Friday, April 2, 2021

March Broadway Madness: The Final Matchup

We started with 36 musicals.

8 faced off in the wild rounds and 4 moved on to the main rounds.

32 musicals then faced off in 4 rounds of 8 matchups to determine the Sweet 16.

16 musicals then became the Elite Eight.

8 then became 4.

Now only 2 musicals remain from the original 36 and only 1 can be crowned the winner.

Will it be Wicked, the story of two very different who become friends but find themselves on opposite sides when one chooses to defy gravity and the other opts to follow the rules of a rather corrupt game?

Or will it be The Phantom of the Opera, the longest running show on Broadway that tells the story of a deformed genius who terrorizes the Paris Opera House and the young soprano caught between him and her childhood sweetheart?

Time to find out!

I don’t think I can add anything to what I’ve already said and ultimately, this does come down to which was more memorable to me when I saw them. Both were seen relatively close to each other (2002 for The Phantom of the Opera and 2004 for Wicked) so any advantage that way is really negligible by now. So, ultimately, the winner for me is…


So there you have it! Wicked has been crowned my winner of March Broadway Madness. The Phantom of the Opera did give it a good run for it’s money but in the end, I feel Wicked made more of an impact on me.

Thanks for playing along and I hope everyone has a great April!

Let me know if you agree or if you would’ve crowned another musical the winner of March Broadway Madness in the comments below!

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