Friday, January 28, 2011

Elephants, Ostriches and Beetles—Oh My!

SyFy has decided to find the next great special effects makeup artist. They will face challenges, deadlines, pressure, and naked models. In the end, only one will win. Who will it be?

We first meet Tate from Brooklyn before moving on to Megan from Pittsburg. Jo enters the hotel after them and wants to win this for her mother, who let her be creative. Next is Anthony from New York City, who has been working in the industry for 15 years. Tom comes in next, revealing he is dyslexic and thinks that’s why he is in the arts. Sergio is introduced next and is nervous because he didn’t go to school. Gage comes in and it is revealed that he and Tom have worked together. Frank comes after this introduction before we are introduced to Conor…Was that a picture of Lord Zedd from Power Rangers? He worked on freakin’ Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers? Wow… Our host comes in and it is McKenzie Westmore. Several of the contestants recognize her last name as her family are masters of the genre. I recognize her as Sheridan Crane (Lopez-Fitzgerald) from the NBC soap “Passions.” So, she may get referred to as Sheridan time to time. Glenn Hetrick comes in to judge their challenge. McKenzie brings in the waiters, who will be their models. They have make up kits, which the contestants will use. They have two hours to come up with an original design and must use something in the room. Megan goes first for the balloons. We meet Sam from Decatur and Marcel, who wanted to do makeup since he saw his first movie. Frank decided to use peacock feathers while Conor uses a prosthetic nose. Tom uses leaves to turn his model into a reptile-looking creature. Our last contestant is Jessica, who thinks this will be tough but she’s up for it.

As McKenzie calls the hour warning, Frank finishes. And announces it. Loudly. The others are slightly pissed. Meanwhile, Tate had to abandoned his original plan as his horns were falling off. Tate is up first and says that while it’s not what he wanted to do, but he’s pleased with his work. Glenn isn’t. Gage is next, saying that his prom date smashed his flowers into his face. Glenn likes it and likes the symmetry Gage created. Megan explains her character but Glenn doesn’t see it in the execution. Anthony explains that his roommate believes there are aliens amongst us and he created one. Glenn isn’t thrilled that Frank didn’t use the two hours as it shows. Glenn loves Tom’s reptilian monster. We flash through some of the others’ works.

Glenn says that the decision comes between Gage and Tom, the former partners.

And we go to commercials!

We come back to hear the winner. And it’s Gage! He’ll have immunity at the elimination that night. Gage doesn’t celebrate as he doesn’t want to piss off Tom again. McKenzie dismisses them to go explore their new loft. And it is nice. Frank says he’s looking forward to living with everyone and starts jumping on a bed, just to piss off Megan. She takes it in good fun, hitting him playfully.

The next day, the contestants go to their lab. Tate compares it to Christmas. McKenzie welcomes them and talks about their first spotlight challenge: a half-human, half-animal hybrid. First, she brings in a black beetle. Eew. Next, is an ostrich. Careful, I hear they’re nasty animals. Sergio reinforces that when he says they were told to stay back in case it pokes. They open the garage door and an elephant walks in. McKenzie will pair them up. They will pick an animal and then selecting a model’s head cast. Jessica and Jo decide to do the ostrich and pick model Diana. Jessica explains they’ll make their molds from that bust. Sergio and Gage decide on the elephant and pick model Joseph. Anthony and Megan go with Joy for their ostrich. Conor and Tom go for the elephant and Jayson. Sam and Marcel are paired up, pick up the beetle and pick up Bryce’s mold. Frank and Tate get the beetle and the last model of Lisa.

McKenzie says they will have three days to create their character. The designers take pictures of their animals, ask questions and begin sketching. Frank and Tate decide to do a ‘50’s style horror beetle-mad science. Sam and Marcel decide to do a beetle-man dressed as an exterminator. Megan and Anthony decide to make their ostrich a fashionable woman while Jessica and Jo go for Vegas showgirls. Tom and Conor realize they are both alpha males, but seem to work. They show Jessica’s sculpting, which looks like a duck bill. Tom and Conor realize Sergio and Gage have the same concept as them, meaning they’ll have to start from scratch.


Conor and Tom decide to go back to the evolution of man into elephant. Tom decided to defer to him in order to complete the project. Megan starts to panic and rips off the beak, surprising Anthony. They focus on other aspects, calming her down. Meanwhile, Jo wants to focus on the feet but Jessica tells her to focus on other things.

Day 2. Everyone continues to work. Sam and Marcel sculpt then trade so each could have input. Tate and Frank create a black plastic mold of their person for their beetle. Sergio explains about using molds and how they can take time. Frank notices that Sergio isn’t really carrying his weight and Gage works hard. Even though he has immunity, he doesn’t want to send Sergio into the lions’ den with a poor product. Frank believes he and Tate will be one of the top teams but have competition from Tom and Conor. Jo realizes she needs to be more assertive but doesn’t want to stress Jessica out. Umm, hello? Are you trying to sabotage yourself? Sergio realizes out of his team, he’s on the chopping block if their creature fails.

Day 3. The models arrive and Sergio panics as he and Gage aren’t where they wish to be. Anthony and Megan start to dress Joy while Megan explains the character to the model. She coaches the model and Anthony wonders if she did runway. The model gets it. They speed up the transformations of some models before we come to Jo putting on the headpiece on her model. She realizes there is a rip and needs to fix it. Jessica thinks she could’ve done it. The clock counts down and they all leave the lab.
They arrive at the studio to finish their models’ transformation. Frank is impressed with Megan and Anthony and not so much with Sergio and Gage. Tom and Conor have a bit of an argument over the application of dust while Marcel starts to panic.

Time for Last Looks. The designers take to the stage where McKenzie welcomes them. Glenn Hetrick is back as a judge. He is joined by Ve Neill, the person behind Beetlegeuse and the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy, and Patrick Tatolous, the guy behind Independence Day. Each model comes out one by one. Anthony and Megan’s ostrich is awesome. Jessica and Jo’s…looks like a duck. Frank and Tate’s beetle resembles Darth Vader. Conor and Tom’s elephant looks AMAZING. All the models are brought back so the judges can have a closer look. Jo worries that she’ll be ripped to shreds in front of America.

Well, just the ones that watch SyFy.

We come back as the judges continue to examine the work up close. Marcel comments that the judges were serious and Jessica prays they don’t ask the model to turn. They do.

McKenzie sends Megan, Anthony, Sam and Marcel back to the make-up room. They are all safe. Those behind are either the best or the worst of the group. Frank and Tate are up first, their model joining them. Glenn tells them they should be proud of themselves and says he likes their work. He too thinks it looks like Darth Vader, but that’s his only complaint. Ve likes how tidy everything is. Patrick says he got the character and forgot there was a person behind the mask.

Gage and Sergio are next. Ve asks who was responsible for what. Sergio says he had the face while Gage did the arm. He says the arm is starting to turn into a trunk. Glenn asks about the symmetry while Ve just doesn’t like it. Sergio says he should’ve used his gut instinct and says he can do better. Ve says he should’ve done that because they can do something to him, not Gage.

Conor and Tom are next. Patrick is very impressed with their makeup work. Conor says he sculpted the face but Tom worked on the hands and trunk, stating it was a collaboration. The judges just like their work. Jessica and Jo have to to follow. Glenn asks who was responsible about that. Jessica tells him they both were. He asks about the bald cap, which Jo owns up to. Glenn tells them that they should’ve problem-solved that together. Ve says they could never put their work on film. Patrick tells them to sit down next time and work out an idea and visualize it. They are asked why they should remain. Jessica defends her work on the ostrich, which isn’t what the judges want to hear. It shows, to them, she isn’t learning. Jo says she has the passion and realizes she needs to take time to have an idea and to follow that through. Ve asks if she realizes what was wrong and Jo says she does and wishes she could shoot herself in the face over it. Harsh.

The judges reveal the top teams were Frank and Tate and Conor and Tom. The top team is Conor and Tom, but there is only one winner—Conor. Glenn says Conor’s sculpting helped pull the make-up together. McKenzie reveals that the winner of the spotlight challenge gets to consult with the judges over who should be eliminated. Everyone else is dismissed as Conor moves to stand before the judges. Patrick asks Conor to choose between Sergio, Jo and Jessica. He says he chooses Jessica for her sculpting choices. McKenzie dismisses him.

Patrick and Ve think Sergio has the passion and will come back harder. Glenn disagrees. Ve was not impressed with Jessica’s work while Glenn points out that Jo sat back and let it happen. Sergio, Gage, Jo and Jessica are called back in as we go to commercials.

ELIMINATION! The judges remind Gage he has immunity and Glenn tells him to make the most of his reprieve. Glenn tells Sergio he hasn’t been impressed by his looks. Jessica’s decision making skills are called into question and Glenn doesn’t feel Jo has shown those skills. He reveals Jessica is the first eliminated. She thanks them for the opportunity and says she’s sad she didn’t make it to their standards. And she says it all with a smile that says, “Bite me, you son of a bitch.”

She leaves to say good-bye and Megan is surprised. Jessica says she shouldn’t be the one to go home but she’ll be out in LA, working there one day.

Face Off


This is an interesting show. I’ll be honest—the only reason I started to watch it was that it airs after Ghost Hunters International. Then I recognized McKenzie Westmore and by the time the first commercial break rolled around, I was hooked. The reason this recap is delayed because it wasn’t until the second airing that I decided to recap it and by then felt the episode was too advanced for me to start again. So, I had to wait for another airing. And here we go! So far, my favorites are Megan, Conor and Tom. Who are yours?

Quote of the Episode:

“What the duck happened here?”—Glenn, about Jo and Jessica’s duck-like ostrich.

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