Sunday, March 23, 2025

OUAT Recaps: A Decision!

And I would like to thank all five people who voted in my tumblr poll for helping me make it.

Last month, I wrote about how I never finished my recaps for Once Upon a Time and how I wanted to do that. But I had faced a dilemma when I realized that in addition to never finishing the recaps for season 7, I also had never finished recapping season 6. With a planned rewatch already in the works, I debated whether to start by finishing season 6 first, finishing season 7 first or just continue with season 1 and wait until I caught up to 6 and 7.

So I decided to post the aforementioned poll and see if anyone on tumblr had an opinion.

And it was a unanimous one:

Finish recapping season 6, then finish 7 and go back to recapping seasons 1, 2 and 3A.

Which is exactly what I’m planning to do.

I already went back to see the last recap I did for season 6. It was for Episode 17 (“Awake”), meaning I would need to pick up with Episode 18 (“Where Bluebirds Fly”) and go from there, including the musical episode.

I’ll get on that right away.

See you soon with a new recap! 

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Once Upon a Time: Return of the Recaps

I know, I know. The show ended almost seven years ago. But I never finished my recaps for Season 7. I got behind when it was airing live and then I struggled watching it on Hulu in the days before I got my Roku. So I never really got back to my recaps.

And I really do want to finish them.

I also have been meaning to do a rewatch for some time now, especially since I’m writing a fanfiction series that plays with how different things could’ve been if Robin Hood had been present in the series from the beginning. So I need to remind myself of what really happened so I can then figure out my next plot points.

But I wanted to finish the show first, get the recaps finished before I went back and recapped the seasons I hadn’t done.

However, I was looking for something that happened in an episode in Season 6 for another reason. So I figured I would just check out my recap of the episode…and realized I didn’t have one.

I never finished my recaps for Season 6.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Hallmark Holiday Movies 2024: A Round Up

And like that, another holiday season is over.

Happy New Year, everyone!

I’m sure like you, I’ve seen many Hallmark movies this year. I didn’t leave the channel on all the time but I definitely caught a lot of the new ones. So instead of reviewing them individually, I thought I would just do a round-up of them instead.

I hope you enjoy it!

I’ll try to keep them spoiler-free but I’m not going to make any promises, so just be warned.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Suffs: Show Them Who You Are

 Good news! 

Suffs the Musical will be filmed for posterity! 

According to Playbill, Suffs was filmed right before Christmas for PBS' Great Performances series, capturing the original Broadway cast before the show closed on January 5th. 

There is no date for when the performance will air. 

I am so excited about this. I think more shows should be filmed for people to enjoy and I'm glad PBS is filming this one. I will look forward to watching it and hopefully being able to buy it so I can watch it whenever I want, especially as it's very unlikely I'll be able to see the show one last time before it closes. 

I had secretly hoped this would somehow get filmed. There were some powerful names behind the show and I thought maybe someone would have a connection to preserve this amazing show. Maybe it would then get some more love if more people could see it. 

Looks like at least one wish came true. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Suffs the Musical: Keep Marching

This review likely would’ve taken a different tone prior to the election but my opinion hasn’t changed.

So let’s do this.

Back in April, my mom, aunt and I went to go see Six the Musical for my birthday. (I also highly recommend that show). While we were eating lunch, I saw two women walking through the restaurant and they had sashes reading “Votes for Women” on them. I made a comment that they must be seeing Suffs and my mom asked what it was about. I told her it was about the fight for women’s right to vote and we all agreed we wanted to see it.

Fast forward six months and we made it a reality. We trekked into the city yet again, enjoyed a nice lunch and caught a Saturday matinee of this Tony-winning musical.

Even though this deals with historical events, I’m still going to warn for SPOILERS anyway.

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Smash: Will It Be Your (Broadway) Star?

Smash lives!

You might remember the short-lived NBC show from over a decade ago that was about the creation of a Broadway show. I recapped every episode on this blog, if you want to read them.

After it ended its run on TV, there was talk of turning the fictional Marilyn Monroe musical the characters worked on (Bombshell) into a real life musical. There even was a benefit concert version featuring many actors from the show, including Megan Hilty (Ivy) and Katharine McPhee (Karen).

Then the pandemic hit and a lot of projects had to wait.

Well, it seems that while they were waiting, it was decided that instead of mounting Bombshell, they would turn Smash itself into a musical and mount that instead.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Once Upon a Time: Redux?

I know I’m a few weeks late in discussing this but better late than never, right?

Inside the Magic, a site dedicated to all things Disney, posted a story about a possible Once Upon a Time revival on Disney+. It was based on comments Colin O’Donoghue (Captain Hook/Killian Jones) made in an article on Collider released ahead of a new project he is working on.

Namely that there had been conversations about reviving Once Upon a Time.

This certainly generated some buzz on social media. Honestly, it was the most I’ve seen my timeline active in a while and my notifications were almost the same as when the show used to air.

I’m not surprised that there have been conversations about possibly reviving the show. Revivals have been happening all over TV and streaming services. Suits is getting a revival despite ending in 2019, one year after Once Upon a Time. So it doesn’t seem like it might be too soon to revive the show.

It also isn’t surprising that it might be on Disney+. The hope may be that it will lure more people to watch Disney+. I also recall reading that ABC wasn’t really looking for new shows after this shortened season. That could change and once again, this is just conjecture based on Colin’s comments. We’ve had no corroboration from either Disney, ABC or Adam and Eddy.

So what do I think? Let me lay out my thoughts for you.