells her she needs to take the chance because love is risky. As Red comes to grips with her feelings for Dorothy, she decides to do it.
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(Aww, the show remembered they're best friends!) |
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(Well, no one said it had to be neat) |
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(Goodbye, you two!) |
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(Still a better love story than Twilight) |
Red approaches Dorothy and kisses her. The familiar True Love’s swoosh and pulse of light burst forth and Dorothy wakes up. Red says she left her behind and Dorothy admits that she was scared of losing Red. So Red points out that she almost lost Dorothy, who says she came back for her. Red promises to always come back for her. They exchange kisses as Mulan, Snow and the Munchkins look on.
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(Are the Munchkins voyeurs?) |
Meanwhile, Belle returns to the pawnshop and reveals to Rumple that she has a plan. She says that she knows Rumple will find the way to save their child from Hades but that they need time. And she has a way to get that, holding up Zelena’s sleeping curse dispenser. Rumple is concerned but Belle says she’ll stop the clock on herself…and their child. So Hades can’t do anything to them. Rumple says that True Love’s Kiss isn’t going to turn him into a good man. Belle agrees and says that he’s not going to wake her up—her father is once they’re back in Storybrooke. Before Rumple can argue further, Belle pricks her finger and falls into the sleeping curse.
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(Nighty-night) |
As for the Ruby Slippers ship…I like it, though I wish we had gotten more. In a show where Hades can fall in love with the Wicked Witch after one bike ride, this still seemed a bit rushed. But it’s a step in the right direction. Maybe one day we can have two same sex characters with bigger roles be in a relationship.
Next time: Cora’s been hiding a secret from Regina and Zelena. Shocker.
Screen caps from here.
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