Friday, January 24, 2025

Hallmark Holiday Movies 2024: A Round Up

And like that, another holiday season is over.

Happy New Year, everyone!

I’m sure like you, I’ve seen many Hallmark movies this year. I didn’t leave the channel on all the time but I definitely caught a lot of the new ones. So instead of reviewing them individually, I thought I would just do a round-up of them instead.

I hope you enjoy it!

I’ll try to keep them spoiler-free but I’m not going to make any promises, so just be warned.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Suffs: Show Them Who You Are

 Good news! 

Suffs the Musical will be filmed for posterity! 

According to Playbill, Suffs was filmed right before Christmas for PBS' Great Performances series, capturing the original Broadway cast before the show closed on January 5th. 

There is no date for when the performance will air. 

I am so excited about this. I think more shows should be filmed for people to enjoy and I'm glad PBS is filming this one. I will look forward to watching it and hopefully being able to buy it so I can watch it whenever I want, especially as it's very unlikely I'll be able to see the show one last time before it closes. 

I had secretly hoped this would somehow get filmed. There were some powerful names behind the show and I thought maybe someone would have a connection to preserve this amazing show. Maybe it would then get some more love if more people could see it. 

Looks like at least one wish came true.