He stormed the evidence room and confronted Rumple, demanding to know why he made Tilly lie. Rumple told him he was trying to protect Rogers from himself, but couldn’t explain why just yet. Rogers pretty much told him to go to hell and then stormed over to Victoria’s office, getting Drizella to give him access to the GPS on her mother’s car so he could track her down.
Rogers stormed into a warehouse owned by Victoria. He found her there as she had discovered that Drizella was awake and working with the Witch. She hid the Witch but Rogers freed her, saying she was Eloise.
dun dun DUN!
Victoria was arrested while Tilly apologized for lying. Rogers told her he was disappointed in her before heading to the hospital with the Witch. Drizella gloated over her mother’s demise while Lucy had to go into foster care, leaving Jacinda vowing to get her daughter back. It was the main reason why she decided not to pursue a relationship with Henry, encouraged by Regina—who still needed to keep them from sharing True Love’s Kiss.
Our flashbacks took us to the Wish!Realm as well as the Enchanted Forest. Hook prepared his crew to leave with the Queen’s curse but she showed up to reveal that Snow and Charming took her magic, so she couldn’t cast the curse. She asked Hook to go retrieve a flower from a tower so she could use its magic to restore her own. Then they can go get his revenge on the Crocodile. Hook agreed and took Smee with him.
They found the tower and Hook scaled up it, climbing into the window. He met Rapunzel, who explained she was trapped there by a witch’s curse and told him where to get the magical flower. He promised to return so she could use it to escape and she was surprised he would do that. But Hook’s “save a damsel” side had been triggered and he was taken with her.
Hook and Smee went to the garden and Hook sang a sea shanty to find the flower but only managed to start a fight with a giant garden gnome. As Smee acted as bait, Hook started to sing a lullaby which did activate the flower. He grabbed it and it defeated the gnome. Hook ordered Smee to go back to port while he went to rescue Rapunzel. Smee warned him to be careful before heading out.
Returning to the tower, Hook gave Rapunzel the flower. She showed her gratitude by kissing him and then the camera panned away to indicate sexy times.
In the morning, Hook was surprised to learn that Rapunzel had a baby overnight. Rapunzel then revealed she was the Witch, Mother Gothel, and had used a glamor spell to trick him into sleeping with him. She said she needed someone of her bloodline to leave in the tower so she could escape, leaving behind their daughter in her place. Hook was more appalled at that rather than the fact he had been raped by deception, much like Robin was by Zelena. Once again, that was brushed over but I’m not going to start that again.
Hook went back to the port and gave the flower to the Evil Queen while also turning the Jolly Roger to Smee. He said he needed to stay behind because something more important came up. The Evil Queen asked what was more important than revenge and the answer was his daughter, who Hook named after his mother—Alice.
We open with a sword fight between Ella and Henry. It seems she is getting the upper hand, though he is holding his own. She teases him, saying she thought he was taught by a pirate. He replies he was but Hook didn’t cheat as much as did. She counters with the fact that the royal guards won’t fight fair either. They end up entangled in each other’s arms and share a moment before Ella ends it. Henry apologizes and Ella says it’s complicated. Before she can elaborate, she freezes and whispers that they are not alone.
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(Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!) |
Henry turns around and is surprised to see Alice. She greets him and wonders why he won’t put down the sword. He says he still hasn’t gotten over the fact she drugged him and tied him up. But he does sheath his sword as he introduces her to Ella. Ella is particularly interested in the fact that Alice has been to Wonderland. Alice, though, is not here to discuss that. She says she’s looking for someone and thinks they can bring her to him.
Hook asks Regina about the tower she had met Drizella at and is disheartened to hear it was destroyed. But before he can get too heartbroken, Henry and Ella arrive with Alice. He’s amazed to see her and wonders how she got out of the tower without him. She wonders how he got so young and hurries toward him. He reminds her that his heart is still poisoned and they can’t touch. She says she found a cure and is shielded from it. Happy, they embrace.
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(Look how hopeful she is) |
Alice races through the forest with Henry and Ella on pursuit. She opens a portal and jumps through. Henry stops and says they lost her. Ella, though, says they can go through the portal after her. He points out that they don’t know where it would take them and Ella confidently says it’s take them to Wonderland. She reminds him “No risk, no reward” and then jumps through the portal. Henry sighs and follows her into it as well.
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(And there goes Ella) |
They walk away and Jacinda wonders how she can get Lucy back. Sabine suggests trying the “American” way and getting a lawyer. Jacinda doesn’t know how she would afford one or even find one. Sabine says she’s been doing some light social media stalking and hints that someone they know graduated from law school. Jacinda, though, shoots that down, saying that bringing him into it would make things messy. Sabine reminds her that she promised Lucy she would do everything to get her back and so she needs to try everything. Jacinda considers this.
Drizella talks about how she knew almost everything about her mother yet she still didn’t know that her mother had kidnapped Eloise Gardiner. She can even cry on cue. Henry films it on his phone and thanks her for the interview, saying it will be great for his blog. She says that she feels safe with him and not just because they are friends, but because he’s a great writer. She praises his blog and asks if he wants to turn it into a podcast, sponsored by Belfrey Industries. Regina interrupts them and asks Henry if he’ll open a stuck door for her. He agrees in exchange for two beers.
Regina warns Drizella to stay away from Henry but she doesn’t seem affected. Instead, she taunts Regina by asking if she used her Evil Queen tactics to get Jacinda to blow off Henry. She asks if it hurt to see him brokenhearted and then reminds her of the cost of breaking the curse. Regina warns her that even though she doesn’t have magic, she won’t hesitate to use her trusty bat on Drizella. Drizella grabs her purse to head out, asking Regina to tell Henry that she’ll call him later to finish the interview before leaving.
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(The start of an epic eye roll) |
The camera pans over to reveal Gothel standing there. She hands him a cake, saying she made it for him herself to thank him. He takes it and asks how she is doing. She says she’s struggling to sleep and he says that’s to be expected since she’s been dropped into a strange new world. He then asks if she’s been seeing the therapist recommended to her and she says she doesn’t think it’s working out. So Rogers gives her his number and tells her to call him anytime. She calls him her white knight before leaving.
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(She looks so innocent. Don't buy it, Rogers!) |
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(Will always be Ethan Lovett to me) |
The portal does indeed spit Henry and Ella out into Wonderland and they admire the giant mushrooms surrounding them. Ella finds a gate and a cottage beyond it, figuring that’s where Alice went. They race toward it but end up caught in a net, hanging above the ground. Henry finds it amusing, telling Ella that it reminds him how his grandparents met—his grandfather captured his grandmother in a net. Ella says that sounds weird and controlling. Only because Henry really isn’t telling the story right. Henry does say that his grandmother hit him with a rock first. Ella’s like “Whatever. Let’s get out of this net” and asks if Henry can reach his sword. He can’t so Ella tries. She barely brushes it and then they end up pressed together, a moment passing between them.
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(Deja vu) |
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(It looks like a quaint little cottage) |
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(Just look at that face) |
The camera zooms in on a tiny door and a gloved hand opens it to reveal a maze. Ella looks at it in awe and says it’s the infinite maze. Henry realizes the same thing the audience does—she knows what it is. He says she followed Alice to get here to Wonderland and asks what she wants to find here. She reaches for a bottle that says “Drink me” as she tells him that she’s looking for answers. She says that she’s afraid of love because it always ends in pain where she comes from, pulling half a locket from her pocket. She shows it to him.
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(Talk about an itty-bitty living space) |
Ugh, you’re sure the ONLY reason it stopped glowing was because she stopped loving him? Because I’m sure there’s a another reason that’s pretty obvious and more likely than that.
Henry asks her what she wants and she says she wants answers. He points out there’s only enough potion for one person and she apologizes. She says that it’s nice that his grandparents always found each other but she needs to know why it wasn’t the case for her family. Before he can stop her, Ella downs the potion and shrinks down. She races through the door and as Henry calls her name, she begins to run the maze.
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(This is gonna take a while) |
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(That's a really nice dress. You go, Jacinda!) |
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(Regina knows all about poisoned food) |
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(Drizella looks like a judgmental teacher from this angle) |
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(Uh oh) |
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(She looks like a queen) |
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(That must've been really uncomfortable to wear) |
Outside the cottage, Henry is frozen and realizes Drizella is there. He asks what she’s doing in Wonderland and she admits she brought everyone there by lying to Alice. As she buttons his tunic to bear his chest, she reveals that Wonderland has many poisons, including her favorite—the one to poison one’s heart.
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(Henry takes staring competitions very seriously) |
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(It's ready for Christmas!) |
Drizella picks a nearby mushroom and brushes it against Henry’s cheek as she praises it. Henry is probably having flashbacks to the mushroom in Camelot and is no doubt wondering what’s so great about fungi. He asks her why she wants to poison his heart and she says because she can’t risk him sharing True Love’s Kiss with Ella. Henry insists that that is something that won’t be happening but Drizella says she doesn’t want to take any chances, saying she’s learned from his mother’s mistakes. She cuts the mushroom and lets the poison drip on to her knife. Drizella places it on his chest, ready to plunge it in to poison his heart.
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(What is with this show and mushrooms? Writers, do you have something you'd like to confess?) |
In Hyperion Heights, Jacinda chases after Henry and tells him that she is not interested in Nick. He says that it looks like she’s trying to impress him and she explains that there’s something about Lucy’s custody she hasn’t told anyone—including Sabine. She didn’t lose her daughter to Victoria—she signed away her parental rights and gave Lucy to her stepmother. She says that she was confused and Victoria convinced her she wouldn’t have won anyway, that it was for the best. Jacinda says she can’t bear Lucy finding out that she gave her up. But Henry tells her that Lucy will understand and that she needs to tell Nick, that he is a cool guy who will be able to help her. He then says that maybe now’s not the right time for them and they part ways, deciding to be friends.
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(Though he knows it's the right thing to do, you can tell Henry hates himself right now) |
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(She's hit a nerve) |
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(Aww, he's clutching it to his heart) |
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(Lucy's two dads) |
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(Doesn't buy it at all) |
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(Talk about a bender) |
The person in San Francisco is Zelena, isn’t it? We all know she’s coming back, so this must be it.
Tilly relaxes with the troll under the bridge when Officer Rogers comes upon her. She apologizes for going along with Weaver’s deception and he tells her that he understands—that Weaver was like a father figure to her and she trusted him. She says she feels awful about it and now that she can’t trust Weaver, she feels adrift in the world—like he was the only one who noticed her, who kept her tethered to the world. Officer Rogers gives her a present and she pulls out a chessboard. He offers to have a standing game with her every week and explains that now that he’s found Eloise Gardiner, he also feels adrift without something to work toward. Tilly says they can be adrift together and float through the world together, which Rogers agrees with.
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(Father and daughter together again--unknowingly) |
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(But seriously--who still has a cassette player these days? Adam, Eddy, you realize the 80s are over, right?) |
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(dun dun DUN!) |
It’s nice to see how devoted both Alice and Wish!Hook are to each other. They clearly love each other and they want to be together. Damn Drizella for giving Alice such hope!
The addition of Lucy’s supposed bio dad and the fact he’s a friend of Henry’s is quite interesting. I can’t wait to see where this goes. And it’s good to see Nathan Parsons again!
Next time: We learn more about Lady Tremaine’s backstory and what it has to do with Rapunzel.
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