Friday, May 10, 2013


Last time on “Smash:” The show was on Tuesday! Bernadette came back on to play Gladys in Bombshell without anyone telling Ivy! After a tense rehearsal, Ivy declares she’s no longer Tom’s friend! Jimmy and Karen are a couple now! But no one can know! Though Karen’s dad does figure it out! Ana impresses Jamey Sheridan! Jimmy needs to pay off Some Drug Dealer Guy and Derek helps him!


The voice of God calls for Ivy Lynn. Actually, it’s Tom. Bombshell is in tech and they are struggling with “Public Relations.” Namely, Tom needs Ivy in one spot but she keeps ending up in another one. And Ivy’s still mad at Tom so she’s being petulant. Tom asks Julia if she has any advice. She doesn’t really because she’s too focused on Leo and Frank’s college tour escapades. After confirming Tom didn’t need her, Julia bounces.

Meanwhile, Sam and the Chorus Buddies plot Ivy’s birthday party. And she’s looking forward to it—especially as Tom is not invited. Then again, it doesn’t appear that Julia and Eileen are invited either. Sam just wants to party as does Ivy.

Flowers arrive and Tom’s confused. It’s not opening night yet! Linda informs him it is Ivy’s birthday and Tom wants to die. He decides to do something for Ivy and orders Siri to “Call Liza.”


Downtown, Julia talks to Scott about “Hit List.” He asks her to help Kyle. Finally! It annoyed me back during the read through when it seemed like everyone was forsaking nurturing Kyle because his first draft sucked. It seemed a strange notion from creative people. I was hoping someone would mentor the kid and now, here we go! But Julia is a bit hesitant because we know how she feels about dramaturges. So Scott pitches it in a different way—that’ll she be a consultant. Julia likes that better.

Also going on: Jimmy and Karen making out in the wardrobe room. Thankfully they are up against the door so no one can walk in on them. Which is good because that is awkward for the other person. Trust me; I know. Derek shouts for Karen and she almost answers back. But Jimmy clamps a hand over her mouth. What part of not telling anyone didn’t she get? They leave the wardrobe and walk into the theater at different times. Jimmy pays Derek back while Karen just ignores both of them.

Jamey Sheridan arrives to watch a performance from “Hit List” called “Original.” Amanda (Karen) and Jesse (Jimmy) sit watching a performance of the Diva (Ana)—which is a video of the performance from the benefit. He talks about how fake she is but Amanda argues that she remade herself to become famous. And she sings about it, mentioning two other superstars who remade themselves. I knew Lady Gaga immediately but the first one stumped me. Thanks to everyone on YouTube who stated it was supposed to be Lana Del Ray! And it’s a great pop song. Not sure about a Broadway song. It was nice to see Jeremy Jordan dance though it does make me wonder how Jimmy can keep up with these trained dancers.

Uptown, Tom approaches Ivy and wishes her a happy birthday. He then asks her if she has any plans and she lies. So he tells her he is taking her out to some hoity-toity restaurant. Once he’s gone, Ivy runs over to Sam to tell him about the new developments. He assures her they can wait to have her birthday party until she’s free. She thanks him and reminds Bobby to get straight men to come to her party.

Meanwhile, Eileen is having difficulty with Smash publicity. Daphne Ruben-Vega is back to help. Hi, Daphne! Have you seen Jesse yet? Anyway, she says the Time piece won’t be enough. Especially as Riedel is being his pesky self again. He’s reported about Ivy’s falling out with Tom over the casting of Bernadette. Eileen doesn’t want any more bad press. So she flirts some more with Jamey Sheridan, but he wants to have a conversation that doesn’t revolve around work. Can you blame the man? But when she hears about Tom’s plan to surprise Ivy with Liza, she gets a Daphne-approved plan. She’s going to be there when Liza serenades Ivy—and so will Michael Reidel and other members of the press!

Derek escorts Jamey out and they discuss how Karen followed Derek to Hit List. He asks Derek if they are in a relationship and Derek says they aren’t. Jamey responds it’s too bad because it would make a great story. Didn’t he hear about the lawsuit against Derek? I don’t think an article like that would be so great, especially for Karen’s reputation. While I’m not as much on Team Karen as I was last season, the writers still love her. So I don’t know why they didn’t realize the following logic: Derek likes to sleep with his leading ladies and if Karen followed him to Hit List then Karen slept her way into the role.

Of course, Karen is dating Jimmy. But she’s concerned about this “don’t tell anyone” business. So she tells Ana. Who notes that this is a concern. She tells Karen that Jimmy should be okay with going public. Karen thinks about this.

At Hoity-Toity Restaurant, Ivy is antsy. Tom is sparing no expense and they are having a multi-course dinner. She excuses herself to call Sam to delay her birthday party. He promises to do so and she makes him promise to keep JFK there. Especially because JFK looks like this:

Yum. You go, Ivy. But first you have to finish that meal while Eileen spies on you from her booth with Jamey Sheridan. Well, actually, their date seems to be going well. Until Michael Reidel shows up. And the rest of the press. Liza eats it up but while Ivy is thrilled to see her, she’s suspicious now of Tom’s motives. He’s baffled until he spots Eileen in the back. Everything clicks in his head and confronts her about the publicity. Eileen is like “Whatever works” and Jamey leaves her since their dinner was all about work. Ivy starts to leave but the Voice of God—AKA Liza Minnelli—tells her to sit down. She obeys in probably the cutest moment of the episode.

Tom runs over to the piano so Liza can sing Ivy’s birthday present: “A Love Letter from the Times.” And it is lovely. If you can, I suggest you listen to it. Both Liza and Christian sound wonderful on it.

Downtown, Derek has gotten drunk. Again. He approaches Karen, who is still hanging around to study one of her scenes. They have a talk and then he tries to kiss her but Karen dodges him. She confesses she’s with Jimmy now. And that sobers Derek up quicker than cold water and coffee. He walks away while Karen stays on the stage.

Ivy and Tom are in a better place following their dinner. Okay, apparently Isis King (you know, from Top Model) was a waitress but I didn’t see her. Any help there? So, Tom invites Ivy for drinks but when she hems and haws, he sends her home to rest. A waitress (who is not Isis, I checked) comes to reveal Ivy left her keys behind. Tom takes them and pursues Ivy.

Scott and Julia sit Kyle down to explain how they want to help him. And he’s receptive. She asks about his process and if he uses a board. “What’s a board?” Kyle asks. Umm, okay, writers, time out. I remember back when Kyle and Jimmy were getting ready to meet with Derek. They had loose pages, a missing notebook and what appeared to be song titles written on napkins lined up in order. So while Kyle doesn’t work with a board, I think he understands the concept. It would’ve been nicer to poor Kyle to have the dialogue go this way:

Julia: What’s your process? Do you use a board?
Kyle: I usually just lie the songs on whatever flat surface I have.
Julia: Oh, trust me. A board is much easier.

Anyway, they get to work. Meanwhile, Ivy has arrived at her party! Unfortunately Hunky Male Lead has left with Very Lucky Chorine. But Ivy doesn’t mind. She’s just glad to be at her party. So is everyone else. Jessica brings out a cake just as Tom arrives, though Bobby and Sue tried to stop him from entering. Sam glares at him while Ivy has an attack of conscience. She takes Tom outside for a little heart-to-heart.

She explains that she’s not ending their friendship forever; just putting it on hold. That she needed a break from her director every so often. He understands, though he is sad. Sad!Tom returns to his apartment which is empty. Sad music plays for Sad!Tom.

Downtown, Julia and Scott are holed up with Kyle. Index cards are scattered everywhere as Kyle plots his show. You know, the one that’s in rehearsals? He runs things across Julia and Scott but they just keep yesing him to death. Kyle’s like “I’d like some discussion.” He asks them if they were once an item and they deny it. Julia was already married by the time she met Scott, though Scott admits to having a crush on her. Julia is surprised and they discuss it further as Kyle goes to get more index cards. He returns and he has an idea!

On stage, Karen and Jimmy rehearse the scene where Jesse stops Amanda from jumping off the Brooklyn Bridge. Derek doesn’t like how Jimmy’s playing it, saying the audience will want to jump off the bridge. So Jimmy decides to play it differently but that pisses off Derek. Pretty much, Jimmy can do no right and Karen wonders if it’s because she’s dating him. As the conversation erupts in an argument, Jimmy reveals that Derek told him to stay away from Karen. Karen is upset…I think. Katharine McPhee’s line readings have been terrible at times. This is one of the those times. She mentions what Derek did with Dev last year and that Derek can’t keep controlling her life. Derek just stomps off so Karen turns her ire (?) onto Jimmy for being too spineless to stand up to the director. She stalks off.

Kyle presents his idea to Derek. The Diva is ruined by Amanda/Nina and spends the second act trying to exact her revenge. It would mean taking some time away from Karen and maybe a few songs. Derek gives it the green light.

Julia and Scott leave New York Manhattan Theater Workshop together. They decide to get coffee and walk away, holding hands.

Back at the bar, Sam and Ivy eat cake and talk. But Sam peaces out just before Derek arrives with a card. He joins Ivy to talk.

Jimmy goes to Ana and Karen’s apartment to grovel at Karen’s feet. She accepts it and agrees to go get drinks with him. He lets her wear his coat and she pulls out the little baggy Some Drug Dealer Guy gave to her last episode. She doesn’t say anything as they walk off.

And there you have it! Ivy and Tom’s relationship is back on track…somewhat…even if Sam isn’t ready to forgive Tom. And what will happen to Karen’s part? Well, we already know, but pretend you don’t.

Read Playbill's “Smash” report here.

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