We open in a strange place a long time ago. An old man sweeps the floor, dressed in plain robes. Is he a Jedi? Anyway, a hooded figure enters the place. It’s the Dark One and the older man is the Sorcerer's Apprentice. He fights the Dark One, saying he’ll never get whatever it is the Dark One wants. But the Dark One overpowers him and approaches the strange box we saw Gold fiddling with in the premiere.
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(He doesn't look like Mickey Mouse) |
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(Blast from the past!) |
CREDITS! It’s a walking broom!
Emma’s yellow bug pulls up in front of Granny’s. She and Henry get out and she asks him if he’s sure about this. He isn’t but he wants her to be happy. He gives her a little push and she enters the establishment. Inside, Hook tosses some darts as Emma approaches him. She asks him out on a date. Captain Swan is progressing! He accepts on the condition he gets to plan the date. After all, Emma’s skill sets are monster chasing. She acknowledges the point and leaves.
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(Emma looks like she forgot her line) |
Hook goes to Mr. Gold’s. He asks if Mr. Gold still has his hand. Turns out he does. Go figure. Anyway, Hook asks Gold to reattach it so he can hold Emma on their date with both hands. Gold wants to know what’s in it for him. Hook says he’ll continue not telling Belle that the dagger she has is a fake. Gold then warns Hook that the hand was cut off the man he used to be, not the man he was now. Reattaching the hand could bring back aspects Hook has worked to overcome. Hook’s like “Stop stalling, reattach the hand.” Gold does so.
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(This reminded me of Doctor Who) |
You’re going to regret that statement, Anna.
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(Poor thing has no clue who she's dealing with) |
The Sorcerer’s Apprentice.
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(Oh, good, you're not a Jehovah's Witness. Come in!) |
Wait, do you think the Apprentice knows what’s going on? That he’s testing her? Hmm…
Anyway, Emma prepares for her date with Hook. She comes out wearing an adorable pink dress and her hair in a ponytail. Elsa asks where the rest of the dress is while Mary Margaret takes a polaroid of her daughter getting ready for her date. David just has a stern fatherly face on. Emma mutters that she needs her own place as a knock comes to the door. And I thought it was a nice touch that Colin used the same expression Hook used when Emma opened the door back in the coda to Episode 3.10.
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(Smile!) |
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(Let's welcome back Hook's hand!) |
Also in Tony’s (as I’m dubbing it) is Will Scarlet, nursing some sort of drink. Until he spots Emma. He tries to leave without her seeing him, but trips and knocks wine over her dress. Hook’s reattached hand grabs Will and he threatens him, forcing him to apologize. Emma tells Hook to calm down. She then recognizes Will but he escapes again. This time, Emma chooses not to pursue. She’s on a date and there is a giant ice wall keeping everyone in. He can’t get far, she figures.
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(Hook's invading Will's personal bubble) |
Meanwhile, Henry is spending time with his other mother. He and Regina hang out in her vault, going through all her books. But they find nothing about who might’ve written the book of fairy tales. Or how to save Marian. Henry asks if this is because she loves Robin Hood. She realizes he’s more perceptive than she thought. When he asks why she can’t be with Robin since they love each other, Regina tells him it’s more complicated than he can understand. And to leave it at that.
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(Operation Mongoose headquarters) |
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(I remember when Outlaw Queen got kisses) |
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(They definitely look like parents) |
In the past, Anna returns to Dark One Manor to tell Rumpelstilskin that she put the liquid in his tea. Rumple says that’s a good thing—now the Apprentice will live. Anna is surprised to learn she wasn’t carrying poison. But she didn’t actually put the liquid in the tea. Rumple’s like “Eh, no skin off my nose.” Anna wants to go back but he says it’s too late. In his crystal ball, they watch the Apprentice turn into a mouse.
Of course.
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(This might be the closest we get to Mickey Mouse appearing on this show) |
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(Don't mess with Arendelle) |
Gold leaves his shop, carrying flowers to bring home to Belle.
All together: Aww.
Anyhoodle, Hook slides into Gold’s car. He demands that Gold remove the hand but Gold isn’t going to do anything so easily. He asks that Hook help him with something. Hook agrees though you would think by now that he would know he would be better of talking to Emma about his hand predicament than making a bargain with the
Rumple returns with the box and Anna waits for him. She is able to communicate with Mouse!Apprentice, who jumps Rumple. He drops his box and his dagger so Anna picks them up. Rumple lunges for her but she tells him to stay back. Since she’s holding the dagger, he has to obey. Anna figures this out quickly. She makes him tell her what he wants the box for. He reveals it is an item of extreme magical properties. With it, he’ll be able to free himself from the dagger while keeping his Dark One powers.
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(Seriously. Don't mess with Arendelle) |
The next morning, Emma is driving around while listening to the weather. The weather guy gives two different reports—one for the center of Storybrooke and one for those living by the ice wall. And the DJ gives a wake up call to Rip van Winkle. Ha! Nice one, Once writers. We don’t hear the song as Emma spins out on ice. She gets out of her yellow bug and follows the ice trail. Elizabeth Mitchell is there. She doesn’t say anything, she just keeps walking until she disappears. Emma is baffled.
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(The Snow Queen is playing a hide and go seek to rival Frank and Claire's from Outlander) |
Gold finds Hook sleeping down by the docks and wakes him up. He asks Gold what his task is. It’s to follow the walking broomstick Gold produces. Yes, just like in the cartoon.
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(Look at the broom!) |
Hook ties the Apprentice up in a chair. The Apprentice has some harsh words for Gold, but he doesn’t care. He uses the hat to suck the Apprentice into it. The hat captures and stores powerful people within it—each star on the hat represents one of those poor souls. Gold is one step closer to his goal.
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(This doesn't look so scary) |
All together now: Aww.
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(Seriously, aww) |
Gold removes Hook’s hand, giving him back his hook. He then reveals he lied—the hand was never cursed. It was all mind games and Hook walked right into Gold’s trap. Hook says he still knows that Belle doesn’t have the real dagger. But Hook reveals the Apprentice had security camera and pulls out an honest-to-God VHS. Really? Wow. Gold says he’ll show the tape to Emma and then what will she think of Hook? Hook counters that Gold is on the tape. But Gold waves his hand over it and says that he just erased himself off the tape. It’ll look like Hook acted alone.
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(Seriously? VHS?) |
This does not bode well.
At the sheriff’s office, Will wakes up in a prison cell. Emma tells him that he had party in the library with his friends the White Rabbit and Alice. She holds up a book—Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. She asks Will if the book had any special meaning to him. He denies it does. She then finds a page he had dog-eared and holds it up, asking if the woman in the picture has any special meaning to him. It’s a drawing of the Red Queen. Will hesitates, his eyes becoming sad as he denies any connection to the Red Queen.
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(Did something happen to Anastasia?) |
Emma lets it slide for now and asks Will how he got the bruises and cuts on his face. At that moment, Hook walks in and Will tells Emma that he doesn’t remember. Claims to have blacked out. Emma accepts the answer. Will asks when she’s going to let him out and she says not yet because he ruined her date. And there’s also the fact that he stole money from a Snow Queen who is playing tag with Emma, but she doesn’t mention that.
She walks over to Hook and asks if there will be a second date. He promises there will be. After a few moments, she notices his hook is back but doesn’t seem to mind it. Hook angsts as David calls his daughter over. He’s been going through the past censuses and said that the name Elizabeth Mitchell has been using in Storybrooke—Sarah Fisher—doesn’t appear in any of them. She did not come with either curse, somehow getting to Storybrooke some other way. Emma wonders how.
In the vaults, Operation Mongoose continues at a snail’s pace. Nothing Regina has can help them determine who wrote the book. But Henry thinks his grandfather might have an idea. Regina doubts David knows anything beyond swords, charm and Snow. But Henry meant his other grandfather—Rumplestilskin.
Henry ends up in Gold’s shop and asks for a part time job. Something to do in the afternoons and a way to spend time with the closest thing he has to his own father now—Gold. Touched, Gold agrees and puts Henry to work sweeping the shop.
So Anna made it back to Arendelle? Then where is she? What memories has Elsa lost? Why did her parents want to put Elsa in the hat? Or did Rumple manage to lie even with Anna holding the dagger? Hmm…
Why is Will in Storybrooke? Did something happen to Wonderland? To Anastasia? Hmm…
The Captain Swan date was adorable and I’m loving how the writers are building their relationship. Not really loving the monkey wrench they are throwing into it, though. We’ll see how this goes down…
Next time: The Snow Queen wants to build a snowman! Regina vs. Emma!
(Screen caps from here)
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